HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPLICATION FOR BUILDING DEFERRAL 4-27-20OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FMED: [BY REVISION FEE: IS00 t tude CoUnW I LOCATION/SITE zi PERMIT # RECEEPT # ,VNG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ,DING.& CODE REGULATIOri DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-M (772)462-1553 PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT DEFERML I PROJECT INFORMATION DETAILED DESCRIPTION O)F PROJECT REVISIONS: CONTRACTOR INFORMA S TATE ofFL REG./C ERT.. #:I BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: I lo, K, CITY: - t-,A wr,- E& &KL PHONE (((fflDAYWTMRv1=lEP)%: 1 11 OWNER/BUILDERINFOR NANIE: - - I ADDRESS: - CITY: PHONE (DAYTINIE: NANE: ov ADDRESS: CITY: 0 PHONE (DAYrIlWE):,l 4. o* I I e., STATE: 1-906 TION: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: ao-k—G _q FAX:. STATE: - FAK: - TION: STATE: ZIP: (ry -A contractoir ZIP. a FAX: 40 1 SKRR 13 I SLCCC. 9123109 C0l,+WckVj, 7. -P(ks' 04�- cx-6 +_t ,a 0-p Revised 07117118 h evict�6ug@gmall.com fidd-A-009'N Tennite & Post of',W,O Ippection (If Mad�) 0 Evidence 13 Activity C3 No 775 of lnitaPTreatment Materials Used Materials Used I Destroying Organiffn Treated For aperty has been treated and placed under a retreatmenUrepair contract for subterrane s. This contract Is renewable by payment on annual fee. The owner is hereby advised Js property inspected annually by Evict -A- Bug Termite & Pest Control, Inc. Bug Termite & Pest Control, Inc, provided the termite protection operly. CALL US regarding our Pest Prevention, Fire Ant Lawn nd Rodent Service. -323-7921 - e I -877-365-999W.O.LL .victabugpestcontrol.com - evictabug@gmail.com 293'$W High Meadows Ave. - Palm City, FL 34990 I fil Affirste Iroffr formilk upili7lifligg 10-11 ks/FeZmandeP Service Technician ID Card #JE264098 J9 /�W.evi"alug-eslcontrollxom evictal ug@gmail.com Inc. ---BUILDING CODE AND CHAPTER 482.226, FL RIDASTIATUTES - """ u L' v� "u"r v! 0 ity Date of em) ection(I ade)�EDEvldence ClActivity 0NoAcfivity 0 10 In 121 a te of initial re im reatment Materials Used Date of, Finpkten-or reatment Materials Used --� a -� /7n�z Wood DeWoying Organism TrKated For This property has been treated and placed under a retreatment/repair contract for subterranean termite& This contract is renewable by payment on annual fee. The owner is hereby advised to .have this Property inspected annually -by Evict -A- Bug Termite & Pest Control, Inc. Evict -A- Bug Termite & Pest Conuol;'Inc. provded the termite protection onthisproperty. CALLUS regarding our Pest Prevention, Fire Ant Lawn Service and Rodent Service. 772-323-7921 - 1-877-365-9990a Www.evictabugpeStcontrol.com - evictabug@gmaii.com 4293 SW High Meadows Ave. - Palm City, IFIL 34990 AN/ A 9 A00firste ) 'Nor fgflilltg Uft yr6qol, MY Chelst is 40 :U0111 Christ is; Term & Lic. J 175775 Post (EVInt-A-HU9 con 1 sic Termite & Lic. JB175776 Inc. Pest Termite Protection Control 'g Pest Prevention 944 i� %� 3 1 44 PC \� Inc. �'Pest Prevention Termite Protection THIS NOTICE POSTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 164.2.7, �LORIDA M BUILDING CODE AND CHAPTER 482.226, FLORIDA SiAhTES T7 d 19 THIS NOTlitE POSTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 104.2.7, FLORIDA q(mi-c- ar cdrm� I BUILDING CODE AND CHAPTER 482.226, FL RIDASTATUTES Date of WDO Inspection (If Made) V 13 Evidence El Activity C3 No Activity 2 D 0 Inspection (if Made) El Evidence 0 Activity 0 No Activity T '70 (-f / zo rtp Date of Initial Treatment Materials Used DA of Initial Treatment Materials Used Date of Final Exterior Treatment Mateq"als Used 1W I Wood Destroying Organism Treated For I ZA This property has been treated and placed under a retreatiment/repair contract, for subterranean PC termiles. This contract is renewable by payment on annual fee. The owner is hereby.advised to have t� is property Inspected annually by Evict -A- Bug Termite & Pest Control� Inc. I ily Evict -A- Bug Termite & Pest Control, Inc. proVided the termite protection 0�\ 1000 on this property. CALL US regarding our Pest Prevention, Fire Ant Lawn Service and Rodent Service. 77!2-323-7921 - 1-877-365-9990'--- www.evictabugpestcontrol.com-javietabug@gmail.com 4293 SW High Meadows Ave. - Palm City, FIL 34990 Off fo 1011r,719 Yoffr fellillilk7 190/19711199 DateorlExtEii T atment Materials Used � re Wookeitr—oying Organir&Y-freated For This property has been treated and placed under a retreatmentfrepair contract for subterranean termites. This contract is renewable by payment on annual fee. The owner is hereby advised to have this property inspected annually by Evict -A- Bug Termite & Pest Control, Inc. Evict -A- Bug Termite & Pest Control. Inc. provided the termite protection on this property. CALL US rqarding our Pest Prevention, Fire Ant Lawn Service and Rodent Service. I . 772-323-7921 * 1-877-365-99901-0L' www.evictabugpestcontrol.com - evictabug@grnall.com 4293 SW High Meadows Ave. - Palm City, FIL 34990 &001/ ro 11.0firato hor MEMO, 8#81791609 Ahrens Companies 1461 Kinetic Road Lake Park, Florida 3,34.0.3 Phone: (56 1)863-9004 Fax: (561) 863-9007 RF1 #4& Project: 18-000037 - MRO HANbAR� - TREASURE COAST INT. AIRPORT 3i 91 Jet Center Terrace Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 2 hour -wall. connection to -exterior wing waill Officelhanger TO: . . Palm (AVCON ENGINEERS,&.. FROM: .Robert Hatton (AHRENS COMPANIES). PLANNERS) (Response Reqdir�d) 1461 Kinetic Road Ian Johnson (AXICON ENGINEE� &' PLANNERS) Lake Park, Florida 39403,.' (Response Required) Alyssa Hillman (AVCON ENGINEERS & S.TATUS: Open PLANNERS).(Respon�e Re4uzre'd) DUE -DATE: 05/10/2020 --- DATE INITIATED: 05/07/2020 COST CODE: LOCATION: MRO Hangar SCHEDULE IMPACT. TBb PROJECT STAGE: SPEC SECTION: 0922 16 - Interior Metal Framing ..REFERENCE-' SUB JOB: COST IMPACT. TBD DRAWING NUMBER: A6.0.4 LINKED DRAININGS-. RECEWED FROM: Todd Weaver (Montlerre Intiri�rs LL6) COPIES TO: Scofty Beaulieu'(St. Lucie County), Robert Palm (AVCO1 N ENGINEERS & PLANNERS), Cris Panebianco (AHRENS COMPANIES), Rock Turgeon (Montlerre Interiors LLC), Todd Weaver (Montiorre In riors LLC). Question from Robert Hatton (AHRENS COMPANIES) at 12:23 PM on 05/07/2020 On the ' west end of the 2 hour fire wall it aligns with the Wrig wall which Is open 8". The building. department needs a detail S&S for inspection to close off the wing wall between FF and sloped office roof. Attachments: OEEDDE34-43E5-41AA-B�E9-b5lAFFA79321.ip-q.1342CED9-608E-46E�4-A515-B6422FA3BA42.1pq 8ED7B9A9-145F-4BCC-BQE5w 97CD485728CC.Opq A�4ting'an Official Response -All Replies:. The 2 HR rated enclosure at the wing wall between the.F.F.,.and sloped roof is to be the same detail -as indicated. on the drawings as the ro I of connection detail. Refer to UL sheet detail 3A/A6.0.6 -'R6ted W all t -Metal Roof. -For 2-HR o Wall type ���.refer.tb.detEiii..A3/A6.0.4. See.adde.d.Signed & Sealed. Detail'133/A8.0.1'.. There is- no change to cc �for this RFI due to this detail- is same asburrent detail i cluded-in drawings.' lu DANIEL MACIEJCZYK 5/12/20 AVCON BY DATE Ahrens Companies Page I of 1 Printed On' 05/0712020.12:24 PM f-I I I I - ,,, -RF1 #45 -5/12/20 FIRE STOP SEALANT EACH FACE STEEL FRAMING SEE DETAIL 3A/A606 ------ INSULATION — (2) LAYERS 5/8" TYPE'X' SLAB EDGE WING WALL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXTEND MTL PANEL TO CLOSE END OFWING WALL 2" THICK MINERAL WOOL BATTS — — — --- — — — — — — — — — — EXTERIOR MT.L PANEL .2 H R WALL @. COLN - WING WALL B13' LINES L, 7 /m. o. 1 1 1/2" V-0" Di ally �ign d Miguel LMa DA 01, DN: c=U�, O=Unaffiliated, ou=AO1427EO000016A6E8 A 11 AC1 00'0020AB, cn=Miggel L Martin Date: 2020.05.12 10:38:28 < -04'00' OF