HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1748 5'1~ ". -'--------_..._..._-~---------..._......._--------._---"" --.- ------------.. -------.-...- .--.----- ----_.._~_..._-- ---- - ------ -.--.- - ....-.._~.I--,--..--~..._-::- '-_.....r......1'.~; ',,1'''- ~:"...~-r- -.-.._ "......... .,..,.-...'..........-__~:"......_ ,..._.l(~~....- _.... ','_ -.-......_.... '.':"_~"""_"'."_""~' ...-...............__._._~~..._....,..., ..__...... ~~ _....,....__.___.,... .__._ ," .." .... oaths oomas Florenoe ~. P\)6r who on otl.th sa.ys that. she is a sister of i.~obc}rt D.ljalrd, whos ,U~d iiltdstate on Jan.;.ary ~2nd. 1924; thut said Hobdl't D. ~all'<l wus nevel' rnarded and that at tho time cf his dtuth he left 8ul'vivil~ him as his sole and only hairs at Law his brothars And sisters as fOllows. to w1t~ Flol'once !!. Feur, EJ.wnril i:. .d<l11:d; .(osa a. Cramer, ~mma R. ~{utohensoT.; 3W11\;,ol ~ J. .Jt:.ird; and ~.~argnrQt 1.. Kuhn; that ~rbal'at .l.. lfuhn. a sistel', haa died since the death of ::10bort D. .3aird and left her sUl'vi vil18, th~ followiY.g nnmel.l !,e:.'scns ns iler sole al:i only heirs ::..t, law~ to wit: nobe~.'t L. IDllm. hel' husband; iialter Kuhn, h~r son; l~al'Y ~ielsoli., her da~htel'; G;.:~'l auhn, her son; :!azel Brandt, her dau.:;htel'; and Roy Kuhn, her son; t:l:lt said :!argal'et :.. K:t:lD died intestato, and thal; the fOl.'eGoing named pel'SOT.S al'~ :-.ow, and have been since -the death of sr,i! nobel't D. Buird the sole alld only pe:'sons entitled \a~der the laws of the state oi: ~'lol'idn to i~hel'lt frny ~orticn of his esta~e. ~lorence :'~. Fear. nd subserioed before me this 2nd d!i~" of ::&,:'0:,. 1925. .t'aul ir. ::1s10 l:otal'l ":ublic 3tate of ~'lorida at :i.Ll'ge. ~J Co~~ission Zxpirds: DdC. 5, 1928. thi~ the 3rd d~ cf April,A.D. 1925. at 10 o'clock, A. ~. ~ ~r' ~o" r1v ~ ,.,,' l~(f F. c. Zld.red, Clerk Circuit-Cv~rt. ;f! /.,..-. / /If"--/ 3:;~-" /L--,-/'i /;/J./ _D.G. //- (/ -QagggQii.it.itiii..~..~~,g99QQQQ- Warranty Deed. \ Cherles ~. ~adln~k To Ueua 0.'. .t'ud.daCL. ) TliIS I:::DZl:TURZ, :!ade t:...is 27th da~' d~ ..n,;; if, the year of our tord bne th01.:sc.r:1 ::ir..e :.o.:.:-.dreJ a~-,d twenty-foi.:r 3:::;,"ZZl. Charh.s i-.. J:addac~ 0:' the \iit.:r cf Detriot, Cou,.t~, of ;ieJ'ne and S'.;u>.;e of" :':ichi'-;Iln, _:pfil't~' of the first ;nrt, and i:eM, ::.:. l'adds.c~ 0:' t1:.e Ci';~' of O:.'lal:do, Count:,' of Orc.ll.:;e, f~J. 5 t~:e c~ :'lo::-i.i.l!:. pa.::.-t:t of the s;:;co!i.d part. '.'lIT1;ZS3ji;T~, that the s<;.i1 part;.' of the fL'st part, for emi i: c:msideraticn of the sum cf :en 00/100 Dollars and othe~ goed and 7aluaole Gcnsider~tion3 to hi~ in hQnd paid by the said part-- of the second !Jar't, the recei.;t wher..:of is hereby confessed and 6.ck!.o':Mledged. does' by these presents grar-t, bargain, sel:, remise, frelease, alien and oonfirm unto the said, p~'ty of ~he second part, and her heirs and assi~ns. foreVer, all that certain piece or perce 1 of land , sit,"-a.te and being in the -- cf -- CO'.lnt~' of St..L.Ucie ani State of ~'lorl:l.a and described as foll- ows, to-wit: the "e',t Twenty (20) Acres of Tract eleven (11) in Jection Nir.eteen (19) Township t~irty -two (32J 3o~th, Ran~e thirty-nine (39) East as designated on the plat of lands of the Indian. 3.1v;;:r Farms Compan;r fi led in the uff10e of the Glerk of the CirC"J.l t Court of said County. This deed is executed by the said Charles A. ~addac~ to the said Meia ~. Paddack for the :'-..;.1'1>056 of oonveylng all the ric;ht. title and interest of the s aid party of the first part to "; the pre:nises alove described, to the said lle'la }.t. Paddaok wife of the said party of the first I8rt. . ,~- ~Ogether with all and sirtg~lar the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto beloneine in in any- wise appertaining: TO H1.y~ J..1lD TO HOLD the.. said premises. liS heNin desqribed. with the ap;'lurt- tenances. unto the said party 01' the seoond part, and to her heirs and asaigns, FOlU'/Sa. J J.nd the said Charles A. ..t'addack party ot the first part. for him self ....,i,his heirs, exeout ors and administrators do oovenant. 6runt, bargain and agree to and with the said party of. tho second part her heirs and a~sign9, that at the time ot the enseal1ng and 4eliver of these presents ha is well seized of the above-granted premises in tee simple; that they are free from all inolumbren~es whutever and that he will and his heirs, ezecutors and administrators shall warrant ~W~~~i{~~~~1i{~~lI~