HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1750 , i)~)t, J~_.__----.._.......__""'_,,__,,~_,___,__.,,_____,._ __. ._______._.....__"__.__...._ __., ....__ __..__ -.. -,..,--":--- --.--...,......, .--..,.-........-"'-...,.-.........,,_..!'-'" -.'._l......'~.~'......~.~.~___-'..or...._ _,-:...-..,...~... ::'...._' ......._,.......~.~ ._: ,...,~..............__ .,...._".. __....~-.. .__ .~..~ ._...._ '_"._~ "._~.._..__.........~ .._ "",' ~aS oonveyed to P.len S. stuart and husband. Affant further says that tho s~1d S.8.~hilips, was a single man at the time of the exeoution ot said deed. Edward 3. Reed. J ~"Rorn to ami subsor1 bed befora me this 23 ' day of l=aroh. 1925. Al to ""dams. ~:otary .rublio, ion expires Dec. l~, 1928. 10th day of ~pril, n. D. 1925. at 1 o'~loOk f. U. ~~co rd " vert.. l~ 1'. c. S\l.dl'ed-, Clerk 1iroult~ourt. I .1-J/-'/ OU / ,-*-,,:---. ""/.- (1 D " J;,fI~/ . - ,".l aU. - t' -- ;/ I. ' . , "', . J ; 111#1 -----------',If'tfif'~i ~--------- Artiole s of .',gree::-:ent. J. ':I. lUlscn__ To !..~url"ay ~ ~. He. 11. L.i.\?ICr.:;:.; C'~' l..O:1Z:;:.:':::? ::ade t.i.is..7:1:rt:;-fi:at duy of -.uy in the :;;.;ur cf o'..:.r l.ord, cne ~11Ol:- I I, !'land nine hundred and twel1t~.--fo'n'-B::'.i::n:s:; ~'. '''/. .iil'Jon ?(lrt~- of th~ .s-;:.......... ~ .... _.:. .-;; w ;.:art I anI :,:url.z..y :; iIall 9111-ty of the seocnd j:al"t. ,"JI~E~~S:::I'11J :'hr.t if' tte e~~id pnrt:t cf tha scccnd ~~urt _s:1811 first lL8~e the pa:,"::.er:ts E.nd perfor:n t11e oovenr:.nts he..'einafter rr.el~tione1 on his pa.rt to be ::w,d,e and pe:-f'o:-r::ed, the said part:; 9f the fir3t part he:'t) b~- cOVenUT.i.ts and &l;rees to conve:.,- and. aaSUl'e to the said party of the seoor.d :;lart, his heil.s, exeoutors, administri..tors er hssig::s, in fee si:=,ple, cIe'lr of nll il~C1.;.:r.- in the Courity of ~".~ucie 3tate of Florida, kn~~n and ~escrib~d as follows, to-~it; iJ b~'al1(;es w:latever, b~: a go~d ar.d su.ffident d~e,1, the lots piec-ss Cl' purc.:ls of grour:.d, situated l.ots Ten and ::lever. of 310ck uN" of "Dittl:1a.r and :~cCarty's ?i;visicr. of their ~e:;~bdivisior. of c.-}rtain 31cc;Cs ';~5t of tt..u Ra.ilroa.-i i& Fert ..L ler~e. z.'lcri:~: accol~.1ir.te tc ~la.t made b:r J. o. Fries iT. 190~. Fort ~ierce, Fla. May 31st. 1924. ~1500.00 On or before .,'\me 1st, 1929 .i..f'ter date, 1, we _or-a~ther:~-(f,WJ;' promlslt to'pay to the order of J. ... Wilson Fifteen Jfundred and Ko/100 Dollars for val'..le received. pa:--aol~ at t!le Fort i'ieroe .3ank ~nd Tr'...st Co:;:pan~', l-'o~,t i'ierce, Florida, with :.ntere:.>t fi'OC da".;e at -trne rate cf Zieht per cent par ann L1 -..;.nti1 :paid, inter.:st lluyable s~",i-an.rl~n11;.'. And oaell of }4S, whether n:a:;'::er, g~a::.'antor or endorser, here:Jy se'lerall;- waives and rdno:u:::es a.n:,- ,nd all ho:.:esteud 01.' e;(c:1ption ri(;hts he uoUj' hallO '.A.r.de:- the C0lls'.;itu.tion or l.Ui'iS of the .t[..te of ~'101.i;l::.. or an;r othe::.' Jtate or ~nitod ~tat..:s as agair.st this note, and e~ch :.'-",rt'ler ''''<:.ive:. demand, not! /3e e:f non-pa~-:::ent r.n.1 :protest, nr.d in c-;er:.t s-..;.i t is bro'--e~l t 1'0::'. oollectiol, of t11:5 not':), agrees to }J~' all cost of collection, inclading attorney' l3 fe'.}. _ I. o. . . . .. D.:.e....... l:'"J.rray E. iia:l..... (Seal J ..-l Hrid the said llsrty of th.: second .1,a.rt :lIJ~by covenhllts end herees to ;~y to the 8&11 party of the first ,rart the sum of ':rwo T~lOu.sand end l,o/lOO (.2000.00) Dollar;; in the manner following, .c'ifty .D0...1.&.1"2 as binder, &he rec~il}t -.'If.eroof 1s herebJ' aon.oledi:;e;i, ~'our "u.li.dre~ Fifty Do::'lars when title is approved hOd oontrac~ signed. Fifteen ~ndred ~ollars on or before Jur.e 1st, 1929, ~ote for the ?ifteen ~ul~red Dollars hereto attaohe~. witll interest at the rate of Eight per 6entum per anrr~, payable semi-annually on the whole ~~ J , : I I I remaiDir.~ffom time to time unpaid; and to pay all taxes, asse3s~ents or im~ositions that may be legally leviod or imposed ugon said land subsequent to the year 1924. and to k-~ep the buildings uJon said fremisoa ins~ul'ed in 80~4 ~onpany satisfactory to the party of the first ~art. In a ~~ .... not less than --- Dollars dur1ng the term of this agreement, .:.nd in oase of fo.1lt:,re ot the S3 ti._ IJal..ty ot tho seoond part to make ei1;her ot the ~a~'L.ents or any part the r.:: of , or to perform . -, I~t~~*l~ :.~..' ....~:.~..;<~~~f$~il~~