HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1759 .( od this the 9th day of ~pril, h.D. 1925, at 8.15 o'olook A.M. OOUj - -- ..-- --- -..__..,___J ,-I I ! ~ _._ ___..._-......._ .._h...... _~. ____._...____~..___-___...___h..:___.____ _.__.___._.._..._____.. ........__...___...__..____ __. _...._..._ P. C. Eldred, Clel.'k Circuit..Court, .r ". B Ill:;"'} ~ D C 1. - '. / ':!-t.t--_. . , -eeeoeeQoiliij:ijitiii;~oo00009- (.- Deed. Rilliam L.Fredrioksen ar~ wife To iJrs. 8rta l:ouds, THIS IRDZNTJ~:, Uade this 31st day of Unroh, ...D. 1925, between ~ill1am L. ?redrioksen and Beul~h FreJrioksen, hi~ wife, cf $t.Luoie County, and ~tate of Florida, parties of the first ;art, and 0rty Kouds of the same COl4Dty and .:itate,pa;:ty or the seool,d part witnessath:;I1~~AS tpe said .Vill1a.m L. Fl"elric~sen and ~aul'ih Fl'edrloks~n, his wife did, en the 'Ith day of June n.D. 1924, exeoute~ and deliver to the party of the seoond ~~rtJ for the cor.siderutioa the~ei~ ~en- tioned, a conveyance of certair. lands, looated in St. ~cie Ccu~nty, Florida, hereir.after rr.ore pa~~iol~arly desoribed, which deed is recorded in the office of the Clerk of t~~ Court, of St. Lucie County State of Florida, in Book of Deeds 56 on page 36l.br.d whereas in suid ccnvey~r.ce by =istake, the descriptionof the lend cor.veyed were ns follows: hll of the South half of the ~:orth-"Ilest q;:art~r of the i,orth-west qi.:.a~'ter of section T7ient;; -one, Township thirty-se.er. (37) ~out~, cf~unge forty-one (4li ~as~,ir.steGd of: The Jo~th lE1.f of the ~ast half .2! che Horth-east q'.lartel' 2.f the .'~-e~:{uarter of Section 1"iled~'-one "~;D ;E2!CAS, to :pru-ant dir1.'ic~lties ::er~ul':;er it .:s ezs;:edient to ;:rave!,: di:'fic;.;.l~ies ~ ~ 1 4 . ~ ~ ~ ~ i oj I f ~ r " ~ Towns:.i:p thirty-seven (37) ;;outh, of 1un!3:e forty-or.e,l41; East. ( h~reafter it is exspe,lier..t to c.:Ol'rcct t~:c 95.11 E:rr-~" r:19nti,~r..ed.. rO~'1 T~~}'C:E. this indent'.il'e wi tnesseth that, the sai:l i1.l. rUes 0: the first part ir. ~cr..- sideration cf the premises, ~nl th~ SUQ of One :ollar, to the~ in~ hand ?aid b~ the party of the seccnd purt, the i'eceipt w!lereof is h~reo. ucxhowled-e1, 1:erehy 6:::,ur.t, coz:v;;Y. ~'e::"Hi5e rc.n-:l 0C:1:- f'ir!ll ur.to the sa.id party of th~ second part, her heirs an,1 asSier.3 forever, ti~e following d;;sc- oribed land, situate, lyirg ani beir.g in ~)t.:'~cie COl.r.t:: ar.d ;)t;G.':.d ~.. v.l. It'lorida, ~c - '/Ii t: T:le Sou th ,h~lf of the ~ast half cf the North-east 1uarter, of the ~orth- east qua~t~~ v~ ~~C~i(L t~enty- one (2l) in Township thirty-seven(37J ~o~th of aange forty-one (4l) 633t, :all~lassee ~eredi~~, and containiro(; ten (10) acres of laZ:d, mc::,'e 0::" l~ss, end t;h~ sai1 i'arties of the fi~'st :t!..l"t :10 hereb:r f''.l,ll:,' W5.l'.:.'al~t t:..e title to sai1 le.nd, az::i will defer.d t:.e so.r;:e Ci.:~ir.3t tte ::o.;';i'_~:i cla.i:::3 of all ?e~sons w~owsoeve~. 11. ilITNZSS .r.iZP~OF, the said. :;nrtie3 of t:-.e fi:'St ?E.rt i:u';e her-J4!~to set '.;1".'3i1' ::':'::::'3 :::.n::. s~al~ t!~ da~ and. year above w~ltten. ;)igned, se:.led ar;~ dellve::;:cd* in tho presence of us:_ It. L. F:'edric:-i.sen...,(L.S.) r '" ... . J. De Steuben. ~e~lah Fred~icxseL...(L.S.) ::attie argo. ! STAlE OF ~hORIDA ~ss ) COlINTY v~' ST. U;CIE r-. I HER.C:.aY C6RrI~'Y, ~hat 01. t!1is day .iler.;lOnal.:~' ap.ilsared before ir.e J &.Ii officer duiy authorized u to administer oaths and te.ke- acxncwledgments, Jilliam L. Fredrickeen ar~ 3eulah ~~edrlc~sen, his -lii.fe, to me well ~mClwn to De the persons deso:d:J~d in and who execu.t~d the foregoing dee.;l, and aOLnowle~ged before ~e, t~at they exeouted the sal~ freely and volu.r.tarily for the p<~~oses thereli, expressed. -ABD I FURTHER CEaTIFY, That the said Beluah Fredrioksen, mown to me to be the w~r..e of said ul11iam ~. Fredricksen, on a separate hOd privGte examination taken and made oy and Before me, separately and ppart from her said hU8b~nd, did aOknowledge that she made horself a party to ~;~~:~~~:~::~ ;~~j'~,iff~/f-i;~~fi:~:~{J~rj'itf -,,,, "--:.,1:- 'ri,.!fi.. ':i4"",,.<o.f:J!:..'l: -. .~..-. ..,- - ,- -, ~. ~~gi11ft~~~1:i~~~1 , . .".~ '<".:.{~~'f~1~i~~