HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1763 UUt) ----- ---....--- ._-_._-~--...._--._------------_.------ -- ._-------- --.-.------.- ..- ....'~.... . .' "' 0; ...', ...~ll~__:......_ ,~u...,.:-,-_.-_-.-"'t' ~~', -:........, ~~.. '.- . - ... ..._ ., . -'~ 'C' .:~.. ~ <0<.. ..._.,....,__.. ,Val ken.' tiddon. . .u Ethel F. Taylol'. Dunoan ,ia.r1............... (:)eul I Statj ot Flcrida, County of ~t.~~oia. I hel'.::by cel'tlf~' that on t:lis 20th d~ of i&al'ch A.ll. 1925, befol'o reo po_'soually cume l},trlC3.l1 ','ial'd, to :;:0 mOnT. to be the pel'sondoscl'ibed in and '..mo execa ted the wi thin und fOl".Jgoing assign.rnent, t'..r.d. ha e.cknowleJ.::;e.l before r:e that he executed the S:'lrn~ for the pUl'pose~ thel' .in .' exprcsse::.. urn offioial seal at Fort xierce. 3aid ~o~nty un~ ~tate on the ~~y and ..~ '1 e{~..a. llecot . Ethel F. l'!:.~:lor. r;oturj' ....ublic, Jta.tc of .Florida, !:y C:;r;.mission expir'cs (1)1:'. S, 1927. this the 9t,1 d'i.Y of April, .no.D. 1925, ut 2. 15 o'cl\)o~ 1'. ~. P. G. ~ld.r.;d, Clerk ~irc~itJCo~rt X 0' ( ~ i3...,:::..~fl,// /i:'/;~", ./ !oJ. C. / --ee99--iil'tlfit~li'lj-gegee--- / .larri.-lnty De.:d. F. C. ropJ.ell and wife 'i'o Geor6e R.Bevard and wife. If THlJ I~D~IT~aE, ~~d~ the ~ixth :lsy of A~ril, in the year of our ~ord 0Ge t~o~s&nd nine hu:,;dred and.Twenty-five .dET'"EZ1: ~'. C. l'O?.cE.u1. ~D 1,j~'::i.l.A ~> rOPl'SLl., his vli1'..;, of the Co......nty of ~t. .......l.cle and State of J!'lor1da, of the first pa.:.'t, and GZ\J3.G:: :{. BOV..RD .:u'G) C,,3.RIZ a. B01iu'm, his wife. and ORa B. ~V~~D n~D K~1E x!NKE3.TON BOVARD, his wife ~~ 3rdi~rd Co~~ty, rlc~d~, c~ the. second part, ..1lTl\~5ZTli. That said :parties of tile firs~ part ~o~, and. ir. ccnsideruti cn o~ the sum of Ten Dollars a.nd other val\lab"s~ consi:ieration Bv::'l_ " 1aw1"....1 mone",- of the i.:Li tea. States of ..:.merica to them in hand paid by the said p:::rties o~ the seco~d ;a:.t, at or before the ensealillG and delivery' of th~se :presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acxnoO"lledged, ilave granted, bargained, sold, alieneJ re~ised. released, oonveye~ ulU ccnfil~ed, cr.d by these pres- ents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, j.'e:niae, release, convcj" and confirn w:to the said na.rties of the second r;art, arlll their hei:l's 'lnd assigns :forever, all those pa:'cels c.f :Land lying and I I f . f l ~ r r ~ V beir~ in the County of ~t.L......cie, ~nd ~tate of FLorida, and described as follows: 1. All of ~ot 12 of P. F. Cobb's ~dition to Fort rierce, Florid~, according to plat of said bd~ltion recordeain ~lat 300k 1, page 9, reco~~s of st.u~cie County, Florida, said lot beil18 a part of Lot 1 ,lest of l'ine Street of 'i'ylerts .:ii...odivisicn of Govern:::ent ....ot 4, in Secti- on 10, TO'imshil) 35 .:iouth of R!c:nge ~O East!" :Lxcept. however. from the above descrioed lot the rollowir~ described parcel, to-wit: ~egin at the Southeast co~ner cf ~ot 12 01' Cobb's Subdivi- sion of tot 1 of Tyler's Subdivision of 400t 4tle~t of rine Streat ,as in Plat dO ok I, page 9, thence rU.n ;iortherly along the ,lest aid.e ~,f Fine .:Jt2tl:et 6 feet; thence ;jouth 75 de6rees .iest. 26.7 feat to point of intersection with the ~ou~~ bounda17 of said Lot :2, thence r~n ~ast 27.6 feet to beginning. 2. Also beginning at a point on the Jest boandary of &ina street at a. stake on the ~orth- 3ast corner of l~t 12, of CObb's Addition to Fort ~ierce, Florida, &8 recorded in ~lat 3o~~ 1, page 9 t thenoe run ~:orth along the ./est boundary ot ok ine Street 10 fejt; thenoe run,iestwerdly 56 feet to the South boundarl Street on ~orth Side of said ~t 12; thenoe run Eastward alor~ North boundary of sa~d ~ot 12 to point of beginning. 3. ~so, ~egln at the 'orthwast oorner o~ ~t l~ of Cobb's Subdivision ot ~t 1 of Tyler's f;~~~~~*iWl~l~if[~~j ;