HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1764 tJ~)~ -.--...-....-......-.---------..--- "_._._.~-----_._-- _. ----+.~ ---::----..-.---------.--.......- ---.-..-.-.--....- .-,- ""-"-- -_.~----_.. ~ -- --. - --.- ~ .....,.....f'.,- '-"'- ""~..,..-~. ..'..~ ~""'~ ""- '.....'.:t". .".__...,..~..._r ," ...-....""'!'-.~"""".' "\..:-->_.........v...~.~_r___......-~~...._.._.~____ ~........ ......._~~.., :;". .~..,-.....,_. _ -'.-, ....,.._ ._~.........- _.. _'_"0:" ._~ _",'_" _.........~.._.,.........-.... _. ...._ __~........_-.. .,.'.. ~ S".1odivlsion of lot 4 'ilest of I'ino Stroot. as In.L'lat 300k 1. page 9. theno!) l'Un ;jouthel'ly elongthe ,'jest bou.ndary lino of said Lot 13. 15 foeti thonoe run i'Ol'th 75 degrues Enst 70.5 fe.;t to till point of interscotion wi th tho i'Ol'th boundary lino of so.id Lot 13. thenoe run ;'iest 72.8 foot to th9 plaoe 0 f beginning. (~i2.50 Doo. stamps oancelled) ~ TOGZTHER ,ilTH all and singular the improvem~n ts tenements, ho1'odi taments, and ap?urter.F..r.odS thereu.nto oelor.ging. or in onywise apl~rtuil:LG. und tl,e royel'sion and 1'(}ver~iOn9, rer.!air.dilr und remaind\lrs, rents issues and profits thoreof, J.....'W AlSO. all the ostate l'ieht. t.1tle, interest, dowar and. rie~,t 0;" dowel'. separate estate. prollert~', plsses3ion, claim and dum8nd whlftsoever, l:l.S well in law as ir. equit:,', of thtl said r8rt1e3 ot tho first part, of, in, I).nd to the same, lUld eyer;,' part find paroel the rll oi' , wi th t!,e appurtem..no,=s; TO P..~S~ ~~ 'ra :!OI.D the above e;ran.'~eJ., bs.rgai11ed and desoribed p'Qoi sas, ., ith the apt)ul'tommoes, unto the s3J.'i 1L. rties of the sl'lcor.d pal't. t;\eir heirs an1 assiOls to theil' o'.vn prope_' uso. beJ:efit a::d beh:;cf fol'~vc~. lilld the said. rnrtie.:; of the fil'S':. ,:fi}'t fo r t!lO::1selves 3.1:5. fo;.' their heirs, ~xec,~tors, an': 3.1cinistrutors, do oovenant, })l'o<;:ise erd acre:; to u:d with s:~id parties v~ the so~ond ~tl.l't. t:,.eir ;....eil.,.J n.nd LssiSr:s J t:1~t t.!1c said rarities of the :fi~"3t lJa.rt at. ~~a tim of' tile S~(ll:.r:~ :'1:d '':e- livery of :hcse pr~3euts. firc law~~~ly seize: i~ feo si::1?l~ of a good, ablol~~e, ~L~ in1e~easi~le estate of iru1eritnLce, of ~n1 i~, all and. sir~ular the ~bove granted, bargni~e1 and 4escl'ibed ~rer:::isl1s, 'U i ~h t.he q' ..,'.1:'t<lcc:.nces <.:.::d have go{:d ri[;h t. fl.1l1 power, a.r:d lf4v;:':;..l al~ t!:Ol':' t:- to e;.:.':":: t >> -',reuin. sal:, r.r..d ccn..e~' till; sar.:e ill CliT.l:e1' ~::::. fvl-:::l afo:::";}s::.i:l. ~:d t~lllt the s::iid pr:.rti:::s 01' ';;110 ~.;~ord rf~..t.. i-.ci::"'s r.rJi ~s~i:l1s. silnll un~ cay a~ a.ll ti=es :-J..:;l'ear~~r, )c:.:..cet~:.:~- ~~;:~:l ~r..4:i~~::r :-,ave, holQ, <<.se. oocup~', possess ~'.l::i er.jO;j tile aoc-v:: bl'fillted. :;-remises, sr.d a'ler~; rill't l:n': p~'c~l -- p ." 0 J ;,ce O.L wfl~ said ;arties 01' t!le f1 ~".3:' ~a:.t tlleir 11l3irs o~' e..ssl~~~s. or of iLj. cthOl" Iersc~~ or i..J'. , 1" 1 ::leruof,",.'lth the a1>;~~rtdllaI:Ce:i, -nlt~4~T~t aL~. let, s~it. tro:~bl~J r:.(jl~~~;:ti::LJ evi~tion cr :.:is~'..:.r- .<".;.;.''lC!-.3 :;:,,;1"1::;';'- O).ui:r.i.-.g or to claica the S"",-:'.:. ..nd that t.he sam>;; 81'<: r,o fr"e, Cl::~l', dLH;:-,l.o.l'.;e:l Wid ur.:.r,cuI:ibereJ. of and. from all i'Ol'Il.e:.' f:n:l 0:':1e1' grant.s, title~. chc:.re;t:3s, .::stEit-;;s, .~<<.d&::1a:::..:;, tcx~S. _~sse3s=ents &fid ific~~br~ces of wha~ r~t~r~ CLU ^iL~ soe7er. Alld th~ s,~id. 1iarties c,f the first part for themselv,;;s UT-do their heirs, the a;;ov~ ci.esc:'ioe'l r~nd hereb:r gr&nted ~::l ri}leased p1'e:::is..;s, unu ever.}- :part ar.a ;',arcel tiErec-f, wi tt. t!-.e &lJ~.:~~'ter.- [:.:::ce3, u..nto the s:.id ~:artie3 o.f the secor:d. ;art t::eir heirs '.:..u.d. c;.s31~llS>> _UCaiI:st the said :;El"- -:ias .cf the first 1101'-:; ar.<l their hell's, and agai::st all ani every pe:::'sor~ or persor.s W:1c!:sOe'ler, la;'lfu.lly clai:nint; or to claim the Sa!:le shall ar.d will warrant, and b::' th,;se pn.:ser:ts fo:::oe'lt:l' :lcfend. Il~ ,'ie?l:Z:1S in!::''lliOF the said. I.artie:: cf tr.e first ;art hnve l:er,nmto set t'le11 hcnus ~d. s~~ls the day and year f~rat above ~~itten. Signed, Si~led ar.d De1iverel in Presence of us; :'. C. 1'o1>pe11. l;)ealj Ire11e T.3~;~el'. I~abdllu F. ~oppell..,.,.(3&~lJ b6n~s ~. ~eiJ~ey. ~TA1E OF FLOaIDA. GO~i;~Y \.IF ~T. ~CIZ. 1m,-" Ai.L tr.':1: 3Y Tf.e;;;~ l'RZ~:::;:::;:~. r.~: I. i I I I I I~AJ~~ F. AJ>>~ZLL wife of the above named ? D. ~op~ell do by these pr~s.~ts>> nada Rnd executed by lIie, sej>8rb.te and apart from my said ;~u.soand, and in the presenoe of .. ,GiVEl:nOLYl. ~ 8 ~otary~ubllc of the ~tate of Florida.Ao~owle~ge and ieolare th~t I did make myself a 'party to. 8J'1d e;ea~ted the foregoing Deed of Conv~yance, for th~ purpose of Relin'lulshine m~' right of dower and separate estate in and to the lands in said oonveyance therein d'..lsoribed , and granted. and that I did the same treely am y,:-lunt.arilJ'. and without any oOllpulsion. oon- atraint, apprehension or fear, of or from ~y~ said husband. IN WITHES~ .n~OF, I hereunto subsoribe my name and affix cy seal, this Sixth day of 1 . /;}:':;oi.~*~~f~~i~