HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1772 t.J1~ \- - -.----;..-----.------------.------................--- - ............". 1"........ ,..~_......'-........... -~~. -_'::.... "'--:.._......._~-.oII............ .......-:"' ~"...~':..~T"',.~.__~._.l!l!..t,...._'~._'\~__...-...r _,,~ "'~~rJ'r -=-"::..~~.-..:.~...-.~"":"...1~."".. "'t."'"-~_..,,"".,--.r.......~... ...-.-..-..,.....",....-... "_'_.'" 7"P' '.'_'-":"'.' ....._~--'..-----_'-___ ....----....--------_----0.. -_._.____ ____________'..._____.___._...._______ Hamilton and Ruth E, Hamilton, his wire. Donald Forbes and Blanoha Forbes, his w!~e, to John \ ~inoy Port and Howard "Y. Guthrie, whioh deed oonveys the following desol'1.bed i11'Operty in st Luoie County, FloridA, to-wit: Lots 9. 10 and 11 in block 2 aooording to plat of ~ay Subdlvisior., the s~ being a ~art of the l:ortheast ~uarter of the llorthwoat ~arter and the "orthwest ~larter of the "'ortheast ~al'- tor of Se~tion Ie, TO\Yr.ship 32 South, Rang~ 39 East, ~at, st. Lucie COt~ty, Florida, and 1'0- oorded in the offioe of the Clcrk of th~ Cirouit Court o~ said County, in Deed Boo~ 56 at page I 522. That the said John ~oy l'ort referred--t.o in said doed is the same idtmtioul :persoll as J. ~. Pert raf"erred to in that certain de.;d made the -6th day of Unl'ch, 1925, hetween ,J .~..i-ort and Ho~ard .J.Guthrie and Daniel J.UcG~rthy 0 onveying the above desoribed traot or land. Howard d. Guthrie. Sworn to Hnd subscribed before me this 6th day of 1!a.roh. 1926. ~e6 , -{'\ c\,.....-. 1l f'.("<' f ~lis tee 7th day of ~pril, A.D. 1925, at 8.30 o'clock n. ~. --------iiiiiriiii.iji~------- 1'. c. Eldred, Clel'~ Circuit~Court. ~. /1/ .'./ J ., ~- ../ / B;t:-/ . ..:.~/ -"I' /j , // D.C. p-- ,'{~tr'W;TY DE::;D. J. )C. Gore and wi fe 1'0 ; i- ,,- '- Thos. 3. Hlc~s and~~. I TiUS IIlDZ1:T';a.:;, ::a.d~ the TweL.ti: day of ':une in the year of our- ~ord one thousand nine . ir..:!:dred an:! :five 3ET;i~:;:; J. k. Gore and '::mr:la J. Gore, !-,is wife of the :;OUI_t:,' c:f31'uvard, ~nd .;);;[.t.e of F....crida, of the fir3t P3.1't, &r.d Thos. .l3.1~icks and ::,.3.~'.:.,:b:er of su:r.e Cour.tJ. ar.:l :;td.e of the second part, /lIl1:z.;:i:::'~, That t!le s:..io. parties -f the fil'st r-art. :for and. in oonside:'ation of t!le sun of Forty Dollars la...:ful c:.oneJ' of the t"ni ted statea of J....nerica to the;-n in hand ~aiJ b~ the said -:arties of. t!le seoc'nd part, at or be~ore the er.sealil:e; and delivery of toose ;r~ser.ts, t:1e receipt ';:hereof is hereby aoknowledged, the.- have grmtei, oargained, sold, alieneil. ;.'e:ni3e1, reler:.3ed.. co~veyed and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release cor.vey and ccnfir:n.:nto the said parties of the 3ecor.d part, &nd their teirs and >1ssiO:3 fa::,v~l', &::"1 that Tract or parcel of land lying 2.!lt! beiq; in the Count;: of ]r~vard l,ni ..tat.,} of Florida &r~ described as follo~s: To .lit: r::e Nest Thirty acr~s of the "o.rth ...est ~~artel' of tte ~'orth Zast i".4Grt.;r of ::iectloL twenty-two to'I/r.shi;. :'hirty one .>o4th R~nge T:~lrt~. .;.:gh t :7;a9t. TOGZTilliR with all ar,d sir~...l~r t:1e --- ter.e-::i),.ts, h6rH ti ta:::-::r. ';S. a~::' aI'r'_:l'ten~r.ccs there ';'l:to belon.;L.g, C1' in an~-"/ise ap:"ertair.i g~ ali'l t:le lX;veruior., and reversions. rer:lainder t..nd "-;;::-.ainders, rents, issues and p~ofits thel'cof.iJiD i:.L'30, allth~ estate. right. title. i:...terest, iower end right of dowel', separate estate, pro~rt;,', l;OSsl;ssior., club: unJ. dC::lm:d whatsoever, as I well in law as in equ~ t~., of the s&i.i parties of the ti:'st "art, of, in Lind to. the sw.:c, [;I,d i l r :n~l':r J)art urA. l'urcel thereof, with tll'l e.p)\1.rtenunces;7C ~-u..'i~ AND TO ~lOLD 40e UOO'l(; gri:.nted, tL.l:gaino.l ULd deacr!bed plremiaes, uith the upp\:rtenanoes, unto the said .icu'-ties of the second .:>a.rt, their heirs and assigns to their onn ~orlier '<4S(: benefit !.J.na behoof fO':''ev81.', \ Ar'.d the s~id. ~u.rtlea (if the tlrut 'part J. K. Gore und E;rx.A J. Qore for tae~r :le11.'a, exe- a~tors, and administrators, do covenant. prb~i8e and ~€~ee ~o &n~ ,nth s~ld parties of the seoond .vart their heirs tmd assigns, that the 8~ld i>art1es ot the tlrst part. J .K.Gore fond Zm::,a : .Gore, ~~I~~I1~~1~i~~~f~ :.. ,"{:<:?:'J~~~~~it~~