HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1774 ~~~".l. ...l .,. - --:"-;.-;-~::'~:::, ,-" .,~~::=-~~:.~_-:-::~;~". --,. ~--. -:..:::;;:~~~~ ..,.:;:-:;:,::". ~ ~~~~~~.~:;:::=':::;,,-:::-::-';:--. ::-:;::.~.-.;: ::~~~:::-::::~::;:':':;-.:-:.-;: :":-:-::-:- .~.~--:.~ he exeo'u.terl the srune for the !lurpos~ theroin 6xploessed; WhONU?On It is ploayed that the snme I hnve heruunto affixod my h&nd f11'..\ seal, this tweltth day of Juno noD. 1905. tfurruy ~. Hall. 0 . 0 0 0 (Jen1 ) liotary i "bUo. ~ n Zxpirus July lJth, 1905. ~ .....~ COmiTY of. 0 0 0 0 0 . . 6~ IT a~UE~J&1~DI rhat on t~lsoo. day of A.i).l~O, I, .... ClarA of the ~irou:t vo~rt in and for said Vo~nty, hav~ d~ly reoorded the for~going Deed in the ~blio Rooords of s&id G04nt~. Hi iYITNE;jS.'I':-{~OF, I have her'3Ulito sot my hand lind the seal of said Co.;rt, the day mid yer.;.r d~~ \0 t;l::'S th~-R'n day o1~ ~~'3 ~~ ---------------------l~eil) above wri tten. A~ri, h.D. 1925, at 10 o'olocx .... .. M'. P. c. ElaNd; . C1e~~ ci:rO\;i,.~.;o'J.rt, r, if../ / 0'- 3J..~'.... 0;:1///.~,(/ Do C. -oOoOoOo~ tiiti-HI:ut, ~ :dOeCaC'OeOe (1- iiarrun<l~' De ad . .Y~~stone ~ealty .0 vom:pany 'To D. H. .;jar.l:ple. TRIS n~1)El\'rl!:lE ~aQ.e this 1s'; df;y cf ....i>ril .....iJ. 1925, by and 3et.veen :-:EYSTO~!::; !C.-..I.TY C~_:r-.,;:Y, a corporation e:--istir.e; ll~:der the laws of the .:.itate of ~lorid", having its priI'oi;;al place of buziI'e5s in the Co._ t~: of ~t.~_tCie,Sta:e of ~'lorida,part~r of the first l'art, ar.d D. ::..:iarnple of the Counts or Sair.t ~ucie Jtate of Florida, party of the seooI'd ~art, .'iITl\~.jJ:i:T::.; '.:';lat the said i-arty of the fir3t part for and in ccr.sideratio,. of the sum of I +10.00 er~ other good and.valuable ccnsid~rati0ns dollars, to it'in hant paid by t~e part~ of ~te second part, the receipt 'Rhereof is hereb:: ao.:r.:wledg;;..1, hl:13 grc.nted, bart:aiLed, sol:1, alienel, ::-ernisad., rele&s~<l, cor.veyed ar.d oOI:firned, ar.d b:.: these pr~sents doth 6rant, bal'eail;, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the said party of tI~ seoond ~art his hei~3 2nd assigns for~~er, all that certain portion cf land lJingarA beiLg :"1': the \,;o,-~r:t~.~ of :>t.L~cie "''Y'!~ c..1......... sta:e of Florida, to-wit: ~ot 48 in ~araville Su~division of Seo~ion 21, Township 35 s~~th, ::bnc;e ~J ~a.st, acccrdh€ to a plat cf sr~Li sub:!i visicn record:;1 in plat boc:;'~ ~ So t .pfii:e 47 of .... oJ ~. "'--,eie Co:...nty records o. To have nI'd to hold the Sl].me i:.-, fee si::l)jle -:fol'..;v,::r; an:: t:-.e sr.id ;>al't:.- of the ~irst part doth (,over-ant wi th the ssiJ. ::art:- of the secor.d part, t.hE tit is .lawf'ully seized. of tl~e sniJ. prenisas ar.d th:;t it has t;ood righ.t ani If..wf...l aut;lori tt:r to sell the sal"-e, ar.d. t::e s~iJ. Jjfuot:-- of the first ;Jart does hereb;: 1'1..0.1:.:: W<irr'Jr,t the tit:i.e to s~id land. and will defend the same atainst the lawfUl clairrs of all persons whomsoever. fROVIV:::> .::':::!l::::~:'HEIZ;;::i, j;ilat thesd ,resents are ~ado subJeot to the :rollo'ning express con- ditions, restrictions and limitatioI'S, liPp1line to the sui~ :~rbvi~~e, accordiI'e to the recorded y~at of said ~;aravil:e and which oOfiditicns, restricticns fond limitatioI'S are ~nten~ed to be and sh~~l be accepte~ &s covenants ~u~ning with ~~e land and which shall be oindi~b alike upod the ~eirs, pers~nal represent~tives find ~ssigns of the }&rtJ ~f the s~c~r.d ~art, who bJ his ~ccert- ",nceof this inst~....::ent agre~s to &.~ide b; wd ;..erfor!: said r.;strioti,:;r,s, li:;itat~Qns "z:d. cor.1iti- 1. 110 rasidenoe 3h<...11 be ere;ctad or oOl~struot.o'i of &. les3 cost. ~:-.a.l: ,;;;, .(:]0 oJ":;, and all 1'esi- I or.s as one of the ex?r~~; co,~sid.;;ratio;.. of the-se presents. d,n,c<:s in s::id :4iravilJa se.all be constr~c~ed cf oorr.l roc~, con.:;rete, 5~~~a;:o, ccr.Cl'ete bleok, :-,,~ l :.\"( tile, brick or r:'ix:::6 constr:.:.ction :::' ven(;,:~'e ~ wit:.. co:-!:.l roaj~ or brick c::.' fl'::i.'>,: '/en,~ered ',;it:-. stu.oco, an;! shall bo u10n[; Spanish, ::o'rish, Ve!1eti~n or si:::ila:' h?.:-c:cn:o;s t;'}ies of arohi- t,)cture, a~-:d ti::.o aforesr.id M:o-..::r.t shr.ll be notu!1.11y exponded on oor.9tr-,~ot.icn and ereotion of sue}. building and not fo: f()....;; ~~. corr.cotton therewith. ;i~~{ti\\~~~~t~~ ....... ...: ' :::::. ':';:' ;~.:;~~l}~I~JIl~