HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1775 575 ~-_.""''''''- '-....--.- ...~-_._--_..---_._._-_..-:.- --.-'--------..--__.._____-..;..____-________________..____-____._._ ____.. _.. _..J. ______._~___ .__~. ,'.-;- ...,... ,-" ._....--~ _ -- \_~.. '. -"',' :-...... :-,- . -.-..'! 0.'''- .~. '. ',. .. ......'..- _. ~.C'" . ~. ..... . ,.",. _."_": 2. No building sh!\ll bG OOl.S tl'U.ot(;d 01.' oreot,od on (my ot the lots of '~raville, \:.ntll uftel.' the plans speolficaticns and locH,ticn ot the same shall hnve ~;)6n apPl.'oved. by tho ~Ul'ty c.t the It . first part. its suocessors, r~pres~ntatives cr nss16ns. 5. Tho constr,l<Jt1on or 61.'ootion ot a buadi:-e is li::ll tel to one l'osid';l:OIl 1)t..ildin~ ~r:..l or.s priv;:.ts eq;uge en ~"cjl lot, lOv x 150 fdlt 1'ronth\(; on .;iunris.) 30....::.11v,.<l'd. 4. That no ',u,l!).~'iful 01' i:r.;:1oral \'-sa sh6.1l b~ read.a of the fl'ami~es :.ereb~' [Jo ('cr.ve~'e.l, r:or shall the some nor &n;:' .i'lil't thereof, nor ar:.: il:teres" therein, be sol:1, 13f.sel n' otherwise cor.vey~l to any yCl'S011 other thun of t:t6 t;:i\l.c<;.si::m raoe, provld~d. thht nothing h~~'l;ir. cor.te.il:ei shall !' pr<Jvent the :~e-a.ptng c;.nd maiI:tal1~Lg of serv:;,.nts 011 the said ~roperty 1'0).' ::.'e:isor,abl~ 1':JI\ily usu. 5. No bul1dll.g cor:-c.or,ly ..no...n as an apa).'tment hO.l.se for OC(;,~:;.;:.tio'-. of' IT.O!'t: thtcn (r.e i"wnL.y, nor as;,'l..lu, r.o::" hosrital shall be iJr,}cteli or ......s;1 fol.' 3.:C,"1 ~'::r'pOS-3S \;1: fillY lot or .;.ots L: :':'ir- V;,ivillu, except tha.t Ibsignuti3d fo::.' '::r~sil:!J<;": l'ro;.;el'':;~' bj' pal't~! c1' flvst iJal't. 6. That if s;.;.id sijco~:d l'al~t:[, his ;1011's, l)erSOllHl ropresent:..ti\'es, 01' b.ssiD's, ~r el,,' ::01\1-:;1' or hold.e::.'~ or the :proycrty ;lel.~oy cC'nv::~'el. b;: vh'tt~e or f'.r.~r ~udioial p::.'ocealin&s, shull i'~il to compl;; with a.rV- of ~~.e above ur.:i fo::.....,goine ::.'es!;::..'ictL,',s, couiiti:n.s c::.' li:.:itutiC'::s with:.n sixt~.. ~:::.9's arte:- \.ri t~~er.;. notice to t;..c sai~ s~ccr:::.. IJ81't:r ;11s hei:-.s. r:e~solle.l re;::csentatives or nssiens, or o.ny of ~hen nt Fort l-iel..'ue, i-'lc:'ida, 0::" t?tei::.' lust ::110....1. addr::;;:>::;, b:,' th<: s';id "9~rt;; of t11.e f"irat 1l8rt. its successo:-s I persona.l represc.~t::.tivus Cl' tlssiZns I .cr ei the:- c:f the::l, :-~:..eL , - the said above descl'icad. ,r.d cC'r:v~sed. I,r~:pe1"t~' shull i:ll::ediatel~{ r~vert to the saLt ~irst P!11't:,', i ts s,:c~essol'S or assit,T.s, who sh.all be €:nU tle.:: to i7:.~edir. tel:-, enter c:.:pcn said pro:r:ert;. wi t~ ,Lt notice., end take:po9!3e3Sion of the same ';;ith i'cl.ll title in i'e\l si ?le, together w~th all [ impl'ove!!1en!i; t:,t;reon, and r.~ ....&.iv-:r of ar,~! of t1-.ese cor.diti::r.s, :'i:r.itati-:~.s e,r r.::st:-i~tion3, ex.;ress or implied, or f<..ili.;.l.':; for fr.y br'i;th of tir::e to ~I:for'~p. the sac.e, s?t!ll: ('')::sti t...... te a b~r tosuch enforoement at any ti~e. 7. That the part:: cf the first pal't, its 3l...CC-JSsors (1' &ssigr,s, shull !Ui'/';; t~e l'i.ght fl'ol!l time to t1r.1e, to re1.::::.se r.ny of the above Elid. Toreeoi:~ ::..estrictlo:.s, :::or.diticr:s or l:.:r.it::.tins by sealed iLS tl'l4ment fuly e:-:ecu.tcl in acoordance 'lii thth..) la,'.s of the :Hat-.: of :'lo~'ida. .i.'or t::~ oonveyance of real astute. u:D ~!~ ;;;..ID li.a':Y OF '.!.'HZ Fli1;>:( l'.i.RT, for itself, its S'..iC::~~:JOl'S ar.d rdssi::ns, .:ires :-,er'~by oovenant &nd a.ereo vilt?! the said pert:; of the secoLd part. ~lis hel:::-s "'Ld tissigns i~l the foL:..Ow- ir-c I:'.annel': 1. ';:'nat the above ani fOl.'ecolrll; restrictions, 11:r.1 tatic: s r:r..d cor-di ti~l,S s~o.ll be ir.clli.d~d in -all deeds and ae;reen:ents ~or deed3 ir. the said ~~ravil16, exc~.pt ir, that rortion set spur:' for bUsine~s ?'..ir)oses.. Said Lot 4:8 !1ercJin conveyel is Si.40.;cct to a first mortcage which ;:.ar+;;! of t~e sec~,l1d. par'.; assumes una. agrees to pay to the exter,& c.f ~4uG.JO with inte::""3t fro:u dat at the rat'3 of 5~. n: .UTIiZ.:>... '1..u:a:OF, the s",id ~arty of the fir'3t part has caused these presents bo be sicneei in its naIte its .rreside~t, and its cOl'por[,te se~l to Dt: :lffb.ed, attested by its secretLr~.', r; \ ~ r l- f.' ~ \l y~ar -bove written. , (C )orate sea1j it.!;.test ;~. d. ~. ,~~ ...ecretar:r. (~l.OO uoc.sta~s cancelled) laY5~O~;E RZ.i>.LTY CO:J:>J..!:Y. .3;; l'aul G. ErJJS . 7.L>l'esldent. ~igned, ~ealed and delivered in our pregence~ James B ."'ook. llRrtha Bartels &rillS. STATE OF FLORIDh. ca:''liTY OF ST.LUClE. I UERZ.JY Clli1'fIFY l;hat on t:~is 1st day of .pr11, A.D. L~W, before mo pe.'sonally appeared .f ~~~1~iiilJ;1ll ~~~o; :'. Oo,;;;.j _~'lrfBlili~