HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1781 581 ._"..~---.J;__";,__,_____",____~---:-,___,_,_"""_____,_._______~___~~",,,,_.,,,_____,__..____..._..;......--_ ......-..,'~..~r-.~t.,.~~..t"'.~ '...-.~."'...~.'......":-:... .,~._:.......r';. "~.'- ..,..-......'_.;"..;..-:-.:.....,..,.'1"': ..-."":.~-,.-.;-.._,,-..,........~.,,'-. ,- '.~..'. ...~_."I'-."-'..~.,... -.. " .,_....-.....l;. ""c.......... ,. ~~~,'~.>- Kota:-y hlbl1o, Notary .ublio 3tate of ~lorida at 1argo. i&l oomm1ssion o~piros Deo. 5. lS28. , , .. - h.... L State of iennsylvanla. County of .autIer. I llERZBY CERTIFY. That on this seoond d~ of ~rlh, 4...D. 1925, before me personally aptoeflred J. (l. Fort, a single man 'Rho executed the foregoing conveyance to--- and severally aoknrwledgad the exeoution theroof tobs his tre:} aot and dJed fOl' the uses and p1.u'poses therein mentioned; , aignatul~ nnd offioial seal at ll~tler Fa. in tho County of 3utlor and state of day and year last aforescid. -... . -" '\' p.tt\a6 "R(>,c'("'~ .' E. D. Feffer............(Seal) N~tay ~b~iO. , My Cou.mission .:.xpi:.:e!l ..al'oh 7i>h.. 1~'25. this the 7th day of A~ril, A.D. 1925. at 8.30 o'oloc~. A. ~. i / .... C. ~ldro;ld, clerf.CirOUi t..Court. DV,'"'-..J .j' / , " . " .:- D. C o1__~ . .......... -99999geiiti,ii5ii:iiii'999999999- / kgre~oent for Deed. oJ. l~itchi_r.g To J. C. .iaU:er. Ai.TnC~5 OF M;RSz:.:E~;T ::nde this 9th dn.... of Se;?tember in t:.e yee.r of o. r l.ori ~r_e T!1o'.:.sr:nd ni~e h\~nd.l'e'~l an':! 24 ~.3~T'.I::Z:~ .;.;. l:i tchir~ pe.rt:r o:f the .first part J and J. C. i:al~er ;.,ar~:.[ of the n L. st:cor.d Jjurt, '.aTI:=SJ=~H. That if the said 1,art;,- of tho second ~a:.t 5:1:..::"1 firot oa~e the pa:::ner.ts and p.::rfo:,a' the cov-jns.nts her..:ir.after rr.entionoi CT, his part to he ::lade end rer:or:nal. the sl.:-id ;;art~' of the first :pa.:.'t hel'eo.; oov~nat .::I.d. !ii:ree to cOl.ve:.' and aSS'..lre to the sc.:.id pfll"t~' of 1;,1'3 seccr,d part, his ~eirs, executors, adoinistrators or assi~ns. in f~d-si~~:e. clear of all inc~mbr&r.ces whuteve:::. by b. go:-d and su.fficient dee~, t~.e lot piece cr parcel of t:rol.4nd sit ~at(;d in the Co....r.- ty of Jt. ~u.~ie, 5t~te of !lcride. blown and deacribel &5 follows. to-wit; Ten aCl'es of land l::ir.(; ~c.st of the .ieoa5tiw:. Rl.v~r ~ ~~nir.g parallel ~ith th~ jdbastipn ri vel' a dis-;;!:.r.~e of 232 ya.::-ds on 301.;.th side of hard surface Roed E.:r:d 2~O :.-a1'1s along :'he ::ard s'.A.rface :toad ~o;\sq\.:.s.re piece of land co"talni'~e ten acres :::ore or less. bo.::derir.g (\:". the '::~urd ~erface Road & River. and the s!lid ?arty of th~ seccl:d .",a":t hereby COV.J1:lmt and &f;re,~ to !in;.' to the said. ?art- of ~~ firs~ part the s~ of ~500.~C Dclla~s in t~c ~anner followi:~ $lOO.OG within 30 days end the bal of $400.0~ \',it:-.in- 90 dr::.'s. 0::" before. wi th interest at the rate of sf. per cent'.lm per ar.nuo ya:ratl~ :::.r.n~e.ll:r en the "I1:1(;le s::.o remaining fro~ ti~c to ti~e ~npaid; and to 9uy all taxes, assesscents or ic~csiti~ .s thht =e.y be legally le'lierl or l;;-.]osel u.pon said lar,u s"J.cSe'll~ent to the ye~r--- lit::! to keep th'3 ';j-.:;,ildi::gs t;.pon s~id prer.;LLs 1r.so.a'el in so:::e oO::lpany lJctisf::ctory to the pal't-- of the first part in f< sur.! not lC.~5 than--- Dollars durir~ the tel'::; of this agreeoent. Alld in c~se cf faib,ru of the said Ufo r ~, Of ] party of the seoond ~art to ~ake either of the pay~e:r:ts or any part thereof, or to p6rf~~ ur.; of the covenants on his ;a.rt here 0:-0 r:.a,:oe Hnu ent~re'l into. this contract shall, l:.t ,;;:.e option of the p&.::..ty of the firl:3t ;;art, be forfeited and terminated, &lid the pr.rty of t;::.e 3';00:-..1 ;>art shall forfeit all ~a;yments ::-.ade by hic on t;:is oontract; and 9...011 'p&:frr..mts shall be rdtained b;r tho 3;;.,idpfil'ty of the firat part in 1'....11 9,itisfactlon and. l1quld!:>tl~L of ;;:.11 d'P.~!i&l;JS by him sustained and said ;artJ- of the first part 3h811 ha.'/e the r1eht to re-entor ar.l t~ke )(,ssdsslon of the premises aforesaid witho:....t being liable to an:" acticn therefor. It IS ~~TJ~LY aGREZD. by a~d betwear. the parties hereto. that the ti~e pf ~&~m~nt shullbe en essentie.l pal't--of thIs oontract, and that &.11 oovenants und 3g1'1jeU:Unt8 herein ooutll.iued ~$;I~~!~l~~lf~~~i~ .: ,.' ',;' ~T'f)~lt~1.~~1