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:.liD I FU'll"rH&1t CSRTIFY, Too t the sni d . . .. kr.own to me to bu the wi fa of the said.. on a Su
pa~'ate and privata examination taken nnd made by an4 befoN 100, sepat'at.ely and apart from hel'
said husband. did aOknowledge that she made herself a party to said deed f~' the purpose of
runo:~noi1,g. relinquishing, and oonveyil1g all her right, title and ifterest, whether of dower,
hOllestead or of stlparate prop orty, stat-.:. tOr'J or equitable ,in and to the landc descrhbod therein
and that aho O)'coutod the said deed fl'eely and voluntarily, and witho\lt any cOl:1pu.lsion, con-
straint, apprehension or fOUl' of or fro~ her said husband.
and offioial seal at 1ero County of St. ~oie an1 state ot Florida this
Fi 1 ed
...D. 19&1.
l:e11ie 1.~.3abb.
:;otal'l i:ublic, St&.te of Florida at Largt:.
1~r Co~ission Sxpiros ::ay ~, 1928.
this the 7th day of A?ril ~.D. 1925. at 3 o'clock P. U.
1'. C. Eldred,
Clerl: Cil'cu:t=-O~'~::.'t,
!/ /."~~,.// "-..,. /~. .-'
3yJ ~,::...',/ '/ ~">'/,..., D. C.
, .<.
Q-g-Q-~~g;jt:j;ii.t.ii;i -0-0-0-0-
j{iJl.~~1Y D&ED.
James ... 3aker ar.d wi fe
1ero ~::ighland. rar~ ~om'pany.
T~3 n,,:J:::;:~T::~, i.:ade this 2nd day of r'ebr.lar~r, A.D. 1925, .3S~.t~:; James it. ja~er and Ida
Baker. his wife of the Co~tJ of ~t. ~cie an~' State of Florida pro'ties cf t~e first ~art and
Vero nighland Park Comyany, a oOl~cratio n existing ~nder the laws of the Stat~ of?lcrida, hav~g
its princi;;al place of b",-siness in the Co..nt:; of :.it. -\.;.cie an:lJtate cf ::-lorida ;lal't~; of t:-to so
oond pa:'t, '1'lITr:ZS::iETH, that the said parties of t:-~,; first part, fo:' and in cCI~sidel'atior. of the
S:~r:1 of'Ter. 1>011::..:.s ar,d other 'iaLmble ocnsideratic,. to t::er.: in :-tar.d. paid, the receir-t wher;;of ~
. here by acbloi'lledged, have grc.r. ted. bargaine:l, so ld. al iene.1, re::-. i sed, raleasel, er.feoi"fed, co 1:-
ve~~d era confirme~ nr.d by these presents do g~ant, barbain, sel~. alien, remise, release,
enfeof~, convay nnd confirm Qnto the saii ?srtJ ot the secor.d ,;art and its s~cc;ssor3 and ass-
igns forever, all that certain pa~cel of lam lyir.g and being In the ~o .r.ty cf' .:it. .l.ucie and
State of Florida more particu.larly desorlbed as follows:
T':e west 35.79 feet cf ....ots twn and elevet: cf ':'1oc;': thirteen, of ~d5ewocd n:iditicn to
1ero, as per plat recorded in the Orfioe of' the Cle:~ of the Cir~uit Court of ~t. ~~cie ~our.ty,
Flori~a. in Plat 3oo~ 2, pa~e 28. t #1.00 Doc~menta~y 3ta~ps c&ncelledJ
TOC:::TilZR wi th all the ter.e:r.ents, har;ditar..ents, ar.d appurtenl:l.r.cds, with everJ privilege,
ri~lt, title, interest and estate, dcwe~ and right of dowar, reversion, remainder and easenent
. thereto belonging or in anywise ap;ertainh.g. TO l~'!Z ..JiD Tv :~~LD, the S9.me in fee simple forever
.wi t11e said parties of the fi rat pert do covenant with the said party of the second part
. that they are law~~lly seized of the said premises; that thay are free of all imc'~brances, and
, f~~
; l!
I lf
that the~: have good right and lawful authort.t~:- to sell the sa':e; and tilat said parties of first
part lioth hereby full:.' warl'a.it the tl tIe to ss.id _ar.d, and '.-!ill dei'end- the sa.':le a:::;ainst the law-
fUl clai~s of all persons wnoosoever.
IN .r.I'l'L'EJ3 ,'r.CCOF, the said parti 83 of the ti :rst part i~ave hereu....to set their hands and
sonls the day and year above written.
Signed, seuled ani dulivered in our ~reser.oe:
lIell1e 1~' .Jat,D.
Glad;{s .d. Knight.
IiaJaker. , . , . , , . , , , . . t Seal)
, ... ..":: :. ,~~>j,~f?~it~