HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1788 I t:)M~ , ------------ '---"'''---~____--'--o'''''-___________-_._"'_____ 1- '_.~........-.r.~.'!I"~p..,..,.-.,...,.,..~-..:-.1""'!'~...~"-~_._.'!..,i.~_~...........~,.....__~~~.-......~'";''e~.___.~_.~'~-...._.:.."'_~".~~~"-",~",,,,,,,,,,-,~,,,,,,~,,~,,~,,,,,,,_~,__,_ ~_"l""'!.v_._'_~ ."I.....:_,,...,..~ "'''''':''_~ ~...~'- eightean, towlloll1p thlrty~two (32), sou.th of range thIrty-nine east, as the sume is d'JsIgnated on the last gendral p)la' ot lands of the Indian Rival' Farms Company tiled ~b tile ottioe of the Clerk of the Ci!'ou.it Court. ot St. .woie County. Florida. oor.tain:ng twenty-six al,d 56/100 ao- res, more or le~s, (($12.00) Doo. stamps oanoelled) 3ubJaot, howevor, to lands deade1 to IndIan Ri7er Farma Drainage DIstriot, TOG.:::T!~R -with all the tenements, heredltwnents and appul'ter.ar.cils, with EP/ery :privilege, I right, title, intcr~st and estate, dower and rig~lt of dower, reversion, remair.der ar.d ease :r:er.t thereto beloneing orin anywise ap;ertaining: TO ?.AV~ nl:D ':'0 :!OLD. the snoe in foe simple forever. .tilld the said parties of the fll'st pr.rt <10 oovenant wi th the said party of thi3 secor.d ;}!ll't that they hre lawf,.r:.y seized of the said pNmises; tl1n t tht)".{ aX'e free of all inO'-lT.'lbrUllCe~ m:d that they have good 1'1gh t t.nd lU711\.:.1 c:.l.thoi:1t;, to sell the sar::.e, and thrd, said :.arties cf the first part doth he..'ub:.' mIl:; warrant the title to seld lund, and ';;ill defer.d the sane at"~a- i:;.st tha l:_w,f'ul olai:;,s of all o>,n'SOLS whot::soe'ler. IN ..ITlI~5J .:;tSR3QF I t~1e sbid :p&.rtit:3 of the fir3t ;~3r~ hhye ~.c:;~e141~to set t~;ir !lti:":~3 till'} seb~S the ia~r and :"6U1' above w:'itten. .jit;Le1, seal~d ur.d. d.alivere.l in 0:';'1' 'pr~sonoa: ~:ellie U. 3C10b. F~hr~ ~. ~~the~rcrU,..(~eal) D.)-.gl:19 D. ...~eks. Car~ie ~. a~~~er~orl..(~~~l; ~~~~e cf Flori~a. C(,'.l::~:r ~r jt. ~cia. I :~RZ3Y C:::2TI?:. ~h~t I: t'!:is ~th da:." cf aoO:-u::,"ch. .u.,;J. 1.25. berol'~ r-e re:"gO;aal_;.- a~. ef1:~..~i :1'::n;( J.a-..:.therford and Ga:::'rie O.~'.:.thel'i'ol~, his ~-;iru to::le :mo'.'m to be the r-ersor.s de3cribed in I and \'lho e~"! ')uted the fore..;,r:'~:..; -: ;)~1.V~;, u:c e to John l-eRo;; Hu tihiaon !)l'ope::.'';ie:; ....::cl severally ac;.o:o\~lleleed t'ho e>=eo-..:.tio~ t1-.ereof to be -';::eir f;.'e~ L.C~ {:,nd de9:l f'o:.- the '___S~S OJ::' purp:'s-:::s t::ece- in ~e~tio!..ed; ~n:l tL.e s:1i-:, C::.:....:..io J.a~~he:.":o::""d. the "./i~e of t!1e 3:11:1 :,:..t.r':: ;. :\.-.:...~~-..f3:.::.i:o:.-u crj _ ~eJa~~te [Ld priv&te e~cmir.a~ion t~kcn t:nd cud-:,: bjr ~L:l ':J~~c!:l"c ::e J t:..l::: 3':1)u:~:t.t::::j" arid ~.iH.:.l":' ......,..- .L.......-.i. ;:..er s~.i~ !:~..t..soar:d. J did. aclo~(,...::o:lga tt:..t ~:le =t..'~e l:~rsclr h ';::l:.rt;," to t~le said. Dee:.. cf C::a.ve~:t:.:::ce for t:1e 7.;.r~;oze cf ::'~~l~O~LCil~J relill'l~.lis~~:"l:b u~\l cOl:ve~.ira€ ::.11 he":." risht. 'ti.tle U1G. ilitf;r,~~t, .L~ :;:-.er of dO:iel' or of se~a~fl ~a P-;"u::.ert~., 3tatutol'~. o!'e:r.:..i tt:.blo, ir. H~d to t:,c :'ar,:ls tr..er.Jir. ....ascI"l. oed, b..nd th,a t sat: e)'..ec;..;,":.~d S& ii ~ee:i f:-eelJ" ~~d volw.. taril..- ~L~ .ai t:""i::)l.A,. t W~:,~ ocr:stl':...i:. t>> :e~r, 8p'pl"eher.sion or oompu.lsiGJ]. of (.r fro:n her s::..1i h..sbtnd. : si!;r..&tu~.a f,;.nd official aeG.l at 1ero in th~(;c;t:..rJ.t~.. of ..>t. iI'.J.cie ~r..c. ~tat..; of this th~ 6th ~~ , e< ~ ,0 -0 ~-... d~;;~of A~ril, A.D. i92v, at 9.~C :~;:lli::e ..... ~al)o. ~:ote~';r "'uO~ic ,..ta~.:; of ~'.i.orld:;. at ....arg;}. '...;{ oOlll:.1sS1C-ll eXl':..res ....:.:.;,. '.', 1925. .u;d ~'ear last &fores~id.. - ., A. JiI.. ~Ct.Ct.,.;je,~ J ,--,./ . -e-G-~-G- i.jtijjfj'jiiifi~o-o-o-o-o- - r. C. Zldred '__, Cl:Z'k p~.J::..ft 'Co'..l.rt, 3~.c//0--,-I :'/J.. . D.C. (// (/ A F F I D A V I T. I. R. Fletcher To The .Fu.liJ.io. I ,rATE OF FLORIDA. CoUZ~TY OF .;iZnT J.)JClE~ ?ersonully ap~eared befor~ the ULdersi~.ed an oftloer ot said stat.e d~lj hu.thorlzed to " administer oat-hs. I. R. i"letoool', who' beir'8 tir!Jt d\.i.~ sworn. Q.epos6s and on oath 9ayo that he is one ll_nd the same persorrs Ishman ~{. Elete-her, grant.ee in a oel'tain deed from Milliau ~.l~m!.l and wife to Isham R. Fletcher, dated the 26th day ot ~lt190e, and r~ool~ed on the ~ath day ~~~lii~\~~i~l