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t.JI t. t::J
dn~! of .~ilril,
~...:J~925 .
Thekla J.ld'll'::lan.
l\otal~' ...'ublio ;;itate of Florida at lsal'ge.
MY Co~nission ezplroa Jnn~ary 5. 1928.
C. l';ldred, . ~
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A 10' F I D A. 1f I~ .
.... t!i ~e of 1"lo1'i da
l,;'::~l~ty of 3t.l..~cie
Pel'ilonally 6.1>~eareil befo-re IN the ',:ndersign13d an af'ficel' 01' t~e said ;;ta.te d.~l:! at~+;\-.ori-
zed by Ihw to adoiniste::.' oaths, it.J3e .ffiS, WilO peir.g first b:: rr.e d'J.l:' sworn deposes ar;d cr. oat!'.
st;.::s t~at ho wc;.s ;yel~ 8.cquaili.teJ with >>~~'s. R.::'-\;arter {'.~ grantee iI', f.:.~etld fro:;; Goorce :o'..ir:.:Ll.ison
~r,d his wlf'':J, dated tr-.e 10th d",r of :~;", 190';, and rdcorded the 7th d:':,' of' :,:ara:., 1';;'08. in !>eeJ
ko~: ~, pabe ~58 of ,the i:u.Jlic' :!ecol';1s of 3air,t .i..;.~cie ';o-':"~i.t:!, ~"loridu, and :,:1:3. :~05e ::. ::c,k!:~:il13
~~S srEiLtcr in a deed. ~o .'111ia~ !!......O:.1j), dn.teu. t~..e .:,th d::~r of ;':urch, liJOa, ani recor1li..:'1 t'3e 'ltt
1[~:.- of :~8.l'Cl1, l~Oa t 1~ De~;.l 3o"k 7 t 1Jr.....~d 2, o~ t~~ ~ ~4.o1ic ..~e~or13 cf ;js'ir.t l.\;,010 ~c.:nt:., ~':tt:~id~
....,c.:.... de~:is co::'/e:.'ing the ~ol':'o';;ir-e P~'O;'Cl't::, d03Cl'i :;e:l:
ir..~o s:.' i1 lsl~~:..:! ~ro:: t:l-3 ~l:d.if:..r: ~ivor l.. .oJ c::~~ !..3 ~O..t11 of' :h-3 .'o::."~~ :;"ir;.u of
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3ogi:!'i cr. the ~:~ng'3 ':':.r,e cr, the ..>O~: t~. siG.e ~: t:lO extre~1 t~. of l;. ,:L;rc,. exte:.-::':::g
Jec~icn 1;:;. :'cl\vns~-:.ip ~2 Jo~t:1., ~t:.:-:-~e ~S~ ~:::..st t thenc~ ..;;(. _ th ~lor..:..." s:.:...l Jar;.Ge line
7 chains to tl-.a tlle;e ~:: ~he ...~arsh, t.hence ;'1esterl:- along the ~L.l'ah to another
be;,'r't rmd thence along the i.E.<. tC'L l :';;' ~'c. to!.:....:-, ...L~l.e to the '.to,;tern e., tre::;tlt;{ of
s~ii pc~~t or ~eni~s~l~r thence Zas~e~l~ alo~C t~e ~o~th side of the ri~3t mec~io~~d
be~~o'L.. to the 'peint of bee;ir:~:ir~; cvilta..in~..i.~ _~.[:o .nc.~..e~ ...f ::ig:-l dr~; If:lii ~xcl.~9ivc
of ma~';;;l.
.Da)c,I:er.:t fu:;;t::a~. S,:;{3 tl-..at ~~s. ~-\..~.v...rt~.i. =b.1-rie:i G.~.-:c.J..A.:~~::r:s b~tViedri. t~:; ~~9:'Lrs IS:';'
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L..::" \#or-l.":~ 3sicl.. ..:.X..: 11'.; S .-:\:: ':;. 10 I 1 :". 2~' .
A.D. :';::~5, at lQ.~O o'clcc:: A. U.
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,ial'rr.nt;r D;: <id.
.:ooleghrd ROf;lty Vo~pcr&tloh To C:H~rles .. .rlil:alu;~t al;d wifu.
T;i1,;) ll~DZtiTv~, l:ad~ tn:..9 ZOt:~4 d~~" of' ~rcn, ,n..~. ..l.~~~. 3.i::lrn::;~; f~onluLol~d R:J~lty ."'crI.cr~ t-
ion U cOl'FJr...tiol. eXist1r,g u.ndur the laws of t.?le .)t~te of ~lorida. having j ts ?rlncl;[;.l l)l!.;ce
CI 9uslneu,i; in the \icu.nt;( of ;jt. ..."cia lind O)t&.~e of .r':iorldo., ;al't.y of the fir.5:" .,~~'t. ",m-!,
~:l&.,des .:.M,nehhrt <,nd .;)arlih A~ tUnehart, his wife, of the "c\l.nty of.'';:' ani St:.tt: of.:':~&l'tie5
of th~,...ecol,d ,,,hrt, ..1 TliZ.;)OJ6Ti.l, that the Sald partJ ot the first i1art, for and in oo!.sideration
of the ~m of TKN(ilO.~O & other valuaole o~~8lderati0ns J Doll~r8 to it in hand faid, the
reu1e~t whsl'eof 1s heraby aOlowwledged, has granted. bnl'gairJed, so14. a.aer.e,~. l'~r.l!.sed,
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