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heroby tull~' \'H':l'l'ant. the title to said land and will dufend. too same against the lawful olair.ls
of all ~e~sons wh~~soeve~.
D, G, Brown.
Fra::]: J. :t'J. thsr fON . . . (::leal)
~fITN~:.1J the hand s antI seals of snid flranto~'s the day a.nd ;'ear :L'irst abue writ ten.
~lgned. Sealed tilll Do 11 vul'~d in the rrol:lenca of~
Chas. D~ Tool\j.
.Carrie O. Rut~errord..(So~l)
S1nTE CF ~aIDn
County.of ~t. i~oie
I ;~RwY C::R~'ITY. 'r~u t on this da;l personul1y eI>l'eSNd bofol'~ roo, (i. r. of~'ioer dUl~! a'i.t:-.u-
~'iZdd t.o ndtll~nister c:lths and tak-e nCkncwle:lgements. !o'rank J. Ruthdr:O!'d €.n~ Cur_'ie O.Rutherford.
his wife to me well known und ~nown to me to be the individuals d~scrioed in end \mo eXdc~ted
the rOl'~goiI:b ud<:d. and t'1.6j' ac,:no"Nle1gc.l bdfol'e ~.e that theJ executed tho ~ame rt'.Hllj' and vol-
~ntaril~ for the p~r;oscS th<:rain ex?r~s~~d.
Al:n I i''l.'Rl'lL~l c..:;.~'rrn, That the said Car::,'ie C'..{~th,n':'ord .-11o'''''n to me to Od th~ wi1'e of
the s:.iid Fr[.n,; oJ .~....therf'ord cr. a Sei)ar<:te &nd private ex&r::lnation ta:<en ar.d r.:ada b:i an:! befcl'l:
me, se.iltiratel~' and 8.}b.rt tl'OI;l r.el' said h'.lsband, dId ac~~no...,le..:.ee that sile mUQ.,;::erself u ;;6:.'';;:'
7.0 Solid c.el.:d fOl' th,; ,;1.i.1'.;Jcse of r~r:.G'.;.no::'r.g, reliJ:~ .ishiq; &r.d cO:.'/e::ing a.ll ::-ar right, title
:..:.nd interest, ....i.hether of' dc".-,er, t:r!lcst~ai or of' SC~.['l'llate p~\)pe~'t;"J s~at~tcl.:t cr er..:..:.ta~le, it:
al:~ tc t11e la.r..ds descri~ed the.::cili, m:d t:'la.t s~le execute.l t~j,e st..i~: dee1 f':..~~lZ.. aLd ./ol.~ntaril:,..
i.:.r:d v/itho"t r:.n:, coc:pulsicr., cOI1.3tr:.:.int, ap,:reh'3r;.sicn O~ f-au:' of or fro:;: ::e:' s~id !:~..sband.
::ar.:.l nr.d official s()~l at '[ero :OUl'l.7.:: 01: ~~. ~,~cie ur.d 3k.te of .....101.id,: t:-::.s
~11e 1
the <jth dC'..:t o~ n?r~.
\,;:~as. D. r:'oole.
:~Qtar:.l ,A.-ololic .~tate cf F:iorid~~ at l.nrce
Uy co~~issi~L e .ires A;r~l 20, :~24.
..... -.
1';45 t
\;. "':::.r~{~s
C1err ~ir~~it ~ou~t,
-/' ;..;" /' ;::;/ -~.:;.
./l1rran ty Dead.
c. E. Cob~ an~ wire
J03.~. L~~eos, siLgle.
T~U.i) DZZD, ::&,'1e this 22nd d'::.:r of ~,ov-dmo;;;r, ...J. 192;;'. bj' C.::;,~ooo &.r.d .;'ar:'i(;tte ::.;';000,
::13 wife, of the Co;...nt:: of ...;t.l.~l.cie ....tb.te of Floriuh he:'~ir:af'tar called the grE.r.to:'s to ciOS.
~. }:rebs---a single nan..... of the ;';.ou.::t~r of .jt. .........C16 :..:tate of r"~oritla hereirHAftel~ c~l_e.N..l the
i1IT~,":;':;';:~:-:, That the said grantors in cor.sider:~tiOli of 7en Do:l.lars G.nd other v~l1.i.r-.blc
~o::3ider!.ltions the receipt whereof is :-.ereby &..c:;':ncwle.i.c;~, do E;i va, [;:,.::.,.r.t, bL~.'5l1iL, sel"", alle::
::.'er;.ise, l'ele:.se, enfeof.:', ccr.'1ei and cor.fir::. ialto the said grantees 8.r,~ their ;leirs :;.::~ &.3s1cn3
1:< feo si-".c,le,- t!..e lrcrr1s, sitc:.ate in St. ....\<.cie C;)'.:.nt~:. ;)t.ote 01: 1-'lo1'i-1'" I dEls!:r:~..:... us :'(,110ws;
Lots siy.~~en (16) ~nd seventeen (17 dloc~ thirtean (l~j, ~~gewccd'.Adltio~ to "the CitJ
of Vuro, 71oridu.
(~9.00 ~t~mps c~ncelledl
TO ;!A'!~ .;.liD "i'O m.:.LD the same together wi ~r. the 'It;;''o~i t:.:ments
a~ ~"rt~!~td'~\Je g, t;.Ji to
said grantees :E:.Jld. their heirs and assigns ir. fee 5i:'\;;1e.
~;D the SHid grr.r.tol'S for t:-.e:::selv~s Brod t;-.dir 1oe;'1"8 lege:..l rei'l'.}Set:;tbti-tes, CC'ICl.o...t ':j~th
.1'- i<1 ~l':;.l.";ees t::.eir ilelr8, 166[,1 rcplteser.tatlvt:s G-n..1 e:..SSit;l:S;
T:-.&.t s&:1 !;l"<,;.tc.'s :U'e il.'~i:feu8ibll ;;..xed of Sriid land in .fe'J 5i ;11e; t:..fct s;,id t:r,.r:t,H'S
;1;''16 .full ;'Oi<er "nd :awf;.;.ll.'i~hll to;.co::v.;y 3<.Oid l:;nds ir. fee sL:ple. [,8 af:.riHJl:lid; th;,t it 5:--''-.:'1