HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1801 ~.', c ...,'....'.<1 J~~..\ ._.t-~.:_:,~ . ~.. .:"_'~~:,; '1 ~tt .~'~"'\ . 'I~ll;;f:" :.';; '. I :;::, '" l ,;:. ~". <.!,:.. ,.~;,..., ~~~~~-..~.: ~ it.~ i.-, ~. ~~ . .~~~~.:-f..~: 1-:' G. -. ..... y. :. -.... >'\. r -. r; p, ~-1t-->>? :::jl:~ ~-f}.~~~--:.\.. :- "," , " "'~' t '( 't,: ~-; i: "; cr .:H-o;.., ;- '.~':_~';~.'---- ,; ...:'.,. 7~' .'=" _-:'---..-I.-ft.-~-- __.___.01.~.l'__Q.fl.4!tt11-__ __..__.___o.........__.._______..____.__'__9_~ IT:.9_LA1 M _g.E E Du._.___ 1 TillS INIl"N"UkF~ M~.I~ Ihls 18\1l.,_,... ..____. d.y of....~,. ...,....Jll17-'.........,....-..-...,...,................ ......,..t\. n. 1926.. between -.-..--..-....----...,..B.. st. ..1)eD1.y.., a,. .iD81......~,--..:="-._._.--..-. ...........'.......... _...._.m...... ....__....___.__..._______ "f lhe- \"'lUlII)" 01 . ,.... 8t. . Lu01. '-.... .. .....'..... _. ".._"...1 St~l~ 01 ,..,.._,...nor14.. ............'......'. "'" ___.parl.... 7- of lhe firsl pari, "n.1 _...,__....._..,....... .Ola1r, ..Oa14..11,....,.. _..__.'.__...______.............. ._h._h......_......~,..,....,...._....._.._.____..._.. ............'.. ._...._._,_____._ "I Ih~ l......,I~ of. ..... . 'm St. Luol._~'l "''''.._ ,.....'. ."an.1 SI.I~ 01.. .._...... norl4a ,. .. ,'... "ut ...7. of I~ st<Or.d pul, \\TrNES~F.TIf. Th:ll lhe- ."id PUI ,... 01 II... finl "ut. lor "nd in C(l(Ui<kr"li.lI' 01 Illt' sum of. _'m One ..])o~.-am,..othar~va1uabla._.Qona14fta..U.ona,_..__..__,_....,..,_..._.. __..__..._._.......,....u..___.._......._ ~ ~...." in h~nd paid by I~ ",id p:lr'7...... 01 tl.e st<(lft.1 part. lhe rC\.~il't ",'h~ftOl t. her~by "c1u",....kdg...J, h:l" ... ..u..,.. mniSC't1. r~n'~" and quit.cbimtd, and b). Iht~ prucnl. dc.. ,.. r~mi~, ~Ie:t~ and quit.c1aim WII" lhe said part.. ,7., of lhe- S<<ORd p;>rl "nd ,...her "u ...,.heirs ~nd u-it", fo~"~r. all the ri!':hl. title, illltrNt. cbim and d~nund ....hich lhe said part 7- ,... of Ihe lirsl part Iu . "'I ..... picc~ ..... c.r par<<I-.... of bnd. t",. it: .. .. in and 1<> the 1"lIowing drKribtd ... u,.._I.o~ .22...B1ook.' ,La1ll1WOo4 ..,\44.,3I1Q.,_.16...-'..8.36 ,B._B. .'0 " -....... -_.'.- .....-...- --._-_._..__._._--------_..._-----~ --.-.--.-".--.. ---".-.---_. -.--..-----...-....--..--.--.------.---- ---- --------- _.....--- h'__ - .-+---..----.,- -_..- _ .-.-- --------"1.------_ __-_____._.._..._._. ...__..___....__.._..... ...........n..__....._..____.__..___..__._..._...__...._______"'__"__ ..- ~'-'-'- ..-..-----.....---.-.-. -.-----_.__.__._.____.__..___.__.___.. ____ __. ._....__.._.._.._u_... ..._.._ ._......_. ...__..___._.___._..._.___..___....__.__..._____.______ ..--.-- -.-'-_'.--'_ ..--...--...----.- -..-...----.----...--__ _.____.____h__._.~_____.__ .___.__.._..__.. ...__....___.. .......__h. __.._____..._.._______._____.________._____ _..._--------_._.-.-_..--_._._--_..._-.~._---_..---.._---.------------- ______.__._._...__h__.______ .__._________________.._____..__._...__..._.___.____._____.._..___.____.__._._.._.___.__._____._.____________._ " '1 -.--.-.-.-..---.-.--.- . ----- -.---.--------------------.--.----...----.--.- -----.--- .---.---.---.--.-.-.....-.--.-..-..-.-...---.--.- ---.-------- .-.. ----.-------.- _..__..u____._ -.-------..------.-.-___________________ _...._____..__.__...__...__..._.___._.._____....._._.._._._ ___d_. '_u__.___u.___.__.___._ ------...--.-. ..-....- ._-- .....-.- ----..-.---..-.-.--.--.--------------.---------------.--.---.--.-.-..-----..--.--.-.--.-------..------.-.-.--..----.-.---- --...- -.-. .-.-----.--.---.---.---.-----------.------.-.. -.------.-.-.--------~--.-.___..__. -__....__._....... ____._____._.________.___u__~_.___.__ .__._._......._.._n..__...._. ._-.. .-u------..--___.__.___.._..._._____.__...._..___...n_u .._ n....._..___...____._...__........._.... ._..__.' .__.__... ._____._.___...._..___._...__.__ .. .-.- _'h_. _u.._ ..- ... -..---......-.-....-__.___.__..___._.___._.._____ ___.____.___...____. _n________.. _ n_._.....___._..._._____.____._..____._ TO 11.\\'1:: AXI) TO \lOl.ll, Ih~ saOW'. l~dMr ..ilh "U "nJ singular !lit' aJ>l.urt<<""nr.", ,hurunl., 1....."'!:i.>;I: <or in an~,,'i.~ "1'1>eruining. "nJ "U tl... "'1~lr. ,ighl. litl~. i"l~rt'l and cbim "I"'t"~\'~r nf II... ."id p"rt 7.-,.. e.f the fint ,,,n. rilMr in bw t\C "luil~'. I.. tM onl)' proptr ?.... kn~fit ..nd l.-hot.f 01 I...., ...id part ,...~. oi tM 5<<00,1 pul. .....,..----hR.__,..__, ,h" h.. .... ..... .... ,_h, lKin and a.tsignJ Cort'\"'f'r. ;. :. IS WITNESS WIIHRF.OF, II...' said pari 7., of th~ fiuI pUI ".a, . ........ Mrrlln'" ~I..., hie .., anfl lrar fint at..".C' written. Si!:oro. snJ....1 amI ,dtlinr~ in pr=nc~ 01: , .. ........ '.. lund .. .. '''"d ""I _', I/l(' day -..--...B... B.. Luh.--.--___...:...,____ _._...__ ,~ J(~@~1 Jl()'~'.....__..______.__.____ ............' W... B. ,st. . Den1a"'__"""_'___'_'_~"'_'h_'_(SUI..) ... -.........,... ',.....-.._....._....._..,.. .....,_...(S~"q ~TATF. OF _.__..nlU'14a__,___,__,.._. I County of.._,... _......__.8:l.,. Lua 11 -'----...-----...-.-0--- I IfF:RI::BY CERTfFY. Tml on IhK .by ptr50lUUy "ppnrrd kl"r~ mr. "n ..If",.. .Iul~' 3..'b....;"... 10 ".lmini\l~r .",tl" "mIl..\:., "d:no.....,gt1l('flI.. ...0--.' ,.. W. . B. ,. st. ..DenI8., a..,81ngJ.....maD..-____.___,_,... .............,....,.' _..,.._.. .._..__,___....:,..,______.___ to ..... ....dl kun....n 10 t.. Ihr ,>ene"', ..: ;cril..-d in "nd .. ,,", utc..l~ the lorC1t..in~ in,lr,,1Jl('n1 ",1<1,. "h. ' .... _,., arkno..l~d"N kfort Ill(' tml ...hl .. o. utcultoi It... samr fr<<fy "nd ..olunl"ril)" lor 1M PUrpo>SN Ih~rtin nprr.~. Aloill I fUKTIlf.K CF:RTIJ."'.', Tlul the $.:lid, ~ \:nO\.n 10 me to k t1,~ ....il~ of tb~ sa~J...__..__.,__,..,_____,___,__,__...._..._.__.._.._......_,_......,_._____,_,_.._._..,.__... on a "1"'ral~ an,1 pris'ate u"mnut:on. I,,\;en and 'm;ad" by :and htfor~ me. s'1Clr;atrl}' "nd ap3rt Ir..... h.. ~id hust.:ond. did adm<l..ltdge llut she "ncul~ Ih't f"r<!l"in~ llttd fo< tI... purl>'>5~ 01 relinquishing. "lknaling and connying "n I... rilthl. tit!~ "nd int....." wheth~r ..f dow... bomr$ltad or of Rp"rale J>ro~rt)'. "..Iulor)' or C'tluit~bl~. in ..nd III tb~ lands d~scribcd tMTtin, an.1 tlul sh~ utculrd said l>n-d Ir<'tl~' ar~1 solunluily and .ithout any wm- pul,ion. conslr"inl. apJ>Tth~n_k, fir f~"r of ',r irom Iou ",id husband. Ihi.., '.' .18~Ja. (~..t.) seal. al._',t....1'1,'-r,o..":-'__..Counl)' of ....,.a:l.Luo1. ,_.,..,... "_,,nd St~l~ flf.....nor,14s...._ 1117--.:..-.:.....-.... D. 19_.26 ) ...__.__....___..1'. ,-81di4Mlaul""COUn ..' ......' _....=~..ll. . B. ,LuQ "::': D~~.:C!--==,._-::-.-:-::.--:-o~-=- STATE 01' FI.ORIDA, Couuly of SL Lucie. } Sf-; IT RUfF.:'WF.Rl-:O. Th:ll on Ihio...___18...._, o..:k '\3~ i;' M. ,._day oL..........Jul7 ___._. A. D. 19_.a~ --,-..,..-:-.-Clr,rk of I"" Circuit Courl in and for said County, ha\~ duly t<rordtd lorrg,,;ng ~il.Cbim IJttd in tb~ P..blic Records 01 uid CounIY. IN' WITS ~S WIHmF.OF, '\"av" herrunlo 5d my h:lnd and the onl 01 said Court the day and )"tar abo..~ ..rillm. (o,.o:;.se ~ .., er'\\\ed _.._..._..1'__<h. ,B1.k!I.'_____"h_ Cler" Orcait Cout~) d~ . 11' ~eC')1" BY,_..J....~. ,~_.._Drputy Clerk. i I j:;- . :,:.'o~'.~,~-'~~~~\tif~