HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1804 t I t. t. r r:. I: I: 4 ---,~~...a~-Rll8lt~..C4.-.u...--.-- -___L..'.JI......KlLr1'a)'.__..__.________ .. .,.._........q.ld.!T::,.CLAI,M _P,~EJ? ...,.-.. .'...'--.l TillS INfH'XrlIRR. Mad~ \hi......_ _ _.7~....._...__.... .......__._..__Aby nL....... .,... J11l7 ....__.........__..:...._......__.._......A. f>. 1926,.~ t..lwten ' --'---'--"--.' ll'ut..B.._lQ-landand. Oarda.. O....Jql.t.nd,.,hl.....1fe,.. ..__~.._....__._ ....___.._______..._..____'.._ \\'ITNE~~F.TH. Thai lho.- ...id parlllSn( II... linl p~". (oc and in CODtitknlion or tN- .um ..r... .....,.. ...,....."................. ,'. ......_,.....4...,....,..... I or lho.- C.......I). 01.,...., _''',,, ....___...., ......,..__.. ..........,...... . _, .......ar.d !'Ial~ or. _..... .... ...... ....... ..... ............. .... ..... .._,........_...parl .1....( I~ lirst put. and '__''''__'_ ___"'__'.._ L.. M. .. KurrQ.....__ _...._...___.._.__.........._.............._._..............._ .... ... 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Isti.. and auitllU Ic>rt'"" all lbe rij{hl. titl~. inltrn!. cbim and clnnand which the uid P1rt.lea of I~ msl P1rt ha. Y.,.__.. in and 10 Ih~ (olio...;,.!!: d~ribtd JoI,..~ pitt........ or p1rcel..__. 01 bnd. I.....il: ---------..---*- ..---.....-.---.--.---..---------------------.---------------------------- .___.__.____.____hO.__._.__.__....... -__ __..u....__n._.__.____ ____________. ____.____._____.._________.._.n__._O ._.....__.n_._. _ ..___.____h..____.._______._____._.._~_____ _..____. _. ~ ~ TO If.-\ \'E AXI> TO 1101.\1. IN- sa...... "~Ihtr ..ilh ..11 and lin,:ular tI... ..ppurt..nanc~ thunml.. btJoo,:irlJ{ or in an)...ilt' a......rlain;"j(. ..lid ..II tht ,,'I..t... rilfht. Iii"', iul....t.1 aud cbirn ...hal>Ot'... "f lilt ...id part 10a..1 lhe lirsl part. c-ilN-r in la.. lOr tqail)'. 10 tilt (01)' prOl'<'r us~. lomdil and I",honl 01 l:.c ...id p:lrt. ,7... of the O<<OI1d p1rl, _....... h18..__' ....__.._.__,_...., ,_...,_,...........hti.. :lnd u,~ roctnr, )1 ,I ,.~' oil 'X WITXF.SS WHEREOF. Iht Qid pari 188 or Ih~ linl I"'rt h:a ...Ya.... hertunlo ~I,......'th81r ___,_.__.__....nd...8 and st..18, lho.- d~y ..nd )...ar liul ..bo"t ,..iutn. ~igntd. sul<d ..rod dtli,'utd in prNftlCt of: ": ---I.ulu..B..-.Jon.. _ A..I..._GaGbl~l l ) .-----.-h'ank. .ll. .14'1.>>4--- ,O~rl.0. J!11~m.. .... n' (!'tat) .. (!'t..1.) STATF. OF ___nor14a. 1 C-Ounl)' ol_______PalJa..Beaoh - --"-'__. _ ' t . HEIlERY CF.RTlF\'. Thai on Ihis ....y ....r<Oll311y apptartd btlore 1M. an oI6ct! duly ..utoonltd I.. admini\l... ....h. 2nd bkr ..ckno..kdl'tmtnl'. " . ~j l :\ '1 ;1 .1 j .___._l!'~!'~. J~._~l~j..@.o., ~J;ln'~t...O,~J.yl.'-DA_____..'_..__n.._.__.. 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(il'" ..nd inlursl. ..htthtr ..I do..",. ho_'lrad or or ..-paratt I.roptr!y, ...tutory or tquitabk, in and 10 \h~ bnds tksuibtd therrin, and thot .he uecuttd ...id Ottd Irmy ..nd ...,lU!1IUily and ..ilhout ..n1 Cor:!' ,.ulsion, constr..inl. ..pptthtmion or fur of or Irom htr said husband.. ___.~ .....1. ..1__ WeB~ Palm ~.8e~I)' oL..PalmBeach .......... _""" Slalr nL..,norl4a ..:,...n_n.., .....y Of_-T~7_._-._--^, D. 19_~ (J..C).8aal' ....J.;>o,..w.ctd htlnrr lilt i ~ t i t i ! J , Of (&oal.) Lula B. Jon.. :~:rl~n:I~:t~ ~:tt}!..lr.-gt~~"..-.-------- . ,..,._.._... ....1> '..'...n....'n~... I _,.. ,..," '..~"."" ....,..'.., ,........~' :7 .j oj ST.-\TE OF F'.ORIDA, Cotmly 01 SI. I.ucie. } o...t- .,.: , , e .v. . ...!by oL.-.....Jul7....-----.---_......A. D. }9,,2ij I ;! HE IT RE1IEMBERF.D. Thol 00 Ihis_.____.,,26 i ! i ;i I, !.-.O.....Il.4re4 ___...._'..nn.____,Ckrlc of IlIt- CilC1lil Coorl in and ror said C.,.....11. ....'.e duly rt'Corckd I r;;:~~.Cbim o.....t in IN- Public RtroI'd. of said ~y. ,IN WITNF. S WIIF.RF.Oj' I .Ut htrnmlo set m1 h:and and I~ tal of laid l'oort IN- da1 and yrar afooy.. writlm. (0'..0\.3. ) , ~~\ec:\ ' _...._.._~._.a. ...8l4rIl...,_...- Cl6k-ci,;~il-l~.~~..l) (\ ,-!e," (l_~ _n. 1"""__ '\lecot B,...~ .tf.~..._.~,C1nI<. ., i il I H ? --~~~ ..