HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1809 lI. S._llOL3lfD01I...JJUl-WlJJ: TO lOR! PUROR 'ARUS DR!ItlAGB >>13'. 9 .._.......__.__...__._____.___..9l!!T~,GLAIM ,DEEO 1 711I5 INOF.l\TVRF.. lfad~ Ihi...----.-..~..__.:.._....._.----day oL....tulr.88th --.....-..__..__.........,..A. O. 1926.., b:lwcm ---....-,x.,...S..llOIAlndon..,m4... 14a-Jl.....lloI.eA4on------__________.__.._..__.. (If Iht- CnUnl)' of . ,st. ,John. ...-. .... ...,..,.._......._..a...l Slal~ ..f'.. Plor14...... . ..d.....d......._..,_..._...... put i.. of Ihr fiuI 1':"1. and _...__..._.....'or~.. Pi.ro. 'arma Dralnag....Dl.triot ..,.....'.........,........ _...._.__.._ _..,..........,..... ,_....._._ ...... ......_......... ...... ,d"" .,f It. l\...nly of . S'. Lual. d'" ,.., .. .,..,.. '_' . '''n. and Sial.. of, n..._ ..'...' n '..,.., nor14a. '............ .., ...,. pari.., , of Ih.. ..-conti ~n. WITNt:SSF.TII. Thai IIw- ~id loarl .1 ea'f IIw- finl pan. for and in ......;.I..nl;'lR ..f IIw- lum ..f __________..OP.I..Pollar.. .---------.----.-...- ---.---..-,...--....... _,_,....,......."ftnllll~ in hand ~~J by Ihr said part 7--- ..f lhe -.J part,. lhe rtt~ipl whereof i. ....rtby ""tmo.W<<rd. ha _. .,............ nmi'C"tl. ...Irased anti quil.daimtd. and by Ihu~ p""..nl. J(L, .. '.... r..mi... r"'tas.. and quil-claim unlo lhe said part...-7..- of lhe: J<<OIId pari and __ 1 ta,...... ..... . '..'.... .._......hei.. and auigns fort"ff, ali 1!It nghl. lill... inltrtsl. cbim and dtRWld .hich 1!It said partieS (.f lhe first part ha . ved"_' in and I.. Ih.. follo.ing ducn"btd - , i I i IoL~ pi,~..._- or parc~L... of land.--* eUuate, lying and be1D8 in the County of st;. Luole, 8tate .~:t..~~!'!_~~n_~.2.~~1 ~.L .__..._____,_......._.._,... ""'_" .._._....,... .__..___.'..h.._ .......... ..__.._J!!).!:.t~... J!~__~~8..!_QI..~Q.~~!lJ,9.!Lf~t.~,.... e~9.,.p.~Jr:,-,~~ 11.. t..,~... Qt.Soqihwllt..i.o f..__,..................... _..___....m.~.~Jl~'~~..i. ()1. s.'QUQ,~. ~6.~d_fQWMll.lp__~...30J\'h.. ..Bans'. 39..38ISt.._.._.___...._.._,........,_...._...., _--0_.--_'''_-_'_- _..u__,__,_ ---_.. ,.- '-'-"-. _._..._____.__.._____u._______.___________________...______._..__.._..__...__..._n.___.+___..>...._.. ._. ._._._'....____....._....... 'n" ._._-- ....__...__..__....h____._._.____.._.___.._._._._...___.'__________.._________.. __....__ _ _no.__-...________._..._.__.____.____u.__..__.____o____._ " ! . I I I , I ! ----.---------...,----.------------.---------~---------___.-----------0-____- ____._...__h._.__....__....__ ... ___.___~..____._h.____._._.__________._.._____.__.. ___.____._......_.. .n...... _ TO II" VI-: AXI> TO IIOI.Il. ..... "'lilt. ..'I(<1""r ..ilh all "nd sinllubr .ht "I'I'Ufk..........,.. Ih~rnll1... ht.....Il:~ or in ..n)"Wi... al'l'fflaini..~. and all I"" <-<Ia'". riKhl. lidt. inl..r~1 and cbim ...ha'.onu ..I Ih~ >aid pani_, 01 .ht fi<<1 rart. n.h..r in Ia.... or ",.uit,.. I.. Ill<- <'Ill)' rr"l'tr ",.. I.......lil and I j l...boni ..f Iht >aid pa..o-t_.'1... of .ht _.I part, ---_____,.1ta.__..~_n_'__.'...,...~._.._ "H.,hti~ ","I a"i):", f......,.... IX \\TfXF.SS "'" "U 1-:01'. .h.. .."lid l.arl.1.".,f th.. finl pari (g.T. ..h... !ltrn"'ln "'1. ..1ih.1r. h'.'_ .. -., haM ... and _I ... Ill<- day and )'..ar firs I al""',, "'rill<ll_ SiKnW. ....kd alld d..linrtd in pr.....nc.. of: _,Ill ,..Lt. JUntt_ Ktn1U, L._W.o~:t.,.. <--I -" H.,S" MoLondon ._..,___.___,.______"_, (SuI.) n.. Iela. B. KoLendon.............._h,...,....... ,., ,,_.(Stal.) STATE OF -:--no&-,l4a,-,--,-...--. Coun.)' of.._.._,st....J~,___,_ I HEUERY ("ERTlF\'. Tha. on Ihu day ptuonally apptartd brfor.. nor, an nfficrr dnl)' aulhori7~d ". admini<t..r oalh< and hk.. ""kn",..ItdltrMnl<. ..__l{L.lt..Jl9~~j,QJl..Im~hl~,BLKQL..Qndon 10 mt ,,'~II kn01m .n I... Iht ptr....B d.-<eribttl in and ..ho ~"tolltd tlot forrxoin<< i",In"n~1 and..,., ..,.. 1ihe,}r lhal ....._,:t)l~.7........_.,_.._.. ,utol'td I"" >alllt fr~I)' and ,'oluntarily for the I"'.Jfpows .htrtin ul..t'.....l a..knn.l~dll:..I hefnr.. mt ..UW I FURTHER CERTIFY. Tha. the said..---14-B.... J(oI.8JldOA-..--,...--.-..--.,....-,-......---,-..,..,.~-.--,-..__..-._..___ known In me '0 1... Ih.. ...if.. (.j .h.. said,..__h~~~LIIO~~~~_I!~_____...._.._., .'__n......__,__..._.._n_........_.._____,...,..__. on a "paralt and prinl" ..uminalion, laun and mad~ by and brlorc me, s~laarard)' an.I'aparl from htr ....i.1 hu.faa...', did ackno,,'I..dgt lhat ,he ""tolltd lhe fortlloinR Ilttd for lhe ....rpt.... of relinquishing. 'tIimaling an..! cnn"~);ntt all h.... ri"h.. lilk and int..r"'l. .h.......r ..f do"',.... homt<l.."d or 01 <tp::oral.. propt.'~. s.alutol)' or cquitablt. in and 101M land. tk<crihtd I~tin. anti .hat sh.. u........ttd >aid Dttd frttl)' and mhm.uiiy and -.ilhoul any com, pulsion, lX'Os!raint. apprthtn.ion (>r ftar of or from hrr said husband. aL.3.1......J.Dallat1na._CoUlllY oL__S.'...~.John. _.....,._.._.and Sial.. ..(....non4a,-.....,..,.. ____,__A. D. 19_2D '1 -1I0.t8ijHPURf:.~Y~=::10nexP1r.8 -'Jun. 3D ,1929 STAn: 01' Ff.ORID..... County of SL l.tlCie.. } ~ ~. 01 PM. ..cuyoL_,.IDl7__._.._...____.A. D.19..2.ij f, BF. IT RElfI-:},fDERED. That on Ihis.__..2i_ P. C. Bldre4 _.____,..Cluk ..f lhe' Circuit Court in and.f.... said C....nl).. i i ! J' .' ! ~i I ;p han' duly rn-ordtd 'r~g Quil,Claim (~ in the Public R<<wds (of said Counly. IS WI TN ~.:) WHEREO~\ I ha.... ~nlo ~ my hand aoo lhe suI of said ("ourl IItf cUy and ~ar ahon ..,ilt",- \ at.at.s., c.\"b . ,,"\'-' ~(>540; " O'{o. ~Cp _..' __.._..,_lLC t.ll~'o. ..__. .., ...._..,_,....__.._.._.($n1.) Cktk Circuil ('our!. 8y H' ~ "..,:J~ "...,.,.Otputy Ckrlt. " , ~;~~~i~?~~i. ,: ~';'~.:>.}::'~~ii~t\j~