HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1813 .--1' ---- -~~I~;';~~::~'~~;t~" M~d~ ~hiL__._~'h .-.----~~--=--=: Of...._~:.-~:...~ ~._=~.:..~~:......~.._....---...-.:~~..:~:. '~. I~ 2~.~1-~:W~: -.._'~,... i .1 . ) .1, , j i ! l" I I I ~ . ! I. L . . , ... . : ~ .' ~ " I . , \ -.... \ . i :1 :--fe_L-OB1Y_J.U1Lml._.. "0 J19m.~,J..~Q~_,'l.ma~tP.M.Y'~J~.!..~!.S1'~. ..Q~I,T-GL,AII~t 13 -:-0 '----.. DI!:_e:E?__. ______ .... If a...II._ GrQ_.and... w1f....,Y..4&_},(L""Orq~________..__.___._______._____._...._.._.._.____ ___.....___ of I~ C_b- nf. ..-.. Do.val..,... 'T" -'--,. .-.......,..-... ..,__. _.a..d ~tatt of ._....... .-Jl10r14. _................_..___......... -..part 1 ea of l~ first ~rt. aDd ______...Iori..p1eroQ,..Jlaxma.Dra1nage ...D1e.trio. i____.___ _._,_ ._..___.__......_ _ ....._. ..__ ...__......._..._.___.__......_ .._.._._ ...__..__._ ,,11M (',,''''1)' of ..,.. ...St. ..Luo1......__....... '.. .,...-,.___..,...._.. and ~Iale of,. ....,. '101'14& _....,....................._,..... ..." ... parI..-7,... ..f 1M <<<on.1 pari. \\'ITNI\~:;J(TII. ThaI llot t.>id ~rll'I, or IIot f.1,>1 ~rt, for and in ..."'<iJ..."Ii.... ..I llot '.'1' or.. ..... ...... ............. '.. .... ..._ ..........,..,_.._..._... ..... ___,OM...Dollal" .--------------..--.... ----- ,-..---.-.-..---JIJIIlJI. in hand paid by the said part 7,...- of tM .tCOOd part, tbe Ruipt wMreof is heroby acknow~1. ha. ....._.._....._ r.mised. r.lt:....d and quil.cbi....... and b)' Iht~ pr....,lS do',....,. r.mi"t, r.I...,. an" quit.dain. Wtto tbe said part. 7.- of lhe second part and ,....__.1 i....._.... '...... ...._._ ._..Iotirs &nd assitln. r.')ft"tt', all llot rilebl_ tillf', int.~.I, cbim and demand abich tbe oaid rartl.. l'r Ibe firsl part ha ,.ye .._... in and to> Ihe lollowinll df'OCrit.... 101.._'1 pi<<t,.__ or I",..:tl.-- nf hnd. .......... .1 'uat.. lying and beiDA in the Oounty ot st. Luo1e. state . 9. ~...~~.()I1,."" ~,_..,....,.~__ ___..._'___.____..._._.__~____.__.___..__,____ _..,..._..__,.. .... '..' ____..h........_.. ...._...._~....__,_~. ,__'............. _.__.__._.....J,"'.~.. ~O. _t'.d..~t... ~.~.~..~!L.1.!.~_~.....Q1..J:~.r.~~,i..9t._~l!~)1.~~~ .1_9 1. ~l:l~);1!,!Q~_.i._....._. 'h.."'_ _____.._.._ ...(),t.SttQ t19,I.1, . ?~ L ~9:tm~!P,_.~.....!Q~~).__~.8,_~?...3.~,t,.- ..._.__..__.__. ______.__.__ _ _....,...... ..._..._ TO "A \-1-: A~O TO 1101.1). II... "'_. ",!:~IMr ...ilh all and sin!:Ubr IIot appurl~N.'l<<'S lh~....ant.. M",ft!:i"ll or in an~,..i"t appttI3inir.!l. and all I~ ~iat~, right. lilk, inlL.>t ;1IIId cbim ...hal~.tr e.r 1M Said (>art 1... oi llor Ii..l (>art. f'itMr in law or "Iuit~.. to 1M ....I). I'r"l'f'r u.... btn~fil and I>thoor or IIot uid ""rl '7_... or II.., stCOIld part, _...~ J.l~. .__...._._____ _____u____.. .."its allll a.'~n' f'''''t\''tr. IS \\'ITSE:;S WHEREOF, Ibe .:lid parI 108 or 1M f,ul (>art ha ..Y...,_.. MeNnlo '.I..._1iheir._.. _...._.. hand!, ,. and "tal 8, 1M .Iay and )'tar firsl abon .....rilt"'- Sig.....t ...akd and d.li..r~.1 in presence of: __" J a..D.llcwroe n.. _ :Q., ,:t>>lok.U \ ( ~ _...____!L._w.,.Gray,_____.__.{~al.) Hre .VOg 1I....GraJ, ..... .._. ..._ ......__(Snl.) , I i ~ ::::E o~~-==~;:;~_...__,-' J I H..:RE8Y CERTIFY. 'That on Ibi. day personally appeared beiore ...... an oln<<r dul)' aUlhori"d In a.lmioti-kr cutb- :oDd lakf' acknowledJ(mml<, .....__.... ~,..J{,__~n.l'.. ~!l~...lf~..,Y'_k..M,..._lqll7 ____n__._.._...__..______.__._u._____...___.____.~---..__~__... In .... adl known h. I>t IIot 1....,"11 .k...ribcd in and ..ho utcUled 1M roorg,>in<< imUumml a...I..."". 414 '. lhal ., . __~...._~l:ln,__.... _M. f':<t'CUIl't1 IIot ...me lr<<1)- ~nd voluntarily ror II.., JlUrposn Ilotrrin Ul'r........., acknn..krl~..1 kr",. mt' "SD I FURTHER ('ERill'\'. That tile ...id___,.._J,e.d&..ll._Gray.___...._,__....__,__.__._______..__=. known to lilt' 10 be the wire of tlot ..id.....---'f........,...Gr81-.______._..__...._......__....__._...,_,..,..____._...____..____ 011 a 'WP:onlc and pri..-ale examinalion, lak~n and madf' by and berore _. .~pan.ld)' and aparl rrom Mr sai'; husband. d;'] a(kno..Ic~ lhal oM ~:<tn1ted 1M rorfl!(>i~1I ~ lor IIot pO~ or rdinquisbing. ~Iidlating and connying all bn right. lilk and inlertsl. ..holMr or do...er. hom"l~ad or of stparale properly, .Ulutory r>r equitohk, in and It) Ihe bnd. doscribtd lberein. and lhal ,bf' f'~"UI~, said Ottd Irrely and ,'o>luntaril)' _nd ...itb....1 any IO.om- pul.ion, con'lrainl, apprebmsion or fnr or or from Mr ...id husband. ~ I I I I I WITNESS my ha.... and o8icW IhlLlho..30th...._ ( Seal.) sea'" at...JQvjh, JaOk80nV!6;J..ty oL___,Jm.Ya1._..__......__......nd Stalf' of.. nor14&. .............. .Tul.7,__.--A- D.19,2j) Io18r1' ~'fo~a$.y:tio.~ f "n'O%' laa~8X.Larg'.--.... .Jlyo~mw.0810D...~xplr.." JlUlo29...1? 26 ._"'__,..........._ STATE OF fl.ORID.-\, / ~l County of Sl Ll"'ie. """"'.;1..'- ,....~. ____day of .... _..._..__. ...,_..:...__._____----^_ n. 19 2~ ~F. IT REJJ:FMBERED, Tbt on !hi- . a I. _--'~o..._l...dUt_, 1 , .. _~. _____..C1ork 01 tlot Circuil ('O<IrI in ~nd fee said County. ha,'f' duly rrcordtd 1M lor il-Cbim IJotd :~ tlot Public RtCOI'dJ of laid Counly. IN \\'ITNF.SS tEREOF, ['\an Mrnmtt> se! IUY hand and lhe seal ,.f ...id COIIrt lbe d~y and ynr abon arittta. , \ CCi.C\.s.J.') J --~ .___P...c ...B~clr.a ____,_..____._..._._,_{~al.) Ckrk Cir"'~ ('ourl_ B)"n.'~' J~ old V~f,h~\o\ ReCO~ Ocputy Ckr1c. :;;~i!~ ~f~~~:~~~;:~?~~~~~ir;:~~~.~~i.= ~t~i;~ --.... .... -'~".-" .-__. !...~ ~~.:.J_~..~~.~t.!~~..... t~.. . ;1.~~~~;"~~l;:ilt;1~J.~~~~f}lf;.:~,::~t~~~!.: :~, ,'.'. ,"~~ <,_..,~. ""-"i'~~ .-.+~.f..',l'~-"~-., _~ :~~,;..~~~i{~~~?i~.~:.~~h~~ ::i..{~~~fi.?~~;:~~.!~~ ~~~" d':.:'.. :~,.~.:...~~ :&~i~ii1~