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~._ 'QJ~~t.l!lS~Q,__..rAiJ!lJl..IRAII.AQLDls'RIO'r
.. r-.--'..-..~III~ INflF.STCRJ.:, ,lJatle Ihis. ....._.. Mth...__._____----<L.y oL-......J1l1w.~--.._.__..._.._..._..____._.___^. D. 19B&.-. bd...com
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I ..r Ih~ C'_I) ..,. . ..._ ....8', . lIu,o 1... ...., ....._..........._.._,_......1 Slalt of _'..... ..., norl4a ,._... ...._._ ........_........_.parll.a 0' tI~ firsl pari. and
_.____...__.,... '<>l".,P1.9I'Q, ,.raml. PralDa&".J~1.tr.1Q.'___....._.__.____ _.._.._._._.___._...,...______..________._
"I lNo ('..",.If ..I .. ..... S,', Lu.oi.., ,.,. _ ... .. '..... _......"'1 Slat~ ", .....,.._.... no~ 4............ ...... ... .. ...,.....I'3.L-7.- of the second 1'''1,
\\'ITNf.~~F.TII, Thai 1M uid Jo;lrl1.. of lilt- /inl part. 'or anti in roo.iokrat;..." 0' tilt- SII'" ..1..,. . ......_..,...'..._ '... __,_...........
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I-lt.._.~ pitc~,~__ or (>arc~J_. 0' bnd,"1....: 8ituat., lying anA beine. in the County ot st. Luo1., state' ot
PlQ:rl _,,_.1iO_..1'1__.__.________,_____.___.,___._._.,__,..___.__._.___.____._.._
..- ~u'h ..8~..'.~-BoI"$h .8.tee'.,~-.XOr_th..8'..t 01 8Outh"8~.t o:f..-8eoUon..1.6-,----
. .... !oWD8h1p 84 Sou\h,. Bana.ae- ...t.-..----.... __"_,___"__,,,,,._ ,..,"_~_u~"____-'-- __..________
in han.1 l'3id b)' lhe saiol (>ar17 n'" 0' lhe S<<Or!.1 part, !he rtcdpt whereo' is hKd>)' ulrno..-lcdgtd. ha... ......._... nmiKtI. r~k-&wd and qllit-cbimtd.
alltl by liltS(' prcS('lIts d"_._..,. Itmi~, nl~a'~ all<l qllit.c1aim unt,l the said part. 1.~ ,,' the S<<OIId part and.._.._.1 ~B 'U.._......,.... ......,___..he;" and
assigns 'nre~cr, all the right. tillt, intclC'l. (bim anti dcnund .hie" the said part 1'8 0' Ihe firsl part ha.Te "'_" in and 10> lhe 'oIlowing dHCribc<J
~'---'---'---' ..-._---..._-.-. .--.-.---.-----.---------------------..---------------.-------.-------------------
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.--_ _.u.._..._.... _.. ...... ....__._._ .__....___.____..___.__._..h _.__n._._._______._._.__.___.____...__.__..
TO 1I,\\'E AXU TO 1I0t\). lhe ,.....Y. Ioge-ther ..-ilh all and sing1:!ar "'" apl'"rl....a...... Ih~rt'tllll.' I~.....!:ing or ill an)...i.., appertaining. and all
,hc t><lah'. ri~hl. I ill... inln..<' and .-bi", ..hal..-e....r or Ih.. said p:ull88. 0' the iiI<' loall. ..itbrr in b... or "}IIit,.. I.. thc ..nl}' proper n.... I~ndil anti
" 1
I,,"Mo' or ,Ilt- ",i,1 l':ut7....... ..f lhe !'<<ootl part, ....-__l'ta_._..___........_...._......._,.___. _.. .. ..___, h,.i,. and a..~s r"renr.
IN \\"IT~ESS WIIERF.OI', the ",itl part. 18.0' tb., first J>:ut Ju Te ,,_,_ Mrellnl<> sel..... theIr... _.....,_._. hand ., and S('al . , lhe day
anll }'C'ar first atwnc ..rittC1t.
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....____....~88.:r.~~ ~~ ~Qg'_.I'. _______._.____
.--,.....-...--... ". L. RMWqi~a ____,__(Snl.)
" ... ......'...... ..S~4JlQ r He~....___._._.___:__,_. (Scal.)
STATE OF __._.._._.lor14a_________._ }
C......t). ..r ....h..___._____.S'..,1~uoJ.., --..__.~,_ __'__.._ J
I lIF.kEIlY CF.RTrF\'. That on Ihi. d.t). pcrwtlall.v appcarc.J ""'ore n",. an CJfIi.:rr dul)' 3uI"',",,,1 10 a,Imini<ln nalh. an.1 tak.; 3d:no.kdgment<.
....._.."-,,..... ,llomm1ngB_u4 874.0.Qr.He.DD1ng...-h..1a..w1:te.,.___,...._ "__'-_~_'_'
I" me .....11 lnown to I.., t..... per;nn II okocnl,..,1 in and ...ho U<<lItc.J I..... r"r<'guin!!: in<lrumml an.I...... they ", _,., ___.__,_ '.__ ,arknow1cdgctl be-rOrt me
II...t ,.. ......' tha7 .:---.. ,...-- .tx<<utctl lhe .amc 'rtdy and ~oIunlarily for the pnrposes II"'<tin ul'r~s..,d.
"Sf) I FURTIIER CERTII'\', That lhe .aid___
~4n.ar_ .1J>llDIfti ng.___.._.~_,___.__
known to I~ 10 be- Ih~ ...if~ ,,' lhe ...id.,.._..,_..,... ,..L...,BAllDlli 1"18&. ..____._______.._,
.... a sc;>anle and I'<iyatc eumi....t:"", lalrn and made b)' anti ""'orc'me. srparalrt)' and arart 'rom her !-aitl hu<t.and, did ad,no.~d!!:e that ...~ executed
lhe t<'rtgoin~ Iltttl ror thc I'UIpoSC 0' rc1inqlli.bing. aliftlating and C<lnn,;w.; all her ri!!:hl. tilk and inler~S1, ...hether e.t do.-er. """",st..ad or 0' scparal.,
properl)', slatulor). or Ct\lIiul>lc-. in ar'" t" the lands described tl1cr.;n, and Ihat ,be uecutro <.aid Deed rredy and ,...tl!l1tuily at.tI without any rom-
J>II),i..... constrainl. a;rl'rehcn.ion H 'nr .of or from her said hllsband.
.at ..-at. aLIOr.1LPler.oe___Cocnty oL__8t. ,.l.ucle..__..._.antl Sote or .':_HYl.Qr14a_
_.-A. D. 19_26
(Seal. )
lIotary."Publ.l'OUagfra~O ia-'8"~!
County 0' SL l.ucie.
B..: IT J(F.MBI8I~RIW. That on IhiL_,__l,
~"\..').~ 1\1"\.
..":day "L'_~_.__n -----!so D. 19.2Ji
:':1.. ,I
I. _P.-.C.._ndzed_.__ .__._____,,_(.1erk uf lhe Cin:lIit Court in and for said Counly.
ha,~ dill, r<<mdcd tilt 'orcgoin<< Ollit.Cbi", '~cd in. the Poblil: RttOrds 0' uid County.
I~ WITNESS IF-R . 1 hue h<<cunto set "', hand and the stal or said C(>Urt I..... day wtl year aOOn written.
. L'(\
'-l e(
\'t C.CO
--_.-P.-Q. ,.Jfidr.4.---____(Sca1.)
. . Clnk Circuit Court.
Byn._..~~...O 0 M' .,c...____e?~--....Ikpaty am.
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