HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1815 . _.-..JRUou.J..~-.AD..wD& ___~.oa'r.-.illllQa.J Mpl5-.D.RU,U,<lI...lUaf&-- i . L -. -.--____.___._.._..______,_.._~__9VI.T:..9~~.I!"tJ?~,g.l?____ _.___._,__, ______.__..._ ...__,...___,_______ ..,_..._ r ' 1"....,1' --. -- ---.-~~~~ 1~~~~NTURIi. 'ladf I~;I ...._____.__.88~.._.__~~--thy OL_____~;...~.-..~.-.-~~.....-..---..~,A 0: ;9_25. bfl~_' "r'" - -- .,.- I -:~-..-.--._. __ lrana1aJ..._.SUa \ton. ana....Jnn1......._4tra.tton,... hl....1~. '__.._..______ ~--t .~ l.: ~ -. .~ ,I' t.~.J'.. I..,:c.:...... > I ti.."...;~' ij e ., I( ! ! ~ , 15 ..Ilhf. Cr>U"ly ..I.dd.. W.stoh..t.I"..... ..-. .-..---_..._. __. and Slale 01..... ...,.T~J'k._...-...,..---...-..._,-.--. pUI-,l...' lhe lirll ~rl. and ......._.. .__...,ror' ,.P! uo....'ama..l)ra1naa.t...Dl..\rla.t.._...._.__......;_ __.___...____......_______....._.__..____ ..I Ihe '....ani' or St. Luo!e ,,,,,,d -...,.... _..,.. ... .'anol S\1le 01... ._. . nOr! da .. _. _'....... ,...'.. ........ ....... ~rL~... or the lecond part. WITNE~SF.TII. Th~1 Ihe .,iol ~rl .i.Sn' t.... linl ~rt. lor and in ('Oll<ider~tiM 01 I'w- <11m or. .. _..:._._..._ .. '. ..,.. .... ._.._....::::--=ODQ.Po.l.lu n' ,........._ ...... ......... ..._._....,..,..... .....,.-.~zr:.'Pr, ill Nnd paid b)' Ihe !';lid part '7 . ,... or Ihe lKOIl<I parI. the rt\':eipI whueol i< htreb)' ac"""lOkdKnl. N ...,. .., ... .embeol. .<'lea<e<I a",I 'luil.daimtd. a~d b)' Ihtoe p.eunts du.... ..'.. nm;.... relea.e and quil~bim un.., Ihe uid pari. '7...- of lhe <<<Ond pul and ....,.. ! tS. ....'...... .... ..... ..... ....hdrs and auigns fon.-", an I.... riKhl. litl~. illlrrC'>l. rbim and dellunJ .hich the said pa.t lea or the lirsl pa.1 ha. Te " '. in and 10 lhe rollowing described lol..~ pit'Cf'....... or parreL__ of land. I.w~.. .!l~~!~0!-..~!~__ .ttuate. lying aDd being In the County of st. Luoie. S~ate of . ______,.W..t... 4.0. .lo.t...o;f,...3aat_80...tut....ol_.oUheaat ...'i olo80u thea8t..:i.o1.SeotioJ.\. ...,...__..:1.' . .. ~oW..hlp M .$.Q"'~b....,H.pg.__aj_S,Oll..._ _._..~......__._..__.....,__......_...._.....___........_,__..____. ...__._.____ -- ...-. ....-.. ... -.._--.--------_...- .'-'-'--' ---..--.---.---.----.------------------..------ --..-.----....--..--....-.----.-.----..----...-....--......------.--- .-. ..._--..._-. .-' ---..-..--'- . ----.-..--. ___n._ -. _....__..__.. ___________._____.__._____._.........._ _ ..___...___._..__._.__n~_.________._h_.____.__ -----------.-..-----.----,----------..---------------.-.- , 1 ,-l 'I ! ! I i 1 _.. _..'.---- ---""-'--'"'-'..-.- -.....----.-.-------------.-------..---------____________._____.._._______n__....__ __"_._.__ ____.u ....____.____ _h___._.______...__~.-.__.___.______________.______._."_...________._____._____...______.._.______ __....__.____._..______...___._____.___ TO 1"\\'1-: A:-;U TO HO!.D. Ihf salDC', IIJ!:dhC'r .ilh all and lingular lite aWUrltn:lnttS Ibe.eunl.. htl""Kin!{ o. in anywi<e appertaining. and all t1~ ('<Iak. .iKhL lil)e, inlr.._1 alld l'bim "hal~nr rof Iht .:aid part .18,...r lhe liBI part. eil""r in 1:0..- 01" ('Iuily. I., ,he ,,"I)' propu u<C'. L...nrlit and I' , ~ i ~ h.ho.>f lof the .aid put... 7- of I"" .<<ood part. ___,11......_, _______.:..04_____ ___..'..____.-_ ht'ir~ and a"tgns fort\"rr. IN WIT~ESS WHEREOF, Ihe .aid l"l.t ,l8a of II.., first pari Ju,..TO,. _ htrrunl<> ..I . .. their n ..,..... ..._....lunda ' an.I 'It':al a , lite day ;;an.' }"t',jIr first ::aoo,'r ,,'riUt'n. !';KnnJ. ...:alnl and d<li.-rrnl in p.eorllCf 'or: I _..._ A.. B.. uno14 ___________ r . .--. _..__..._".~_._------- ..-,---- _._,..._.....l'rano1a A. '. Stratlon....____.__...__.__..(Seal.) "......,.._.~h W._~r~t1;cm..........._-.-.--,-._- ,(&-a9 STATE OF __Hew.York COtlnly or._...__,W'lloht.'.r_ f HEREBY CF.RTIF\', Thai 0.' Ihi< day ~r......lly appea.ed -I before JIIC'. an oIfltt. dul)' aull,,>rizrd I.. a.lminl,te. <>:llhl amI lakr ad.:nowlw!{mrnl.. .___..'~@p'9;1,.8.__4,~_.~.l~_$.~,~9P...JU~,...lm).1t.Jr...._..3. trn1Q.P....hll,..w1:f,t,_..__...,_.. i . ~ t 10 ...., _n known 10 I", the 1"'''00'. .k.."ibnl in ;lnd "'OO txeculrd Iht rorq:"inJt ;n.lrumrnl and ,...... '. th.'7.. Ihai ,. ._, _,ihey._______ ...n<<ulrd the sa_ Iredy and .-oIunluily lor Iht purpo~ Ih~'Mn npr~<...-d. ..' .. -.. aclmo.lwKal btrore me AN\) I I:URTilER CERTIFY. That the said____..!J:m1.tl..... -,Suatton---,_..,..,- ...._'__,_..._,__'____ Imo... 10...., 10 be ,h~ .if~ of Ibe saHl-.--___..__,lr.o,g.Q,~...._.At.._.al:ratt;QJl____,__,....__.._.n...___________ 011 a ~ar;al. ami pri''''e eumination. lak<1l alld made l>y and before me. separal"!y and al"l.t f.om her uid "u.IGnd. did ackno.kdge lhal .he exrcalro the forrgoinl! Dttd for lhe purpose of r...i......i,hi..g. alienaling and ro:urying an ht. .i~bl. \ltk and in'.,~,!. ",!'.<:ther of .:u..'.... iJotM.lead or of ~.ale property. .Iuuto.). or tquil~b1... in and 10 ,Ihe land. descnbcti IM.em. and lhal .he e1c<ulro uHl need frttly au" ..vlan\1.ily and wilhoul any com- puJ.io." (on,lrainl. apl>rrhm.iOl1 0' I.u of or from hu laid hu.band. ...._.and Slale oL.B......,York.,.._ Ihi. .twtD~'7~.18h (Sea\.) -KcfUi7-'klJt'o~iltoli'e8\ir-(J0Un~'.;-T~';-- _Q9~,8.~J.().D~~1l"8..8,_,~C)bnW:. uil _ STATF. OF FI.ORID:\. } 0* 'f'. ~ (" ",-. p,t\ . ..<by ol..._.A"QI......_:-_,___,h.._.__.~ .... O. ll)~ CounlY of SL Lucie.. .<' Bi-. IT RF.UOIllF.RF.n, TNt 011 Ihi< 1..____ '. ---p.,..O.._nAr.a4. ......._____h__..,....,(~luk lof the Circuit Clurl in and for uid Counly, Quil.Cbitn .ked 1n the Publie Rceo.ds of uid Counly. IN F.RROF, an htrnmlo I('t my hand and the seal ..f said ('<>un lhe day a...1 yn. alwwe ..iurn. o\\eO -..j e (\ ~(\ ~eCO __..P._.O.._Blclre4_..._. . __(Sea\.) Clnk CiKuit Court. B}'~_"'~_._Oepal)' Clerk. .; j~~~~~{r~~EJtll~~ ...i~;'.;;r~::TI.~~~IJ