HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOAT LIFT PRODUCTSooq -oso� _ ENGINEERING REVIEW. ST. LUCIVE COjJ1''j'Y BUILDING ON LEIVEED BOAT LIFT TOP CARRIER BEAMS AND MOUNTING BRACKETS COMPLY WITH W/ND�VIEWED FOR COMPLIAN LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF THE 6TH EDITIONREV�VED (2017) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, PER ASCE DATE (� 0 Z018 7, AND PER DESIGN LOAD REQUIREMENTS -ASOClATIONSS ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAOF THE 2015 EDITION PEAALNS AN@Dn �AErRp�.�ATg�' �E PT C*Tnty, Permitting BEAMS AND MOUNTING BRACKETS INSTALLED PER HI -TIDE INSTRUCTIONS WILL EXCEED ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED OF 180 MPH (EXPOSURE CATEGORY C OR D) BOATS ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM BOAT LIFTS PRIOR TO A MAJOR WIND EVENT. ,. p a 0 CD z PILINGS' PILING PENETRATION TO BE 10' INTO THE SAND 'BOTTOM OR 5' INTO ROCK STRATA, SUB -SURFACE CONDITIONS CAN VARY GREATLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PILE CAPACITIES TO COMPLY WITH FBC 2017. ALL PILINGS TO BE 10" MINIMUM DIAMETER 2.5 C. C. A PRESSURE TREATED WOOD, PRE -STRESSED CONCRETE OR COMPARABLE EQUIVALENT. CONVAL0 FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ,ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD SE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK SUBJECTCTO1ANY CORRECTIIONLS� ELECTRICAL REVIEW. X2 ELECTRICAL REVIEW. n REQUIRED BYQf FIELD INSPECTORS WT 1 HP ELECTRIC MOTOR 2 HP ELECTRIC MOTOR -- AMPS ®115V EACH -- AMPS 0115V EACH MAYBE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO 6.4 AMPS ® 230V EACH 12.4 AMPS ® 230V EACH QUAN7ITY, 2 QUANTITY.• 2 COMPLY WITH AID, 09060, TOTAL WATTS: 2944 TOTAL WATTS. • 5704 -PUAW - • ---- NOTE TO EXAMINER: THIS CERTIFIED ENGINEERED DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED SPECIFICALLY FOR USE ONLY BY' °°°p0o°0000a000000000 M oDOo o°°o it e E N o NO.43855 °o 0 0 VP E MAR 22 201 � a o G STATE OF o OR I z o D ROGER BABER P.E. NO. 43855 MCR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING C.A. NO. 26967 1014 NE PINELAKE DR. STUART, FL 34994 PILING MOUNTING TABS MINIMUM (2) 3/8" DIA. SS LAG BOLTS FOR WOOD PILING OR SS CONCRETE ANCHORS FOR CONCRETE PILINGS PER PILING REQUIRED.MINIMUM (2) 3/8" DIA. SS CARRIAGE BOLT FOR ATTACHING MOUNTING TAB TO LIFT REQUIRED PER PILING. MOUNTING TAB CONSTRUCTED FROM 1/4" X 2" ALUMINUM 6061-T6 FLAT BAR. 16,000 LB. GEAR DRIVE & BOAXIFTS AND MARINE PRODUCTS GEAR DRIVE X2 BOAT LIFT (2017 FBC) L 4050 SELWTZ ROAD FORT PIERCE, FL 34981 R. HYDE SCALE: NTS DATE. • 1/2/18 REV- 1 1-800-544-0735 www.hi-tide.com I ENGINEERING REVIEW. BOAT LIFT TOP CARRIER BEAMS AND MOUNTING BRACKETS COMPLY WITH WIND LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF THE 67H EDITION (2017) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, PER ASCE 7, AND PER DESIGN LOAD REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2015 EDITION ALUMINUM ASSOCIATIONS S ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAL. BEAMS AND MOUNTING BRACKETS INSTALLED PER HI -TIDE INSTRUCTIONS WILL EXCEED ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED OF 180 MPH (EXPOSURE CATEGORY C OR D) BOATS ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM BOAT LIFTS PRIOR TO A MAJOR WIND EVENT. PILINGS: PILING PENETRATION TO BE 10' INTO THE SAND BOTTOM OR 5' INTO ROCK STRATA, SUB -SURFACE CONDITIONS CAN VARY GREATLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PILE CAPACITIES TO COMPLY WITH FBC 201Z ALL PILINGS TO BE 10" MINIMUM DIAMETER 2.5 C. C. A PRESSURE TREATED WOOD, PRE -STRESSED CONCRETE OR COMPARABLE EQUIVALENT. ELECTRICAL REVIEW. 1 HP ELECTRIC MOTOR -- AMPS ® 115V EACH 6.4 AMPS ® 230V EACH QUAN7ITY.• 2 TOTAL WATTS: 2944 X2 ELECTRICAL REVIEW. 2 HP ELECTRIC MOTOR -- AMPS ® 115V EACH 12.4 AMPS ® 230V EACH QUANTITY 2 TOTAL WATTS. 5704 RECEIVED APR 30 2018 S . Lucie County, Permitting NOTE TO EXAMINER: THIS CERTIFIED ENGINEERED DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED SPECIFICALLY FOR USE ONLY BY o°°aaauncap aaaa°pOo o°°o it M e oOOo G E N S q °oo°o O %1 Q' NO.4M o 0 o tP E MAR 2 2 201 4 o° _O STATE OF Olt aaooa000 D ROGER BABER P.E. NO. 43855 MCR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING C.A. NO. 26967 1014 NE PINELAKE DR. S7UART, FL 34994 PILING MOUNTING TABS MINIMUM (2) 3/8" DIA. SS LAG BOLTS FOR WOOD PILING OR SS CONCRETE ANCHORS FOR CONCRETE PILINGS PER PILING REQUIRED.MINIMUM (2) 3/8" DIA. SS CARRIAGE BOLT FOR ATTACHING MOUNTING TAB TO LIFT REQUIRED PER PILING. MOUNTING TAB CONSTRUCTED FROM 1/4" X 2" ALUMINUM 6061-T6 FLAT BAR. 16,000 LB. GEAR DRIVE & BOAMIFTS AND MARINE PRODUCTS GEAR DRIVE X2 BOAT LIFT (2017 FBC) UU���a� 4050 SELW77 ROAD FORT PIERCE, FL 34981 R. HYDE SCALE. NTS DA7E• 1/2/18 REV 1 1-800-544-0735 www.hi-tide.com 4 tf- i Install 2 ea 4 piling 121- + /HiTide Boat Lift r 16000 lb./Pilings to be 10" min. dram. 4' 12'-T xisting Dock to Remain - ; 271 F *, 4 01 r L r, $ �D q la, elf ice Olt, ev- 4 mow `, p cc �! NVV f,'Gzk ftLk P, NIN Tw NA Nv — — ------- - U. m C) M 1 <1 LD cc rn Des ign al Drawing by RIVERBEND LOT 12' jemq &Associates, Inc. She --t Date: 5�14113 Environmental Consulting PALM CITY A 2537SE Alfonso- Ayr. Port St, Lucie, FL 3495' .) Ph.(772)283-2950 Pmcr@bd1sm.4luict k _ . ti .A ;3 PL - - - - - - - - - - --- •_........ r , APPROXIMATE RIPARIAN LINE - . ---- ---- -- ------ ._...----- ----- •----- m ;I k N ............. ` I�1 O ? Or' T W 0 m m SEAGRASS SURVEY PERFORMED 519113 BYBRUCEJERNEIZ NO SAV OBSERVED WITHIN 50' RADIUS OF PROJECT SITE Pro m0_ m O °mom WATER DEPTHS 14' j INCREASE TO CHANNEL ... ....._ -. 148' X 4' Access * I N ,- Pi - - - - --- - APPROXIMATERIPARIANUNE , --- ------ ,s.-, —....._.._.__._ .— - RI VERBEND LOT 12, PALM CITY D 9 ct B I t I Lu mLW _ Daignc�Drmvingtns 30' imier&Associates, Inc. Sheet 2 .._ _..... Date:4122L13 Eavlrotuualtalconsitltfi _ 23375EAlfmv%iAvc Part St Ucic,FL;4952 Ph.(772)283-2950 md0jcrnerttct go I I AKn-\\l 4j6K'r�> - Department of rental Protection Bob Martinez Center 2600 Blair Stone Road hassee, Florida 32399-2400 Rick Scott Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera Lt. Governor Noah Valenstein Secretary CONDITION FOR THE DEPA iR�' TMENT OF THE ARMY SELF -CERTIFIED STATE PROGRAMMATIC GENERAL PEP,7T FOR A PROJECT AT A PRIVATE, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Self Certification File No.: General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the 2. You must maintain the activity au the terms and conditions of this pc permitted activity, although you n General Condition 4 below. Shoul you desire to abandon it without a from this office, which may requii 3. If you discover any previously un] activity authorized by this permit, We will initiate the Federal and St recovery effort or if the site is elig 4. If you sell the property associated on the enclosed form and forward authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality ce the conditions specified in the ce 6. You must allow representatives fr necessary to ensure that it is bein� conditions of your permit. Further Information: 1. Limits of this authorization: a. This permit does not obviate required by law. b. This permit does not grant ai c. This permit does not authori. d. This permit does not authori: 2. Limits of Federal Liability. In i liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted pri activities or from natural cause. b. Damages to the permitted pr vork authorized on July 26, 2021. ;horized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with tmit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the day make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit e restoration of the area. mown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. ate coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a ible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this fication has been issued for your project, you must comply with fication as special conditions to this permit. �m this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and need to obtain other Federal, State, or local authorizations property rights or exclusive privileges. any injury to the property or rights of others. interference with any existing or proposed Federal projects. wing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted ect or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities i 3. 4. 5. A 7. undertaken by or on behalf of the c. Damages to persons, property, i by the activity authorized by this l d. Design or Construction deficiet e. Damage claims associated with Reliance on Applicant's Data: The contrary to the public interest was Reevaluation of Permit Decision: the circumstances warrant. Circun limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the tern b. The information provided by yc incomplete, or inaccurate (see 3 al c. Significant new information sut public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in modification, and revocation prod as those contained in 33 CFR 324 the issuance of an administrative permit and for the initiation of le corrective measures ordered by tl� may in certain situations (such ash measures by contract or otherwis When the structures or work auth transferred, the terms and conditil of the property. To validate the t compliance with its terms and co The Permittee understands and removal, relocation, or other altei opinion of the Secretary of the A cause unreasonable obstruction �o required, upon due notice from t�t structural work or obstructions ca be made against the United States ag Manatee Conditions: 2 3 4. All personnel associated with t manatee speed zones, and the i will advise all construction per harassing, or killing manatees Endangered Species Act, and t All vessels associated with the while in the immediate area an fourfoot clearance from the bo Siltation or turbidity barriers v will be properly secured, and v entrapment. Barriers must not All on -site project personnel ai manatee(s). All in -water opera within 50 feet of the operation. 50-foot radius of the project oI sited States in the public interest. to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused associated with the permitted work. future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not nade in reliance on the information you provided. 'his office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time stances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not and conditions of this permit. in support of your permit application proves to have been false, ve). ces which this office did not consider in reaching the original a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, edures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such .4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for order requiring you comply with the terms and conditions of your gal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any is office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office those specified in 33 CER 209.170) accomplish the corrective e and bill you for the cost. orized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is ons of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) ansfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with n ditions, have the transferee sign and date the enclosed form. rees that, if future operations by the United States require the ation, of the structures or work herein authorized, or if, in the rmy or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall the free navigation of the navigable waters, the Permittee will be e U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the used thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall on account of any such removal, relocation or alteration. e project will be instructed about the presence of manatees and eed to avoid collisions with and injury to manatees. The permittee onnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, v hich are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the �e Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. ,onstruction project will operate at "Idle Speed/No Wake" at all times l while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a .om. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whenever possible. 11 be made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled, ill be regularly monitored to avoid manatee entanglement or npede manatee movement. responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence of ions, including vessels, must be shutdown if a manatee(s) comes Activities will not resume until the manatee(s) has moved beyond the ,ration, or until 30 minutes elapses if the manatee(s) has not r`V"1 L� .J so reappeared within 50 feet of the ope leaving. 5. Any collision with or injury to a ma 1-888-404-FWCC. Collision and/or Service in Jacksonville (1 -904-73 1 - south Florida. 6. Temporary signs concerning manatf activities. All signs are to be remove signs that have already been approv Commission (FWC) must be used be posted. A second sign measuring Speed/No Wake" and the shut dow visible to all personnel engaged in v Submerged Aquatic Vegetation 2 3. E 5 A VA Animals must not be herded away or harassed into atee will be reported immediately to the FWC Hotline at njury should also be reported to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 336) for north Florida or Vero Beach (1-772-562-3909) for es will be posted prior to and during all in -water project d by the permittee upon completion of the project. Awareness ;d for this use by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation ee MyFWC.com). One sign which reads Caution: Boaters must at least 8 %" by I I" explaining the requirements for "Idle of in -water operations must be posted in a location prominently ater-related activities. Avoidance. The piling -supported s Iructure will be aligned so as to minimize the size of the footprint over SAV beds. The height of piling -supported structure will be a minimum of 5 feet above MHW/OHW as measured from the top surface of tlj e decking. The width of the piling -supported structure is limited to a maximum of 4 feet. A turnaround area is allowed for piling -supported struc I res greater than 200 feet in length. The turnaround is limited to a section of the piling -supported strIture no more than 10 feet in length and no more than 6 feet in width. The turnaround will be located at the midpoint of the piling -supported structure. Over-SAV bed portions of the piling -supported structure will be oriented in a north -south orientation to the maximum extent that is practicable. Terminal Platforms: a. If possible, terminal platforms will be placed in deep water, waterward of SAV beds or in an area devoid of SAV beds. b. If a terminal platform is placed over SAV areas and constructed of grated decking, the total size of the platform will be limited to 166 square feet. The grated deck material will conform to the specifications stipulated below. The configuration of the platform will be a maximum of 8 feet by 20 feet. A minimum of 5 feet by 20 Beet will conform to the 5-foot height requirement; a 3 feet by 20 feet section may be placed 3 feet above MHW to facilitate boat access. The long axis of the platform should be aligned in a north -south direction to the maximum extent that is practicable. c. If the terminal platform is placed over SAV areas and constructed of planks, the total size of the platform will be limited to 120 square feet. The configuration of the platform will be a maximum of 6 feet by 20 feet of which a min;um 4-foot wide by 20-foot long section will conform to the 5-foot height requirement. A section maly be placed 3 feet above MHW to facilitate boat access. The 3 feet above MHW section will be cantilevered. The long axis of the platform should be aligned in a northsouth direction to the maximum extent that is practicable. If the 3 feet above MHW section is constructed with grating material, it may be 3 feet wide. Pilings will be installed in a manner which will not result in the formation of sedimentary deposits ("donuts" or "halos") around thel newly installed pilings. Pile driving is the preferred method of installation, but jetting with a low pressure pump may be used. The spacing of pilings through S� V beds will be a minimum of 10 feet on center. The gaps between deckboards will be a minimum of 1/2 inch. Marsh and Mangroves Conditions: 1. Marsh: a. The piling -supported structure will be aligned so as to have the smallest over -marsh footprint as ft M practicable. b. The over -marsh portion of the pi the marsh floor. c. The width of the piling-supporte the width must be accompanied by 2. Mangroves: a. The width of the piling-supporte b. Mangrove clearing is restricted t c. The location and alignment of th of the mangrove fringe. Sea Turtle and Smalltooth Sawfish The permittee will comply with the f 2. 3. 0 5. 31 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. structure will be elevated to at least 4 feet above structure is limited to a maximum of 4 feet. Any exceptions to ri equal increase in height requirement. structure is limited to a maximum of 4 feet. the width of the piling -supported structure. piling -supported structure should be through the narrowest area fiction Conditions: protected species construction conditions: The permittee will instruct all personnel associated with the project of the potential presence of these species and the need to avoid collisions with sea turtles and smalltooth sawfish. All construction personnel are responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence of these species. The permittee will advise all const luction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing sea t�rtles or smalltooth sawfish, which are protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Siltation barriers will be made of material in which a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish cannot become entangled, be properly secured, and be regularly monitored to avoid protected species entrapment. Barriers may not block sea turtle o� smalltooth sawfish entry to or exit from designated critical habitat without prior agreement from the National Marine Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division, St. Petersburg, Florida. All vessels associated with the construction project will operate at "no wake/idle" speeds at all times while in the construction area and 1vhile in water depths where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four -foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels will preferentially follow deep -water routes (e. g., marked channels) wheneve�'J possible. If a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish is seen within 100 yards of the active daily construction/dredging operation or vessel movement, all appropriate precautions will be implemented to ensure its protection. These precautions will include cessation of operation of any moving equipment closer than 50 feet of a sea turtle or sma ltooth sawfish. Operation of any mechanical construction equipment will cease immediately if a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish is seen within a 50-ft radius of the equipment. Activities may no resume until the protected species has departed the project area of its own volition. Any collision with and/or injury too a sea turtle or smalltooth sawfish will be reported immediately to the National Marine Fisheries Se ice's Protected Resources Division (727-824-5312) and the local authorized sea turtle stranding/re�cue organization. Any special construction conditions, required of your specific project, outside these general conditions, if applicable, will be addressed in the primary consultation. Any collision(s) with and/or injuries to any whale, or sturgeon occurring during the construction of a project, shall be reported immediately to NMFS's Protected Resources Division (PRD) at (727-824-5312). Reports to NMFS's Protected Resources Division (PRD) may be made by email to takereport.nmfsser@noaa.gov. Sea turtle and marine mammal stranding/rescue organizations' contact information is available by region at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/health/networks.htm. Smalltooth sawfish encounters shall be reported to http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/sharks/sawfish/sawfishencounters.html. All work must occur during daylight hours. Special Conditions: • • For concrete piles installed by iml a. The piles will be less than or eq b. Not more than 10 piles will be i c. Not more than 5 piles will be in any area that has a solid object (e.; installation site that would effecti` past it to exit the area. This does n that would not stop animal moven 2. Metal piles will NOT be installed t hammer: I to than 24 inches in diameter; and talled per day if in open water; or, fled per day in a confined space. A confined space is defined as shoreline, -seawall, jetty) or structure within 150 feet of the pile y serve as a barrier or otherwise prevent animals from moving include objects such as docks or other pile -supported structures it or significantly reflect noise. impact hammer. 3. The Permittee is responsible for obtaining any 'take' permits required under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's regulations governing compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The Permittee should contact the appropriate local office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine if such 'take' permits are required for a particular activity. 4. The Permittee is responsible for compliance with 50 CFR 224.103 prohibiting approach within 500 yards of a right whale, with limited exceptions. 5. Special Conditions Related to Al} Reviews and Authorizations are available at: httn://www.sai.upace.armv.mil/Missions/Regulatorv/Source-Book/ and must be followed. eel 4O� e-F IDeP'ore,),AL m c /4 ^o,�Qntol ptc 04 Self Certification File No.: 036292200 Construction Conditions: lorida Department of vironmental Protection Bob Martinez Center 2600 Blair Stone Road hassee. Florida 32399-2400 AND CONDITIONS Rick Scott Governor Carlos Lopez-Caritera Lt. Governor Noah Valenstein Secretary RECEIVED APR 3 0 2018 ST. facie GOUrAy, Permitting Private residential single family doc are subject to the following criteria in accordance with Section 403.813(1)(b), F.S. The dock to be constructed: 1. Has 500 square feet or less overlater surface (includes adjacent wetlands) in accordance with Chapter 62-340, F.A.C.; 2. Is constructed on or held in place by pilings and is constructed so as not to involve filling or dredging other than that necessary to install the pilings; 3. Will not substantially impede tl hazard;. 4. Is used ONLY for recreational, boats and boat paraphernalia;. 5. Is the sole dock on the parcel; 6. Must not be subject to any activity. Boat lifts are subject to the 1. Is to be installed in a 2. With other mooring will not 3. Will not substantially impede hazard;. flow of water, cause water pollution, or create a navigational activities associated with the mooring or storage of easement or restrictive covenant of record prohibiting the in:r additional conditions: or, at or adjacent to the waterward end of the dock; in the mooring of more than two vessels (including jet skis);; flow of water, cause water pollution, or create a navigational 4. Will not be located in areas prohibited for mooring by a previously issued permit or other form of authorization issued by a local government; 5. Cannot be placed in waters that are deeper than -4 ft MLW; • i 6. Will accommodate the proposed boat use in order to ensure that a minimum of one foot clearance is provided between the deepest draft) of a vessel and the top, of any submerged resources at mean or ordinary low water; 7. The dock, together with the boat of the width of waterbody (or 25 whichever is less; and 8. Mooring areas cannot be enclosed materials General Aquatic Preserve Conditions; Private residential single family doc in accordance with Chapters 253, F ft, cannot extend waterward more than 500 feet or more than 20% in Boca Ciega Bay or Pinellas County Aquatic Preserves), in whole or in part with walls, doors, screens or any other in Aquatic Preserves are subject to all of the following criteria and 258, Part II, F.S. 1. No dock will extend waterward of the mean or ordinary high water line more than 500 feet or 20 percent of the width of the waterbody at that particular location, whichever is less. 2. Certain docks fall within areas oflsignificant biological, scientific, historic or aesthetic value and require special management considerations. The Board will require design modifications based on site specific conditions to minimise adverse impacts to these resources, such as relocating docks to avoid vegetation or altering configurations to minimize shading. 3. Docking facilities will be designed to ensure that vessel use will not cause harm to site specific resources (mangroves, seagrasses, corals, etc). The design will consider the number, lengths, drafts, and types of vessels allowed to use the facility. Aquatic Preserve Dock Criteria: All private residential single family docks in Aquatic Preserves will be subject to the following criteria in accordance with Chapter I18-20 F.A.C. and Section 258.42(3)(e)1., F.S.: I 1. Any main access dock will be li 2. The dock decking design and consideration of safety and pi 3. The dock, including mooring depth of minus four (4) feet 4. When the water depth is minus dock length from the bulkhead vegetation overhang; to a maximum width of four (4) feet; shall ensure maximum light penetration, with full , shall extend out from the shoreline no further than to a maximum low water; (4) feet mean low water at an existing bulkhead, the maximum be 25 feet, subject to modifications accommodating shoreline 5. Terminal platform size shall beino more than 160 square feet; 6. In areas with the presence of any natural resource attributes (as determined during the spring -summer growing season) the following criteria shall apply: a so a. Wood planking used to coi wide and spaced no less than b. When the dock surface is to be to provide light penetration which construction; c. The main access walkway shall high water; the surface of the dock will be no more than eight (8) inches elf (1/2) inch apart after shrinkage; .cted of material other than wood, the dock shall be designed or exceeds the light penetration provided by wood elevated a minimum of five (5) feet above mean or ordinary d. If a terminal platform terminates in an area with the presence of any significant natural resource attributes, the platform shall be elevated to a minimum height of five (5) feet above mean or ordinary high water. Up to 25 percent of the surface area of the terminal platform is authorized at a lower elevation to facilitate access between the terminal platform and the waters of the preserve or a vessel; and e. The dock to be constructed will have adequate existing water depths in the boat mooring, turning basin, access channels, and other such areas which will accommodate the proposed boat use to ensure that a minimum of one foot clearance is provided between the deepest draft of the vessel and the top of any submerged resources at mean or ordinary low water. 7. Roofs may be constructed over 1 a. The slip must contain a boat li b. The roof must not overhang rr stored at the lift; c. No walls shall be constructed; slips if the following criteria are met: or davit that does not float in the water when loaded; than one (1) foot beyond the footprint of the lift and the boat d. Roofs meeting these requirements are not included in the square -footage calculation of a terminal platform. However, the roof area is still counted in the square -footage calculation of the entire dock structure (access walkway + to final platform + roof shall total 500 square feet or less); e. Roofs shall not be constructed over slips without lifts or davits. 8. All of the dock and mooring line of the upland property fi 9. The dock will be designed to General Conditions for Sovereign is will be set back a minimum of 25 feet inside the riparian rights which the dock is constructed; and no more than 2 vessels. Submerged Lands Authorizations: Any use of sovereignty/state-owned submerged lands is subject to the following general conditions that are binding upon the applicant and are enforceable under Chapters 253, F.S. or Chapters 258, F.S. 1. Sovereignty/state-owned submerged lands may be used only for the specified activity or use. Any 48 unauthorized deviation from the sp6cified activity or use and the conditions for undertaking that activity or use will constitute a viol tion. Violation of the authorization will result in suspension or revocation of the applicant's use of he sovereignty/state-owned submerged lands unless cured to the satisfaction of the Board of Truste ,s of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board). 2. Authorization under Rule 18-21.00'5, F.A.C., conveys no title to sovereignty/state-owned submerged lands or water column, nor does it constitute recognition or acknowledgment of any other person's title to such land or water. 3. Authorizations under Rule 18-21.005, F.A.C., may be modified, suspended or revoked in accordance with its terms or the remedies prop ided in Sections 253.04, F.S. or Chapter 18-14, F.A.C. 4. Structures or activities will be constructed and used to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to resources. 5. Construction, use, or operation of the structure or activity will not adversely affect any species which is endangered, threatened or of spl cial concern, as listed in Rules 68A-27.003, 68A-27.004, and 68A-27.005, F.A.C.; 6. Structures or activities will not unreasonably interfere with riparian rights. When a court of competent jurisdiction determines that riparian rights have been unlawfully affected, the structure or activity will be modified in accordance with the court's decision. 7. Structures or activities will not create a navigational hazard. 8. Structures will be maintained in a functional condition and will be repaired or removed if they become dilapidated to such an e�tent that they are no longer functional. 9. Structures or activities will be purposes. 10. The applicant agrees to indemni all claims, actions, lawsuits and sovereignty/stateowned submer, sovereignty/state-owned subme: any and all liabilities that are as or taxes that are now or in the ft authorization. operated, and maintained solely for water dependent , defend an&hold harmless the Board and the State of Florida from =ands in any form arising out of the authorization to use d lands or the applicant's use and construction of structures on ;d lands. This duty to indemnify and hold harmless will include ,iated with the structure or activity including special assessments re assessed against the structure or activity during the period of the 11. Failure by the Board to enforcelany violation of the authorization or waiver by the Board of any provision of the authorization will not invalidate the provision not enforced or waived, nor will the failure or waiver prevent the Board from enforcing the waived or unenforced provision in the event of a future violation of that provision. 12. Applicant binds itself and its successors and assigns to abide by the provisions and conditions set forth in the authorization. If the applicant or its successors or assigns fails or refuses to comply with the provisions and conditions df the authorization, the authorization may be terminated by the Board after written notice to the appl'lcant or its successors or assigns. Upon receipt of such notice, the applicant or its successors or assigns will have thirty (30) days in which to correct the violations. Failure to correct the violation within this period will result in the automatic revocation of this authorization. 13. All costs incurred by the Board in enforcing the terms and conditions of the authorization will be so 40 paid by the applicant. Any notice required by law will be made by certified mail at the address shown on page one of the authorization. The applicant will notify the Board in writing of any change of address at least ten days before the change becomes effective. 14. This authorization does not allow a!ny activity prohibited in a conservation easement or restrictive covenant of record that prohibits the activity. Manatee Conditions: The following conditions are intended Ito protect manatees from direct project effects; THESE CONDITIONS APPLY ONLY IN WATERS THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE TO MANATEES: 1. All personnel associated with the �rcject will be instructed about the presence of manatees and manatee speed zones, and the need to avoid collisions with and injury to manatees. The permittee will advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the �lorida Manatee Sanctuary Act. 2. All vessels associated with the construction project will operate at'Idle Speed/No Wake' at all times while in the immediate area and while in water where the draft of the vessel provides, less than a four -foot clearance from the bottpm. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whenever possible. 3. Siltation or turbidity barriers wi will be properly secured, and w entrapment. Barriers must not ii 4. All on -site project personnel ai manatee(s). All in -water operal within 50 feet of the operation. 50-foot radius of the project of reappeared within 50 feet of th leaving. be made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled, be regularly monitored to avoid manatee entanglement or manatee movement. responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence of )ns, including vessels, must be shutdown if a manatee(s) comes activities will not resume until the manatee(s) has moved beyond the ration, or until 30 minutes elapses if the manatee(s) has not operation. Animals must not be herded away or harassed into 5. Any collision with or injury to a manatee will be reported immediately to the FWC Hotline at 1-888-404-FWCC. Collision and/or injury should also be reported to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jacksonville (1-904- 31-3336) for north Florida or Vero Beach (1-772-562-3909) for south Florida. 6. Temporary signs concerning �anatees will be posted prior to and during all in -water project activities. All signs are to be removed by the permittee upon completion of the project. Awareness signs that have already been approved for this use by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) must be used (see MyFWC.com). One sign which reads Caution: Boaters must be posted. A second sign measuring at least 8 1/2' by I P explaining the requirements for 'Idle Speed/No Wake' and the shut down of in -water operations must be posted in a location prominently visible to all personnel engaged in water -related activities. Self -Certification Requirements: The user agrees to the following: 1. The information provided herein is true and accurate. • a 2. Construction of the project must bey completed within one year from the self -certification date. If the project cannot be completed within that time frame, or the project is to be modified, the Department must be contacted for authorizatio requirements. 3. Any substantial modifications in the plans for this project must be submitted to the Department for review, as changes may result in alpermit being required. 4. This self -certification will autom� conditions, and limitations of the rules are amended before the prof 5. Department personnel will be compliance with the terms and illy expire if site conditions materially change; if the terms, certification are not followed; or if the governing statutes or is completed. 1 to enter the property for purposes of inspecting the project for ions of this self -certification. SPGP Self Certification File No.: 0362922001EE When the structures or work authori ed by this SPGP Self Certification are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and 1conditions of this SPGP Self Certification will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. Although the construction period for works authorized by To validate the transfer of this SPGSelf Certification and the associated responsibilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below and mail to Enforcement Section, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, P.O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, Florida 32232-0019. TRANSFEREE SIGNATURE DATE NAME (PRINTED) MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE I SUBDIVISION LOT BLOCK PERMriTEE: STE 825 COI PROJECT DESCS PROJECT LOCAT PERMIT DURATION: S*H FL RIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DIS Q \I —Ti m C LmC, NViRONMENTAL RESOURCE NOTICED PERMIT NO.56-03262-P-03 D� TE ISSUED:September27, 2013 RECEI T DARD PACIFIC OF F ORAL RIDGE DRIVE L SPRINGS, FL. 330' ITION: Construction t the Riverbenc Exhibit 2.0. 7 21.005(l)(c)1+ IN: ST LUCIE CQI Five years r management This is to notify you of the Districts agency action action is taken pursuant Ic Rude 40E-1.603 and C Based on the. information provided, .District rules subject to: 1. Not receiving a Had request for a Chap 2. the attached 13 General CoIndillons (S 3. the attached G Ekneral Conditions for Al 4. the attached 6 11 pacific Conditions In se 5. the attached 3 hibit(s) GP, INC. APR 3 0 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting A a 752 square foot dock serving a single family residence on Lot 12 of I Community. The dock's configuration and location are attached as he project qualifies for a Letter of Consent pursuant to Section 18- and Is subject to the' attached General Conditions and Authorizations. ,UNTY, SEC 25 TWP 37S RGE 40E orn the date issued to complete construction of the surface water system as authorized herein. Pursuant to.Rule 40E-4,321, . Florida t Code. .Y- ceming Notice of intent for Permit Application No. 1307254, dated July 25.2013. This er 40EE40 and 40E-400, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). e been adhered to and an Environmental Resource Permit is In effect for this project 120,' Florida Statutes, administrative hearing. Pages: 2 - 3 of 5), )rkations for Use of Sovereign Submerged lands (See -Pages: 4 - 4 of 5). m 40E-400.427 (See Pages : 5 - 6 of 5) and Should you object to those conditions, please refer•to the attached "NoUce of Rights" which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review of the proposed agency action. Please contact this ofika If you have any questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear I ram you in accordanci with the'Notice:of Rights' we will assume that you concur with the Districrs.action. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IHEREBY 120.60 . FI rids $t BY: Barbara J. Con Section Leader Martin 1 St Lucia that a "Notice of Rights has been mailed to the Permittee (and the persons listed in the sq no latgr that 5:00 p.m. on this 27th day of September, 2013, in accordance with Section Regulatory Page 1 of 5 0 Page 2 of 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The terms, nditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth in this section are general permit conditions, E ind shall be applicable to; and are binding upon the permittee for all No Notice and Noticed General Per its in this Chapter. These conditions are enforceable under Part iV of Chapter 373, F.S.. 2. i i a n -f I t specific activl Indicated. An deviation from the specified activity The general permit s valid ly o he p ty y p ty and the con itions for undertakinNat activity shall.constitute a violation of the permit. A violation of the permit is a suspension or revocation of the permittee's right to conduct such activity under the general permit. The District may begin legal proceedings seeking penalties or other remedies as provided by law for any viola Ion of these conditions. 3. This general permit does not eliminate .the necessity to obtainany required federal, State, local and special District authorizations prior to they start of any construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal or abandonmei t authorized by this permit. This general permit does not convey to the permittee or create in the permiltany property right, or any interest In real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on roperty which is not ownedor controlled by the permittee, or convey any rights or privileges other than those specified in the general permit and this Chapter. 4• This general permit does not re ieve the permittee from liability and penalties when the permitted activity causes ha or Injury to: human health or welfare; animal, plant or aquatic life; `or property. It does not allow the peernittee to cause pol Won In contravention of Florida statutes and District rules. 5. The permittee is hereby advised that Section 253.77, F.S., states that a person may not commence. any excavation, nstruction, or other activity involving the use of sovereign or other lands of the State, the title to which is v sted in the Boarl of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund without obtaining the required lea e, license, easement, or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use. Therefore, the permitee is 1 ponsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Trustees prior to commencing+activity on sovereignty lands or other state owned lands. 6. The general hermit may be modified, suspended or revoked, in accordance with Chapter 120, and Section 313.429, F.Si, I 7. This permit hall not be transferred to a third party except pursuant to Section 40E-4.351, F.A.C. The permittee tra isferTIng the general permit shall remain liable for any corrective actions that may be required as a result o I any permit violations prior to sale, conveyance, or other transfer of ownership or control of the permitteC system or the real property at which the permitted system is located. 8- Upon reaso able notice to t" permittee, District staff with proper identification shall have permission to enter, inspe , sample and test the permitted system to insure conformity with the plans and specifications approved by he permit. 9. The permitted shall rriaintainj any permitted .system In accordance with the plans submitted to the District. 10. A permittee's right to conduct a specific noticed activity under this noticed general permit is authorized for a duration of years. I 11. Construction, alteration, operation, maintenance,removal and abandonment approved by this general permit shall a conducted in a, manner which does not cause violations of State water quality standards, Including any antidegradati n provisions of Section 62-4.242(1)(a) and (b), 62-4.242(2) and (3), and 62- 302.300, F. .C., and any�speciai .standards for outstanding Florida waters and outstanding national resource. waters. The permittee shall Implement best management practices for erosion, turbidity, and other pollullop control to prevent violation of the State water quality standards. Temporary erosion control r' I i i I. f f N soPage 3 of 5 CONDITIONS measures ch as sodding, and s�eding shall be implemented and shall be maintained on all. erodible ground are s ptlor to and during construction. Permanent erosion control measures such as sodding and planting of wetland species shall be completed within 7 days of any construction activity. Turbidity barriers shall be In Iled and maintained at all locations where the possibility of transferring suspended solids into wetlands a d other surface waters exists due to the permitted activity. Turbidity barriers shall remain In place and s all be maintained In, a functional condition at all locations until construction is completed and soils are sta ilized and vegetationhas been established. Thereafter the permittee shall be responsible for the remova of the barriers. Th permittee shall correct any erosion or shoaling that causes adverse Impacts to , e water resources. 12. The permitt a shall hold and sae the District harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities which may rise by reason of the, construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, abandonment or use of an system authorized by the general permit. 13. The later shall immediately d.to be inaccurate the District in writing of any previously submitted information that Is ' Page 4 oF5 Project No.130725-4 Chapter 18-21.004(7), F.A.C., except those fi set forth in paragraph: chapter, shall 'be bind) F.S. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR -AUTHORIZATIONS FOR USE OF SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS .A.C., provides that all authorizations granted by rule or in writing under Rule 18-21.005, aquaculture activities and geophysical testing, shall be subject to the general conditions as (a) through (1) belowl The general conditions shall be part of all authorizations under this ig upon the grantee, landshall be enforceable under Chapter 253 or Chapter 258, Part II, Chapter 18-21.004(7), F.A.C., General Conditions for Authorizations: (a) Authorizations are valid only for the sp?cified activity or use. Any unauthorized deviation from the specified activity or use and the conditions for undertaking that activity or use shall constitute a violation. Violation of the authorization shall reE ult in suspension or, revocation of the grantee's use of the sovereignty submerged land unless cured to the salisfaction of the Board. (b) Authorizations convey no title to soiereignty submerged land or water column, nor do they constitute recognition or acknowi;dgment of any other person's title to such land or water. (c) Authorizations may be modified, sus in Sections 253:04 an 258.46, F.S., or (d) Structures or activities shall be coi submerged lands and resources. (e) Construction, use, or operation of endangered, threaten d or of special F.A.C. (f) Structures or activ ties shall not ui Jurisdiction determines that riparian righ In accordance with the court's decision. (g) Structures or activit es shall not crea or revoked in accordance with their terms or the remedies provided .18-14, F.A.C. and used to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to sovereignty structure or activity shall not adversely affect any species which is Bern, as listed in Rules 68A-27.003, 68A-27.004, and 68A-27.005, msonably interfere with riparian rights. When a court of competent have been unlawfully affected, the structure or activity shall be modified a navigational hazard. (h) Structures shall be maintained in a: functional condition and shall be repaired or removed If they become dilapidatedao such an extent that they are no longer functional. This shall not be construed to prohibit the repair or replacement subject to the provisions of Rule 18-21.005, F.A.C., within one year, of a structure damaged in a discrete event such as a storm, flood, accident, or fire. (1) Structures or activities shall be constructed, operated, and maintained solely for water dependent purposes, or for non -water dependent activities authorized under paragraph 18 21.004(1)(g), F.A.C., or any other applicable law. Page 5 of 5 40E-400.427 Permit for 1. Construction or extension of the occur over s ubmerged grassbed shall not be over submerged gr portion of th i pier, may traverse high water ordinary water, cot the access alkways for boat m feet in aquatic preserves. 2. There shade no wet bars or IN structure a orized by this gene, 3. The structure and its use shall ni 4. There shall than that n platform. 5. There shall structures a animal wast 6. This genes individual to parcel of prc 3PECIFIC CONDITIONS Piers. and Associated Structures. ►athouse, boat shelter, boat lift, gazebo, or terminal platforms shall not coral communities, or wetlands. In addition, the boat mooring location ;beds, coral communities, or wetlands. However, the access walkway )se resources provided it Is elevated a minimum of 5 feet above mean Ins, handrails that are maintained in such a manner as to prevent use of ring. or access, and does not exceed a width of 6 feet, or a width of 4 a quarters over wetlands or other surface waters or on the pier, and no it permit shall be enclosed by walls or doors. significantly impede navigability in the water body. no dredging or tilling associated with construction of the structures authorized herein, other ired for installation of the actual pilings for the pier, boat shelter, gazebo,or terminal e no fish cleaning facilities, boat repair facilities or equipment, or fueling facilities on the horized by this general permit. In addition,no overboard discharges of trash, human or orfuei'shall ocgUr from any structures authorized by this general permit permit shall not authorize the construction of more than one pier per parcel of land or For.the purposes of this general permit, multifamily living complexes shall be treated as one erty regardless of the legal division of ownership of the associated property. s I NOTICE OF RIGHTS As required'b Sections.120.569(1); hand 120,60(3);. Fla. Stat., following"is notice of the opportundies which . maybe avaiia le for administrative �earing or Judicial review when the substantial interests of a party are determined b an agency. Please note that this Notice of Rights is not intended to provide legal advice. Not all the leg 1 proceedings detailed below may be sir applicable or appropriate remedy: You may to consult an att ey regarding your lagal rights. RIGHT TO UEST ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING. A person whose, substantial, interests are or may be affected ' by the South Florida Water Management District's, (S MD or District)-* action has the right to request an administrative hearing on that action pursuant to S ions ' 120.569 an'd 120.57, Fla. Stat. Persons seeking a hearing on a District . decision which does or ay determine their substantial interests shall file a petition 'forhearing with the District Clerk .within 21 day of receipt of: written notice of the decision, unless one of the following shorter time periods apply: 1) , W in 14 days of- the notice of consolidated intent to grant or deny concurrently reviewed applications fo; environmental resource:permits and use of sovereign submerged lands pursuant to: Section 373.427, Fla. tat.; or 2) .within 14 days of :service of an Administrative .Order pursuant to Subsection 373.419(1), Fi . Stat. 'Receipt,of "written notice of.agency decision°`means receipt of -either written notice through ,mail, r electronic, mail, or posting that.the District has or intends to take final agency action, or publication of, otice that the District has or Intends to take final agency action. Any person who receives written notice f a SFWMD decision and fails to file a, written.request, for hearing within the, timeframe described aboYe waives the eighttdrequest a hearing on that decision. Filing Instru ons The Petition m stbe filed wit the Office of the District Clerk of the SFWMD. Filings with the District Clerk may. be made by mail, hand delivery or facsimile. Filings by e-mail will not be accepted. Any person wishing to ive a clerked) copy with the date. and time stamped must provide an additional copy. A petition for ad inistrativia hearing is deemed filed upon receipt during normal business hours by the District Clerk.at SFW D headquarters in West Pafm Beach; Florida. Any document received by the office of the SFWMD Clerk after 5:00 p.m. shall be filed as of 8:00 a.m. on the next .regular business. day. Additional filing instructio is are as folldws: • Filin s b mail must be addressed to the Office of the SFWMD :Clerk, PA. Box 24680, West Palm 9 Y �. Beach ' Florida 39416. • Filings by hand -delivery.- must be delivered to the 'Office of the SFWMD Clerk. Delivery of a petitio to the S�WMD's security desk does not constitute filing. To ensure proper filing, it will b necessary to request the SFWMD's security officer to contact the Clerk's office. An emplo ee of the SFWMD's Clerks office will receive and file the petition. to the-dutaflob of cause: Any pa disrupt on, or i not be properlyj be the date the Rev`0710112009 mile mustbe transmitted to the SFWMQ Clerk's Office at.(561) 682-6010. Pursuant 28406.104(7) `(8) and (9). Fla. Admin. Code, a party who files a document by tents that the original physically signed document will be retained by that party for that proceeding and of any subsequent appeal or subsequen.t proceeding in that rty who. elects to file any document by facsimile shall be responsible for any. delay, terruption. of the electronic signals and accepts the full risk that the document may filed with the clerk as a result.: The filing date for a document filed by facsimile shall SFWMD Clerk receives the complete. document 4 initiationof 11 Administrative HeaTing .PursuE,nt to les 28v-106A`l and,?8-106.301,. Fla. Admin.. Code;. initiation of .an adInWrative hearing shall- be. mad by written petiflon:to the SFWMD,in legible form and on 8 and 112 by Winch white -paper.. 'All petitionst all contain: 1. Ident fication of the action being contested, 'Including the -permit number, application number, D is (c file.number Other SFWMD identification number, I known. I tri I: fil mbet 6r'anyl 2. The ame, address and telephone number of the petitioner and petitioner's representative,. I any. 3An . explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interestsI will be affected by the agency determination_ -4. A, .5.- A 6.. - A. .7. A If 9,- A sla the 8 of when of all die ids warrant revi a ment of the sp SFWMD's prop Wed issues Of r d , facts relate to Ment of the rel WMD-to take vi A person may filea request grant the requ st Reques filing a petition for hearing.. consulted with all other, par to or oppose I e extension, filing a pedon. until the reqt ind how the petitioner received notice of the SFWMD's decision. u�bd,lssues of material Wt. If there are none, the petition must so Indicate, of the ultimate facts, alleged, including the specific facts the, petitioner rsal or modification of the SFWMD's proposed action. �Cific rules or statutes the petitioner ellitloher contends require reversal or modification ised action. latedil,fact exist the statement must also Include an explanation of how the [he specific rules;or statutes.. a . f sought by the,pefilion6r, stating precisely the action the petitioner wishes th respect to the SFWMD's proposed action. an extension of time for filing apetition. The SFWMD may, for good cause, it -extension of time must be, filed with the SFWMD prior to the deadline for h requests fbr extension shall contain cerlIfIcate that the moving party has concerning the extension and that the SFWMD and any other partles agree. ,nelyrequest for extension of time shall tD.11 the running "of the time period for. is actedupon. if the District t, ikes action with substantially different, impacts on waterliresources from the notice of Intended agency decision, the persons who. may be. substantially affectOd shag have an additional point of entry pursuant to Rt le 28-1060 1, Fla., Admin. Code, unless otherwise provided bylaw.. Mediation The procedures for pursuing mediation are set forth In Section.120.573, Fla.. Stat, and Rules 28-106.111 and.28-106.4C 11405, Flal, Admin. C.odei - The SFWMI)jsnot. proposing mediation for this agency action under Section 120.'573, Fla. Stat.) at this time. .RIGHT TOS K JUDICIAL REVIEW Pursuant . to S ns 116.66@) and 120.68, Fla.. Stat, a party who is,adverselyalWed by,final SFWMD action may seek Judi al review of the SFWMUs final decision by filing a notice of appeal pursuant to Florida Rule of, Appellate ure 9.110: in the Fourth..District Court of Appeal or In the appellate district where a party resides and: fill g a second 'copy of the notice with. the SFWMD Clerk within 30 daysof rendering of the final .SFWMD action Rev. 07101/2009 2 STANDARD MANATEE CONDITIONS FOR IN -WATER WORK 2011 The permittee shall comply with the following conditions intended to protect manatees from direct project effects: a. All perso inel associated with the project shall be instructed about the presence of manatees and manatee speed zones, andlthe need to avoid. collisions with and injury to manatees. The permitted shall advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. c. All vesse s associated with the construction project shall operate at "Idle Speed/No Wake" at all times wh le in the immediate area and while in water where thedraft of the vessel provides less than a fo . r-foot.clearanceIfrom the bottom. All vessels will follow routes of deep water whenever possible. Siltation r turbidity b riers shall be made of material in which manatees cannot become entangle , shall be properly secured, -and shall be regularly monitored to avoid manatee entangleqient or entrapment. Barriers must not impede manatee movement. d: All on-s of man, comes beyond has not into lea, e. f. Any col Wildlife should north FI activities, signs that reads Ce, the requir posted in signs can the email Exhibit project personnel are responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence a(s). All in -water operations, including vessels, must be shutdown if a manatee(s) * 50 feet of�the operation. Activities will not resume until the manatee(s) has moved . 50 foot radius of the project operation, or until 30 minutes elapses if the manatee(s) appeared within 50 feet of the operation. Animals must not be herded away or harassed i with or injury to a manatee shall be reported Immediately to the Florida Fish and servation Commission (FWC) Hotline at 1-888-404-3922. Collision and/or injury be reported to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Jacksonville (1-904-731-3336) for r or Vero Peach (1-772-562 3909) for south Florida, and to FWC at V signs concerning manatees shall be posted prior to and during all in -water project All signs ere to be removed by the permittee upon completion 'of the project. Temporary have already been approved for this use by the FWC must be used. One sign which ition: Boaters must be posted. A second sign measuring at least 8 %' by 1 V explaining :ments fo "Idle Speed/No Wake" and the shut down of in -water operations must be a location�prominenI y visible to all personnel engaged in water -related activities. These be viewe at MvFWC.com/manatee. Questions concerning these signs can be sent to address listed above. Application No. 130725.4 Page 1 of 1 RIVERBEND LOT 1 DOCK Application No: 1 0726A Permit No: 5 -03262 X Hugo A. Carter, P.E. X Jose -Vega X Barbara _J. 'Con y X ERC Martin/St Lucie STAFF REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION. X Permittee - Standard Pacific Of Florida Gp, Inc. X Engr Consultant- JemerAnd Associates Inc GOVERNMENT AGENCIES X City of Port St Lucie Planning Div X St. Lucie County Engineer X St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services Mark Satterlee, AICP, Director i ADDRESSES Standard Pacific 01 825 Coral Ridge Dr Coral Springs- FL STAFF Gp, Inc. City of Port St Luse Planning Div 121 Sw Port St Lucie Blvd Port -St Lucie FL 34 84-5099 St Lucie County Mark Satterlee, E 2300 Virginia Avi Fort Pierce FL ling and Director Services DISTRIBUTION LIST. Jemer And Associates Inc 2537 S E Alfonso Ave Por St Lucie FL 34952 brucejemer@bellsouth.net St. Lucie County Engineer 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce FL 34982 powieym@stlucieco.org AppllcaUon No: 130725-4 1 1 Page 2 of 2