HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1827 I II I , i l I , I '- t t i i I I ! I 11 I 'I I I '""", . ~ I L II Ii r " i ~-____.J.I...JJ..J:un.-..m..~o...Lun-hJ. Q wife 27 . _____.__r_Qr1..21u:~ L~8l1U.->>r.a1nA&e 1>1.0 t~1.o.1. .._.__...___._,_______quIT~c.h!'1 ~._I:?_~~_..._..__.., ._'..'_..............,........,..,...... __..._.._... ..__ _, .... _.' . .....__.__ I I I I ( I l I I .! ~ ! I \ I i I I , i \ , i i, i I ! , TlIIS INIll-:STt:RR ).fa.I~ IhiL..~~r.~",,___,____,__.,-.;-___daY oL. ._._.._..' Soptembor -....-.........-_.._...__..A. D. 19....~5... bel.~n .............. -- ..~...~....._~~~..L~lL>>~"-U".Kq~n ....hl~:.tifi.~_____... _.__....__ _._..._____,_ _________ , h( I~ (",,"nl)' or. . - st. Luoi e . ._.... ,-.. ....._.......,_.., alld Slal~ o( '...._... !'lorid"'_...._...._.......,.._....,.........._...par,. ..1.0lJo( I~ firsl pul, :and ........, ,.....!'Qr t 1.' lQrQo._~armB..Dralnago ..J>.1atrlQ1___...__,_________.._. __..__.._._._'....__,...___.._____._,___ ..II~ l""'"l)' ..I st., Luoie - .............., ..... '" - ... ....anJ Slale of... _'., Plorlda .....__, ....'.' ,.... ......_.... p:arl ':1-.. o( Ihe s<<ond pari. \\'IT~..:~:;~T1I. Th:al II", Q;.I p:U1 10So( I~ 6,.1 part, (or and in ron-ioleralion or IhI- ",m ..r. ~fn i i , ,_.._._._gJ!~..>>9_~.l~r .---..-------.---..---....."--..- .---.-.--.....-...,-._.,__..____.,,.()I...... in hantl ....id by Is.- ~id parly,_.... or tbe st(<)O.1 parI. lhe rettipl ..hncor i. Mnt.). acl.:no.ltdgtol. ba 8 '...'..._..'.,. remi~1. reteaoed an,1 qllil.ebimed. and h)' I~~ pre<enl. <1...._..,.. nmist<, ~Iea.~ and qllil-daim nnlo Ibe uid parI..1.,- rC '.!'" SC'\ood part snd.....,__,~,~a ...........'........... ........._,hdrs and assigns rorenr, an lhe rilChl. lille. inlert$l. (him and dt_~ which lhe said l"'rtioQ. oi ihe finl I"rl '" ..V. .._.. in and to Ihe rol!owing describtd ."I.....pie<<.,....or~rctL-O(bnd.--..:~~~l~~ a~ 1ll. L~, ...-..........- .. ..., ,.., .. ............_-,.,.,_....,--,._._...._-------~, -_.. -..,..-......---.--........ .........---.--...--......,-.-.-- --.-- -..-,-.-.....--..- .,.......:?()U~~..6Q_._,~~~_..().~..N_Q.J,"j;h..._l~~_.f~~ 1; Q :t..J.l or th~Q~l..lof,__~______.:...__...______ H" ,'. __Southe_o,~Li,_O.!._~~~~~Q,~.._~I_'l'()1fD,.~.~P "~. So lltlh._.._.._._...___,._____,..__..__..__. _.___ '...... ~onge,..,3~.._~a~.~!.._._______,__......_,..__,__....._ -__..,..,....'.......__m__ ..'_.____.____.._....______.___ .. ,...0._ ...._.. .. .h___',__,__ ._._.__~__.____.__.__._..___._____________________.._______ __.._..~_..____.___.__.._.____.._____.__~._ ._' ----------------------------------- ---..---.--.....------------------------- .-.__.-... ...... .......--....... --...--..----.....----.----------------------.-----....------------.------------------..-----.- _..__.......-.-- - .'. .. - -...--.-.. ------.---------.----.------.--... ---..----.-----.....---------.--.------------ ------ -----.--------..---.---------------.--- ----- ..--.----.. -..--.-- ----..--...---.--...-------..-------------------------------.----.----------.------------.-- -----.--------....-...--.-.--.-.-- .---- .-.-.--.-.--.------------- -....-. -..-.-..-..-...---....-----.-------.-----.---.---____..____..._._._...__ _....._.._..___. - _h_ ....____.________.___..._______.____.____..._____ TO 11.\\"1-: .\XU Tn HO!.)). II~ ,~_, 1.Jg<'ther ..ilh :all and singuhr I~ aPI.url...J:l....... th~",unl.. kk"'KinK or in an)-..i.., 2ppe,!~ining. and all Ill(' <>'001.., ri,tlor. lill... inl..n'l ",,,I claim "!ul,,~"..r of the <.2id rut. i,es.,r 1"'-' firsl rut. "ils.-r in la,,' or "'!uilr. t.. I.... ...nl)- pH"",r IIse. I",ntfit and lotboor' of II", ...id r:art y .-- or Is.- ...<<>"d I""rl. _,.___1 t,8..__.._....__._,_.. ,......._,_.._ __,...,...__.___,hein 3n.1 3";g,.S fnrner. IX WIT:\E::S WIIF.IU.:OI', 110.. 53id part lea..r Ih.. firsl p:arl ba..V8_.. h..rcunl<> ,tt.___.th~ir,_,....___._.....hand5. ...2,,,1 oeal S , Ih~ day and year firsl ooho,'e written. ~iJ;:nN. st.,ltd and ddi,.ttttl in I'rt$UKe of :.~~__-_--~_,l _____,_Co.rnelJa,_~~~ll .. ~cll.th Jaok_~on n__'nJ.~. , z.:e.~Q,___ .......____,__,________,__ (Seal.) :&Iella .l(een ..___...._ ,..(SuI.) STATE OF _.._n_!!()X~.~a,..________, St. Luoie C.-""'Iy of "... .._,__.,,_.__. ..,_ ___..____.,________ r HI-:RE!tY l'F.RTlf\'. ThaI on'thi. da)' J>trsonall,. appeared before IIIC'. an oIIi<<r .Iul)' auth"ri,tol .., admini'lr. ""'Iho ami I"l.:~ ackno..ledgnaenls. -'" -- - '-'---'..-,.. -, ..J.! __,~. .l;~-~.n.@,L~llfl z,~!l........h~.!Lj!..U.~H.__' ____...__...____ I" me ...rll I"'...." ... I... 1M I"''''''' fJ lkkribed i" and who execuled the forrg<>in!: instnunftll aml..._.. t)101 '''.-'' ..... 2ckno..lrdge.1 btror'~ me llu.t. 'H' ,theJ', .......'h.. "'_''''hu<<tlled 1M .al1lt' (reely and volunl:arily (or 1M plltpost'S Ihenin e"I'r".""L r i i \ i i I I , . I , .~ i l . _\XU I fllKTIlER CERTIFY, Tlul Ihe saiol-._____~..1.lf;l...1;f;t~n__._________..___.____._,_._ kn<>.n I.. mt 10 .... Ihe ..ire or 1M said ,_.._ __, J..L ~,!h_i.~Q!nl,_____~.---..-----_-...--_,_ 00 2 srp;oralr ali<I I'riule uaminali"n. tak.... and mad" by and berore me. sq>araldy and ,"(>:Irt from I...r !<aid h"sband. did 2cknowltdge thai she ex<<tlled lhe fn'<1(Oinll 1)caI for Ihe purpost' or rdi"'l"i.hing. al~ling and corn'eying all htr ri~hl, lilk a",1 inlerrsl. ..htl~r fof dower. homrstnd or or ~rale I'rOJ'trly. .Iatulory or equilable. in and 101M lands d"",rilled I~rdn. and thai she uecnltd said IJtrd (reely and \'olunlaoly and ..ithout any com- pulsion. conslraint. appnlKnsion or rnr of or from her said hnslwHl y h:and :and officUI seal al__!',ort_..L>lo.rcoy-.,CoUnl)' oL_____~t. ,Luole..._,.and Slalr ..r ~_,~1~!'J,~~.__ Ihis_ ,....day or.___~QP.1;~mlHlr.____A_ D. 19....26 __.. ~_____~~t'Ji.l)_~(l..Q~Q9D_________ i10tAry Public, St~te of Pl~tl~e at iarge _ ~~..~~!~~~n.::.~'.tP~I.~..:~~~ _-:- ~:=:~ .. ...-:::-:--:- STATE Qf fl.OIUD.-\. 1 i , i I I I j . , , i I CounlY of SI. I.ucie. BE IT RE.MF.}.!BERF.U, Tb~1 00 Ihi.__ ..?~!b, ___.day or----,~,~pJ;,~~~~:r..,~.u~..~'i,'lt1.M~.... D. 19_2fl J. --------.,--g!--QL~lO.r,fld_____~_________.Ckrli or II~ Circuil Court in and Cor said Counly, ban: dill,. rrc""JnI 1M r..rrgoing Quit,('laim IJred in lhe Public Records of ....id Counly. IS WrTN~S$ WIlf.kF..oF, I ban hereunto sel my hanoi a~ lhe suI or said (ourt lhe tb). anti ,-ear aoon .'ritl~n. -...... Ot~)l I I I' I 1- ! --_......!. L_Q..._~ldr.o4...__'_h'___ ~ (Seal) Ckrk 0" Ait COurL By.A~_IJ>~~~~_ ""... . .~ co. "-J ~{\\' {O ~,' (",0 I~~~ifQYf~~l~~I!~~l~~