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WITNF.SgF,TII, Thai lilt !'2id p2rt.l~a or the firsl part. ror and in n"..id~nli..n or list .an, ..1._.____'__.__..__....'....._...___.'...._.__._
__~___.Kr8._ G84rM_01.bAl"t .nd....h.u8h&D4_
9l)JT:C.l~,:AI M...O_E..~P
'-"'''r'''~''~'''' .- -----.--.-----.. ,- ,--- ------- ..---,---- - ....-
TillS lNnt:NTURF, lrad~ Ihi. .....__... ~'h. __.._....__.___.__eby of...".....--...>>tambel' _..._....._:....____.__.__-". O. 19.25.. kl..mt
,__ _,1!r,f....Jleors. ' 01 btr1i , ( torm8rlJ'...~a..--r....JL...,J3r,an tL"...Q.eor.g.e..Olber ~,...her.hulilbeu4~ _ __.
or list <-''''''1)' or. ....: ..:;Jt... John8 ....__.. ..,..'.... _ ..... "_"_" and Slal~ of ........ .rlor 14. -..._......_..__,_,_,_...__...~rtl08 of list first p2rl. and
..____ ......_.......,.0... M.... Anderson ..______________.__..._._..___,..:_._______.__.._..._._.._..._.__.__..__.._ ......_....__._._
..llht C''UIII)' or ......-.. .._St. Luole _........ _,.......,. ...._..... allll gllt~ or. ._....,..........J'lorlda __...._.....,__..,~. .-...--part.,..- or tht .....ond put,
in hand p2id to)' lbe said p2rl..;V-.. of Ih~ .<<ood p2rt. lilt r<<~it>1 whueor is Istrdly arklli)..kdgtd, have _....,__..,.. remiwd. releaoN allll quil.c1aimed.
and by I~ presenl. d.. ,...._.._ remi..., rtlea... alld quil~bim unlo Ih~ said I'art.,...__ or list _1 parI and,_ ,__..h~.8,__. ...._._" ......._ ..~irs and
a..ilCD' ronnr, all list right. lillt. inlert'<I. cbim and d~mand .M,h the said p2rl..1 8S or II-~ linl pari ha ve _._,_ in and 10 Ine ioii.,,,'inll described
L>L.., pit'CC,.,.,_ or p2ml._. of land. -....iC. 31 tuats in St. Luoi e County. J'loride. to-wit:
-..._.._._...'..._... ~....J.9~@.Q~' JAl ,~lJ~ _ ~.Q.._.1,gL.1.n..!lQ..QjL~ttty-Qnt.. t511..,Q.ooo.r.ding.....tQ..the ..Ph Ii ,_,..._ ..._
_....,_...__.......()f _.!.ihJ1ie.3Hy ....~lo.r1.qa. _nQJLo.ILfll.od~.1n...the..Of~lQ8..Qf.the ,C.l8rk. of. the ,.,. _ .....'. '<h
.__._.____ _.J)irou1 t. .QQ W:\_.9t,~,BrQ.v.ar.!l.J!Qun.~1........l'lor1.da.. ._.__..__....__. _____...____...___,..__..,..._._.._...__..
}.IrsL..QeQ!...9,1,1Jgl@Y_._ .
._,.,GeQr~.Q ,Qlbert..__
-0 1
.- -----------.-----.-----..- -......-..--...-..--..--...--..- -..--- .------.---~--- __.___u.._....____~___~.____.. ,.____.____ _._._____.__ ._._______._.._._.. "0_ _.0.._.__ _. ___..__... _.' __." ..
TO It\ \-E :\XU TO 1101.1>. Ih... ........ 1''IIdhcr ..ilh all and .inl(Ular I.... a....urln~ntt< Ih...r....nl.. 1st.....,.iRR .... in an).i... aPl'C'rlainio!:. and a1l
list ...Ial..., riJo:hl. lill.... inlCr...1 and rlai.., .hal.......,.. or Ihe oaid p2rtie.a or Ihe 1i..1 p2rl. eillstr in hw ...- '<fluil}', I., list ....1)' l'~r u.... I....,efil and
"rho..1 oi lhe ..id part, ''1 _. of list <<<1"'" p2rl. _____ his.
IX WITXF.SS WHEREOF. Ih... >aid pari lQa or list fin!
and lur lirsl abo.w~ ..rilltn.
SilUltd. .....ktI and del;.e,...1 in pr...;("nce of:
_ _.._. "_. twin and 2,,,iJ::n~ fL)rt\-ltr.
ha....8.___ IwrCUnlo...1 ..--tt.elr,--____...hand S ..and <ralS .., list oil)'
,_I Seal.)
STATE OF _..rlQ.r.:.!t:l.~.___ }
("ounly oL__....___~:t.....l..Q.lm~ --, J
I HEIU':RY CF.RTIFY, Thai ..n Ihi. da)' pcr<Onlllly appeared berore mt, an officTr dnl}' a'd"'~il<..t In admin;.ler ..alh_ and b\:... ac\:.....ledjtmml<,
..__J-m.S..,_G;;;'QRGS,.OLB.:ili.T,n.ond.~O.R~...OLB.3R'l' ._.her....huaband.__.:_..__.___ ____....
In me ....11 kno..n 10 I.. Ih... pcr....'9 dcscrihtd in and ..ho execuled Ihe rorCfCoinK in<lrumnn and ,_,....' they,.....
lhal. ,....._ tl,,-~y....._.........._ ..UtcUled the sa...., rr<<ly and ":olunlarily ror lhe pu<po$<'< Ilstre;n nprCi<N..
a<1:......kd,tcd Ioef..re me
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY. ThaI lhe ....id....
Lira. _~.~9l"&!LQlhert..__...__...._______._.______
kno.... 10 mt 10 be lhe wire of the 5aid..-..----Gaor8B-Olbar-t---. ..__.__._.___,.___..,___...___-'-"---
on a $Cpanl... and prinl~ rumination, laknt and madr b)' and bdor~ mr. SCp2nlel)' and apart from her sa:d hushand. did aclmowl...dg... lhal .be ueculed
lhe rorCfCoing Dttd ror list pU'I'<'S'" or relinquishing. alienating aDd c<Alnyinj( all her righ.. lillt and inleresl. ..htlher or do..cr. hoKD<'<lcad or or'sq>arale
property. <Ulutor)' or tqaitabk. in and 10 lhe lands Mscribtd lhtr...in, and lhal .h... uccuted said Ottd fretl}' and .olunlaril)- and wilhoul any com-
pulsion, conslraint, ,.prehcnsion or fear ..r or frum ber said busband.
, '~SS my hand and olbcia1 St':ll. at..Sumrnor....li&ur8A,_CCUnly 01.......,,3 t.,.. J ohna---_...,""nd Slalr or
___~..~l1,~daY ol...~e.Plelllb.er...--A. o. 19.-25.
(Scal) \
...,..._l'lor1da.. _..
_._._____,.._Q....._I.._'Oruay _____ ___,
~,~B}~~~~~Hg.6.J~l~eitJlg:~i~,~M.E".!~~ n"
- . .--,"-- - ---. -_..._--- -
Counly of SI. Lacle.
BE IT REMEMBERED, Thai 00 tbis...--3.r.d.
day or__..-Oat.ober.,..JJ~_.Sr.)\_.~ D_ 1926,
~ !
..:.....___. ..,_,___,.ckrk of list rjrcuit Courl in and ror ",id CoonI)'.
ha..... duly r,ccorck.J list forcgoinK Ouil,Claim Dctd in the P~..Iit ~d. or uid Counl)'.
, WITSF,SS WHEREOF, I ban henunlo sort my baud 'and lhe seal or said ("ourl lhe day and )nr ~r vlittm.
.. _,__.~. _C ~_;:l~rt.d.._.. ....____,____ .._.._._..(Sca!.)
,(\ ~ Ckrlc Circuit ('<>urt. .
"'J.:Jo\..~ - ... . ~_""",, CIm
' .<~.