HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1844 44 Q,a.-S.a...HJ.n \Qn..,..~01D.td._~LllUil..-aor.nella HInton TO . Q.,-_L._llilor QUIT:CLAIM QEEP. ''1'-- i \ l , r TillS IN()F.NTI1RF.. M.~ Ihis'._____'22.nd..,_.___ _----day 01..,_._._.__ August.. .....' ..____.__ -\. D. 19 25~, ~h..ccn -.--- -.---Q..-3.. -.H1u tOUT"Joiue4- bi-..hia-...W1.te.,....Oornel-1Q. .ll1n IoUn .__._...__..__.__.___.____ of Iht ('001I1, C\f ....... Dade... ..... ,. _...,._..... ,., _..._..... .._.._.... and S'~'e 01 .___.,......rlQr 1 de. ......,.._......... "___"'__ pa'li 1)11. of lhe fi..1 parI. atod ....._.....__._____.._IJ,.....A. .,_!;.111el'__ -.------.--.--. -.----'.---.....-....-.-- ..----..-.--.-.-iil~...----._-...-.--'--. ..f lhe COUnl)' 01.....,... st. L"Q 1,0.___..... ..,.. ..,.........,.._..and Slalt of., ,........ rlQr1 da............. ....' ............. ...........,parl~, 01 Iht !<<<1lIId PUI. WITNF.SSF.TlI. Thai ,.... .aid pardOS.. of I"" liul parI, fi'C and in (\\ft.-id,nli.,. of IIw ...m ..I.... .....' ..... .'.. ......., _ .._.. ...._....,.._.....,.'_............ 1.; J . ____.OnfLdolwl'...allILo.thDL:Y81 Ufl~ltLQ.OD.Q14Q rattOD.,.._.__.._____________.._._._____,tjW in band pa;.1 b)' ,he said part"..._ .of lhe ~ p:ut, lhe RCeipt .h.rto( is hereby ad,oowkdll:N. ha S ''''''n'__... remmd, r.lused and quit-clairntd, and by Ihue pre.enls doJUL. rtmiS(', rel.ait and quil~lai... unto the said party.....,. 01 I~ _ond part at,d,_,_h~Q----...-..--.....,....,h.ir. and as~.. lorntt'. I I~ CiKhl. titl., inl... .bim and ~tmand .bith the said part.! 8S of lhe finl~rt haVe,__.... in and 10 Ihe lol.....;nl[ d~ribN ~ ~ , 0 ~ . ..9- .' .y.... '-tt..o- (;......::::xt. frt u.. ~....:.-.. -----' ,2. v-"_ ? ~ 10'-..,. ptttt.___" I"" ,-- of lan~t<>-wlt: ,( 0 . 0 ____...___J._Q,t.l.P.__Qf..J~., _A...l'U, 1,~,J,"~,_.~~.Q~!.~J.~J,9~ 9J_~_ ~ ()!,_~~_.~Q...!]1~_..~oU t.h.1!~ B t____,..___.__ _..__corno r.. of ...the ..3Q.u:thWQs1Lqy,Q.r.\~.r:...Q 1.. the _.P.Q~!;ba.~~~.q~~J,"t~r...,Q:L S6Q..!4,2.!!....?L_..___...____,...._,.... ___......_..'b AirlL35,3Quth )t8DgQ _,4(L~;_i}.t.._l'lM....9.i....~Ql,<t..I;tl,!.b~JYl ~t QJ1.l',c'39.9:r~,~~. !~.Qy:~~~:r_,_.._.._.__ ___.2:6. ._.1.2~3...lp..fl{l,~. .!!9.9JL~_...~~8..U,~._ 3 t..!..~~9A~..Q2.I!~~.~;L !:~~C?:r_ds ._.___________ -----.-------------.-----------------.--------- ._------------~----------------------------~-_.-.._-----_....--_.. ----.--..-..---.-..----------- TO IIA \'1-: "XD TO 1I01.D. the ........, 1"!I:.I~r ...ilh all and singubr t"" aJ..'artma...... th.reunt" """"'!linll or ill an)....i.. appert"inin!:,. and all tlw "Iak. ri!fhl. ,ille. inlrrr<t all<1 .b,m ",hal......r of Ih.. <aid varlias, 01 ,he- li"l part.. nllarr in b.. ", "'luil)'. I.. the- onl)' proprc u.... hm.fit and .. hrhoo( 01 ,"" said part :J __ "f I"" '<<>.>r.d 1'''1. _._:....._._,h11l -------------...:--- -~_._.______."_-_ Iwir~ ancl a~"'iv~~ f,)ft'"ltr. '.'~'" J IX WITXI-:SS WIII-:IU':OF. Ih. !<:lid parlleB of lhe finl parI hJl1e ..._.... hrrwnlo..1 ......_...1;hQir..,....,_.._.hand ~. ~nd ...al8, ... liar d3)" and )'~ar first ab"Te ...rill.... Siltnrd. . .....Jcd and tleliT.....1 in p.......e 01: I =- ~~~~:~;:::;.1~=---' ____,_..__.~_. ...5.. ..lUnt.Qu _ "d",_ -;._ OQrpelJ.Q H~!lt9J;L ( Seal.) __'.' ( Seal.) STATE OF __.n,Q.:r.i~Q.._____._.. Count). ol.._,_,___A.adfl__._, I HEREBY CERTIFY. Thai on this day prr~lI,. "wrared brfore ...... an r&.. <Iu1y aUlhoI'i,ed I.' admini-"r ""Ib.- and I~kt ackno.ktllt11'tlll<. __,__,__..__._____~~._,~~,_!_~nton and hlB wife. Cornelia Hi~!~~_____....____,______,__.._____._,.... I" "'" ..,.11 known '" I... Ihe P<"r....... S.k>cribtd in and who urcuted lhe I""t'!roinll in<'..........1 all<I._....___WhQ _,.. ,.., tlut ,..__,~he;v_....._,_._.._..___extruled lhe '"rat frf.,!,. and ToIunlaril,. for the p..rpows lhernn upr..""'. AND I FURTtlF.R l'F.RTIFY. Thai the saiL___QJ!m!l_U1LJUlJ~9P....__.._______.._ a.-lmowktlJ[rol h.-Io.. ..... I.:nown to _ 10 be Ihe ..ife of the S3id...--.-O.._...3.._H1ntOD.__..........,._ .___..__..__..______.._____..__.._______ on a ..-paral. and privale e:<ammation, talc", and mack by and ~forr lilt. separalely and a""rl lrom hrr ..id h...hand. d"J arlmo.kdge tlul .he .."rculed the for~ Dttd for the p"rpose of rqrnqui<hing. alirnating and coony;ng all hec ngh.. litk and int....!. wh.thrr 01 do..... homtsttad or of ..-paral.. pI'OIlCrly. stalutDf)' 01" equitabk. in and to the land, deKribtd thrrtin. and thaI ~he u<<uled said n...1 frtel)" and Tolunlarily and without any .('n1- pulsion, co...t..in!. apprthc-nsion or ftar of or from I-...r said hu.band. WITNESS my haJld and 08icial !tal. at-..ID.P.mL__Co..nly oL_ :O'~9!'..___,_...____._~nd Slalr of ,__..l1'1.Qr:tg,!l._..... ..n. ,bU ;':~l"_ day ol,__.A\!sl,!..!t~n_~^. D. 19..?.Q. =('11. 1'. 3eal 11~ 6>~ ~ta=~ 3~~~~~~~~;nJu_ft;.~:ui~~ioft~~f~~B.--~ . ST'~1{ OF FI.oiUD~. } Counly' of.SL.-l.ve( DF. IT RUIF.MORRF.D, That on thiJ.__12th day oLSaptombo.r....at.,..2..0,.:.18_A...Il...,_,\. D. 1925.. I. _ .2..._C....-ndrad. - ____...___l"k-rk of 1M Circuit Coutl in and lot ..id County. . . . . han duly r<<orded 1M 1000tgoinl[ o..il,Cbirn Dttd in the Public Rrc:ordJ of laid CoulIly. I~ WITNESS WIIF.RF.oF, I Iun hereunlo Sd m, hand alld the stal 01 said ("our: lhe dar aJId )Tar abOYe .rillm. F:~~) '-, /' p. , -----" . t.,."ll ~ ," ('"..i. 40~<.\ ~eC ..._,_._r..J!..._~l.<l..rQ4.,.._.__,_._,_,__,______(SnI.) . auk (,ircu~ Court. B'.0Cl\,,~~~ _....... ""'" y :} ~f~itf~t~~~~t~~l