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\\'IT"F.~~!;.T", Tlul I"" <aid pUI.y.. . or 1M linl put. rOf :lilt! in f(>Il.id~ral.lft or Ihr ,"m or .. ..__.... _......
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'rillS INrlf.NfURK Made this.,...__.___3r.d.__..._____.ab:Jr 01.____~Bp.'8Illb8r_______....__,.A. u, 19.26. klwffil
___,_____Gr.f.\ Q.!l.....Q.Q,oW1LC.QraQ.& ~. CoakrellLa.....!rae-d.Elal.sr
of lhe ('.....,,. or _.._.... S.t ~ .. L\.l.~l~......._, ..... ...._.._.... __, alld Stalf of__ ........Flor 1 da. ------..IW'1..-- or I~ Gut put. ~1Id
_,____.__.._.__...____,..,Harr.1et..,.PutDnm _' ...,__.__,_________.______.__,......._.. "",__"___'''_'''_
of Ihr ('OIIftly of _._.....Vo1.\\818.,............ .........._,............_._, and Slal~ oL.........._..Florlda........ ........._...... ........._ p~rt.y... or Ihf <<<OIId pan.
ill Iwtd !'&itl b~' I~ oaitl parly_.... or Ihe -" part. Ihr rt<~ipl whtttor b hrrfhy ac"no..~ loa B .._,__... nmiscd. r~luqd """ qlliHbi",,"t!.
and b)' tlw-sr p"~'nlls do 138 .. rtm~, r~kurand quil.daim unl.. Ihr said part~_._- <of ' 1M ..m.id parI and __.h&r..____...._...__ __.. Miu- alld
assigns fornfl', al\ 1M righl. litlr. inl~""'t. cbin. and d~mand ,.hkh tbc: said party _..._ or thr f.,...: pari U 8..,--- in and. 10 Ihr ioJ....inl[ d~ribtd
IoL.~ pi<<L..,_ or parc~L__ or land. IJl..n:
.~.~.!ltILQ.f._r1.9.r.tcl~,. ._ to.- '!H.L
81 tuato. lying 8ud bolng in tho Oounty of st. y.ucle,
...JJov.ernment-LO-t -3 r-.1n.-SeatiO-n..Wy--TowJ1$h i P 3.'7-,.3ou.th,...-B.ange..ftl. ~.tr.-o-o-ntalnlu8-'-'''--'-'''-'-
....41 .Aores..,mor.e .. or...1 us...,._\oge,thu.J.UlL!".1MJ".l.ap.,rJg M,~..._..~,p.l~.._lll,p4..~L~~J~..,.._, ..__.._..__.,._..___
_" lo.csted.in.,.st ....,Luale,...Oo unt~....l~orid.a.________________ ____._._.___.._...,......_._..._...
TO IL\\"F. AX!) Tn HOtl>. 1M .......... lotertMr ,.ilh al\ and oiJlJtabr Ihr appurkt.;mc~ lhnnontu hd....i.lti: or in an)";... 3ppr-rt~in~, and al\
Ihr ~'lal,.. rilth!. lilk, inl<r~'1 and cbim ...lu"'o~n.. .)r Ihr said part...y__ o! lh~ fir" part, ..-it1K'1' in b... ,,,. "'l"il.', I.. I~ 01'1)' prop<'r US(', lotn~fil and
~hoor or I~ said pUly... . or Ibr ,'rroad part.
______.._. Iwi...~ and a.uixns forc,'rr.
IS \\'ITXESS WlIEkF.OI'. Ih~ said loarl ,y.. or I.... lir" p3rt 1u..S-,........_ htr~uoto <('I ,,_..,. )lQr _....._._....hand8. an" 'f'31 S . I.... da)"
an.. )*f'ar first ab(we ..riUen.
Sil/Md. <('akd and <klic~rro in pr~~r or: I
_. (Stat)
STATE OF ___Florida
(".oulll)' or.__..__,_ St ...Luc 1lL
I '~ERF.8Y CERTIFY. ThaI on Ihis da)' pttsonally apprarM berore ...... an offictr duly :lQlh..rizro 10 a.lmini,t~r rolh< and uk~ a~kno..kdxmml'.
t;r.a.CJL.c.o c Kroll ..l.Gl:a.0.a...3.lL._C'O'ckr.allLa...!r.e.e.....dasler..,_______.,
to ...., ...11 known 10 ho- I.... prrson.... r1rscril,ro in """ .ho ntc'Utro 1M ror~oin~ in.lrumml and '__'__ who
llul,..,.....,,IJ,!1,!.........,__..,_..._..r":CUlro Ihr ....nor rr<<1y and ..ollJl1larily for 1M (oafPO'" thrrri" upr~,~l
acL;oc...lro,rro beror~ I1W'
AX!> I FURTIIEU CEUTIFY. ThaI tbc: said,...
Imo.n lu ..... 10 be 1M .-irr or lhr said___ . ___,____
on a stparalr :lIld prinlr uamin:llion, la".... an,\ marlr by and beror~ _. s<1'3nldy :and aparl r",m hrr said hushan<1. dit! acknowlrdg.. llul oM ut\.'Ulrcl
tbc: ror~'( Dttd lor tbc: pul'pOSr 01 rrlinqui.hing. alinuling and connying all h~r right. lilk and inln~l. .-brlMr 01 do..~. homr<lrad or or stparat..
propo:rly. otalutur). or eqaitabW. in :me! 10 Ihr bncb ckscribcd Ihrrrm. and thaI sM uttlJlro said Dtcd rr<<1y and ....Iunlarily and wilhool any com'
pulsion, rooslraint. apprrhrmion cr ftar 01 or rrom htr said bu<band.
WITNESS my Iulld :and ~ sui" ~r Cc.anly oL__JH--. ...L.UQ,le,,_,_...ancl glalr of _......._l'loJ".U.Q...,__
,_ _day or_-1lQp.1-Q.m9,~l'...__A, D. 19..~.Q.
n expires:
AI to, 4dua
__II QJ~l':i .. f..QllJ.J 9....~~P..tEJ_..Qf_..~l..Q;l".'!!Q_.Q,\ ~~;r& 8
Counly of 5L Lucir.
8E IT ROlE1llJEREO, That OR thio
~____..daY {>L__.s~p ....a.t..3~M_2.}(a. ..__.A. D. 19. ,2~.
J. __
..,___l'Jtrk or I.... CIK1I,I Courl in ailll r01' ...id (.......Iy.
hur duly rtror.......1 1M rorrgoinll' Quil.Claim ~ in 1M Public RO:Of'" of .aid County.
------........ .
I;/WITNF.SS w~nF.fn~OF' I ban hrrnnlo <d my Iwtd and 1M seal ..f ~~~: .'M ..~.=:; ~~ ::;~~,.._ __. ........ __..($rat)
l Ct. 38) 1(\ f"'D Clnk C;rcuill'OU".
\ ct. / BY.cJCI\.~.. ..V"'~~ . _ llrpul, (jrk..
____--/ ... it \.' r- "1 ~ V' { " ff