St Lude County
RECEP-7D .10 13 1016
Report of Geot6chnicaf Exploration
.i-.fl �i?ae ao'v4e ._G+Bki _.S_L'T._- es _�.■ _ ..oe __. ... .. ..._ .. -...
January 8, 2014
GFA Project No.: 13-2092.01
For: Phoenix Realty Homes
Environmental - Geotechnical • Construction']
Phoenix Realty Homes
Attention: Mr. Alan Tarpell
1760 N. Jog Road, Suite 140
West Palm Beach, Florida 33411
Site: Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivi
Vicinity SW of Bonita Isle Dr. &
St. Lucie County, Florida
GFA Project # 13-2092.01
Dear Mr. Tarpell:
GFA International, Inc. (GFA) has comple
engineering evaluation for the above-refere
and engineering service agreement for this
accordance with our Geotechnical Engineed.
conjunction with and authorized by you.
Testing • Threshold and Special Inspections - Plan Review & Code Compliance
January 8, 2014
lion - Lots 1-38
Al A
ad the subsurface exploration and geotechnical
Iced project in accordance with the geotechnical
Iroject. The scope of services was completed in
g Proposal dated December 12, 2013, planned in
The purpose of our subsurface exploration wads to classify the nature of the subsurface soils and
general geomorphic conditions and evaluate heir impact upon the proposed construction. This
report contains the results of our subsurface exploration at the site and our engineering
interpretations of these, with respect to the project characteristics described to us including
providing recommendations for site preparation and the design of the foundation system.
Based on a site plan (author and date unknown) (reproduced in Appendix B - Test Location
Plans) and conversations with the client, the I roject consists of constructing one or two-story
residences with shallow foundations. We have not received any information regarding structural
loads. For the foundation recommendations pr sented in this report we assumed the maximum
column load will be 70 kips and the maximur. � wall loading will be 4 kips per linear foot. GFA
estimates that 0 to 2 feet of fill will be required to bring the foundation pads to design grade.
A total of thirty-eight (38) Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT)_soundings to depths of approximately
eighteen (18) to twenty (20) feet, and fourteen (14) Auger Borings (AB) to approximately six (6)
and ten (10) feet, below ground surface (BGS) were completed for this study.
The subsurface soil conditions encountered at this site generally consist of sand (SP) to the
auger boring termination depths of 6 and 10 feet. The CPT soundings generally indicated BGS
the soils were medium dense to ' dense to 18 feet, and then very dense to the sounding
termination depths of 18 to 20 feet. Most soundirl}gs were terminated due to cone refusal on very
dense/hard soils at 18 to 20 feet. The except10 was at the boring AB @Lot 11, where sand
with pieces of wood and roots was encountered at 3Y to 5 feet deep. Please refer to Appendix
E - Record of Test Borings for a detailed account of each boring and sounding.
521 NW Enterprise Drive • Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986
924.3575 - (772) 924.3580 (fax) • www.teamgfa.com
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
St Lucie County, Florida
GFA Project No: 13-2029.01
The subsurface soil conditions at the prc
proposed structures on shallow foundatio
.used for foundation design.
Geotechni'cal Report
January 8, 2014
Page 2 of 10
-t site are generally favorable for the support of the
An allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 psf may be
Potentially unsuitable soil (sand with pieces of wood and roots) was encountered at
boring AB @ Lot 11 at depths of 3'/2 to 5 feet, and GFA recommends that test pits be
performed in that area prior to, or during stripping and clearing. Unsuitable soils may be
encountered that must be excavated andl removed to at least 5 feet outside the footprint
of the building and then backfilled with compacted structural fill.
After excavation and backfill operations (,
should be improved with compaction from tt
pads. The top 2 feet below stripped grade
prior to placing fill to achieve final grade.
12-inch lifts and compacted to achieve a m
the subgrade to a depth of 2 feet below be
minimum 95% density.
ere needed) are completed, the subgrade soils
stripped grade prior to constructing the foundation
)ould be compacted to a minimum of 95% density
(including stemwall backfill) should be placed in
mum 95% density. After excavation for footings,
im of footings should be compacted to achieve a
Analysis of the foundation performance under hurricane conditions or other storm events,
including the effects of loss of soil support due to scour or other forces, is not within the scope of
this report, and the recommendations are va�id only for normal conditions. Additional analysis
and options for foundation systems with scou conditions or other scenarios can be. performed if
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project and look forward to a
continued association. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any :questions or
comments, or if we may.further assist you as y11our plans proceed.
real l Miler,
§-gMPGt c nical UgN_--ber
istrSon J�fag 675
Nq G`�y L EN
Copies: ,',,°AI?essee
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
St. Lucia County, Florida
GFA Project No. 13-2029.01
1.0 1
1.1 Scope of Services
The objective of our geotechnical services
summarize the test results, and, dlscl
geotechnical significance for building cons
within this report:
Geotechnical Report
January 8, 2014
Page 4 of 10
to collect subsurface data for the subject project,
any apparent site conditions that may have
ion. The following scope of services are provided
1. Prepare records of the soil boring logs d picting the subsurface soil conditions encountered
during our field exploration.
2. Conduct a review of each soil sample
and additional testing if necessary.
3. Analyze the existing soil conditions
support for the proposed structure.
4. Provide recommendations with respect
allowable soil -bearing capacity, bearing e
5. Provide criteria and site preparation
1.2 Project Description
Based on a site plan (author and date unkn
Plans) and conversations with the client, the
residences with shallow foundations. We have
loads. For the foundation recommendations p
column load will be 70 kips and the maximur
estimates. that 0 to 2 feet of fill will be required
during our field exploration for classification
during our exploration with respect to foundation
foundation support of the structure, including
itions, and foundation design parameters.
res to prepare the site for the proposed
wn) (reproduced in Appendix B - Test Location
)roject consists of constructing one or two-story
not received any information regarding structural
;sented in this report we assumed the maximum
wall loading will be 4 kips per linear foot. GFA
bring the foundation pads to design grade.
The recommendations provided herein are based upon the above considerations. If the project
description has been revised, please inform JGFA International so that we may review our
recommendations with respect to any modifications.
2.1 Site Inspection
The project site was generally flat and grass)
estimated to be even with the adjacent road at
north of the property. The interior roadways f
Atlantic Ocean was about.800 feet east. and th
to 1 mile west, of the property. A few small re
with a few trees. The grade at the site was
he time of drilling. Residential structures were
the subdivision had been constructed. The
Indian River (Intracoastal Waterway) about %Z
dential structures and a dirt parking area are
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
St. Lucie County, Florida
GFA Project No. 13-2029,01
shown at the site on aerial historical
1994 to 2007.
2.2 Field Exploration
A total of thirty-eight (38) Cone Penetrome!
eighteen (18) to twenty (20) feet, and fourt(
and ten (10) feet, below ground surface (B
the soundings and borings performed are
Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) methods w
performed in substantial accordance with /
and Friction Cone Penetration Tests of Sol
with ASTM Procedure D-1452, "Practice for
The soil samples recovered from the soil bo
is illustrated in Appendix E: 'Record of Tes
might vary between the strata interfaces, wh
reflect information from a specific test locat
locations was not provided for our field expli
test was approximated based upon existing c,
obvious landmarks. The boring and soundin
be stressed by the proposed construction anc
2.3 Laboratory Analysis
Soil samples recovered from our field explo
were visually examined in general accordant
obtain an accurate understanding of the soil
thorough visual examination of the recover
necessary. Bag samples of the soil encount
laboratory for your inspection for 30 days and
The recovered samples' were not examin
composition or environmental hazards. GFA
additional fee, if required.
2.4 Geomorphic Conditions
The South Florida region is a low probable
activity.. There are no known fault lines locE
Seismicity Map of the State of Florida prod
activity occurred near Miami in 1945. This
Intensity Scale of 1931. This intensity is similE
heavily loaded trucks. The UBC Seismic Zor
within a 0 Seismic Zone, and there are typ
located within 0 Seismic Zone.
Geotechnical Report
January 8, 2014
Page 5 of 10
-aphs from the GoogleEarth website dating from
Test (CPT) soundings to depths of approximately
(14) Auger Borings (AB) to approximately six (6)
were completed for this study. The locations of
strated in Appendix B: "Test Location Plan". The
used as the investigative tools. CPT tests were
-M Procedure D-3441, "Deep Quasi -Static, Cone
and the auger borings in substantial accordance
it Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings".
ngs were visually classified and their stratification
Borings". It should be noted that soil conditions
;h are shown. The soil boring and sounding data
m only. Site specific survey staking for the test
ration. The indicated depth 'and location of each
'ade and estimated distances and relationships to
depths were confined to the zone of soil likely to
knowledge of vicinity soils. .
Lion were returned to our laboratory where they
with ASTM D-2488. Samples were evaluated to
operties and site geomorphic conditions. After a
I site soils, no laboratory testing was deemed
Bd during our field exploration will be held in our
ien discarded unless we are notified otherwise in
either visually or analytically, for chemical
>uld be pleased to perform these services for an
:a of sinkhole development or intense seismic
d on or near the project site. Based on the
:d by B.G. Reagor 1987, the closest seismic
vent registered a III on the Modified Mercalli
o vibrations like that due to passing of heavy or
Map shows the state of Florida to be located
illy no seismic analyses required for projects
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
St Lucie County, Florida
GFA Project No. 13-2029.Of
The geology of the site as mapped on the l
sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes (10), and Palm
are sandy soils and organic soils are not
generally extends to a maximum depth o
surface.and is not indicative of deeper soil
Map for a detailed report for the soil survey.
Boring logs derived from our field explora
Borings". The boring logs depict the obs
indicate the penetration resistance value,,
descriptions shown on the logs are gen
recovered soil samples. All soil samples re
accordance with the Unified Soil Classific
typical Florida conditions. See Append!
description of various soil groups.
The subsurface soil conditions encounters
auger boring termination depths of 6 and 1
the soils were medium dense to dense
termination depths of 18 to 20 feet. Most so
dense/hard soils at 18 to 20 feet. The exc
with pieces of wood and roots was encouni
E - Record of Test Borings for a detailed ac
2.5 Hydrogeological Conditions
Geotechnical Report
January 8, 2014
Page 6 of 10
SDA Soil Survey website consists of Canaveral fine
Beach fine sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes (27). These
indicated. It should be noted that the Soil Survey
80 inches (approximately 6% feet) below ground
onditions. Please refer to Appendix C - Soil Survey
m are presented in Appendix E: "Record of Test
rved soils in graphic detail. The CPT soundings
logged during the test. The _ classifications and
-ally based upon visual characterizations of the
ewed have been depicted and classified in general
tion System, modified as necessary to describe
F: "Discussion. of Soil Groups", for a detailed
at this site generally consist of sand (SP) to the
feet. The CPT soundings generally indicated BGS
18 feet, and then very dense to the sounding
!dings were terminated due to cone refusal on very
ition was at the boring AB @ Lot 11, where sand
-ed at 3'/2 to 5 feet deep. Please refer to Appendix
unt of each boring and sounding.
On the dates of our field exploration, the groundwater table was encountered at depths ranging
from approximately 4% to 5% feet below the existing ground surface. The groundwater table
will fluctuate seasonally depending upon local rainfall and other site specific and/or local
influences including the water levels in the nearby Intracoastal Waterway (Indian River) and
Atlantic Ocean with tidal influences. Brief poriding of stormwater may occur across the site after
heavy rains.
No additional investigation 'was included in ur scope of work in relation to the wet seasonal
high groundwater table or any existing well fields in the vicinity. Well fields may influence water
table levels and cause significant fluctuations If a more comprehensive water table analysis is
necessary, please contact our office for additional guidance.
3.1 General
A foundation system for any structure must bel designed to resist bearing capacity failures, have
settlements that are tolerable, and resist the environmental forces that the foundation may be
subjected to over the life of the structure. The (soil bearing capacity is the soil's ability to support
loads without plunging into the soil profile, Bearing capacity failures are analogous to shear
failures in structural design and are usually sudden and catastrophic.
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
St. Lucie County, Florida
GFA Project No. 13-2029.01
Geotechnica/ Report
January 8, 2014.
Page 7 of 10
The amount of settlement that a structure may tolerate is dependent on several factors
including: uniformity of settlement, time rate of settlement, structural dimensions and properties
of the materials. Generally, total or uniform settlement does not damage a structure but may
affect drainage and utility connections. These can generally tolerate movements of several
inches for building construction. In contrast, differential settlement affects a structure's frame
and is limited by the structural flexibility.
The subsurface soil conditions at the project site are generally favorable for the support of the
proposed structures on shallow foundations. An allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 psf may be
used for foundation design. Expected settlement of the structure is 1 inch or less total and less
than % inch differential. I
3.2 Site Preparation
GFA recommends the following compaction requirements for this project:
➢ Proof Roll ......................................... ........................95% of a Modified Proctor
➢ Building Pad Fill ................................. .. .... 95% of a. Modified Proctor
➢ Footings.......................................................................95% of a Modified Proctor
The compaction percentages presented abot a are based upon the maximum dry density as
determined by a "modified proctor" test (ASTM D-1557). All density tests should be
performed to a depth of 2 feet below existing grade and below bottom of footings. All
density tests should be performed using .the nuclear method (ASTM D-2922), the sand cone
method (ASTM D-1556), or Hand Cone Penetrometer (HCP) tests.
Our recommendations for preparation of the site for use of shallow foundation systems are
presented below. This approach to improvingi and Maintaining the site -soils has been found to
be successful on projects with similar soil conditions.
1. Initial site preparation should consist of performing stripping and clearing operations. This
should be done within, and to a distance of five (5) feet beyond, the perimeter of the
proposed building footprint (including exterior isolated columns). Test Pits should be
performed at Lot 11 and where unsuitIable soils are encountered, they should be
removed. Foundations and any below grape remains of any structures that are within the
footprint of the new construction should be removed, and utility lines should be removed or
properly abandoned so as to not affect structures or pavements. .
2. Following site stripping (and excavation where needed) and prior the placement of any fill,
areas of surficial sand (not exposed limestone) should be compacted ("proof rolled") and
tested. We recommend using a steel drum vibratory roller with sufficient static weight and
vibratory impact energy to achieve the required compaction. If the subgrade is too wet or
the inflow of groundwater cannot be controlled so that the compaction is not achievable,
then very clean granular fill may be placed up to 1 foot above the water table, intensively
densified and compacted until no further settlement can be visually discerned at the fill
surface, and 1 foot of soil both above and below the water table have achieved at least 95%
density. Density tests should be performed on the proof rolled surface at a frequency of not
less than one test per 2,500 square feet, or a minimum of three (3) tests, whichever is
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
St. Lucie County, Florida
GFA Project No. 13-2029.01
greater. Areas of exposed intact
geotechnical engineer prior to fill pla
3. Fill material may then be placed in the I
inorganic (classified as SP, SW, GP, GI
more than 5 percent (by weight) organ
fines in excess of 12% should not be
lift thickness not exceeding 12-inches. I
placement of the next lift. Density tests
not less than one test per 2,500 square
three (3) tests per lift, whichever is great
4. For any footings bearing on a limestone
be examined by the engineer / geologis
the limestone. The limestone shall be,
areas shall be cleaned to depth of 3 tirr
with lean concrete.
5. For footings placed on structural fill or
footings shall be tested for compaction
representative to determine if the soil is
tests should be performed at a frequer
isolated column footing and one (1) to
Geotechnical Report
January 8, 2014.
Page 8 of 10
ie shall be visually confirmed by the project
in lieu of proof rolling.
uilding pad as required. The fill material should be
SP-SM, SW-SM, GW-GP, GP -GM) containing not
materials. Fill materials with silticlay-size soil
ised. Fill should be placed in lifts with a maximum
ach lift should be compacted and tested prior to the
should be performed within the fill at a frequency of
feet per lift in the building areas, or a minimum of
ormation, the bottom of all footing excavation shall
or his representative to determine the condition of
robed for voids and loose pockets of sand. Such
is the greatest horizontal dimension and backfilled
npacted native granular soils, the bottom of all
d examined by the engineer / geologist or his
of organic and/or deleterious material. Density
of not less than one (1) density test per each
per each seventy five (75) lineal feet of wall
6. The contractor should take into account tl�e final contours and grades as established by the
plan when executing his backfilling and compaction operations.
Using vibratory compaction equipment at this site may disturb adjacent structures. We
recommend that you monitor nearby structure before and during proof -compaction operations.
A representative of GFA International can monitor the vibration disturbance of adjacent
structures. A proposal for vibration monitoring during compaction operations can be supplied
upon request.
3.3 Design of Footings
Footings may be designed using an allowal
foundations should be embedded a minimum
shall be measured from the lowest adjacent c
24 inches in width and continuous strip foo
regardless of contact pressure.
Once. site preparation has been performed in
in this report, the soil should readily suppoi
foundation system. Settlements have been p
differential. All footings and columns should
they will be loaded differently and at differer
soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. Shallow
18 inches below final grade. This embedment
le. Isolated column footings should be at least
is should have a width of at least 18 inches
-cordance with the recommendations described
the proposed structure resting on a shallow
)jected to be less than 1-inch total and %-inch
e structurally separated from the floor slab, as
times, unless a monolithic mat foundation is
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
St Lucie County, Florida
GFA Project No. 13-2029.01
3.4 Ground Floor Slabs
Geotechnical Report
January 8, 2014
Page 9 of 10
The ground floor slabs may be supported directly on the existing grade or on granular fill
following the foundation site preparation a d fill placement procedures outlined in this report.
For purposes of design, a coefficient of subgrade modulus 150 pounds per cubic inch may be
used. The ground floor slab should be structurally separated from all walls and columns to
allow for differential vertical movement.
Excessive moisture vapor transmission through floor slabs -on -grade can result in damage to
floor coverings as well as cause other deleterious affects. An appropriate moisture vapor
retarder should be placed beneath the flood slab to reduce moisture vapor from entering the
building through the slab. The retarder phould be installed in general accordance with
applicable ASTM procedures including sealing around pipe penetrations and at the edges of
This consulting report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the current project owners and
other members of the design team for thel Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
located at St. Lucie County, Florida. Thio report has been prepared in accordance with
generally accepted local geotechnical engine ring practices; no other warranty is expressed or
implied. The evaluation submitted in this report, is based in part upon the data collected during
a field exploration, however, the nature and extent of variations throughout the subsurface
profile may not become evident until the time of construction. If variations then appear evident,
it may be necessary to reevaluate information and professional opinions as provided in this
report. in the event changes are made in the nature, design, or locations of the proposed
structure, the evaluation and opinions contained in this report shall not be considered valid,
unless the changes are reviewed and conclusions modified or verified in writing by GFA
Analysis of the foundation performance unc
including the effects of loss of soil support due
this report, and the recommendations are val
and. options for foundation systems with scour
. hurricane conditions or other storm events,
scour or other forces, is not within the scope of
only for normal conditions. Additional analysis
nditions or other scenarios can be performed if
The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the. data obtained
from the tests performed at the locations indicated on the attached figure in Appendix B. This.
report does not reflect any variations, which may occur between borings. While the borings are
representative of the subsurface conditions at their respective locations and for their vertical
reaches, local variations characteristic of the subsurface soils of the region are anticipated and
may be encountered. The delineation between soil types shown on the soil logs is approximate
and the description represents our interpretation of the subsurface conditions at the designated
boring locations on the particular date drilled.
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38
St. Lucie County, Florida
GFA Project No. 13-2029.01
Geotechnical Report
January 8, 2014
Page 10 of 10
Any third party reliance of our geotechnica� report or parts thereof is strictly prohibited without
the expressed written consent of GFA International. The applicable SPT methodology (ASTM
D-1586), CPT methodology (ASTM D-3441), and Auger, Boring methodology (ASTM D-1452)
used in performing our borings and sou ding, and for determining penetration and cone
resistance is specific to the sampling tools ding,
and does not reflect the ease or difficulty to
advance other tools or materials.
M.Nm: (772) 92 i3515 - FAX. (7.72) 924-M80
(ASMD 3441)
Phoenix Realty Homes
Project No.:
Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots I-
Lab No.:
St. Lucie County, FL
Field Cfew:
Rig ID:
CPT - Lot 23 Back N27.505900 W80.306400
104 1
Existing Grade
C ine.:Beoiup�- t, (tsf)
Depth q Friction Ratio, FR
7 P FPTS-11 FR. (zneters), 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 0 ' 2 4 ' 6 8
9 is 7.3 0.2
70 T, _LL-L
80 140 0.9 0.4
90 100 180 1.5 0.6
30 150 260 1.0 0.8
150 170 .300 0.9
40 160 280 0.9 1.2 -, I I .. T .... J I
80 100 160 0.8 1.4
so 90 60 1.7 16 5
00 0.7 1:
120 2
100 8
100 110 200 1.3 2-
0 00 160 08 22
60 70 120 13 2.4
60 70 120 14 2.6
55 68 110
1.8 2.8
65 80 130 2.0 3.0 1
70 90 140 1.9 3.2 f:
80 100 160 1.7 3.4 -1-
70 90 140 0.9 3.6
60 70 120 1.1 3.8 I I I i j H7
70 80 140 1.9 4.0
70 90 140 0.9 4.2
so 60 100 2.0 4.4
40 55 80 2.0 4.6 15
68 80 136 1.9 4.8 J.-i
70 90 140 0.9 5.0
60 70 120 1.1 5.2
60 70 120 2.2 5.4
110 130 220 1.2 5.6
170 1 -1 --.' TI-TE1 JJ J.,J 90 340 : . J,. !-I ,
0.8 5. t
10 380 0.7 6.0
190 2
130 150 260 6.2 = t:
P.-Wrojects12013113-2092,01 Tarpon Flats, S,,. Lude Cotoily (Phoedr RealyHoa,es)lG WppendicesWpp Li". CPT(38)
LOGS (ASTM D-1452)
Client: Phoenix Realty Homes
Project No:
Project: Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots
1-38 Lab No:
St. Lucie County, FL
Test Date:
12/31/2013 &
1 /2/20.14
Elevation: Existing Grade
@ CPT— Lot 1
Depth feet
tion color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand SP
1 —1%2
Light brown fine sand, little
shell SP
1 %2 — 3
Gray fine sand, little shell
Brown fine sand, trace roots SP
Light brown fine sand, little) shell SP
Gray fine sand, little shell SP
Water table at 5%2 feet below ground surface
@ CPT— Lot 4
Depth feet
color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand SP
2 — 3
Light brown fine sand, trace
cla and shell SP
3 — 4%2
Light brown fine sand, trace!
shell SP
4'/2 — 5%2 ..
Light brown fine and, some shell (SP)-
5'/2 — 6
Light brown fine sand, tracel shell SP
Water table at 5%2 feet below Ig round surface
Depth feet
Description color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand SP
2 — 2%2
Light brown fine sand, trace 'shell SP
2'/2 — 4
Gray fine sand, trace shell SP
4 — 4%2
Dark gray fine sand. trace shell SP
4% - 10
Gray fine sand, trace shell SP
Water table at 5%4 feet below 6round surface
- ._ ._. _ ..
_ «F: Fi.�C: ..> � �: L,'" aJ �T��.' s:p'R�.q'. sU»trv'•: �lt� n;;,�f.'F";
LOGS (ASTM D-1452)
Client: Phoenix Realty Homes
Project: Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots
St. Lucie County, FL
Elevation: Existing Grade
Project No:
Lab No:
Test Date:
12/31/2013 &
Q CPT— Lot 10
Depth feet
Description color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown to gray fine sand SP
1 —1 %
Reddish brown to gray fine sand SP
1%2 — 2
Light brown fine sand, trade shell SP
Gray fine sand, trace shells SP
Dark gray fine sand, trace shell SP
Gray fine sand, trace shells SP
Grayish brown fine sand, trace shell SP
Water table at 5% feet below ground surface
CPT— Lot 11 1
Depth feet
Descri o tion color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand SP
1 —1%2
Light brown fine sand SP
1%2 — 3%2
Gray fine sand, trace shell ,SP
3'/2 — 5
Dark gray fine sand, some roots and pieces of wood (highly organic) SP,PT
Gray fine sand, trace shell ISP
Water table at 5 feet below ground surface
CPT— Lot 14
Depth feet
Description color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand, trace shell SP
Gray fine sand, trace clay, little shelf SP
3 — 4%2
Dark grayish brown fine sand SP
4%2 — 5
Light brown fine sand, trace'shell SP
Light brown fine sand, little shell SP
Water table at 5 feet below ground
..:....Sy .... ':'ssi'.. oi; �::�`'a?. 1C^i:��'E'�;-i^•' :'s :.�%:1"w'. a;
LOGS (ASTM D-1452)
Client: Phoenix Realty Homes
Project No:
Project: Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots
Lab No:
St. Lucie.County, FL
Test Date:
12/31/2013 &
Elevation: Existing Grade
@ CPT— Lot 17
Depth feet
tion color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand, trace shell
1 — 3%
Light brown fine sand, trace
shell SP
3% — 4Y
Light brown fine sand SP
41/ — 6
Light brown fine sand, littl',e
shell SP
Water table at 5 feet belo
round surface
CPT— Lot 21
Depth feet
tion color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brownish gray fine sand, trace
shell SP
Gray fine sand, trace shell
3 — 3%
Brown fine sand, trace tre
root debris SP
31/ — 6
Gray fine sand SP
Water table at 5% feet below
round surface
@ CPT— Lot 22
Depth feet
tion color, texture, consistency, remarks
Grayish brown fine sand
3 — 4
Light brown fine sand, trace
shell SP
Light brown fine sand, little
shell SP
Water table at 4%2 feet -below
ground surface
LOGS (ASTM D-1452)
Client: Phoenix Realty Homes
Project No:
Project: Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots
Lab No:
St. Lucie County, FL
Test Date:
12/31/2013 &
1 /2/2014
Elevation: Existing Grade
Depth feet
lion color, texture, consistency, remarks
0 — %Z
Brown fine sand, trace shell
%z — 1'/2
Gray fine sand, little shelf SP
1%Z — 3
Light brown fine sand, trace shell SP
Light brown fine sand, little shell SP
Water table at 4'/4 feet below ground surface
CPT— Lot 27 1
Depth feet
Description color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand SP
1— 2
Light.gray fine sand, tracelshell SP
Light brown fine sand SP
Light brown fine sand, lithe shell SP
Water table at 5 feet below' round surface
CPT— Lot 29
Depth feet
Descrition color, texture, consistency, remarks
Dark brown fine sand SP
— 4
Light brown fine sand (SP)f
Brown fine sand, trace shell SP
Brown fine sand, little shell SP
I '
Water table at 5%2 feet below ground surface
Client: Phoenix Realty Homes Project No: 13-2092.01
Project: Proposed Tarpon Flats Subdivision - Lots 1-38 Lab No:
St. Lucie County, FL Test Date: 12/31/2013 &
Elevation: Existing Grade Technician: PM/RL
Depth feet
tion color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand SP
Light brown fine sand SP
Light brown fine sand, trace
shell SP
Water table at 5 feet below)
round surface
9 CPT— Lot 36
Depth feet
tion color, texture, consistency, remarks
Brown fine sand SP
Li ht brown fine sand SP
Light brown fine sand, trace
shell SP
Water table at 43/ feet below
ground surface
GW and SW GROUPS. These gro�ps comprise well -graded gravelly and sandy
soils having little or no plastic fines (less than percent passing the No. 200 sieve).
The presence of the fines must not noticeably change the strength characteristics
of the coarse -grained friction and I must not interface with it's free -draining
GP and SP GROUPS. Poorly grac
plastic fines (less than 5 percent pa
and SP groups. The materials may
non -uniform mixtures of very co,,
intermediate sizes lacking (sometim
graded). This last group often result
and sand layers are mixed.
d gravels and sands containing little of no
Sing the No. 200 sieve) are classed in GP
e called uniform gravels, uniform sands or
�e materials and very fine sand, with
called skip -graded, gap graded or step -
from borrow pit excavation in which gravel
GM and SM. GROUPS. In general, tl�e GM and SM groups comprise gravels or
sands with fines (more than 12 percent the No. 200 sieve) having low or no
plasticity. The plasticity index and liquid limit of soils in the group should plot
below the "A" line on the plasticity chart. The gradation of the material is not
considered significant and both well and poorly graded materials are included.
GC and SC GROUPS. In general, the GC and SC groups comprise gravelly or
sandy soils with fines (more than 12 percent passing the No, 200 sieve) which
have a fairly high plasticity. The liquid jimit and plasticity index should plat above
the "A" line on the plasticity chart.
ML and MH GROUPS. In these groups, the symbol M has been used to
designate predominantly silty material. IThe symbols L and H represent low and
high liquid limits, respectively, and an arbitrary dividing line between the two set
at a liquid limit of 50. The soils in the ML and MH groups are sandy silts, clayey
silts or inorganic silts .with relatively low plasticity. Also included are loose type
soils and rock flours.
CL and CFI GROUPS. In these groupsl1
H denoting low or high liquid limits, withi
50. The soils are primarily organic clay;
CL and are usually lean clays, sandy cl�
plasticity clays are classified as CH. Th
and some volcanic clays.
he symbol C stands for clay, with L and
the dividing line again set at a liquid of
Low plasticity clays are classified as
ys or silty clays. The medium and high
ese include the fat clays, gumbo clays
OL and OH GROUPS. The soil in Ithe OL and OH groups are characterized by
the presence of organic odor or color, hence the symbol O. . Organic silts and
clays are classified in these groups. The materials have a plasticity range that
corresponds with the ML and MH groups.
The highly organic soils are usually very soft and compressible `and have
undesirable construction characteristics. Particles of leaves, grasses, branches,
or other fibrous vegetable matter are common components of these soils. They
are not subdivided and are classified. into one group with the symbol PT. Peat
humus and swamp soils with a highly organic texture are typical soils of the