HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1859 - '''---r- I i l I I ! t t I I ! I . 'I _ ___...!!~.~!I_;...!_~~~R_N!Lh.!.Q w!fa. !full.-U..n TO 59 _.___._, .J.,.~.~,J~~J~ll. .______.9 ~JI:.C L~_t~J,~~g .g._ . .... TaliS INI)f:NTUR}l'~ ~hde thil...... .......~.~.~4..__.___ ...___ --day 0.__ ._.:..__..saptambar.._ ..... _.....___..___.\. D. 19.1::5... l;eI1rftD _.._..,....._... .....__....._._......__ .._o!~.~...~..L_?;.~~JLP.D d...h.l..:L.ltlfg.. _~_ui. 'LZOuen.._.....___..__. .__.___.___ ,..f 1M ",.....1). of,.. SaInt Luale ...._.. '....... on _... ...' and SllIe 01..__,........ :tIor! da....-.....-. _......._.........~rl los of II>.: lirsl IUrt. and .........__._._... ..... ._..,...._......' ...~. '..__~ ~ ..J~QQD. ....__...._...___.____.__ __,___,._.._.,_..__ _._~_.._.. '... ....._ _ ....._____._'______..___...______ " I I I , I ! ...t lla,. t. \ttll't)' ul , . Saint LugIfL, ..... ......... .... all.! SI~le .............1101'1<18 . ... ~ part. y.,.. of Ihe .econd ~rl. \\'ITSE~~"T", Tlul II... ",i.ll'ul lea nf I~ fi,,~ put. for alld in .-un,;.Icnlioo nf 1M .lIm nf, . .._ ..'. ........ .T.9n...D.ollar.8...tuuLo. thor_.Y.aluable . QOna i dora t1 on ...._.._...__...... ._._..,......._._.......... ~ . in Mild 1.,.;.1 It). 111(' ,'1;'1 p:ut Y ... nf lhe .m...... IUrl. Ibe r<<eipl whereof i. Iwrrb)' arkoo..kJKtd, M ..VO.. ,..,..... rrn,;st", rrleurd :>11,1 quil.d~inocd. :>nd by IhtS<' prtstlll' .10 .._..... remiS<'. rtln'r alld quil-daim Ulllo Ihe said IUrl. y.,... of Iht SttOnd pul an.....__... his ...._.....__....___......,. ....,Mirs a"" auigns .'>rner, aU IIIC' ri"hl. lille, ;lIltl'(';l. rbim and demand wbich lhe said ~r\.l <l8 (.. Ibe liul rart t.a ,V 0 ........ in ~l\d ['l lhe ..)lIo..ing de...,ib.:d lot ..,_., pi<<~_....... ,'r rarer!........ 0. land, 1"''';1: ........_..'_,:n._.. U~ral1i~n.~1..ng.,..~f;i_yf.l::r.~,~, J~9::r.~b...Q.f._~h!l_~W. _Q.Q:r.ner_.Q!_thQ___3~i _0:f_.th~..3~"o:f____ . ........ .......,. Seotlon, ,9. ..~9...,P~~~p_.~.5_.~Qlt~Jl...._R~.P.g~ .1Q.._~a!).~ ....ruullDgh ilorth1.65.. yarda.._.__h____ . ,tMno(l,,3~8t;_ t;o.J;he .._~,tlllj;_l, Jll~._9..f._UW..)~3i of...S6.1d SE-;; thence. South.., 90..--__..._,_._ .2/3 Yar<lS i ...~henCl~ J'e,8,t.., 2?a.n_ya_r.d.~L..~M,pg.~SQ\l th. 7.t..1/3 yard8;_thanco.__.__,_ . Wes t . ?12.. YllrdS.. t(LP,c;>.~.n.j;.._Q,L.l!~glooj.p.g.._o.lLln_Cl tY.not "l!'nt. J!ierce..____-,.__...___ '- . . , _.___" ..... .__ - .. _____ _._,."._ ..____..__.,. ._____4_____._______________._._._._.__..o__.____.n.____..____________.._.__._____.______.._____.__ ~ - TO 11e\\'I-: .\xn TO 1I01.n, IIIC' 'U1ll('. I<,!:dhu ..ilh :011 and singubr Ihe :lppurlrna"'....' Ih~rtunl.) loc""ll(ing or in ar.y.i~ apperl:oini,,!:. :lnd :011 Ihe esl:ol', ri):hl, 1;11... inlne'l al1d c1~itn "ful....'rr of Ibr ",id p:>rt 1.$8 of Ihe fir,1 1""1. rilher in l:ow .., ~Iuil~', 10 Iht 001)' I'roptr u.e. btllefil ~"" I...bo<.f 0. t:~ S:1~J put, -:1'__ ... the "'-'<>lId ra,l, ._______h.1Jl,________.__..... .._. ..._......_...lIC'in :lnd :l..iltl'. f..rner. I~ WITNE:,:, \\'J1ERF.OF. Ih~ ~d I.ul ias 0. Ihe fint I'UI MV8 ......._ b..,<11010 SC'I ......... thelr... _._,.... h:>nd S ..,:>11" <t:oIS ,Ibe day :0...1 ltar lirsl abo\'~ 'HilltlL ~i!:ntd. .....kd a,"1 .leli...,.,.1 in prr<alCe 0.: I ..,.......~t~:l-:hO~t.Q~- ~.QQh.r..QJL_..__.___ ......_._..' , ~"_. allacQ, ......________.._,__...._ ___..l@~~ J.. ~QQn ...,___.....____,.._____.(Stal.) 3881e Aeen .., ..___'_:- ..___......_...........(St~I.) STATE OF "_'m'''_ ._..?1.~!l,4f,l.. l"uur.I~. oL '.. ,..,__...~f,lin,t.n~1~Q!..~__... t > I ~ ~ ~ , ~ I IIEREIl\' ('f.RTIF\', ThaI.... Ihi. cia)' (><rsonall)' appeutd br.ort IT.<<'. :on officer .Iul)' aUlh.>riud '... adminhltr 0:>11.. and 111.:" a<knor.l~dgmml', ,___...____,_.._,..~6maS J. Aoon and h1s wife. ~s81e AeeJ!___._,__..___ ..._._,,_,_.....__. 10 ..,., ..<II k~d.n 10 I... II~ ....rson.. edc<cribtd in and ",110 eueuled lhe .orcgoin!t iMlrun>n\1 and ..they..., . <', _"_" arlmc....:N!:..1 br.ore me Ih11 ,they,......... ..... eueut'" tl~ ...._ .,rc:I)' and ,'oIunlar;I,. for lhe pucpost. Ihe,dn e~..r<.~ ,\NU I FURTHEh: ff.h:TIF\', T1ut the $:lid ,__...__~~.a1.~,.K~Hu:L. .__,_.._._______. __"'_'_ "'''n''_'' I.:no.n I.. mo.' 10 I... Ihr ..ife c.. the "'i.I_,h____,___,llame,B...~,l~......A:e.an.,__..__,__.__......_ _....__....____n_._'_._...______ on a S<'p:lr3tc 1"'\ I"inl~ e,amin:>li"", lurn and m:ode by and bdore _. .cpara!d)' and 1l"l,1 frum h.. ....id husband. did ackno..I<.lge lful she ex<<ult" the .orr!l:oillf: l>n-d .or II~ purpos~ of rrlinqui>bing. alicn:Olir.g and ~oMeying all her rillh'- lillt and il1lcn.l. .bcthtr oi down, homc.le~d or of stp1'~1e properly. .Lllol,,\}' or rquitabk. in and 10 Ihe bnd. dt$Cribtd thercin. and lful sbe uecul<tl !a;.1 I~ (r<<I)' and ",hmlu;!)' and withoul any COil!. pub ion. ron5lrainl, aPl'nhcnsi"" or' ftar 0. or f,"m her said husband. WfTNESS my Mnd and official .c~1. al_ F,O.r.t...l?.ill..r.OJl..CounIY oL......;:!nlnt ,Lucie ",_",h al1d Sl:ole 01;_ .1?lorida.,___ , n da,. of.__ ,__,SepteuQer....,_._A. D. 192.5. -If ot 8r.Y-iiblT~t~~~._~~:.J.t~~t,~QQb.rf'~..d a ;t'I.arga '.... ___..____~,~=,~~4~~~~Q~__~::'~~x::!~::.~~.E~..~~o!=J~.~~~_=.:.._:__: ' } . .-> ('oUllI)' ..f SL Ll!Cit. DP. IT J(1-:llf.MIlFJU:U, T....I "" \his...___lQtp.. I, _________ ___1'.~_g,LSUT.~L_.. __...d~)' oL__, ~a tobar,. at,3.z4.0..~__A. 0.19.25,. .._.Ckrk 0. II~ Circuil Courl in aDd fc.r ...id Counl)'. ban duly r......,d~1 1"-' .oregoing Quil.Cb;m UttJ in I"" Public Records 01 said Counl)'. IN NF.$lS 'In '(RO}l', 1 bur hernmto srI my hand and the _10. said Coun lbe .by :&nol p-u ahon .rilltn. .___..~.3 ,...,;;ldr.Q.ll___.___ (!kal.) Ct. S al) Cltrk Cinuit CoarL "~ , .. ":' ,.:'.'<'.'\ BT-LPM--~_Q-4>;;~..... Clot<. ~(" - ~..- '-.. ~':.. ,::'~.:~3iifW~~f~