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--B. ...1l.._Ho.akl!lna.,.nn.cl.If..S..Jlo~r~....hua~lld.
R. Jr,_ .l{q~l~u~o.rA...o.nQ.hJmk....kntr..9.n&--_
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TillS lNDF.NTt:RF.. ~Iadt Ihis......_._.llth ..__...._,.__,_.__.oby ol...u_........._,.., J.u8ua t ..................._..__..........:\. D. 19 ?~.... bt-Iwml
....__ ~t...~~,.JJ9Q~JD'....@~.!,!,_ ~.! .J{Q..Il~J:tJ~h,_l!~~_ husJ?W.~ ,____....__........_...._.._.___............._.._..._. ..___.....__..__.._.._
01 1Jw. (\>ahl)' ..f._... .....Harron. '" .....'.... .....,__............. "'_'m' and ~tal~ (Of..._ __.,...Ponnsy1 vania,_,._...___._.._~put .leE! of 1M firsl part. and
_._.__.R.. .l{! .,XQ~T.r~GA@...~!lo.u..~__..~';t1!91.H!,___..._.__.._._..._..._..,...____..........,..._.,.,_ m'_..___.._..._........._.._.._......__.'.._
oll~ ("OUIlI)" nf .....:it., Lucie,.... ..._...., ............. ........_. and ~I"I~ of ..:.. ..'.. ..Florida,..._,.......... ......... ..,..'.... parties of Iht .<<Ond part,
\\'ITNE~!'F.TII. Tlul llot ...lel parliQS of IIot fi~\1 pari, ft>r and in c..,,,,i<IC-ralio,,, ..r tJwo sum ..L..,.. ...... .......... ......,... ....,...._ ........,.'.....'.._...... .....
__ _QN!L.P.9~_~ J'THER VALUA.13LE CONS.!D~.~9~~_.... ____.____.__..._____. .,. "___"_,,,,,_____, _.. Hh
m hand paid b)' lhe uid part..iea of Iht 'ffOlId part. tilt r<<tipt .bntof I< htrrby aelrnowlrdgtd,. ~ ..:v~.... _ __ rtmlsrd. rclu<td and qui\-clain>td,
and by tht~ prtstllts do ... rrmiw, rtlust and quil;,him unlo Ihe said ~rt.1es or lbe ,"olld part an,I..._......_.tAe1~ ....._.._,....,.._..,htirs and
auigns f!'rt~t1'. all IJwo rilChl. lillt. il1len-sl. cbim and dtmand ..hleh lhe said part..les "r Iht first part ha V8,..._.. in alld 10 Iht f"llo..illll <lr~rihrd
101__. I'irc~._._ or I'ucrl_. of land. JXDa'itX: situate in St. Luoie County. Florida. to-wit:
-..-..-.............-. 'the. northeast. 'luarter _,.of_the.. .S.ou.theas t. Q.uarter..Qt.SeotlQJ\Fit.t<Hm..o.g).__.
..._..._.__..._._.."To\'lll~h1.p ..~n.i:r_ty::t:o.~.J.~!l~o..'!~h 0!'_RL\.t189~hir~y~~il1.~... (~9) ...~~~. __._..,._..._.....
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n_n________.._.___.__._._._. ._. ___._____..__..____h._. _.n..___._...._..._______.___....____.___..._. __._..___.._._.. _..___.__ .. ___'__"_._.'. __..____u__.__.._._.____.h__..__._._ __._..___.....___._..
TO 11.-\ \'F. AXIl TO nOI.D. Iht S3mt. 1',!:<I~r ...ilh all and sinj;ubr ...... al'i'Urlmancr. Ih~l'nIl1l.. 1>t""'J6~ ..: in any"i<t lipprrlainin!:. and "II
I"" r"alr. riKhl. lillt. inlur<1 :and cbim \Obal,<~nr .,f Iht <aid puti.e,s, or Iht fir', pul. rilJwor in la..' .... ~Iuil)'. I.. II... ....I~. I'~r n..... lorntfil an,l
l>th<".f or Iht ""id l'arl.....1.eS"f lhe- scc",,,1 parI, ____._
t~~;i,I." ...._,_'.._..'____'. .....................lItin and ""iltm f.'rt>rr.
IX WIT:O<ES~ W!lEREOF. Ihe ""id p3rl..les or Ihe fim pari ha ve ......~_ IItrrunlo $rl ,.....tneir._ .._..._.., bandS and ...al a. lilt dar
"nd )'rar firsl abon ...rilltlL
Si!lhtd. srakd and drli\"tftd in I'rr...~ of: !
_,.___....__...__l!;.....}{. Hosk.lns,....______....( Sr3I.)
.===~::"':..;.:.::...:=:.!!._ B. liQlJ~~~a ..:::=..___...._:='.; (StaU
STATE 'OF __,.,?~_@~Y1.YIID1_~__
Counly or._>n.___~,R!;I.,;I;";r~n,___,
I ilF.kRIlY CERTIFY. Thai on Ihis ria)" "..non"lIy appeared brfore n:~, an c.fticrr dul)' aUlhorind 10 a,hnini'lu Nlh. :and la\r acknc"rlrdgmtnl<.
.,..,._-..........__ Ct.. 3t. JIQltklqQ_!;I.ndnS~,...M!_d~.1n~.......hiJL:~1:t;~ ..____.__'n._n__.___ _',. ", "n....n'..n..._..._.___._..n.
10 Ult ..rlllmo..... 10 I.... IJwo ~r<Oll 9 .ks.:rihrd in an.1 ..bo t~rculrd lhe rortjtoinll in.lrumml and,.. "..,...they-.
lbal .___. ,tt~Y...n._. _..._,...urroled the u"'~ Ircd}' and \"oI";'laril). ror I"" pur",,~s IlItrrill r~l.re.""L
a<k""..lrd,zrd he inr.. I1lt
A!m I t:URTIlER CERTIFY. T....I I~ oaitL___,E.Lll....Jl.o.sk1nsn_.........'_,_..__......,_,...._..,
kno..n 10 mr 10 be ti,t ..;rr or Ihr said........_____..~!!_!..,;:;,.!...H.,Q,a)ci!1~,_.._._..__,__...._.........m.......'.......... _,.._..___.._n_..'..____.___,.___
on a Stparale and privalt ru.minati.)I1, taken and made by and !odorr nit, Sel"'ralrly a .d a"arl rrom her sai,\ hu"oand. did admowkdgr lbal sbe r~rculed
I~ foregoil1g Ilr<d for lhe puri"J'St of rrlinquubing. alimaling and con>t)-in.: all IItr ri~hL lille and inlunl. ...htther or du..-rr. bomc'lrad or of 5tparal~
proptrly. ,Ialulory or equitablt. in acd t.. Ihr land, described lherein. and lhal silt u<<uled ~id Ortd rr<<l,. and .."hmlaril}' and wilhoul any cora.
pubion, CODslr:ainl, apprrhm\ion c.r frar of or r rom IItr said husband.
WITNESS ....y band ar.J official !>tal, al._._.~A.r..!"!~__COUnl). oL.__...i'luren,_......._,_._..an.. ~Iale of.. P~1m~YJ.y@ia,.
,__day (>f..__~.!___A. D. I?~6.
County of
__._. ~~J, l~ .E." .Aul..t___..___..._~_....
'~""'====.' ~i~~:~~.}>g,l,l_~~q~.~.:=.:_:_=:=:_:_:':.,-.._=:_=:'=.~, ,
MY Cammission Expires March 2. 1929.
BF. IT J:UIUIIlF.RF.D. Tbat on Ihi5......_.l'l~b...._._ ._...._.....~y oL..._..____.... O..Q,j;.-,..1!tl.1J.JQ1...A'!.II.L\. D. I'J.,?~
I. !.!.....~. Eldred __________,_,_____..'.m..__....,........Ckrk of lhe Cilcuil C....rl in and fur ..id Counl)'.
han duly octjtc:.ing Ouil.Cbim Drrd in tho. Public Rrcordt of said Count)'.
I.' WITNESS W :RF.oF, i ha..e htrcunlo Od my hand and lhe oal of ..id ("ClUtI lilt day and )'tar abr.n ..rillm.
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Cktk Cirruil l'o:!rt.
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