HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1865 I I li- II ---.Jamea....T.-Xeen ,~4.':IWlJ.l..-.xeenT-lUa.. w1 foe _..___ _......._...,.__.Q,._ll._llupl.. 65 QYIT:CL~IM DEJ;,P_.,.. Till!; ISnF.!\TURF~ Mad~ Ibis ..... ...-.--,.. Q t&htellJ.th.._---dav 0.,......_............ JulJ'...-...,.,.-........,... __.__.,_._...^. [), 19...2.0., bel."" ............ ,_.....~w:t.l)a..J.~,..JC~!P-....~.d .~.!J l.!LK~.tn....ll1.IL!lU't___....:...._._..___ .__...._......__..__. ..1.11... \'....'.1). of ,St. Luol. '" an,l ~Iale 0.....,...... ..... _... Florlda ......... ..'...... '" .....~rti,eQ.. of lhe finl ~'I. and ........ ...0. . W. Ruple '....... .........~.....__........,...,..........._..__..___,_..... .____..._..._ ..:.._..._.....,... ... ..,... _. .._.........__..____......__._.-'-____._. 01 II... (\",nl)' nf ' St.. Luole .. ....' an" ~Ial.. of. '........ Flor1da . .., ......... pul..-...._ o. the _-00.1 put. WITNE:;~HT1!. """1 Ihf' ...~I l>.3rt les... I.... firtl put. for and in c""...!..ulio.... of ~hf' su." ,.. ... One. Dollars ancl... ......, -,. --- I I ) i ._....~~Mr ,v~:lu..a.Ql.~. .9.Qn~!A~!'.~.~10ns ...---.--...-..-.,............-.....,....-...,.. ......."..........-........-.--,..-.._.... "'_ __..,o..,ibn, in hand l>aid by Ihf' 1-..' part ~,.., o' Ibe sf<C'Ulllo.l ~rt. the rtttipt wbereo' Is herd.). ackr.o......lgfd. ha VO .....,..'...'.. remised, rtlusffl and quit-cWmtd. and \>y Ihf'~ pr..s..nt. do,... . r..miw, rdu~ and quil-claim .mto the, nid part :/,... c! lhe second parI and.....,..... ,bls .......,.....,..........,b..in and as!igns for...~. ..II t.... rigbl. lill.., inl'~", claim and d..mand ...hir:h the said part les. of Ib.. fiul ~rt ha...:ve . '"'' in and 10 Ibe fnllowing d..scribtd lot _..., pi<<..,... or parttL__ of land. Io-wit: -....-.-... - -....--.---.--..... --....-_. ....------.----.--___._____......__.u_..._....__...___.._..__.. __._._.__.___._._....._.._.__.__.__.__... .....__~eg lllIl ing . a 1;.. ~ ,P ()~.ll.1;.. E) J.?i u~e..e.~...~~:t!~:i!..~~_ ~!l.!' _~C? r~!l~.~.~~ ..C?C?!!:!!~.. () ~~~_t3 ~.~~ ~!l. ?2. L Townfl):l,~p ..'... 35, South. RangO.4Q uEtl.61;"u&Jl,~~JM _~~~.1;...?9,ohn.lll.6. lI\ore ..or .1esli _,f;Ou,l/4.. .!!'_~.~!C?l!..J.l.~~. . ...,... thenoe Muth 221-7/10. teet. . t.henO(LQast..,32~55/100ohaln8 to. th~ ..Indi@ Ri vor~....1;.l1~!1~,~ .._. northwesterly _ aloIlB . th~.:ri !e.t:..~.~~~!_~,~.~_}?~E~.,.~?? ,!~~~. .~,l?~t~_~~,.~.~....~.~~_~~ ~~~dary , ../. -..- _.,_... ()~ ,SeQt1on ..23,u.theIloe . w~~~u~9::~~/!9.!L~hai~ t~,.~~..!>..~gl_~!.~,._.________..__..._.__..____..__ -.-. ---..---... u-: --\ .-. ._...__.___._._..._.__._._.__...___.____.____._._.___._ ..n.___..~_.__.___.__n_..._._._..._._._.......h________._________ '- .n__.._.__.__._._._....._.. _...___________.______._._.___ _'_ __.._._.._.__. u__ u__.____.._._.._____._.__... __. _.hu.._'.__'. ____.___________ -, .d -...--.---___ ---.-.--_..____..__.__..__u.___~--._.-.--...... '_.uh'._._ -----...-.-.___..___....__.__..__.._n__.___._..___________ ... .-....-.---.-..-..--...-.- ..--..-..--....------.-------..___.____.......____. _h_.n__._____.____...__.____._._____h_________.__._ --..--.--.-..-----.--. _.._-~._---_.._---~-----_._.._-----._--- ...-...-.-- -_....__.._._...._-----....-._.--_.._-.._._-_._-:-~---:------ ._n_..__.______.___.__.___ ._. ._......_ _____.. .n.___________.____.___.__.___ _._.__h_. '_'__' .'._n_'n. .. "__._ _ ..____._ ..___....._....._..__n..._..._..__.____._.._._.____..._..___.__.. I TO H.\ \"1': ..\XIl TO 1I0!.1l. 110.. !-amt. I~lher ..ilh all and singular Ihr al'l.url<nan..-..< Ih..r('1,"I.. l...k"'Kin!o: ,'r in an~,...i... apperlaining. and all lho.. ,,'Iale, rilthl. lilk. ill!.....1 anti claim ...""I-of...... .,f Ib.. said part.. les..f lhe fj..t parI. ..ill~r in law 1'1' "Iu;t~.. I" tl... nnly pro~r u.... !"~fil and ""h.:M.f of the '3irt part . y.. (of Ihr S<<C>nd ~rl, ...______,):!1~,_.._..._ __ ,..'..'_....._.__ .... ....,... .. ..h..irs ami a<,s;g.,s f..rn..r, IN' WITXF.SS \\"Jl1':RF.OF. I.... !ai.I part.leSof Il-~ firsl ~rl ba. V~.,....... ""'''''''10 ~I ;uld }'C'3r first at"',,"f: "rittm.. their... ............,Jund S .. and ~al S.!.... d..y ~igll<'d. stakd and ddi....r..d 'in pr'SftlCe of: __J ,..._......1amosl. Kean.,..__.__....._ '.', Ess,.e ..1-;een ..........,.._..._'., .-- .(Stat) .. (Sr.".) _.._- -. R. I... GOodw1n-,---- ......__...lI:!, E,. Hall...._____ STAn: OF _._..,._..,:nor1~.._ } Cuunl)' of........ ....,_,.,..~t.. ..1-y',g ,1"e. ......_____ J I JlF.ilF.8\' CERTifY. ThaI on this day ~rsonan). appearN before _, an ofli<<r tluly aulho>ri,..1 \n a.lm;nisl..r o:llhs amI tal" ackno..kdgl11tnU, __.__,___J~~3 ..,~..~~.~!l..l,Uld.1;~,s.i~,..!~,~ LM_~.!!.e...______ _.._........ tn I1lt' wdl known I" I... I.... ~....n S.ksnilotd in al\<l .ho '''<<UIN t.... forfl(..ing in.lromml a."I, " t~ey .. ,ack.........ltdgtd befor" me Ih..t ..,.., ,..,they ...,. ,,_'. ,u<<ul..d I.... sa"", freely and ,'oIunlarily for lhe purpo.... lherrin rxpr"<'<N. .i ANII I FlIRTlII,R l'ERTlf\', That Ihe sa;.) .."_, Essle Keen kno..n t.. ..... I.) I... I.... ..ife d I~ said.....,._,......,...., _..~8lJles ,..I.._,Ke,en. __.'...,.._____,_ _,_._...__,.......__..._ '...........__'_....'________ on a StpilUh, a...I l'.int" "'ami..:..i...... t.."<n an.1 mad... by :anol !>tfor... mt', s..~.at<l)' and apart fH.m her sai.1 h..doand, did atkno..ktlg" IJuI shot u<<uled I.... forogo;nl( Ik-ttl for lhe pu'l'O't' of rtli"'luishing. alienating and connying' all h~ righI, lille and i..!..r"'I, ,,'btther of dower, """"'sl~ad or of Stpilrale properl~'. .Ialul",)" or equitabl... in ,"nd 10 110" I...ds described Ih<:rtin, and !hill sbe u<<ut...1 <.a..1 I>tt..1 f.<<I)' and ...,Ionlanl)' and .ilhoul :lilY com- puis;'.... romtrainl. awn!.<t..;.... ...r fHL.QLor fr..... b" nid busband. WITN'F.% my hand and official ~al. al__..F.l>x.t...1',1er.o,e..__CoUnl}- of.. .._,..~t... Luc10 .,.......,_,and ~Iale of ,__,_Flo.rl~,_ ,., tb). of ........-!..._..,.....,_,~__.~_..^- D. 19.':"" ("ounly of SL J.ude. } _.____..____..,...~ry_~,~.Jial.!_____ .,._... ,..L._. ,___ ....,..U..O~~~_,~l>!.!~.!....._.__:__ ~:Commisslon' exrire's AU8. 6th~ 1929'~' I In,: IT RF.J.lF.AIIl.:REU, That (JIJ thiL____...gQ1!A._-'-__,___,_...d..). o' .___...._,.. ,_...' ......Q.C,t.L,a.t,..l,: 4jL.EIIA. D. 1920. I I I ! f , I I" J. --.....---.......P.-,C,.-Eldr.ed...___,______,__.____.......,...,l'l...k o' I.... Cirtu;t Court in and ha"" duly,rtcurdttllh.. furfKoOng Quil.Claim n"N in I"" Public R<<ords of said Counly. I.' NF.SS WIfF-REOF, f hue ....rruDto Stt my Nod and the _I o' ~id Courl I.... day and )'..ar abon ...riltm.. .b t..,(!} .~ ~e~' ~..6' ~.. 00 ~. ~q; 'or said f.:ounly. ElL -" ._........._......!>..LG ~ . ~~._._ (SeaL) . Clerk Cimit CoarL .,j)-~~~_a.'" ~tt~f&rI~lffi~i~~~f . ,'t '.l h,' h '-,'..,,, .'.. .".-' .j', ...~._--..... '," . :ll ,,-..:..:-----r.-:o,,:- .~- ~T .-"'~"--':.~~4"~",,_~>,~-'t"~ t.--:-',!.: - .... r..._ ~