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TillS INf).;NTURF~ Mad~ this...___..1'hl.rtle.th____-lb)' Clf..__._._.._.Ootober___........A, D. )L~lt bet.ten
_.>>.an..~.__9.l\rl.t.oD......Lo.u1Q~LCArltoDJIAUS...anG..;.I..... L,..llaund._.T.r.....ho.r,.huaban4 ..___._____
"I ,~ COOJIIly 0' ...........::;t..,1,\\018.,....,. '...._._......_ '....... and $!.\I~ oL.._....,..._.norlda...__._....._._,_._ __...p~rt lea 0' lhe lir,t Il,arl, and
.....___..,';r.h.e;r.~.Q.~.,.Q.a:r..~.~9.~.._.__....__.___.._,._...._ ._...._.._._....____..._____._,.____......,.......,........ :,.............._........_
"I Ih.. Counl)' ..I........ _. .~t,. .. Lu~ ~~ '.._,_,.. .. . '.... .._. .. .....'.... an" ~ut~ of................... J'lJrl<l.a..... ......... ..... ~,.__parly .... of Ih~ ~" pan,
WITNF.SSF.TIl. Thai Iht- <ai.I .,arl ..lesnf Iht- 1i..1 part, (or arod in c....uid..n.i.lI'I 01 IIIC' Stlln 01. .._... on DOLIJ.R A!tl>, .OfHER _. .
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-.VJ.LtU au-...cOllSlDEaA.:fIOJliS.-
iR hand ~id h)' lhe 53id parl-Y.._. of Ih~ SMlnd part. the rtc~ipt .hueof i. !.Hcby ackno...kdKt<1. haVe_.,._..,.. r~sN. 'reka<cd an" 'lU1t...laimcd.
and b)" thHc prC'Stnt. ,10_. ""'0 rtnti~, rdn~ aM quil...lairu unlo t~ said part y... 01 I~ !ltroIld pan and ,........_.. hor._.. _..__.__.....heiu and
as.ign. fornC'l', all I~ rirhl. litl~. intcrest. claim and dtmaod ..hich tbe said part .1oa ftl Ihe tirsl lollrt ha VO..,__..,_ in aIMI h) 1M f"I"'wing dt<Cribtd
101......, p;tc~.__.. or .,arcel..._ of hnd, XiXiIltIl!
....~lm9.~....\mo.J. '!1cl.~o"J;W.!L~h,1J"0JI. ,.1.D.\.~!:~Jtt..e.!L.b~,lrJL Qt,lh..s... '. C,q,r1 tOD.. d.~o,ouJ.cl.ln...andmtQ.,..o._
.. the,~ollQYi1ng,.de.so.1'lbe,dp.rDpe.1't7t_--.-_--...-.__.-__--..-.-._.._ .____...__.....................u...__ "...,..,..
.......,......_..,Th.e ...lJQ~tl.!. ..~~~.~ ..ql,Ul.!"~.e;r. ot_t.A~...~o.l'Ji.lle.e.Q,t.. Q.uarter_.o~, Seot1oD..Four...(4). ...TovmBhl~ .........
_._,..,__~lr.t;y.~I.1.X,.l~.Q t. ~QU:t;A...~~,_~!.J.~_t~.DlJlJLka.t. ....Q.ontalning..40_&or.es.. .,IIlJr.e '.. 0.1'..__.._...._.
_,_..,...,:._ l,OB,8.. _..'_.._...._.__--,--.______, ______.._,....___._.___.,.._....
TO I"\\'F. "\XD TO 1101.1>. I~ <<an~ 1.'t:<'lhu ...ilh all an,1 .inRuhr Iht- appurlena~ Iheceunl,. btk"'!:i.'Il ,>( in an)'",;~ appcrl~'niJ1!l', and all
Iht- <"Ilalr. r'lIh.. lill~, inlrre,1 and chim .. b.lI'Ot'..r uf .he ,ai.1 part1.eS, of Iht- fi... part, ei.lt..r in taw.... equil)o. I" Iht- .....1,- t'ropcr US<<'. hrn~lil 3nd
I...hn..i of Ibe ,aid pari y, ..... of I.... O<<Ond parI. ,..,..___._he~._..__..........,..,___.... ,........ ..,.".. heir< aIMI a..'ili:no f"rtnr.
IX WlT~~~::;S WHEKEOF, Ihe ..u.I parI. lean' Ih~ firsl pari ha.ve ,..,... !.Hennlo ..I -,....thei:r _ ,.......,.".. .lun"S anti sc-al S. I"" dll)'
an.1 )"ru firsl allO'" ...rillm.
Si~ ",akd aM ddi,'rrro in pn'<tn<r of: ~
_A....Il,.,....~.~.w..Q.r..4.. -- -- l
_~ E. ....!~lI.~.a.!'_...._._._..._.,________ J
w. W. Maund. .Tr..........(;Seal}
I.o\U~e C~l1;ODKaund._..==::.:;:='~al.)
STA'rE OF _.n.Q~l~,._..____._._~ 1
Cum.1)' oL~._,~.t.....Lucleu_____,_____ J
I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on Ihi. da)" ptr<onally appeand before me, an officer dol)' aUlht'ri,ro .n a.lmini.ln oa.ho and b!.:.. aclmo..I...I!{ntC'u.,.
_...Dan, ..s,.._Car1.ton....8D....unmar.rleJL man... I. 011 i RA .CLar1ton JlaUJUt andull...ii.Kaund. ,~r tuher.. husband.
10 me ..ell kllO",n 10 br .It.' ptc"," a .Ic"'rih.... in ~nd "'00 ntculro lhe for-~inK iDotrum.--n1 and .u.... they,....
thai '....... ~110J',_......,_,.... ....,e~tcUt...1 lhe <<a_ fr..,;)' and ,"o"inlarit)' for Iht- pu~ Iltcrnn ""I.rc~...l
ad,.........lcdgro btf..r~ me
AND I I:UKTllER l'F.RTlfY, Tlul the saiL___,.!!.()ID:.~LQ.ai',1.~Qn_l.ta.und.._...__.__,...._____._,_...__....._,_.._................
\.;oo...n to me 10 be 1M ..ife of lhe said_ ..}Y...._~".._~~...lf~.t..-..,_-...--..,--......-_.-.._.-..-_....Uh..,..._......__.._____,___....
on a sq>llnle and prinl.. ~:uminali.:.n. la!.:.n and nude by and before ~ separalely and aparl from ""r <<aid h",hand. did ilckm....I.dltt lhal ,he e~tcUlro
.he fortgOing Ottd for lhe purvos.. of rtlitJ'lui.hmg. alienating and e..n.-eying all her ri~hl, lill.- and inlerest. ..het""r of dower. ""-'1..a.1 or 01 ",panl..
proptrly. slatutory or rqt;iuhlc. in and 10 the bnds de5Cri~ .ltcr..in, and 1b.T.. .he utctJI..d said Ottd fr..,l,- and ,,-.Iunlanl)' and ..ilh"u. an~' com-
pulsion, COIlstraint. appreh<'mion or fnr of or from ....r said busband.
WITNF.SS my hand and official seal. al_f.Q,;1;_~..l'1~r.Q.G..___Coun')O oL___..st,...Lucle___._.aM Slale ol,-....Florlda ..........'
Ihi. _J.Q~. ~_ cia)' of _ Oc toh.er._---^. D. 19...25.
(Seau \.
. N. P. S':;'1.T,'
\ I
\ I
STAN OF FI.otu1-.A,
Co"'!)' of Sl. I.ucic.
_l~~~~~l__P~~l~.~,_!.o.~. ~~7_ ~ya~~. _O_f.~.()~1,~..~,!o_ Ll;\rge.
, -
-- -- ._--- ----.--.".---.. -'-.'-. -- ----.
Ky Commisslon Expires Dec. 19, 1928.
UF. IT RF.llEltnF.RF.D, Thai M this___~~P..,
P. C. Eldred
--~r oL O.O.t.. ....aLl.:..2fLl' .K.,._,_o_.._A. P. 192.0
____ ________......Ckrk of 1M Circuit l',";rl in an.1 .lor said l'"ullly.
ha,'" duly rere lortjtning Quil.Claim lked in Ih<' Public R~ds of said V;u:.ly.
IN TNF.SS ~.:OF, I han Meunlo sd ray hand and lhe seal of .aid COIIrt lhe day and )'f"llr allO>:e .ritl.....
'1'. C'1'.'?'u, . . .~. .,d -'--,...--.-..--..-..-....I.!,-~.X~~~~k.~<.~.:..~ii-l;~.~~al.)
r ~"o\\t. ~~ G.J~-"'-
. ('0':(\ \. e ~ B)", aL:J. ',_dh ~~IY Ckrlr,
. ~e IJ11lt- (}