HomeMy WebLinkAboutGENERATOR16/20/22 kUll INCLUDES: • True Power'"" Electrical Technology • Two Line LCD Multilingual Digital Evolution TM Controller (English/Spanish/ French/Portuguese) • Two Transfer Switch Options Available: 100 Amp, 16 Circuit Switch or 200 Amp Service Rated Smart Switch. See Page 4 for Details. • Electronic Governor GENERAL® SCANNED BY GUARDIAN° SERIES St Lucie un Residential Standby Generators Air -Cooled Gas Engine • System Status & Maintenance Interval LED Indicators • Sound Attenuated Enclosure • Flexible Fuel Line Connector • Direct -To -Dirt Composite Mounting Pad • Natural Gas or LP Gas Operation • 5 Year Limited Warranty • Capability to be installed within 18" (457 mm) of a building* FEATURES Standby Power Rating Models G007036-0, G007037-0 (Aluminum - Bisque) -16 kW 60 Hz Model G007035-0 (Aluminum - Bisque) - 16 kW 60 Hz Mode s G007039-0, G007038-0 (Aluminum - Bisque) - 20 kW 60 Hz Mode, s G007043-1, G007042-1 (Aluminum - Bisque) - 22 kW 60 Hz O INNOVATIVE ENGINE DESIGN & RIGOROUS TESTING are at the heartlof Generac's O success in providing the most reliable generators possible. Generac's G-Farce engine lineup offers added peace of mind and reliability for when you need it the most. The G-Farce series engines. are purpose built and designed to handle the rigors of extended run times in high temperatures and extreme operating conditions. O TRUE POWER" ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY: Superior harmonics and sine wave O form produce less than 5% Total Harmonic Distortion for utility quality power. This allows confident operation of sensitive electronic equipment and micro -chip based appliances, such as variable speed HVAC systems. CL18i "s Q 1I�E�T Note: CUL certification only applies to unbundled units and units packaged with limited circuit switches. Units packaged with the Smart Switch are UL certified in the USA only. "Only if located away from doors, windows and fresh air intakes, and unless otherwise directed by local.codes. SOLID-STATE, FREQUENCY COMPENSATED VOLTAGE REGULATION: This state-of-the-art power maximizing regulation system is standard on all Generac models. It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque -matching the surge loads to the engine. Digital voltage regulation at ±1%. SINGLE SOURCE SERVICE RESPONSE from Generac's extensive dealer network provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the engine to the smallest electronic component. O TEST CRITERIA: O GENERAC TRANSFER SWITCHES: Long life and reliability are ✓ PROTOTYPE TESTED ✓ NEMA MOI-22 EVALUATION synonymous with GENERAC POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this ✓ SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED V MOTOR STARTING ABILITY confidence is that the GENERAC product line Includes its own transfer systems and controls for total system compatibility. "'GENERAC USA 7'3 s ,�y� 4.yi. _ • • �' Mo s ®pm°' *�©may* Link I— P R 0 M I S E �y�� gRgAH` n .. -BoutN fn. USA uaMg rt.m Mo r.rolpnpM GENERAG 16/20/22 kW specifications Generator Model G007035.0, 13007036-0, G007038-0, 13007039.0 0007042-1, G007043.1 G007037-0 (16 0) (20 kW) (22 kW) , , ),- ' - ' 7 :-,7 - � T, — , . - ­,-,,.-1 !�)'J_fi:2OOj1WftS* fisted Maximum Conlirluous Ip Rowera i., `=,'12�ffl 07 _ _ Rated Maximum Continuous Power Capacity ING) 16,000 Watts* 18,000 Watts* 19.500 % 240",,.­­274 15,1 '7 Rated Maximum Continuous Load Current — 240 Volts (LP/NG) 66.6/66.6 89.3fl5 91.6/81.3 ET W"olgoffig Main Line Circuit Breaker 70 Amp 100 Amp 100 Amp Phase �t:7____ ­10 Number of Rotor Poles 2 2 2 Power Factor 1.0 1.0 1 Unit Weight (lb/kg) 406/186 448/203 466/211 7,7, Sound output in dB(A) at23 it (7 m) with generator operating al,normal load** 66 66 67 Exercise duration 5 min 5 min 6 min Engine Type of Engine GENERAL G-Force 1000 Series 1JNuJl1uw,u_JUYk1I1ue1S Displacement 999 cc 999 cc 999 cc 77-777—Y �77 '!77'77p­� —7 1 - Valve Arrangement Overhead Valve Overhead Valve Overhead Valve CdF_pe'FTal—to 77 =L, T Stater LEZU-!7 12 Vdc 12 Vdc 12 Vdc Oil p LC-I—tYi@u` —7 "'o tiTvlip , V,178 E Operating rpm 3,600 3,600 3,600 pns!YTpP b, A, 4_7 7 7'7,7� _ INatuMliGa§-_ f n 2481(6 17) - - _i204f(5!78)-228 (6W.' Z 7 26) J Z!Load ,! 86 'AA1 Note: Fuel pipe must be sized for full load. Required fuel pressure to generator fuel inlet at all load ranges - 3.5-71 water column (7-13 mm mercury) for natural gas, 10-121 water column (19-22 mm mercury) for LP gas. For Btu content, multiply fO/hr x 2500 (LP) or It% x 1000 (NG). For Megaloule conteni, multiply ma/hr x 93.15 (LP) or m3Jhr x 37.26 (NG) Controls 2-Line Plain Text Multilingual LCO Display j Simple user interface for ease of operation. Manual Start with starter control, unit stays on. If utility fails, transfer to load takes place. Ready to Run/Maintenance Messages Standard 77r,_-7773 .Cng=nR.6fF�1ndLc_aKnL__7­ 7 72� Programmable start delay between 2-1500 seconds RtinfinrA 1nrnnr2mM2hIA h—l-lar nnl%A Error Stan Sequence Smart Common 16 see on, 7 rest (90 see maximum �e9 LgE.Intj�C_5_'"sR.: CCr,Cnd Ene.�@&, Standard "Sound levels are taken from the front at the generator. Sound levels taken from other sides of the generator may he higher depending on installation parameters. Rating definitions -Standby. Applicable lot supplying emergency power for the duration of the ullllry power outage, No overload capability Is available for this rating. (All ratings in accordance with BS5514. IS03046 and 0N6271). * Mindrinurn kilovolt amps and current are subject to and limited by such factors as fuel litulmagaloule content.amblent lemperalure, attitude, engine power and condition, etc. Maximum power decreases abaul 3.5 per( I �ent for each 1,000 [eel (304.8 meters) above sea laval; and also will decrease about 1 percent tat each cBIC(101F)above l6,C(60*0. GENERAC 16/20/22 kW available accessories Mode(' �Prgduct •• ',DeScriptlon• t _ i�T_ The Wi-FI enabled LP fuel level monitor provides constant monitoring of the connected LP fuel tank. Mon-, 1 i G007005 0 Iitoring the LP tank's fuel level is an Important step in making sure your generator is ready to run during an Wj-Fi LP Fuel Level Monitor unexpected power failure. Status alerts are available'through a free application to notify when your LP tank' is in need of a refill. Generac s Mobile Link allows you to check the status of your generator from anywhere that you have ac-! G006463-4 Mobile Link'" i cess to an Internet connection from a PC or with any smart device. You will even be notified via e-mail or j :text message when a change in the generator's status occurs: Available In the U.S. only. a G005819 0 Every standby generator requires a battery to start the system. Generac offers the recommended 26R wet Wet Cell ; 26R Battery i cell battery for use with all air-cooled standby product (excluding PowerPact®).� j G007101-0 Pad Warmer 'The pad warmer rests underthe battery. Recommended for use if the temperature regularly falls below 0°17. j ;Battery (Not necessary for use witq AGM -style batteries), ff i Oil warmer slips directly over the oil filter. Recommended for use if the temperature regularly falls below G007102-0 Oil Warmer 0°F. G005621 0 Auxiliary Transfer Switch ;The auxiliary transfer switch contact kit allows the transfer switch to lock out a single large electrical load; :Contact Kit ;you may not need. Not cot, patible with 50 amp pre -wired switches. fascia base wrap together bottom G007027-0 - Bisque Fascia Base Wrap Kit I (Standard on 22 kW) :The snaps around the of the new air cooled generators. This offers a 'i sleek, contoured appearance as well as offering protection from rodents and Insects by covering the lifting, Iholes located in the base. ) If the generator enclosurells scratched or damaged, It is important to touch-up the paint to protect from G005703-0 - Bisque Paint Kit ;future corrosion, The paint kit includes the necessary paint to properly maintain or touch-up a generator 6006485-0 Scheduled Maintenance Kit "Generac's scheduled maintenance kits provide all the hardware necessary to perform complete routine i I ;maintenance on a Generac automatic standby generator. i Smart Management Module Smart Management Modules are used in conjunction with the Automatic Transfer Switch to increase its (50 Amps) 1 power management capabilities. It provides additional power management flexibility not found in any other; - power management system. LEFrGIMMEW dimensions & PCs Dimensions shown are approximate. Refer to installation manual for exact dimensions. DO NOT USE THESE DIMENSIONS FOR INSTALLATION PURPOSES. t448 1rq M0Nrwew Model UPC G007035-0 696471070354 G007036-0 696471070361 G007037-0 696471070378 G007038-0 696471070385 G007039-0 696471070392 G007042-0 696471070422 G007043-0 696471070439 G E N E RAC" Generac Power Systems, Inc. • S45 W29290 HWY. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 • generac.com 02017 Generac Power systemsi Inc. All rights reserved. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Part No. 10000000194•F 5/3/17 Smart Manan�h��@�� Modules (s) DESCRIPTION Rogerao's smart Power Menagement.System IS -designed to optimize the I Smart Management Modules (SMM). Unlike other toad management systj aware end operate autonomously. Frequency 1s the true measure of generatodules Monito r engine performance and doa Mane hold, the module will automatically follow F the a power m n gof the 8ment algor The modules oan be set to a load priority between 1-8 or bo Set In a look ou reducing the Necessary size of the generator- for a more cost eflective soldti SMM SPECIFICATIONS POWBrS0001V Snun'.e_--. Coll GENERAL° GENERAC® ACCESSORIES Model Caoom7,$0 rmance of a standby generator. The system can consist of up to 8 that depend on another control device, the SMM modules are Individual actually sell - need to factor In Increased ambient temperatures, elevation changes or produced by Generao's standby generators and If it falls below a certain to ensure that the generator Is not overloaded. I mode for (Dads that just simply do not need to run in an outage, therefore VAC (from Una input) ........ . ......... 240VAG ........... —... .......................................... ... .........................................................:..............:............... Z40 VACCoII VA Sealed.............. 80 ReslsPoles ............. ... »..,..,.......,....,...,.,....,............,...............�............' 8.5 tlVeAmps .................. ...................... F/I.Induoti6 MW....................... .......... ,...,.... ,.......................,. ......,..,,................................................................................,..........,,....... 2 lookedAotorAmps:............................................................................................',...... ,...........,......... ...... ..........................60 UIso..... . „...........................................................,................................!..............,........................................,..................................................2 ,. 40 EnalosuraAaun ......, ..... '.......................................................... 40@240V D•� _...... .-......_............_......_.. ...........1...............:.......................................... Yes GElVERAC° Site.Seleotlon and Preparation S.&cciior� 3A Side Selection �and Preparation Site Selection XV,U,re 3-?, lnsfallatfon C1,Mran0,;S ID Description comments A Top. of generator — B 0ontand end clearance Minimum clear distances cannot Include shrubs, bushes, ortmes. C Rear clearance 1s in (46.7 cm) minimum cfeerenoe per NFPA tes6 , dictate otherwise. iaben�is; and irsttng, unrea®$taro ortooal codes I D windows and openings No op�rsbte windows, doors, or openings In the wall are permitted within 6 It (1.62 m) ftom any poly of the generator. Fadsting wall One -hour Lire rated walls allow closer placement of the generator set. confirm before Installation, F Removable fence Removable fence panels for' servicing cannot be placed less than a R (0,91 m) In front ofthe generator, G Overhead clearance 6#t(1.62 m) minimum distance from any struoture, overhang, or projeotlons from the wall. DO NOT install Underwood eln decks or structures unless this distance Is maintained. Installation Guidelines For 60 Hz Alr-Cooled. Generators �� generator enclosure would not poly any ignition nearby combustibles or structures, with or withc servtee personnel response. NM I I � nme a � u• ""�"'�' rlQ18 S �•� Lbn n..�� WIN 4 la ,Cft 1dA7 Gam Figure 3-2- southwest Research 475f1tute Based on this testing and the requirements of NFPA See4.1.4, the guidelines for installation of the general listed above are changed to 18 in (467 mm) from backside of the generator to a stationary avail or build (C). For adequate maintenance and alr,�lew clearan� the area above the generator should be at least s ft.(1, m) with a minimum of 3 ft (0.91 m) at the front and en, the enclosure. This Includes trees, shrubs, , ar of bushes, Vegetation not In compliance with fhe, clearance parameters could obstruct air flow In.addhw ltiol exhaust fumes from the generator could inhibit pier growth. See ;';;'-'r 4,.:, and the installation drawin4' within the owner's manual fbr details. Automatic startup• Dlsconneot utllll~y power and ' render unit inoperable before working on unit. Failure to do so will result in death or serious injury. - (OD0191) Q LM "carbon monoxide, a colorlesss $ produce poisonous ggas: Carbon monoxiddeoi �t avoided, w11t result In death or seWus injury, (DQ01D3) RIOTS: if the generator is not set to OFF,, It can crank and start as soon as the battery cables are connected, If utility power supply is not turned off, the sparking can occur at the battery posts and cause an exploslon. Instailaffon �uideitnes For60 HAAlr-Cooled Genera" Site Selectlon and Preparation fire e reparation ° Locate the mounting area as close as possible t the transfer switch and fuel supply. ° Leave adequate room around the area for servlcE access (check local code), and place high enougr to keep rising water from reaching the generator. Choose an open space that will provide adequate and unobstructed alrflow. Place the unit so air vents won't become clogged With leaves, Grass, snow, or debris. Verify that exhaust fumes will not enter any building through eav6s, windows, ventilation fans or other air Intakes (see ° Select the We of base, such as --but not limited to'-campacted soil, gravel, or concrete, as desired or as required by local laws or cedes. Verify your local requirements before selecting. Material Sufficient for Level Installation ' Prepare a rectangular area approximately 5 in (127 longer (A) and approximately a In (152 mm) and wider (B) than the footprint of the generator. Verify that the surface where the generator will be mounted is compacted, leveled, and will not,erods over tlme: A concrete pad can be Poured if desired or required o� Figure 3-3 compacted sot/ or caravel Pact N'2: if a concrete par( Is required, follow.an federal, state, or local codes. applicable 13