St Lucie COUr1fV
The IntelliFlo® vs+svRs variable speed pump is the reyolutionary
way to reduce energy costs and provide the safest possible
pool envinmmentThis"intelligerif'pump can cut the pool
I portion of utility bills up to 90%, saving you hundreds of
dollars per year and thousands over its life. On the safety'
front,this pump features a built-in SafetyVacuum Release
: System
�huts the
(Srlf pump oS) that senses drain blocicige and automatically
-to provide an important layer of
p ratecfioniagairist entrapment
:7 radlidond Pumps
Traditional pool pumps have offered a limited number of
single -speed and two speed designs.Their motor speeds are
advance in ""D
safety, service life and silent operat
Am 7CC Se2act, 'E."�Oke
I I set and unthangeable.These set speeds are almost always
F higherthan required, thereby over-
ri 6r—
powering the jobs they are assigned
YV a to do, which wastes energy. What's
more, these pumps rely on induction
ion motors that are notorious energy
hogs. In fact; even so-called "energy
efficient' plumps can cost more to operate than almost all
other home. appliances combined. Pump -related electric
costs typicW1Y total hundreds of dollars per year —and often
more than!, $1,000 in areas'with the highest energy rates.
With all this is in mind, turn the page to learn about a revolu-
tionary change in pump technology... and criscoverthe most
valuable arid responsible addition you can make to your pool.
The Eco Select brand identifies our"greenesl!%
efficient equipment choices.These products sa
conserve water, eliminate noise, or otherwise c(
a more environmentally responsible equipment
d most
tribute to
The Savo]M
Hwy t'r
IntelliFlovs}sm features an exdu+ blend oftechriology innovations that enables you
to slash pump -related utility costs by up to 90%, saving hundreds of dollars each year...
and thousands over -the entire lire ofthis revolutionary pump.
(Exclusive, advanced I�aot or technology IntelliFlo pumps are the first to use
exclusive permanent magnet motor technology (used in hybrid cars), a fundamentally
more energy -efficient design corppared to traditional induction motors.
a O nbcaa d lntelli--en�e vdth
speed capabirrty, along with digit
programming of optimum pumi
spa jets, waterfalls, etc.There are
command. For virtually all applic
preset, unchangeable speed of c
slow down the pump and you c
car- you get much better mileag
The result ofthese combined inns
horsepower of a standard pump
ordinary I00-watt light bulb.This 1
directly into impressive savings.
variable drive. IntelliRo pumps also include a variable
controls and proprietary software that allow custom
speeds for specific task filtering, heating cleaning,
eight individual, adjustable speed settings at your
tions,the optimum speed will be lowerthan the
der pumps. You -exploit a fundamental pump law—
n cut energy use dramatically. A good analogy is your
at 30 mph than 90 mph.
ions is a pump that uses just a small fraction of the
just afraction of -the energy... about the same as an
3endous improvement in efficiencytranslates
Savings Specifics
Here are realistic estimates of annual savings when comparing a traditional epergy-efficient (EE)
single -speed, 2-horsepower pump to Intelliflo in a 20,000 gallonpool. Savings are calculated using
common run times of 6 and 12 hours.
o At $0.15/kWh estimated savings range from $620 to $1,360 per year.
o At $0.20/kWh estimated :-avings range from $8 5 to $1,810 per year.
o At $0.30/I:Wh estimated savings range from $1,240 to $2�,?10 per year
Savings may vary based on plumbing size and length, pump model, service faictor and other
hydraulic factors. However, as you can see, the savings with IntelliRo can be dramatic and the
return on investment almost immediate. Over the long life ofthe pump your savings can reach
thousands of dollars.
4 t �` `psi
`.: K I L O W A T T H a U R S
(or. one you re considering), and
ip Energy Savings Calculator.
EstimateYour Savings Online
Estimate your savings based on the size of your pool, your current pi
local utility rates at iwrm.pentek-javol-corm just dick on dur Pool
An important note about utility rates
Posted rates and effective rates are not the same. Your 4--
base electric rate may be I OV per Idlowatt hour (kWh) or
less, but the true effective rate is much Hgher, since you
must also take into account
0 . Added user fees and taxes (vary by state and provider).
2. In some states, rates increase substantially as a consumer
uses additional electricity beyond a set baseline.
3. Many assess a surcharge per kWh during the summer
when demand is higher.
rogramming IntelliFlo vs+SVRS Pi'.-c
Vi the pump running, nning, simply-n
buttons to set speeds. -don- pup
seteat r:5-r,oe
y -c -,spas,',, eanersoimter fwtures
-Y 80
used to naivikpte-
_through menus and change settings.
allows you. t 0
interrupt p mm6d-schedu1es,as*
needed, for z(perlod you specfly—
3 .30
schedules automatically resume after - -
Quick Cleanbutten is used
-he "Urne oui�.� penod.jends.:
slarafilter backwashing or vacuum
c*16—at iffie optimum flow requi red
�. i
k CZ0 2350 RPM
C= 11DORP71
The quietest pool pump on the planet. The exclusive permarient r
so critical for energy savings is also a totally enclosed fan cooled aE f p c
This combination is responsible for IntelliRo being the quietest pump you
At typical speeds you can barely hear it operating.
Longer life for faster, greater return on investment. IntelliRo purr
motor produces far less heat and vibration than a traditional induction motor.
stress and wear on pump components. It also eases the strain on other equil
also features built-in diagnostics that protect it from the most common causes
pump failure loss of prime, overheating, frng and voltage irregularities.
these features extend service life to further increase your return on in, vestmen
'Enhance performance of we -
for longer periods, IntelGflo vs+sys
formation when water is allowed
effective because it has more tim
forced through the fitter' media. )
means less
!nt IntelliFlo
er quality systems. By running at slower speeds
makes other good things happen. tt helps reduce algae
o rest for long periods. it makes yourfilter more
to strip particles from water, plus small particles aren't
itomatic chemical dispensers and chlorinators are
more effective when water keeps;moving,too.
-As your poolss�e changes, u will OntelliRo. With IntelliRo vs+svRs you can add
equipment and featuresJor change them, without reducing pump performance and
efficiency. Add a solar system or vrater feature or change your filter: Just push a button
to set the new, optimum speed to operajte,,at the lowest energy use. Your savings are _
maintained even as your pool system changes or expands.
Unique ability to manage witer features. Intelliflo also gives you the unique
al ifrtyto after the perfomhance o�yourvraterfeatunes. Add heightto deck jets or
fountains. Increase or decrease the flow to waterfalls or a vanishing edge. No other pump
allows you to adjust thelse features on demand to change the sights and sounds
of your poolscape withjthe push bf a button.
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-as eaulo 001 Pump You The4uleWst
p ram,
Combine an IntellTouch® EasyToud-Por SunTouch®control
system with your IntelliFlo® vs+svas variable speed pump to further`
enhance pool equipment performance and operating convenience.
Now you can automate and adjust the sights
1 ghts and sounds of your
water features while control ing the operation of all scheduled
routines filtration, cleaning, pool and landscape lighfis, spa ""`'�
operation, heating, and more..
.with the push of a button No s need to memorize operating sequences, open and dose valves,tqpr
or reset time dodos and thermostats. Ws all -done for you `
automatically. Plus, forthe ultimate in convenience, indoor,
spa -side and wireless remote control devices are also available.;r
.b �'„.-_�... _gip• ... ,,,.,, .. .t..-
T m..
NOTE: IrrtelliFlo vs+svRs pump has been designed to operate specifically
with Pentair control systems. To integrate IntelliFlo vs+s w with other
manufacturers' controllers, an IntelliComm® control must be purchased
separately and installed properly. See owners manual for details.
Visit wwwpen',airpool.com anti use our Pool Pump Energy Savings Calculator to
estimate how much you can save on utility c®sts b ( switching to lntelfiFio vs+svRs.
Then call your pool professional to leam more about howthe innovative, efficient, and reliable products and
accessories from Pentair Pool Products° can make your pool expelrience more. enjoyable than ever before.
Also ask about all our Eco Select' branded products —the' most environmentally responsible choices available.
Available from:
® pentair
Pool 6 dIff
Because leCabiGeymam--most®
pumps / filters / heaters / heat pumps / automation / lighting / cleandrs / san l ers / water features / maintenance products
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