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UUlU._l..JlOQQ~___ 83 TO . A.LBt....PmOMK.,__.__,..___,_.. ..".._ ,.. '''_..'''.''_ ..9~r[:9.~:t.Lt~ .Q~~.Q,_ I , '--'-._ .'h............ .,..__...,. .,_._.,. .._....__._....'__ ..... .._._...... ____........_ "__.'_ _' .._, __,.,_. _.... I 'rlIIS INO..:NTVRK Ma,I~ Ihis,...".. ..,.18th...__..............____...ta). ClL...O.,..er-._...:........ ....__ .__.........__A. O. 19.16.., belwffiI I i _..... ............0,.._'............ ........____.._-'-..............._..__..__..__ Lav.!.!....1I018..____ ........ _._.._.'.__..._ __"'__'_"'__" . SaiD' ,L1lO1e .., '. '. ...... '.. .... an" Slale oL..........l1or14...... ....... .... _.~........'h._. ~,t 7 _ of lhe lirsl ~rl. an.! .'.....'......... ..., ._... ...... . .-.. ...,..... ....._ ._....,..___....._._h_,_._...~,!_~.t...~#~,rtll.. _'.....___..._........._.._, __..........,_.._.._.._... ..._..._..__..,....._....._ Sa1n' Lui..., ........, .....h anJ S..-Ie of ..__....... ,. 'loi1.a..., of 1M Cr.tlnl)' of "~I '''(1' ""nun'), or ..' parI '7 ..'.. of Ihe second parI. \\'ITSESSET/I. TI~'I ..... <a;'! pari J 01 lhot fint par'. for a"d in ,..:....iJtrali..... of I.... <tllII of ..~~ ..~ll..r~. ~4 ,~~~..~ ..,!~~~~.l,~_.~~l!!~.d.Ia..~_~9~_._.. ._...... ..... , ...h..............'... ,:,__.~ in halld ....;'1 b)' I.... <.1,,1 pa'l J... of Ihe- <<<tlJl,1 p;lrl. Ihe rt<<ipl ,.htrwf i. he,rt.). a,k"",.I:':l(t.I, toa . ..., _.... remi....... rrlearecl and 'lUil.chinltd. and Ly Ihroe "rutllls .10,.. ..mi..., ..I..;a... anti 'l\lil-chim unlo Ihe said p;sr,'1 ,.. Q! It-.e 5<<OCld part amI.. ,....... 111...........,..._ .htin and a..iRns fornff. all lhe rilehl. lill~. int",'<I. chim ,..1tl demand .hkh the said rut.' '_ of Ihe- lirs' part ha.. '....... in and to' ,h~ folln..ing dtsc,ibtd 101.....,... pi<tt.. _" or (4rctL__. of Iud. \l),wit: .........-..... (JO"':rQl!IQ'...r.o~.l. .8'Q.\101L 118ht.._J8t.._'101fD,eh1p,M.3.01l~. .Buaa.l'oru.Ci.O) .Bad t----- . ..~~!!'8 .'~I.'.'~~~.._I.~?)~~~~...._,~1.".!._ ~~_.~..~@!L_...._._. ,_._...__. .. ......... _.. "'___............._._...__..._...__.___ ------ ---... .... ---.-- ...._.-.. ---- .-.--..... -.---...-..-.-..---...---.--.----------.......... --"---- '.'-.'--"-'--."--'----.--"-"---".---'--'- ------.-------.---..- . __._~.h...__ ._. ...._...._..___ .-.... ".._ .._. .__._......... __0.___.____ _._...._.._..____.__.._________.__.___.._..........__.__.__..__...___... .._.._____ ___ ..__..__..._____n._______..___..____n...___________ - ..-.- ._-_. . ..- ------ -_...-. h.__._ __"__n___. .-____.._..._ -.-__...._.__.__.__.__.____._._..__....._._.._..__._n..._....___.___ '._ _......_......__._.__.....__..._.h. ....__._.u.._._._ .- .-.-.--.-... "___ .......-... n'_ ._ ... _ _.. .__._.__._..__.. ..__ __.___...___..___________ 0_ __..._..___.._. __..._.._._.__._______ .._....__.___._._......_._______.___.__..._..__.__..__..__ .._______.........__._u_.. ..--.. -.--....-- .-...- ..-...-.-._____.___....___._..___.____.______.__._..._._...___ ___.._ ...._.__.. ___...___n._....._..____..._____.___....__._..__u ______..__ .. --'--'.---.. .__.._..._.__..__.....u_______._...___._____.______.__..__ __ _._.___.___....__._... _.._._.._._._...._. . ____u....___._..__....__.____.____.._____h___.__.____ -.----.... ..-. .....-.----- .-----.--.----.-.-..---.- .... ___._.n__....._.._._..._.__.___.__ ___.__.._____.._ ....__ . .._....._ ...__.. ._.n ._...._. h"_'. ._.. _. 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"_......,..,__,.. .......h..._,... ....i" ;and :..,i.:"s f...r..\'..,. IN '\'IT:i:E!':, \\"IIF-I.:F.OF, th.. ..,id \'''''7...... o( the finl pari hA ._........... h..rr-uuto 5<1 _" ,hv.. '......... ........ h;a'ltl .. . a,"1 .....1., . Ih.,. da)' :an,1 ).t3r first aho,.t- \\ ritt('1l. ~..:~ ;;::::~~~~~-~~~,~~::Lo~=:, k_...... I. . RO.._~~~:=:=:::; STATE 01-' ___fJ,QTlM_.._..____.____.__.__.. e'lI1n\)' oj __ S.lI1" J,\}.O 1 ...._...._.'_h..._. m"'___ I lIF.kI-:R\' l''':kTII'\'. That on this .h)' ,"'"0,,.111)' appr-;ared ""folre rr~. an olff..-.. rltll)' atltho';..." 10 a.laniui'lrr .",Ih. 30<1 tal<" ackno..I""Kmenl'. ..-..,--,-..,--..-...._-,-,-..,..---....-.--,...--.,.,--_....~y.u_'_ B~I8.,___=._,__.._._,..._...._ _.__"____..__.....___.__ 'ol 1M .dl ..no.... ..' I~. Ihr ,,,,rSf'" ,. ....scn'bed i.. and "ho uKuled the folrtJ;:..ing instrumenl and.., .. _ .he a,.ktlO..-ltdged bdore me Ib;al eh. ,.., ".."Kulcsl ,..... ...me fn'dy and ..oluntarily folr II", !'urpo.... I....rr-in ""I.rr<>n1. AXil I I'l;RTIIE!~ CEkTff\': T1ut Ihe sai,L___.LaJD"a,_.l.....IQU ,_....._...h......._,..........,.,............,...., Imo,.n I., Ilk' I., .... thc ..ifr ..( Ihe said. .....:a. __to.rk.,'Ql\t....HoU_...____,_ ,_..,....h.-_.....'............,..........'....."......._.....___._____.. - on a sq.;a",... and rriut~ rumination. lak..n and nude by and loe(ore _, ..parald)" and apart fr."" h.. ...itl hU\l"'ml. did ack_,.lc.IRe tlul .he neeuted the (or<1l:oinlt l>ttcl f,.r th.. I.UI1><.... of rdinqui<hil1g. alimating and connying all her ri~hl. ,itle and illt.....,. ......'....r f.f do....r. homcH..~d or of separatt ;.oropcrty. .t;""I"1)" f.r "I"jtablr. in a".) I., the Iallds durribr-d Ih....in. and lhal .he neellt.... <aid 0<<.1 frttlT a...1 ....Iunt...ily ;and ..ithout any c"",- .'ul.;..... roostrainl. al""rth<n.ion or fear o( '.r (10":' h<r said hu.hand. ..1 and n/!i.;:ol ....1, aII'OI'.l..P.1.roe,__._Cuunt>" oL.dsa1nt. LUcd.e .,., ,.,.... and 'Stat.,. 01....., '. ,..':1,0..r1t1.. Ihis, - .oT..b.Z'.........___,_...... D. 1925. .d"h."_,...__....hh'l.. a!I.ltOll.,'OOOMan.._____,_____ Jlota~ Publio t ala"- o~ 7101'14& at LarS-. v... .....oo.18d9JL~u...JI&roll'. 'cliaa.5:=-~-===--=: ~._-_... -_... -------- ~----- - -----._----~. . ...--.--. --. - - -. -. - STAT": Of fl.OklO.-\. Counly 01 SL I,uc:~. J I 8F. IT RF.llf.llCF.Rl-:ll, Tha, 60 this___,__...,.__ I. __o._,_._...____,..~.._.~,__~4rel ____ It'Ja__._..day 01..._,.__..10:"'.).._..,......_._,_.._,__--"'. D. 19~ ;L I:..j-~-.rf.>flt, -..._.. __ _..__._.......Clerk of the Cin:uil Colllt ill and fur s:oid County, bav.. duly r<<....kd Ih.. f'''t'l;uilllC Quit.Claim IIttd ii1 the Public Records of said Ccunly. IN WITNESS WlIu~kF.Ot1 "t ....fwnto Wi mylund and.. b seal of s:o;.!l'ourl th.. day an" )-nr aho. n ..rin..... ($>-~ -,--,-... P..O..,Il.'I_-""~""'-Ckrlc Cir(Ui.-~L) , . 'l-~ ~ . /: . V" i I.Cot. Of. Ij) ~~':jl' ,j By_,_~...c6,.: ''''1f~L-.c:._..-Dc1lut7 CItric. . &~r ' _ '---.--" '~:p. ;~it~}tt~1~;~~1~~~ .. .' .. ..,~t':~ jJ~'1.;tf.~~~j . '" . .. . .j,l. ~-",,_,'_o,.;!f;.\<-, .1'.. ~ : ~ . ~..: ~.~~ ~::: ~~~ \I?Ji;~#; ~:;~)\~:~~~: