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J_~ !.
-------.-'-----.-. TO ----
J.B. Burt AND 1'.0. WSIN&Rf
. ...___ _"U_"_'___,___ -.__._.9_~1~~_9_~~~~_.r?~~f?..
TIll!_ IsnEST'llkF~ lb.~ Ihis. ._._._"'.nq.",aaaon4.__...da)' oL_._...Oapll.lll.b8r....._._,...._..._... ._.__... ...... A. D. I'~.,., ~Iwml
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..f 1M ('..wll)-..f .. . Sa1n' Luole... ......'_'..........,._ and Slal~ or ...._,..... Plorlaa _........ .._...._.._._,__,_._.parl,~.__ or the fi..1 pari, :lnd
.___ ......____.,..... .J.~. B.W_..~~_~!9LJlell!..~.~.t __..______._.. ___'..____....___.__....._..___.__.___..___
of Ih~ ('"un I)' of ,. ... Sa1n'LuQle ..- ....' . , ., .... ;on.1 Slal~ or ,.,.._,__..rloJ"l... ..,......, ...,....parI1.'. of I:,~ Steon" pari,
\\'ITNf.$~ETn, Th~1 IIIC' ~;.ll03rl ".. or Iiv- fiul pari, for ;ond ill ronsi.kral;.." or lhe- .un. r.f One and no/1fJO. ,...
. .. _._0',,- "0 .---..--_..______...____________.___._.h...___..n..-...-..__.......... ....
. ..-. '....... .-,.....-". .." .-..-,-.-._.... _...__.,Oollars,
in haRtI paiol hy lhe- ~iol parll,., of Ih~ '<'COIId pari, the r..~ipl ..h~rtof I. ~~by acknn."t.I.:,-d, ba. ' nmiw.I, rtk-aWtI ;oRtI lJuit-chirntd.
;one! b)' Ihtlt prtStr1\< ",.Je. rtm~, rd~.~ and quil-claim unlo Ihe said l03rl ~.. of lhe S<<nnd pari aRtI....,_...,tbeir. ,..... ....,_... ._...I,~irs and
as'iins fort'.<<, all list righI, litlt, inl~KSI, thim and d~lYWld which the said parl,_"._ of Ihe firsl part lu......_......... in and I" Iht f~lowing d~rib<<t
IoLa. pl<<t8_ HI pamI8... of land.3411: 81 tuate. 1,lng and belng in the Count" of Salnt Luoie state Of.
__..."lo.~l~,fl..__~o~!..l t_L-________.__________....._..__.___._______________
_h. _.___.._._,_. Lota.. B..anA...' .,..of, Blo9.~...A._Q_t.._Q~.,!__~n!~,r.!..~. P.l.:,-"u:L!he ___ _~r_ the .. ~..!>.!__ 'he
... ,___, ...._..._~,1fi. 01,.. 'll,~.gi.~.#'.JI.f)..O',~!0_~..JJ....!own8h~p.~!_!~ut~._,~$~..10. ..at; ,....,i~, ~l.:!-_~_fl~~_~
for reoord .arob 1& 1924. and reoorded ln Plat Book .. page 60. reoords of
"'---""'''''--''-'- ,., '........ ,. ..-.,.,.........,...,.....,. .........-..---...,----.--..---,...-..----..--.--,----.---..........- .----.-..'..--...---.--------..-
...~._--..--.---._---.---.. .---.-.---.-..-...--.-.---------.--.-------. _________._____._._____....____._..__n._.._____._____._______ ___________________
_....._-- -.-..-._-- ..._- -----.---.- .._- ."-- ..----- -.---.-__ n_._.. h______..__________ n._______._____._ __.....__.._... __._._______.._n_._._____.________._______________.._
----. "--''''--.''-'--"-''---'--' _..- --.---------.---.-..---.-.-----------------.-..------.-------...-.----.-..--...-...-.--..------.--..-------.--.----.---
TO HA Vii: AX!) TO !lO!.H, lilt <a""'. I<>gtlhu ..ilh all and .ingu!ar the appUrltnanct. Ih~rtUllhl t..-1on.:ir.1l: or in any.iot ~pptrLllining" and all
tht ~talt'".. (l);ht. titI<,. illtcrt.;l :md claim ,..h.a.tCQ('u'r oi th( said part7.____ of t~ nnt ('.1rl. (-i'Mr in 1:&.. O!' ~;':Iil).. tle' tlw- onl~. I'(optf t1~t'. l<nt-fit and
btboor or lilt $:lid parI 1e. of It..- .<eond pari, _..__.the.lr.__..___,_._.__ __.___,.._ hti.. a,,,1 a..illins f"rt'.u.
IN WITNESS WHERf.OF, Ihe said partl,.... or .he firsl parI ha ,8,....... _ ~~unlo It!.,.... her, .... ,.., ..._...han.1 .. _, and s....I.._., II", da)'
_nd }'nr (jnt abc.\\"e '" ritt~n..
SiKnN, ...~kd and ddi~trctl in prest1lt~ or: I
~--- ~.~::;~;~~~~;~;~~;~'._~~-=.~-~
..__~,...._......SaQ~~r .11. .. llull'ell.....____..___,.___(Seal.l
....----.....---..l Snl.)
STATE OF -----'---,..---.norlda.-, I
Counl)' oL.......8aln\ ,L-g,Q.l.t..___,___...:____
I Hf.REHY CF.RTI\:Y. ThaI on Ihi. da)" ptrsonally appear~d before RW'. an oIl"ocu duly .."Ih..n..... I.. a"millisl~r oalh. alld bke :tcknowlttlgmtnl',
10 me ...dl I.;no'Ill' r.. I,. Ih~ lotlS"n .hril>ttl in and .. 00 n..-ulttl list rortgoin/O: inSlrumn>1 and,
.. ..........:-,... ad,"o.l~dKttI ~fore me
Ihal ." ahe ..
" ,_u<<ult<! Ihe .amt fret'ly and ,'oIunlarily ror 11:-... pUrl'OStS Ilwr~in nprt'std.
:\~,p I FURTlIER l"ERTIF\', ThaI Ihe said ,..___.:....__...__._.. ,._._.___.. ..__,..,__...___,_,,, _.._____.
Imo.-n '" RW' I.. be- III<' .ift or Ih~ .a;.I."...,..,_.._,___.__._.._________________,__:_..,__._.._..'_..______.__._______
on a ....a..l~ anol r,;,'~r.. e"ami""li...... lahn and madt b)' and ~ror~ n~, .~parald)" and aparl rwm Iou s.ai.! hu."and, "itl a(~n...wkdge lhal sht ~J<ttulttl
Ihe rorrKoin!t 1Jt<d for lilt "U'l-_ or rtli"'luuhing, alimaling and ~onnrinK all \wr ril(hl. litlt and inltrt!!. ..h~lltr or .Io.-tr, oom<sltad or or S<p:lrale
proper I)". .Ialulo')- r... ftJuirablt. in and I.. lilt lands de.<ribcd lher~in, aDd lhal she u<<ult<1 said 1Jt<d fr<<l)" aRtI ~..lunLllrily ..nd ..ithoul any com-
pulsion, c.....lrainl. awrth.n.i of ,.r from \wr said hu.band.
Ihis__ g~~h
alh~t.,1>>ier,oe~-,Counl). oL_u_ 8a1Jr~,Luo1.L."....__ and, Stal~ 01._ rl~rt ~_..__
.(;;;) ,!~!r __A D ':~~.r'.:d!~tg':~Rf~!:-!r.~~~"ntR:a~LM-8..
COlmly of SL I.urk.
t:~ U' 1"~MElllif.Rf.I): ThaI r;n Ihis.._,__.__l~.1~
,_____..clay of_..____ _~,C!!~..~~!.!._..__.___,__^. D. 19,1~ ,/L '2.: L/ 7P 'Jl-}
J. ____.___...______,
___ __..._.._,..l'k-rk or 1M Cirtail Courl in ar~~ ror said Counly,
ha"" duly r<<",oIeo! the r..r<going Quil.Chim IIttd in lhe l'ubIic R<<ords or said CO....ly.
IS WITNESS WIlf.RF.OF, I have henunlo wi rny haA<Land the sui or sa~1 (',>l1rl the rlay aRtI ynr abon .rillm.
01 .
r ~~' ______..,~.Q,L~~~lL .-._,_.._. (Snl)
:-7 QJ'.:_ Clerk Circuit c-rL
at. O'f. s. \ .:.~lJ. ~. By .f"ill--4~(L:1l1-_- __.._l>cpuly Ckrk..
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