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____._~_~~...~~lg_.fum.l._ TO .__.._..._.........~~.. a~,~~_____._.. 91 QUI1'.CLAIM DEED ,,_no. '"'_.. _._ __ ._._ _.. __. _ _~.. .___ ___.______._. __. '_'__ ___ __ ._._.,__ __ _.. _. _ I TillS ISm-:NTlIIU,- ~h.l( Ihi., ........"h..____..__._....__--<lay 01,...._, 2!epl. -- '-"-""-_' .........._._.._...,..~_.__A. D. 19..26., b:lweftl ..-...,.....-._..,.._.... -..... ..... ,~~....._..ul1..o.n. and.. "At" 1. ..L-...lllia CII1, ...1U8. .if.... Qt_'htL~l_~__Qt...J..a~tlY.1l1. nf Ih.. l'OUIII)' nf S\. . 0:lIl J.r .., ., ... ....... ..;..... ,..an.1 !\Iale of._., Illlnol 8 ._.._............ .____...,__,...._.._ \>lU1ell_ of I~ firsl \>lrl, and . .... ._.___b., ,9a.rl"D. .....:..._________....,......_........ '___..'...._....__......_....._..__.____._,...._.________ .'it.. Luo!e -... . '''''_' and ~ule (If.,._'~orlc\...._ . .. ,...._ ,_.,.ar~..,..... 01 Ihe .<<and pul. 01 Ih.. l'....llh' ..f. r - WITNES~ETII. Tlul I.... ",,;'1 l'3rle. , or Ihf' fir. I pirl. for a",1 in ron.;.I..nl;.", or 1M sun. ..r .. One ])ollar. end other. valu.. , .....__Qble , QOJle14eraUOD__..._..._________....._.._ .._.. .__... _....._ ...... ..'__ ----..-.-......._.._.,......_._Dvlbrs. in lund ,<lid b)' tilt' 'UNI parr7....,.. ..r Ihe ~"I \>lrt. Iht' nc'dpl wht'rf'Of i. ~f'b)' ac",,,,..~I~c:d. Iu T. ....__.._ r..mi~1. rt'ln...d a...1 quil-daimed, and bY'Ihf'Sf' (lrcscnls .10........_ nmiw-. r..ln... and quil-claim unlo Iht' ,..id l'3rl ., ._,_ or lhe _"".1 PUI an.1 ,.. bll.,..,_.._._ _.., " ..._...._.hf'irs and auigns lorc\'<1'. all lhe righl. lill.., inlf're.t. cbim and demand whleh lhe said \>lrd... of Ih~ 6nl p:lrl ha ye . ...,.. in and to I~ rollowing describe<l It,\... ., pieu ,_.. or parc~L__ or I....d. Io-wil: -.._-- Ql,1,~ ,L.Qtm Z$.. en1_'htL SaB1i...'iQ_:tt~. -Of,..OUt-Lot-o.1n-,Seo. -i, lownship ,U ___.________. .,--..- Bang..Olaa1i-oont.1D1o8,a. 6-aol'...-Q.t-.lan4~1n8_ and. being. 1nat....l.llo1. ,....______ ....... Coun~7. rlor.!!la. .as _.d88orlbed..ln ..pl.at .OD ..hoor4..1n... the . 0 :ffleeO:tthe.__,__..._,.._______...._ ...-.. -- Olerk, of, the Clroul \ .Oourt,..at...1.uo-l.-.CelW~.' '10:r144. bOD &B....\he faankliJL.-: _._____ ____ Sheen. BUrY.)' . af..Wh1 t8 '. 0.1.\1..---.----,______. _._.._____.____ '___'___,__,,,.__.___..._ ... "'_"_'__ ---.-."._---".---- ..-..--.......-......-------.---.-..-.--.-----------.-.------ ..------------------.---------.----.---.--------.----.----.--.-...---- ----. ____________.___.____.._._____.h_____ ____ ._. ..-_____._____.._____ _____..___. ..__.._.___._..__ __.____.___."..__h_..._..___.__________..__._._.._____________._____ ...---.-.. ... _._.u_.u.._..... _.... _ _._.._______.. _____._.__h.________.__________.__..____ __ .._._.____._ .---__.___.._n_....._...._...~_.________.___._._h._____u___..._ -'--'-. -"--"-- ._--.-.. ...-.- ..--. '.-.--...--.-.. --.... u_...._._. -_... _ -.-_.___________.__._.._.___..____....._.4_ __.,_._..uu.._.__.___ ._n..____.._..____.____._____._. _.__..____..._'...h.._ '.'-"'-... .-....-____...___....._.._.._.._________._.__._..__._____..___....____..__.h...___.__._.._.___ __.___.__.___ -....-...--.-----.-..--.-.....-.-.------.-----.---------.---.---.----....----..-----..--..--------------- ......--.-.-.--.--..-.-.-...-..-..... ...-.....--------.....---..--.. ...--.----_.__.___.__..._. __..._... __. .__...._.___........_.._. .__u..__._____.._....__._.__.__._.__....._____..__._ I TO "" \'F. AXil TO 1I01.H. lilt' ,........ log~lbcr wilh all and .;ngul.u I"" appllrlcnan<<. Ihf'rrU"'" ......'''!linK or in any,.i.~ appertaining. an.1 all lhe: ..;!a"', ri!lhl. lill,. i"lcr~'1 and claim ,.hal'OC\f'r oj Ih.. ....id partle& of lhe fir.I part. cilhrr in law or ~UilY. I" Ibe onl)" proper u.... l>tnc61 and I",hoof of the: '-lid part 7.... or I"~ <e.....nd parI, __.._,b1s.,__: u___.__.____ _..__._______ __h('irs an,1 3.'-SiR;nS for<<~r. IN WITNESS \\"IIEREOF, II... >aid "Uli.. or Ibc first pUI ba..ve ...._ hernonl., S<l.,:_ ..\heir ., '........... hacul8 . ami ....;;.1 8, 1M day' and )"t'3.r first alk.\"c ,.-riU('n. Si&ncd. 5f'aled a'M' dclh'~rtd in ,.rc>tflCt' or: I -,.QA".l'.Ua.u.<htll1__.____.~_,_______ { .---- HenrJ Be~~ke .__'_____.._._ ::-..._..__. 1 - -- ...._....~~~, ~.... 41:P..llQ~,.._,____________. .__._(Sul.) Marle Ie. nl1son _._-~_.._.----.._----.. ............,-.,_,_ _,_........,,_(SCal.) !'T,\TF. OF _......_____.._,____Illlnol._ Counly oL.__.._._..,....,., ).\..01&11"__._____ I lIERI-:OY CEKTIF\., Tlul un Ibis .by penonall)" appear..1 berorc mt', an offic,r dul}- alll"',.,;'....1 to adminisler n:alb. :and I"".. ;\Cknowlo:ol!tI11f'l1I<. ---.--..-------..,-~-.,..-.__...._,__lI'Nlk.J~.....llll8..w...and .Jlar1.e Ie.. , ~1aCll1., .,. hNbsn4 _ancl.._ufs__ haTe I.' lilt' w..1I Io:""wn I., 1.' 1M prr"... 8 ,1e.,ri......1 in and "00 uccultd lhe lorrgoin~ inSlrumrnl and '.. ,- '. ,aclmowltd!(ed hrrore me .1",1 ,.thel u....lIlrd Ihe '''mc' rrtel)' and \'oIUlllarily lor Ilor purpose< Ilorrein n'.reS...... ....su I n;RTIIER ('F.RTlF\'. Thai Ihe ~id...._...._,__ ~r,l..~_X...l11180D.._,__ "'...,._.. '._,._......___..,_. latO\'" I., ..... I.. be tI,f' "ile 01 Ih.. said..,_.._...._,...____.._~l!l~ B..._~!,1,EI~Il._'"---:..-..--.---......-._.--..--,---_-..--- OIl a >q>:aralt' ami pr;>3I.. eumi""I;"". lak.~, anti ",ad" by' and bclor~ 1IIt'. scparaldy an" aparl ".m her sai.1 ;m.i..ml. did ad",owl~,llI:(' lhal .he exC'CUlnt 'lat' for,~.,;n<: lktd i.., ,..., pllrp..lSC' 01 rrlitl'Jui,lair.g. alienaling and cOIl\'C)'ing "n h~r right. litl.. an,j inler..". .hclhC'r ..r do....r. oome;Ica.\ or or separa:~ propcrt).. stalnlor}' or ~Iu:ubl.., in and 10 Ih.. bnd. dcsc:ribcd thC'rcin. and lhal sht' ex<<uI,d s:a~1 l>tttl frtel)' an<: ....Iuntaril)" and wilho"t any com. pulsion, ronslr:aint, a",.rd","<ion .., lear "f "r Iro:n hf'r said. husband_ . WITNF.S:i my hand and official ...al. al..~'11.y.l11.,.._..._COUnl). 01.. --.at. ..Qla1.r ..._...,.,...4nd Slale or '.... Illinois '''_ -------- ....---- ---_._.._--._--.~---_.- ._-~---_.__. I I ~ Ibis ._.._.19:f;h,. (Seal.) day oi., September....___A. D_ lti" If.P. a8a1. Henry Belnelee 11 0 taJ7 'hbllo;-'rq'oo.m al1o>>"'&Xplras'Jlsl-Z6.tn.""l9 26. STATE OF FI.OKIIH, .} Counly or SI. r.uc~ I BY. IT I<F.UUIIIF.Ilf.I,. . :":.1 .... IhiL__ Mtl ',. _______.____,..d::ty oL._..___....,__ ~~!4t_II~~_r ....'_ -..__-10. D. 19.2fi. J. :....-....._,......____..1'.01, _..s:Ll)lt&D. __..__" ..., _____.___.....__.....,Ckrk "r ~ Circuil c.....rt in a..... f<:r said Counly, "."c duly r.......ool Ih.. rorrgoing Quil.Cbim l)etd in lite l'uWic Records of s.id County, IN WITNE~S WIfF.I<F.oJ>. I han ....rcunl.. set my haud uti t.be seal or said Court I.... day and )'..ar abo..t' ..rilleo. ___..~.!,<!. .._~.M?~~_ -.--....,----.-,______{Scal) ..,(J", _ ~ ekrk Circuit Court. By,_~.__~~e:-1V.__'...-.Deputy '::Icrk. Ot.Cf. SUL. ~f;~l?l~~~{i~tij~~~~ .',. :.;;\;.~,r~1i~~~I~