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WITSI'S~"TII. T"~l II... ~,i.ll~rll0S of lilt finl pUI. for and in ("Ms;,I.ul;.'lIl of II.. .UPI of One Dollar. and othOI".......~l.v.able
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.he (">':01... rj~hl. lill.. inlrr..,t and d.i.n ..hol~"rr of tb~ saiJ par!e.a._ 'of 1M fi..l ""rl. ..i.Mr in law nr ~lIil~'. I. I"" ool~' pr~r usr. l""'l~fil all.1
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I~ WITXF.~S WHF.REO.... Ih~ s.,jd I,arlies oi Ih. first parI b~Ve ...__ ....r..nnl<' 5<1 . ..... the ir ....... _ ....... lun.1 S. and sral S ,'.... d.y
ancl )"t'ar first 3.ho\'(' \\"rith:l1.
Signnl. ...,,1.-.1 a",1 .1.li...r..... in 1'1<"""-" of: I
'llm. H. Sweets
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p. V. Barnes
..._.... ...._.__.....h..._ ............__. (~al.)
..Geneva Barnes
ST.HF. 01" .._..... B'l!V!_..X()~~...._.._..______h___
Counly Or......h........h.~.~!~l!_.___.__.___.._......_..___
I IIERE"Y CI-:RTIF\', ThaI on Ihis d~~' p.nonally app.-arrol ~ror~ 111(". an offit-rr "ul~' alllhuri,c.1 to, a.lmini'I..r .<I1h. and t;al.. admowlrdgmrnl<,
__D..!..!!_ B~~l!_.~cL9:el!~yll,_..~~.E?.I!~.. hi s wife t
10 _ wrll kno.." I.. I.. Ih.. ....r..lIlS &,...iOO1 in and ..ho ~:c<<ulrd lhe forrgoinK in.lrurnml :and .....they... ....
11",1 _they........ .... ........ ~:crclllrd lite unt(' fred,. and volunlarily for I.... purpo.... Ih",~in upr.......l.
. ackllO,,'I~dK"'" bdor~ fI1("
AX II I FURTIlf.K Cf.RTIFY. Tlul III~ .ai~ne.Ya _BarJle..B_ _..__...._...h_..h....._._.............h._......... .......... .._._._..___:_.__
~'IO.'n I.. me I., ~ III.. ...if~ of Ih. ...;'1......... _h_.. ____._:p....._.Y!....1!.ar.!l.~~..__...___._..____.._.._._.h_......._._......_h____
on a S<f>>.ulc 2nd pri,'a'~ ~urnirulion, lakcn a...1 mad. b)' and ~for~ 111(', '''r-o:auldy and aparl from b<r ",i.! h",band. did ackno.kdg.. llul ..... nrculrd
I~ fOrrl!:mnll Dttd iur I"" I,url""" uf r..lill'l"i.hing. al~naling and connying ,11 h~r rj!(hl. lilk an.1 inlu...I. ..hrlh... of do.....r, ""-sl...~d or of s<p.lul~
prol'uly. s'alulo!)' '" (<Ju:tabl.., in and 10 I~ );am" d..cri.....l I""rtin. :and thaI sh~ ~xrcultol ",id n...d frrel)' ar~1 ....Iu:tl~rjly and .ilooul any com.
pulsion; conslrainl. al'I'rc....nsi.m f.r rt>r of or iwm IIt'r said hmb1ud..
\\'[TNESS PI)' hand and olftcial sr;al. .,S<>utho..lQ.._....__.COunIY oLS'U!t9.lk..___ ._..__. ._.. ._..and Slal~ or.. .N~lLYQr.k..__._
Ihi. --;;:~r' ::::~'::~~,.Of. h...._.OQt Q~~I".....___._._.-\. D. 19.~ .
(11.P.SEA~) )
Counly of SL "UC;",
OF. IT REMEMllEREI>, Thol on tbis___...____'!t~__.__day or..-__.!!!!..~!!.f}l~.~l!..__.._r&t!.f...:S7.a...m...A. D. 19_~
Albert T. Dickerson
I, ______:t._y_. ELDRED ______________.___ '___n' ._Clerk o! I.... Circuil Courl in an.l for said Counly.
hove duly rrronkd II... f.....~ing Quil.Claim IIttd in tht' l'uJ.lic R':cords of said Counly.
IN WITNf.~$ WHEREOf. I hose ....r<'Uf!Io .et my hand :and ~. of said Conrt I~ day and )'rar abo.... .rittttL
,...-..u.. ". . C.
~'./ .....\. ,(~ _..___........._._..y...q~ ...~m~....-.-.--CJrrk CircaitCour~Sr:aI)
t CT. OT. SEAf,) \)..:. Co' ~ 8y...__ a dL1/...x..~.2..~~.e....c:_. Dtpuly C1rrk.
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