HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLOWER DOOR TEST15 lightyears, Inc St Luc
776 Bennett Drive
Longwood, Florida 32750
June 1, 2018
To: Local Building Department
RE: Blower Door Test & Duct Leakage Test
To whom it may concern,
court y�.
SEP 2 4 2018
Permitting Department
St. Lucie County, FL
This letter is to request that the attached forms be accepted for compliance of the 2017 Florida Building
Code statute R402.4.1.2 Envelope leakage testing (Blower Door Testing) and R403.3.3 Duct testing.
The attached forms were provided by the Florida Building Commission as the accepted forms to be
submitted. These forms are listed on the 20171 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Technical
Assistance Manual, Document Number: TAM-2017-1.0, released February 02, 2018, pages R-78 through
R-80 (page numbers 159-161).
Web link provided for quick access to the TAM, document https://tinyuri.com/2017FBC-TAM
These forms meet all three required Residential Energy Efficiency Compliance Paths listed under R401.2,
Prescriptive, Performance, and Energy Rating Index (ERI) paths.
We are working with building departments across Florida to standardized the form submittal process and
would like your department to allow these forms to meet compliance. If there are any issues with
accepting these forms, please reach out to nle directly and I will ensure that we submit any specific form
that you will require. Tim Smith (407)-951-3236 tsmith@151ightyears.com
15 Lightyears, Chief Operations Officer
Energy Technical Advisor
RESNET Quality Assurance Designee
IECC Residential Energy Inspector/ Plai
Member, Building Officials Association of /
participating member. Also, reOentative
Advisory Committee for the BOAT -CDC
Exam--* .Ter
ida Member and Code Development Committee
the Ficr/da Building Commissions, Energy Technical
Test Envelope Leakage Re ort (Blower Door Test)
g � p
Residential Prescriptive, Perfoimance or ERI Method Compliance
2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 6th Edition
Jurisdiction: S s L LA(L I
Permit #:
"Job Information
Builder: -. / Aef Community: yid 4 Lot:
Address: 5 30 �c I Unit:
1-' S^
City: 1" G ' i-eyce State: �L., Zip:
Air Leakage Test Results Passing results must meet either ithe Per Prescriptive, or ERI Method
0 PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD-Thebuilding,or dwelling unitshall bJ tested and verified as having an air leakage rate of not=exceeding 7 air "
changes per Hour at pressure of 0.2 inch w.g: (50 pascals) in Climate Zones land 2.
FORMANCE or METHOD -The dwelling un t shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate•of not exceeding
the selected ACH(50) value, as shown on FORM R405-2017 (Perform rice) or R406-2017 (ERI), section labeled as Infiltration, sub -section ACH50.
ACH(50) specified on Form R405-2017-Energy Cal (Performance) or R406-2017 (ERIf.
)J� X 60 = ca�2 = C 11 •CtJ Methodforcafculating'buildingvolume."'
CFM(50) Building Volume AC�150) O Retrieved from architectural plans'
ASS (Mechanical Ventilation is not required) ode software calculated'
❑ PASS (with Mechanical Ventilation)
Field measured and calculated
R402.4.1.2 Testing. Testing shall be conducted in accordance wit MSVRESNEVICC 380 and reported at a pressure or 0.2 inch w.g. (50 Pascals)..
Testing shall be conducted by either individuals as defined: in Section 553.993(5) or(7), Florida Statues, or individuals licensed as set forth In Section
` 489.105(3)(f), (g), or (i) or an approved third party. A written report�Cof the results of the'test shall be signed by the party conducting the test and
provided to the code offciaf. Testing shall be performed at any timlle after'creation of all penetrations of the building thermal envelope. ,
Duringtesting -`
1Exterior windows and doors, fireplace and stove doors shall be losed,`but not sealed, beyond the intended weatherstripping or other infiltration
..control measures:
2.Dampers including exhaust, intake, makeupair, back draft and ue d'ampers'shall be closed, but not sealed beyond intended infiltration control
3.Interior doors, if installed at the time of the test, shall be open.
4.Exterior doors for continuous ventilation systems and heat recovery ventilators shall be closed and sealed.
S.Heating and cooling systems, if installed at the time of the test,lshall be turned off.
6.Supply and return registers, if installed atthe time'of the test; shall be fully open.
Testing Company
Company Name: 15 LightVears, Inc I Phone: (855)438-1515
1 hereby verify that the above Air Leakage results are in accordance with the 2017 6th Edition Florida Building Code Energy
Conservation requirements according to the compliance method selected above.
Signature of Tester: Date of Test:
Printed Name of Tester: Austin Blankenship
License/Certification #: J87RSA I Issuing Authority: RESNET
(Copy of License / Certificate of the tester must be attached)
Duct Leakage Test Report
Residential Prescriptive, Perfoimance or ERI Method Compliance
2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 6th Edition
Jurisdiction: Z. ,e t Permit#:.,���
Job Information
Builder: PEC-r—IA-, jOJCommunity: c)a ��� � I \Ce Lot.
Address: (J` 30
City: �� h `CV' Ce State: Zip:
Duct Leakage Test Results°
System 1
System 2
System 3
Sum of any
additional systems
Total of all
Urreac r�}s«ye rvr�uivu arnL� t io�ai! . .
To quaify as "substantia{ly leak free" Qn Total: must be less than or
equal t�o 0;04 if air handier unit is Installed. If air handler unit is not
Installd+ Qn Total must be less than or equal to 0.03. This testing .
metho meets the requirements in accordance with Section R403.3.3
is to aiv handler unit installed during testrng� YES ( QP") �NO (Q�)
�� _ C L-� 5 = 0) .%3 Qn
I o quauty using tnis rnetnoa, can must not ae greater tnan the
propo ed duct leakage Qn specified on Forrri R405-209? or R406-2017.
Total of all Total Conditioned
systems Square Footage
Leakage TypeseJecter/ on Form Qn specified on Form R405 20 .7
R405-2017 (Energy Calc) or R406-2.017 (Energy COlC) br R406-2617
[;P SS03
Duct tightness shall be verified by testing in accordance with ANSURESNEWICC380 by either individuals as defined in Section
553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes, or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f), (g) or (i), Florida Statutes.
Testing Company,
Company Name: 15 Lightyears, Inc Phone: (855) 438- 15 15
I hereby verify that the above duct leakage testing results ale in accordance with the 2017 6th Edition Florida Building Code Energy
Conservation requirements according to the compliance method selected above.
Signature of Tester: Date of Test:
Printed Name of Tester: Austin Blankenship
License/Certification #: J87RSA I Issuing Authority:. RFSI\IFT. .
(Copy of License / Certificate of the tester must be attached)
Certificate of Achievement
Austin Blankenship
Certification Date: 05/07/2018
Certification Expires: 05/07/2021
Tim Smith,
RESNET Quality Assurance Designee
15 Illghtyears
RESNET QA Provider # (1998-199)