HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT11 - PERMIT # PLANNING SCANNED BY ACQuajity,Electric. Si Lucie Coun (Co'mp'any- Name/Individual Name) the ,electrical Trade) For the project located at I ISSUE DATE DEVELOPMENT & Code Compliance BUILDING 10ES— &CEIVED MAY 012018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed tobe Sub,contra, ,tor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Prinjoy Contractor) or If is understood that, if there N any change of tAtug fdg4rdi,rig our portiCipAtion.With the Above mentioned project, the Build' Code Regulation Di ision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of Sub-cp4r*or npotice, kb8E R T' WITHWICK 28011 State of Florida, lorida, County of PALM BEACH.; The fokbAoinj instrument was sigiied'6cf&6 ire this k0l* of tiyROBERT SMITHWICK is. per Wall known aside ` ation. Signature of Ndtairy P6blic SUB:CONTRAC17ORSIGNATU" (Qua-lifilei) :Gary R-. Evans PRINT -SAME 28Q21-5- COUNTY CERTIFICATION, NUNIBER BrbWatd State`,' of Fl,otldi, County Of The fqre9oih9,mstru;ueW *Rs;dgned,before me this 22. day,of FpPrq,qr.y �20 1% - !Gary � R., Evans ,M� by who is personally known or has produced a its idefilifidatibij.. IP �,XLNWUA, 1�,' 0M1,k!M%.j STAMP Signature .ofNotary Public ERIKA LEBRINI ERIKA LQBRINI Laura,G. Linden of Florida-N, otary Public Print Name ic ..of Notary-Pub.lic Print Nafiid:bf Not4o Public Commission # PG 084371 My Cornmissiln Expire's March 16 2021 Revised 11/16/2 - 016 Laura G, Linden , 2024 . wO' September 0869's 96ndedtao Aaron Notary ."' PERMIT # I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildin & Code Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB- ONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAY 0 12018 FST. Lucie County, Permitting RIDGEWAY PLUMBING (Company Name/Individual Name) the PLUMBING (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project Street It is understood that, if there is any change of have agreed to be Sub -contractor for tJUR, (NC &460L Kya4 -&PneS (Primary Contractor) project, the Building and Code Regulation Di�,isi filing of a Change of , LuiC("I notice. COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of a] m O�GLG The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 106 day of `X , z1itQZ, by�a,xr"I SVri44w is who is personally known Zor has produced a as id en ' ati ST, Signature of Notary Public i5Ei1i14R Print Name of Notary Public Revised 11/16/2016 or Property Tax ID regarding our participation with the above mentioned of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ERIKA Ltt5 °, State of Florida -Notary Publi Commission # GGIO84371 WMy Commission expires March 16, 20,21 SUB -CONTRALTO GNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this tQQday of t�cx"k , zo lb , by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. r� Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public r•1 _ - .^ `�� _ Noiary Public - Statc of Florida ' Y Cornin. Expires jull 17. 2i118 Commission # FI: 133586 " ._... 3endeci Through fV>lional Notary As Sri . -p..1Y..•-.r- STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE . _y M2. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES.tS•' ._x7�Buildin .& Code Compliance DivisionO- RECEIVED BUILDING PERMIT SUB: CONTRACTOR AGREE .ENT MAY O 12018 ST. Lucie.County, Permitting One; Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC have agreed to be (Compaiiy Natne/Individual Name). the Mechan1011HVAC. Sub contractor for NVR,, INC. cJba RYAN HOMES. (Type:.of Trade) (PrOary Contractor) For the project located.at b qr��&,A L0*0 all (FiciJect Street A, ddress oi• Property Tax ID' #) It is understood that,, if there is any change • f status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and 'Code Regulation-Division..of St. Lucie Co• my -•Will be ad iced pursuant to the filing -of a Chan of Sub -contractor notice. ROBERT SMITHV rQK KEVIN :STINE PRINT NAME .PRINT NAME 28917 29939 COUNTYCERTIFICATION NUMBER, COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNJJMBER PALM BEACH State of;I'Iorida,.County of. ORANGE . State of Florida, Countyof., Thefore oio .iostru►nentwassi tiedbeforemethis.1 g g g "�' ay�.of The foregoing instrument «assigned before me this,23 day of zd , by ROBERT SMITHWICK FEBRUARY Zorn, 6y KEVIN STINE �tiho �s'•per`sonally kno�'vn o'r ha"s proiluceda who is personalty known or has produced a as/sid ""ficah� ` as identification STAIIfP STAMP Signature of Notan 'Putilic Signature ofNotary: . ' ERIKA LEBRi'NI ERIKA LEBRINI brido Notary Public I'rintNamc'ofNotaryP6bli ?, `'; gFllfflldsi®n # GG 084371 9?... off` �''dnlf�y'F My commission.Expires Msfoh 10, 2021 Revised,11/16/2016 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLA;NNI G Ba DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Suil & Code Compliance Division • • BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED. SUB -CONTRACTOR :OGRE MENT MAY 01 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting PetersenDean Roofing And' Solar Sy terns Inc. have'agreed to be (Company NametIndividual Name) the Roofin Sub-contractor=for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES Cype of Trade): (Primary Contractor) For the project located at. >cJ Cat, , (Project Stree Address or Property Tax ID #), It is understood that, if there is any Chang of'status regarding our. participation with. the abovementioned project, the Buildin Code., Regulatior Division -of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to :the filing of a C Sub -co . actor notic . .12.a Slt ti;1'1 ARE (Qualifier} , - — [! :btiTRACTOR SIG\ATI.RI (Qualifier) ROBERT'SMITHWICK : Byron Keith McStoots i�itrNT \?1ir7E - PRIG r NAME -- — . 28917 29024 ccu-� cti ci Iz 'trlc'A"I'IUti \G �IBr.H COUNTY CERTI iC Ivi'IoN NL=NIRER State of Florida, ('ounty of PALM BEACH ,Stte or Florida, Comq of Palm Beach- . The.foregoing instrument was signed before me this lck-�d ty of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 22: ih y of ,'-oJL, by R08ERT SMITH,/(I Fe ruary_Y, 2Q18 by. Byron Keith McStoots who is personally known ; or has produced a _ who is personally known .for h:is produced a aside •cation. as identification. STAMP, _r 6? L 5'I r11'1I' Signature of Notary. Public ~ Signature of Notary Public ERIKA LEBRINI �``Y'r'�4,, ERIKA ILE:GGG NI `°� B�'- Florida-y Public Beth Wagner )'riot Name of Notary Public _; >_ Commission #84371 . Printamrof\atarv.l'ublic My Commi sipires Marcfi 1161 BETH WAGNER IL: ..t .MY COMMISSION # GG 081027 17A: - Revised I1/I6I2016 4` E)fPIRES Apn713,2021 DmidedThruNo.WFubkUndemraom RERWIIT4F I ISSUE DATE M-mwvj ...kLANNIN( I K_ i Sri 014, o WAR Buildi SU GALE INSULATIC (Company T the INSULATION N 0nie'Iffid.ivid'O .61 Nziffi_65 For die project located at It is unddWo"d thdt, ifthere is' -airy chght pr6j&d, the BlJi"in and Code Re it' U in b a C - n�ofsub400tradof n0ti fling ROBERT SMITHWICK & I . )rMiLOPMEMSERVICE'S Code Compliance Div ision 01AIJUNGPE MIT RECEIVED CONTRACTOIRA kEE-MJET MIA 4NY.0 12018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting have acreed to be . �. agreed _- . .. Sub contractor for NVR, INC dba RYAN HOMES (.041 q p ; Oy Contractor) n)Anr1& L0060 (2 fdre.!'��"qr'pr*fty TaJt1D of gtattls Tgdtdingoir gait c-i pat iiot with the above. mentioned DiA . si6h of St. 1AMe" Cd OAAY'Will be advised p_u'-r'*_s-lJ_Ahttd the PRINTNAI),IE 28917 ,COUNTY CERTIFIC AT110N NUMBEI�l St tic otr1prida, County of.?W v% Bgoo 11 y i ROBERT SMITHWJICK Wh'6 i.s_oqrso'Anall I;nb' n or 4 ... .tked A, , STAMP ofiSof EBIKA LEBFINI d ' '�" State of Florida -Notary Publi lyp' Commission ommission # GGIO84371 M 7 C' My Commission �xpires March 16, 2021 Revl*dl 1111'6/2-016 C67 6 15 _/ 9 - I T? COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER gow of n �' w, coiio Ar of CXa(:fiQ Tke fo" di! initiumitit ii i gW6id bdoti iu� 2 foregoing ay of MARCH PAUL W. HASH (qj('M& S'L"'o STAINIP Sio*.Maw4 otafy Vubll'c---- Prim Nmiie*oFNo1iiy Public kMEL155 .AS-i PP ry'Publlc-5t tepf Florida '.