HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1928 12~ l ,... - -'" -- -'1'- TillS INOl-:NTUR1\, )lad.. l!tis ........n_...2l.t ......_......_.._._.._day of. ............._Ie.u.uar7 ....._.._..........__........H.._.......~. 1>. 19..26, il('I"<tIl _ O~~:L!.~...~.!H.~.U.!- !.~..~~.~.J~ ..._~11_!.~,~L...!!!!.....!.s.~~___.__ ._._....____......._._ .._.__.._ ...__ __....__...___ of t.... (\oenl)' "r.......... ~t. J,uol' .._.... ." .0........ ... . .. ....... ar..1 ~bt~ ..r.... ..................'101'10.& .._. ........ ............ .....~rllea. of Iii(' fir" part, and __...._ .._...~. ~.?... .~.. _9.rQ..I"............._....._......_.... ........_..._......__._._._ ... _ ..._...._n__._ _ _...____......_ ... ._...__.._......_____....... .~;.....::..:. _._..n.................._..._.._ ._.... of I~ ('"lIftt)'of ....... St. Luoie... .. . _'" 0...1 ~I;al.. of. ..._. Florida.... .... ..... ...... .part7 ..... ..f Ih~ '<<und \>ort. O. \\'ITNF.~~inll. ThaI l~ <.\~I ""f! ie.of I.... 11"'1 l>3rt, fnr and in ron..,;a'i.... of 1hI- ...... ..I. One 1>o1.1a r an4. . .. .._.. .Q\~e J:" . Y~l\Ul.~)...'..o9~J~~r~:U.9~UL..___.___.__......_......_.....____..._......__. ._.. _...._........... .........0...... .... ..... ..~ ita hand pai.l "y t.... '-lid parI ~ ..... of Ih~ ~",,",I "".... lhe. Ittt;pt ..h"\'tOf is ....rrb). acJ.'lIOltltdgr.!. ha .. VIIl......... r~miq.l. rrka<rd alld quit..,bimtd, and by I...."' prUn\h do........... rrn,i.... rdra... and 'l'.1it.cbim unlo Ihr said pa.\.. 7-.. ('f the oroc<IDd parI and___......ble ....._ .. ....................i;s and assil(f\' fi~t\"tt. all til(' rixhl. litl.., illl~rs:~1, clairn and demand .h:Ch lhe said ~rtle. ('I lhe lirsl part ha...,e H...... ita and I.' I~ follu..in& d~riIltd \..'1 _...., pirer........ or ('3rcrl.._.. 01 land, t....wit, " __...._u._..._...h._h ..............-...._..( OOlt...I...R.. . StampCano . t_~_""_"'''_'''_''''''''''_'_'''__'_'_''__''''_'h'''''_'_''''_' ....... I ~ .Ji ''; ~ ~ , I __._9..QIM1.~p. Q.l~...9.P.....tb.~_";l~I'~_O\..)..1n~...?..Q_..t~.t.'l_~ ()Jl~);l....Q~..~h~..._}J oJ'~b~q!l:t,...oomol". .o.:t...l4t._____.......... _..____.S.outheaa \....Q,uo.rte r...ts&! Lo:t..the._.Sau.th.e.u1L'blarter .. (Smtl..of p.se.otlon.9 ....Townah1p. _............ __'_"h~"~'_~ OU th... .~~.._ !Q.~:~h. .__._________._..__..__.. _..._... ._............___.____...___..........._....... P"" _........_.. _..._._..~~..'!'.....~l!.!..~...l?C?_~~..~!...!>>_..8A~.!.!16.~...~.~..~~....~~,t).. ~.!t~ ~t __.~.l:J.~n~.~ ..:J:'~...V!~~~...~?~..~~~~; _.. .........._ ____...th'!l.9.e.. ..~..l_:Qrtll...~~8. .~~~.~._.~o...J,J~__.Qt_~~~~! L_.~ll..,!l.!),. .NJ;l..~.~~...~l.Q~..,..t.;t".~. ~..__..._.... _____..?~~. r~t._~O..P~J,11 t.. .o.f.. .~~8!...l1!lJ.I:I8J_ o~~t a!!1_tng._~._~ore~ L~O!,,!,_,?l'., 1,~;J~'!. ....n..........._._. __.., ._"''''', .. ~.._._.._u_ ._.. ..._..._.._..__.._._....__ _... ......_.d. _ _ .n_._____.._____._.___________._._.______u._....___._._.____ ____._ _.'_._._ _..________.._.___.__.._...._____... _. -----.-.---.-----.-..-----..----- ------------------.-.----..-----.--.-----.--.-----.------.--- -.------.....--..-- -..--....-.-....--...---.--..---.---..-. -.----..----..--. -.-...------._._________..__.....___+-_._.._.__.____..~.__. _. ..._..._. ....__.____ _..._~_u___..._ ...___ _____......___.___._ _.___..__ ..____n_. TO H:\\'E :\1\1> TO JiOI.U, Ih~ g,IW', I,ogrtmr .ilh aU and .in>(Ular I.... a!'l'Dnt:n;a~ tIltrftmh' brl,"'!till!1 or in an)...i,," oppttlainini:'. and all Ih(, <<"Ial... riltlll. lill.., inltn<t and claim ..lnl<o<nr "I ,h~ .aid part. .1ea"j I.... lirsl 1'>'" nl..... in Ia", ,'" <<"';1)'. I.> tI~ ....1)' I""",r usr, lorndit and I.....o..f 01 IIwo uid part...y .. ..f the YCOIld rart, _.__.~_.:.-...~!~_..__ ....n ._........... ._ ....... _... .... t...i... a...' a..~n. f"rr~~r. IN WIT1\E$::: WHEREOF, Ih~ '-lid I'arl ..lea,,1 ..... first I,:arl ha .VO ....... oorur.I,' qt. thelr.. ........ ........ .......18 . and ...01 a. I"" do)' 2nd }.t'ar first aoo\'r writh-n_ ~i!o(J~ ~akd and ,lrliv......1 in prrsrnc~ "f: . ~ _..__..G. ..5trlo.kland.....__.__________ l ...._.._..~~7..~.... :F'!IIl,l~~ _.__..___.____~... .... __, .....CllarlelJ.4. XU,lor...._._.._..._._._....... (~oll ..~ E. Kille:, ........___....___..(~;al.l - ,==-===-~ nl ~j ~ ~ ,. .. ,. ~. STATE 01.' _._'l()r.1Oa..._..__..___... } c.....<tt). oL.._.h_..;_.__...~.t,.~uol.e.__. J ~~. < 1 lIERER\.CF.RTIFY, Tb;al on Ihi. day ptt>OnaIl)' appnrrd ~forr _. an ofl1t-n dul)' aathorirrd I.. adnnni<I.... ....1),. and lak" acl"",,,,Jr,I;cQl('l11', ....__u.C~~}., ~~. .~,.....K1U~r ..1!P.,t\..Nm~",,~".uJj:~J"-t-_hlL 11'1:'_ _._u..___.._..~..._ ..._.....____...____.... _...... 10 _ ..-rI1 known to hr Ih.. I'<'r....... 8 ,1..","",",1 in and ..tao Uf<"Utcd tlwo lort!t"irII: in..rumml and.. ..... the7 ... I....t . ._t.~~y . ........... .xttUtro the !U~ fr<<I,. and ..oIantarily for ,br p"rpo~ Ihrrnn upr..'~ AXI> I I'URTIIER CERTIF\.. Th;at '.... sai<L..__..___ hna....I.....'KJ.l.ler.___......_._...... _.....__..__..__._.__..__..._....... . ad",".kdirct "dor" mt kno....n 10 JJIt tn Lc, Ih~ ..if.. 01 the said ...._._... .C.harl ell..A....X111Ilr.._...._.____....._..._....__.__...........___.._...._.._. _____.__._.....0..... on a ~ral" and print~ ~xamituli"n, laken an.1 madr by and kfore In('. S<l'aralrl)' an" apart from b<r said hD-.hand. did aclm.......kdr.. I....t ..tar ~"rculrd the for"Il:'HIl!1 Ilr<d for Iii(' J>UIJ>Osr of rrlinqui.bin!{. al~ting and connyinl[ all b.,.. ri~hl. litlt aud inlrrrst. ....hctmr of dolt..... homr5trad or 01 .~rat.. prop<:<t).. stalutof)' (lC' fqUilabk, in and to Ih~ land. d~"'ribtd I~nin, a...d thaI she: ~"tcUtrd said Dttd frffi)' and ..olur.taril, and ..ilboot an)' CCMJI. puJ.ion, constraint, apprrhmsion H I..:or 01 ..r Irom mr said hu.band. ~~ 1.'- ., J lhi~___.~:~~~;::.I:~OI= (~al.' i ~.P.SRlr.rJ ....:.......- STATE OF H'oRIO.". stal at.._.~.9.l".~...F..1Jtl'.9.'_._C..ant). of ""'. tJ.t...Lucl....... ...aM ~Ial.. ..r ..... :..Florida . l~n.U.w;-7...__.._.. ..._A. D. 19....~6. ~ ----.I%tliy~~l~._...-.-..-.......-- :--.--..-.--........ .--.~_..:J13 Oomm1S8~0l1 O~lr.!l,::OQ....1!~....:!~,~.1.:::,' ~ ;~ !f ~ ('ODnt,. of SL Lucie } 26th __. __.day of.. ..!!4l!.~ ~ 4:00 _r. _K._:__..A. 1>. 19?~ n I, _ .. ___. ....__. ,.... _.....'_'_ ..{'kr!.: 01 1M Cirnail Court in and for said l.....ntf, han duly r~l<k" tht forrg&n& Quit.(,bim Iltt<1 in tm l'ublic R<<o.-ds of said Coomly. IN.. \\'ITNF.~S WHF.RF.OF, I han br...unto ~ my ....nd and IIwo kal of said ('....rt 1m day and )Tn a......" It'rittm. " ~ ,~~. ,~ ~' ,~~ ~ - ~ ~I ~J~ ~~ ....._....__.._......_.rL.Q L.:n~~.4.. ..... _....__.__......__(~.1.1 /f) '. ~ Ckrk Circuit ('oart. By ..od~ ~~ CkrlL i ~ ;t '. j t,' \ OT.OT.SEAL' / ~.~~ft{4