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130 _____tI..._I'.. ._Sm1 th._~..al...._
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TillS l~n"N'.URI::. Made thiL._..._.._..2~.th .-_....__._._.-----<by of...... ......._.l.~J)U~I')'.........._.._._____.'n.......A i>, 19. _~~, brlwrrn
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of I.... ('oonl)' \lL...,..OOO); . ... ........:l"'1 ~I~t.. of. .... .n' _....... ._.:U.1..!~0j.8 ... .......................... parLY _. of I.... _d pm.
WITNF.~~I-:T", Th>t Ih.. ""i,1 """lea. of I.... fir<1 parI, for an,1 in COQsicl<ntioo or Ih.. 'um of ........ T.en. Dolla:rlt and.....Othel' .
..._Y.."-l..~~J.~._qQ!t~jA~r.!'!.H.9n8 -.. ---
..... -....---..__ -.:..._____ __.____.__.__._.__noll~".
in la~nd paid b)' I.... ~id part.~... of Ihr sm>nd part. the rreripl wbrrcof is lIt'rrh}' acl.'IlOa.ktl.lrd. h~ Va. ............_ nmist<!. nlt>~ and quit.cLainv-d,
and b)' I...." I'r~sr\lt. dl\. ...... nm~, rt'!~asr and quit'cbim unto th~' said 1''''''' y...... (\( t.... S<<OOd part an(\....__.....I1~I'.._._. ....... _'-.~:..... heirs and
auign. furn..., all I.... nKht, lill~. illt"'''''t. chim and d..m:md .-h;eh I.... said p.lruea or the first parI ha.Ve......__ in and 10 th6 follo.-ing d....'ribtd
lot.~ I'i<<~.__ (lr ""rcrl_.. of lalld.~ s1 tUl:1 te. ly1118 and being in the County of St. Luoie. State of
Florida, to-wit:
"_d' ~l:lft..Ji()l"~b,...F.ly...L(~l..A.,()~~.,_ Qt_~~~J~_QJ,).1i~__t\!!W.t.x_.l~O L.Aor.~e...ot... tho..ll.Qrth.we.lIt..Q.uartt.r. ._..._
_._. t~L ~t. tht' .)I()r~!>:~~~_Qo1..~~~~~_..lml~ C?~_~Et.9.~~~md.T4it..Il.l)'Q lJ.Il_ToDlltlp.'J:hln;r . 81~ J ~Q) ..
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TO 11e\ \'1-: "X IJ Tn Hil\.\). I.... .;amr, h-grlbrr ..ilh all :llld sin~ul;ar I.... aPl'urlrn;ann-s Ihrrrunh> 11t""I~in1l: "r ;n an, ,.-i.~ ol'P<"rloinin~. alld ~II
lit... ...I;a..., riJ(ht. ljll... inl<r",'I and cbim ..hal'.......r of I.... <;ai.1 partlesnr ,h~ fir<1 I03rt. ...itl..,r ill law or .....I"il)... I.. Ibr ""1)' ........ltr uS(', l>tt,...lil and
....hoof "f I.... s~;,1 p;arl...y... of I.... ......"'d I03rt, -....-...--.~~.!'__..........._:..._,....__...._............"',r< a"" a<<iJtns f"r....~r.
D. C. Letts
IS: \\,ITXI-:Sg WHI-:REOF. Iltr s:aj,1 1''''1 j,efJ of the finl rart Iu._ VB.._. ~~unto 'r! ...._..1;hl!.1.~.._:..._.._.._. bondS ...and ~tal ...If ..... ,lay
G. W. Smith (Seal)
Belle Smith (Seal)
.. __..._..__.____W..._.C.....Baggett. ~---(Stal.)
.~.r.!!l1~_~~e~ t.. ._....._..._... ...... ..._.. (~~l.~
and )'rar linl ab"v~ "nllm.
Sj~nN. ~al<d and .lclinR<1 in pr..smc~ of:
A.U.()~..Jl.. Pu:ff
STATE OF .__..~~.QJ'_l.d.~.
<'_lit). or......~._~t. ..:(,UQ 1e ._.....________
I Jlf.IU:B\' CERTIFY. ThaI on Ihi, d:a)' prr~II)' appnrrd btror~..... an fM........ duly a.,thori.ffi to :a.hnin;.t..r ...,Ih. ~nd lal:.. a<I:...."'I.....ll/ntml'.
1, ~
G . if. ~Inl:t!1h.!l1l!llJ.~;l,lQ.~I!Il.~b...l~j, ~._W.1.te.L_md w...Q......>>.suett.and....Martha Baggett ...'hie.w ife} ._....
10 one a'dl k"",-" ~o .... Ih" lo<r<<0(18 .tr..-nl",1 in an.1 "'00 ...,,<CUI....I the for<"l!:ninll:' in"mll\flll and ......... havo.. ~<knr.,.lrdllrd ....f,,1'r mr
Ihat ........th.y .......__........ . ..."....cutc" Ih. .~_ rrrrl)' ~nd vulunt;arily for I.... purp..S("S Ihrr..in. n...rrs.....t
.-\S:D I FURTHER CF.RTIFY, That th~ said...._~~ll~.~!!ll.~.l1.__..___._ __ _ ___.._._._____.___..__ .__....
!mown to> D1t' to bt t1~ wif. of Ibr said......__.__.G..._W.L~mi.l;h.____.__...__.......___._..___.._.....__.___.__..............._
00 a srpar~t. and prin'" ..umm:.ti<>n, I~krn and nudr by :arl<I Ldor~ ...... ..,,,,raltly and aparl frol'1 ...., ..i.1 hud03IWl did ackJl()os!rdgt thaI sbr nrcul<d
(h~ for..going l>rcd fr,r I.... pur'...... of rrlinqa:i.hing. ~Iirnating and convrying all It.. rilChl. tille and inl"..r. ..hrlbr, of dowrr, bolD<<l~:tJ or of H;>:aral"
properly, s\;atulory or equit~t1., i~ :and 10 I.... land. dtscribtd I....rrin, and th>t sb~ urcutrd said I>tt1I frr~I)' :tnd volunlnil)' and wilOOut au}' ((.m.
pulsion, COIIstr~inl, apprthm.ioo f,r f..:tr of Clr frvm her s;aid hu.b:and.
WITSF.SS my h>nd and oftici:al ~al, al__..?9.J'J;_..fl~.Nj)...co(JI1ty oL._._.._~1i...LuclIL...._.arl<l SI;aI.. or ...Florida.....
...day oL_...._la.!!lJ,!l..!"y.____A. D. IL~6.
Alioe R. Dt1:tf
.--!ot~17.~..!-_1.~_!~~_.~Ee State 01' Flor.!~....~~... Large.
...__1II:f_..CQmcl1.~.~tQn n~plrQliLJunQ. 6.,. ..1929.
DE IT REJdEMBER"D, ThaI 00 Ihis.___.ao..~
i.. O. _~1..m!\.._
day oL__lJy:b...."~ ._lO.:.iELL..ll'n__A. D. 19.._~6
__Cluk I'll the Circuit Court in and fu said County,
I'" forrgoing Quit-Claim llttd in the Public Records of :.aid County.
I,' /'"ITNI-:SS '111-:1(1-:011, I han hrrnmto s.d mi hand aad the stal of sa;.1 Court t.... day :arl<I )T&r ~bnn ...riUra.
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