HomeMy WebLinkAboutINVOICE1i142*-Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403` South East Customer Service: 561-844-9994 PP__ ­W111111 CONCRETE pony chrn(�yer Corn '"���ss1s1s �11 1228456 - Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No Water Ad ded at Customer's Request Cylinders Taken ❑Yes ❑ No v� � i Li�03 gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load _ gals. to 1/3 load Pl= U r nI IC° T P1 f^Id , I :=� t ►nG — fi S -` A�6y1 dGANNEU PY Customer's Rep -Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ------"WARNINC61 E SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR. Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas, promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY: ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME _-' medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed a "J 1B Pm 4:57 cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. On Job Begin Pour Begin Wash To Plaint in At Plant PLANT-, TICKET# ORDER# TRUCK# LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # 1971 SOLDTO h— IS I7,' CONTRA F T r4'CORP P.O. # - 285 PROJECT# 90093,S + „1 ' DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 54�i;C; Oc Iir� i- Jens ra i��h k MiaCaTTiV "rBEAM Dave F"�*pwacBie INSTRUCTIONS TIME DU/E i-y1 1 • • • - • • • • e� ! QUANTITY 3..00 43.00 43.00 405140.000 4000 !'RPM yd 1 • C��� 0.1210 ENV I FEU ENVIRONMENTAL. DI SPO ea 1.00 0e 00 2 FUEL_ SURCHARGE ea SIGNATURE OR RECI„ -,bd CREME AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc eye o cre a ompany w not assume is I y or any property damage or any • equi { am g o any deliveries beyond the curb.line. SUB -TOTAL TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITI/NS ON REVERSE SIDE ' TOTAL ..:-.i.`a:.;�:•=._-",r.-..�.y'r�..,.<.---.%5.,.— s.....,� .f"x-.ar•�••-». ,�s,`st:..x .:^s.*.^�.a._".:%�_ �"�?;.r,>�=gr��_` �i* �+�rsc -.,'..'-.c+f�c�'s=Y'^•-ss�.-...»�x«a;m,.-.a a.,.-:��.k.+wd+m..n" THIS DELIVERY IS M4DE SUBJECT TO THE, FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks from the street pavement to the place of'delivery of matri;;l. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in sueh, event, customer will be held responsible for any, loss caused thereby. - 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb lime at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including',' but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owner's risk. - 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said'Company for loss of time and equipment by reaSpn .of such delivery, -and also to ,indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. 4.. Customer acknowledges that'all material and services shown have been received, that,truck times shown are correct, and that the amount of i4er added -at the ,customer's request is shown'correctly. CAUTION: The addition,of water reduces doncrete strength and durability. ?` 5. ' We are not•responsibio for finished results obtained from this load of cancrete; many importantfactlers affectift the ultimate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility anal control. 6.. A charge of a1.50 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. I. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for'our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby Agrees ta'pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contract IF MASCHMEYER- 'v jr;-'UAI(i2r' .3-3403i 1.1,42 Water Tower Fioaol Park -FL: 12 2,8 41, 5 5 South East Customer Service: 561-844-9994 In Concrete Tested F] 4cff, W1 ded at'Cbst6rher'sl Y No Water Ad Cylinders Takenf� Yee ss � I I � zo eq R uest, "'N gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/,3 load —dais. to 1/3 load Customers Rep - Water Added C-Prl)Till lq TRIICI,1-1I NOT -RESPONSIBLE FQf`1 vARiATI.QN IN COLOR WARNING IRRITATION TO, THE SKIN AND EYES Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cauge skin injury. Avoid contact with ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS SURFACE+'DISCOLOAAT ION skin and wash exposed skin areas1promptly with water. lf,any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH, mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep 'children.,away cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS TIME-F UrBATCH P pM ,from cement, products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK., III Z To Plan t A 7702' 5 . >A r PLANT 'TICKET# ORDER # IT CK r �X. LOAD SIZE SLUMP f14000 PRPM 5a 00 DATE 02/18/19 CUSTOMER SOLDTO S & D CONTRACTING C.O.RP P.O. 285 PROJECT* - 900936 DELIVERY ADDRESS Dr e�n .8036-S 6cea n'' Js _Reh, IZONA# M RTIN USE B EA M DRIVER Joh n*' Me s a INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE T 4 E DUE Q 7 , r M - 017 4. RM ORDERED PRODUCT CO• I A PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I U.O.M. UNIT PRIC UNIT PRIC I• - QUANTITY .• 10. Oki 40. OOL, 40.01 .40340000' PRPM Ord 1. 00 0. 12.10 v4v I Fm ENVIRONM4,11-FAL 61SPO e -.x 0.00 .12 FUE L SUIRGHO'RGE', e 1-4 t A SIGNATURE WARNING OR RECEIPT )F HAZARD r-'j-31111JINJOW Maschme e fn n e VOompany wi I not assume i!ability for any property damage or any equipment deliveries beyond the curb line. SUB -TOTAL /y 7—` F ,7e TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDIT)ONS/N REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL IN THIS DELIVERY IS MADE SUBJECT TOTHE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway tor our trucks from the street pavement to the place of delivery of mater6l. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such event, customer will be held responsible for any loss caused. thereby. 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the dwner's risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by'reason of such to indemnity and save harmless said Company fr6m any and all claims, demands and suits.for or o, ... .,.ioi r 1*y manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery, 4. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times ,­, that the amount of water added at the customer's, request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The adc,' concrete strength and dUrability. E 5. We are riot responsible for flnished results obtained from -this !oad of ncreto; many -important fa ;tars a. �1�, ultimate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. 6. A charge of $1.50 per Minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby agrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall 'ail to pay fer the merchan6se reflected in this invoice. when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past duc batance. The customer .�ereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contrec' A 1142 Water Tower Road', Lake Park FL Smith Fact N_gtnrriPr SArvira- SR1-944-9994 B�I]H CONCRETE +A WEN A Maschmeyer Company (,' 33 . I I - Concrete Tested O ves b No 1 L,� h ° Cylinders Takely - " es /QNo` Water Added at Customer's Request gals. to full load Comments -i M 15 OA till � gals. to 2/3 load ICE F t) I i I if a 7 gals. to 1/3 load OK Customer's Rep Water Addetl NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES VARIATION 1 I)POLOR OR, Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may1cause skin injury. Avoid contact with ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DIS OLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE mixture gets into eyes, 'rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TlrujE medical attention. Keep children affray from cement powder and all freshly mixed �NJ AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. L EB 10 21 cement products. -. •.PLANT_ f:,� TIORD 7slo R# � TRUPC�K# Lich OADSIZE l +o MI Fk�f�Q! 'RPM SLUMP pia �� DATE ' lZ1c� � �� �CUSTOMER #LDTO , 1 . & D. CONTRACTING COD��° P.O. # � i��I PROJECT#_1'�il5 `�IiJIl193b DELIVERY ADDRESS 803C, S, Ocean Dr Jensen, B t-)** ZONE# MRR"B"IN USE -rBEWM DRIVER 7nhnat;hain Fad ENV' A UCTIONS TIME DUE 0,6 r'M LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE QUANTITY. QUAN TITY QUANTITY 1�11. ►11 30n 014 30. 01 4054000 4000 L=1RPM yd ' „1. 00 0. 00 ENV I RO ENV I R DNMEwrAL. DI LSF'Q ea l o 00 0. ► 0 2. FUEL SURCHARGE ea SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETEAAND ACK14OWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING • asc meyer one o o any wl no assume ability or any property damage or any gy SUB -TOTAL equipment damag, r/, n_ d�liverles'beyond the curb line. t� � i TAX li AUTHORIZEDIBY SHIPMENT'SUBJECT•TO CONDITIONS ON .,REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL . 'i THIS MELAVERY 13 MADE OBJECT TO THE: FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks from the street pavement to the p a !�pe of delivery material. if such suitable roadways are riot provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such event, customer will be held responsible for dn'y loss caused thereby. 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drail- field, are at the owner's risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, -and also to indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and all clairns, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or -arising from private driveway delivery. 4. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times,shown are correct, and that the amouni of water added at th6 customer's request is shown correctly, CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability, 5.'. , We are not responsibleaffecting It . for finished results obtained from this load of concrete;'many important factors ai ling the U, ir�ate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. 6. A charge of $1.50 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading tirine is exceeded. 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby pgrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, it he shail fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknoviledges receipt of the complete copy of this cont-,,act ..a: �� -� BWH�-l• ASCHMEYERIIIINIIIIII' 1'142 Water Towerad,Lak FL'33403 .1228435 'youth East Qpto4ey e,Ce,-4t=-9994 561,-61,5-0011 j,,Concrete Test68 4 , /El W I ater Added at Customers Request CylindersTaken Y es s gals. to full load omments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customers Rep - Water Added 0PPOTniiq 1plim/pri-01-3 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS 'VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete pause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION ge prompt mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED, IS i —1 BATCH TlEa 18 AM11:0� and and allf. l�' medical attention. Keep children away from cement powdershl mixed cement pro -ducts. I * I AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. Load To Job On Job Begin Pour r"-1:UJ Fn7ml 77 P�%i TICKET# ORDER 8 9 2 0 64 # 90 1,.TRUgK. # 7 LOAD SIZE, M11 111gl. PRPM (ZIr 41 DATE -42/18/19 V CUSTOM # .1 97,t'I OLDTO S . 113 & D COKITRACTING C6RP P.O. # 285 PROJECT 0 0. 97, DELIVERY ADDRESS, 8036 S Owe An Dr-' Jeris6i� Bch** I. ZONE4 MARTIN USE TBEAM DRIVER Derive Moss INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE 'M� I 1 54 AM -Y - N PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10. 00 20.00 30,01, 40540000 WOO' PRPM yd o el 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DISPO ea d 0. 00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT CONCRE HAZARD WARNING asc meyer Concreteji E;�mpany will not assume li,ability for any property damage or any equipmenti y d, IV Ines; beyond the curb line. SUB -TOTAL Zf� I TAX ff 1,11 AUTHORIZED BY. jL SIDE. SHIPMENT SUBJECT70 CONDITIONS ON R EVERS TOTAL 'THIS DELIVERY IS MADE.SUBJECT. TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. y 1. Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks from the street pavement to the place of delivery of material. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries.until conditions are remedied and, in such event, customer will be held responsible -for any loss caused thereby. 2. When delivery ry is made beyond the curb line at the customer or cu'stomer'representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owner's risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for lose of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also to indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. '4. Customer'acknowl edges that all material and services sho'wn have been received, ved, that truck times shown are correct, and that the amount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability. 5. We are not responsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete, many impoIrtantfac'tors affecfingthe ultimate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. 6. A charge of $1.50 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our 'trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby ;agrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contrac MASCHMEYER' F, I 1142 Water Tower.Road, Lake Park FL 33403µ' , South East,ftstomer SeiA e:r56)-844-9994 BkH CONCRETE 1111111111 Jill 1111 A,ee1e1s oou 1223428 Concrete Teste6 ` El Yes ' 0 No e iL6T #, r Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Take ❑ Yes �] No Request Ciimmefits *'� 16 i gals. to full load gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Cusfomer's'Rep - Water Added r PR U TCII Iq `mu K ^ 1 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR. WARNING IRRIT TION P TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORATION Cement polymer or freshly mixed .concrete skin and wash exposed skin, areas! promptly may cause • skin injury. Avoid contact with with water, If any„cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately medical attention. Keep children away and repeatedly with water and get prompt from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME �" U'Ilaa 33F';�.0_107 cement products. I AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. Load To Job On Job Begin Pour Begin Wash To Plant At Plant PLANT*. I TICKET#' ORDER t�56 # gel' TRUCK # �� LOAD SIZE 1��a. CA��w�+ MIX SLUMP Iill F'�6='i�i �� �o�► DATE �+c!,'!U/1 J CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # 1971. D i:ONTRAC:I ING CORP 285 IPROJECT# 90ID936 - DELIVERY`ADDRESS ire: r_,r: .._ Jansen �tt::h** # FIRTIN USE T+ AM DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE 10-:36 AM RVIVI 01waffri 2111111111111111[11111V Bill" IWO] I PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ••% • .10e 00 10.00 30.01 40541710011 4000 PFtPM yd ,1..00 Via. 120 ENV 7 RO ENV 1 FRCrNME iN'F'AL_ U1SPO 1.00 0.00 2 I FUEL 9,!-PFdCHARF' E ea <, SIGNATURE.OR WARNING RECEIPT - CONCRET A0KN W EDGEMENT OF HAZARD asc meyer oncre o any i no assume a y or any property damage or any equipment damajt or deli pies beyond the 'curb line. SUB -TOTAL L I TAX ` AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ONjREVgRSE SIDE. I TOTAL r re r, 1*1115 DE1-!VERY IS MADE tus.jEc'r TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: I C', . ­. Custoirnor agroes to provide a suitable roadway tor our trucks from the street pavement to the Taco of delivery of rnatemoll. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such avant, customer will be held responsible for any loss caused "hereby, When deiiveryis made beyond the curb line at the customer or custorner representative's request, any damages inclu6ng but not limil.ed to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owner'z risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company fear ions of time and oquiprn,ent by reason of such delivery, and also to indemnify and save harmiless said Company fror-n any and all clairns, demands and suits for or on account of or in any rnanncr caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. 4. Customer acknovriedges that all material and services shcwn have been received, that truck times shown are correct, and that the amount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concretemstrength and durability, 5. We are not responsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting the uftimate qualibj of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibPity and control. 6. A charge of $1.50 per rninute will be charged alter 8 minutes per cubic yard inloading time is exccedt-d. 7. The customer agrees provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8 T;ie customer hereL:y age ees to pay all -costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall fail to pay for the morchandise reflected in this invoice, wher, due: Past due accounts are'subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on ttlie, unpaid past due balance, The customer h-:)tPby acknowledges rseeipt of the compiete copy of this co, -,vac (J 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 i - Concrete Tested [] Yes T # Water Added at Customer's Request Cylinders Taken E] Yes [0:] No RECEIVED gals. to full load Comments JAN gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load 'r Lucle.E �Un% P RE V 1 bi 0 IS rcl.lt-.r. a s IS A Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with, water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME-nm 'LLI�p 2: medical attention. Keep children a ay from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. 22 ?0 7 7v PLANT TICKET# ORDER '# # LOAD SIZE M; SLUMP P DATE 1013 80 124-3 ]TRUCK 157 72 10.0 000 PRPM V-1 0 00 C,7 -7 011181113 CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # ROJECT# 1971 -S 8,_. D CONTRACTING C9RP 240 9 0 0 9 3 F, DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 8036 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE PCOUNTY TBEAVI John Mesa INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE N N SEN BEACH 3g38 PM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ?let 0 el 50. 00 76ko . 0 1 4 .1000 4054000� L 'el' 401010 PRPM yd 1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DIS:)O ea 1. CIO 0. 00 R FUEL SURCHARGE ea SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE ANDACKNOWLEDGEMENTOF HAZARD WARNING • mascnMeyer Concrete or Ing, All not assume; liability for any property damage or any , SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for a IN fles beyond theicurb line. TAX Y/ W AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON RFVERSE SIDE. TOTAL v 'PH's OFELIVEIRY 18 MADE SUBJECiFTOTHE FOLLOVVING CONDY' IONS: 1. 'Custorneragrees to provide a suitable road -way for our trucks from the street pavernent to the place of delivery of material. H svch suitable roadway!:-, are not provided, wo reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such event, custorrier will be hold responsible for any loss caused 'thereby. 2. Whi�m delivery is made beyond the curb line at the custor-Per or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owner's risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by.reason of such delivery, and also to indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, deimands and suits for or an account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery, 4. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correct, and that the amount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability. 6. We are not responsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting the ultimate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. & A charge of $1 M per minute will be charged after 8 minwes Per cubic.yard unloading time is excer.,ded, 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby agrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, wheri due. Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service chiarge or, -ahe unpaid past due balance. The custornohereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contrEc, 4tk 1142 Water Tower Road; Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1 - 877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-944-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida' 0 IJ ivision Dispatch: 407-339-5311 os" Concrete Tested ❑ YesONo LOT Water Added at Customer's - 0031 ,cylinders Taken F-1 YeS F� No Request gals. to full load :Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load -- DP=M.T ril 10 -rol Irlu 1 0 6-h a, ustdrqts.Rbp - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed coricrete skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME medical attention. Keep children awl from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. 13,a 5 r,- cement products. Load To Job oV PLANT TICKET# ORDER * # LOAD SIZE MIXI SLUMP DATE I L714 244 1 2687 157 �TFIUCK 131 10.0 � zi� 000 P R�% 6. 00 Q11/18/19 CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# .1971 S & D CONTRAC.-I,"JiMG C0141P 2 412) 900936 DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 81-1"36 '30LJTH OCEAN DRIVE I PBCOUNTY TBEAM Uoo Acosta INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE NSEN BEACH 91110111111111 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I.I.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOU 10.00 40.00 40. 01 4AE,540000 4000 PRPIYI Vd 1.1710 0.00 ENVIRO ENV I RONMEN,AODIGPO ea 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL-SILJRCHARGE ea SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT- CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING Rr_,IqIRII��Maschmeyer Concrete Company yvill7not assume,%515-flit --for any property oamage.-or any, SUB -TOTAL 'Oerl�� 6VYond Curti line. equipment damage for any de the /J Al k I/N I I - I TAX 4-11! 1 /AUTHORIZED BY-. SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERMISIDE. TOTAL THIS DELIVERY IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: - ' 't '. .. Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks from the street paverhent to the place of delivery of material. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such event, customer will be hold responsible for any loss caused thereby, 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including'the drain field, are at the owner's risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also to indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and ail claims, demands and suits for or an account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. 4. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are co ' rrect, and that the amount of water added at the .customer's reqyest is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete'strength and durability, i 6. "We are riot rospbfifsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting the ultimate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and c6 ntrol. A charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. 7. The customer agfees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material, 8. The customer hereby ?grees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, it he shall I ,a1 to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance, The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the c9mplete*copy of this contras, r,' 1142 Water Tower�;Road,� Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central F Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 19�1���ll��l`yl�l@�&1961iR'I!�rPll��la ; .,s Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT #(. ' 3 Water AddedatCustomer's L� ®t! � , Cylinder's Takes ❑ Yes ❑ No I �- J -s Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to il3 load rear-P7 xni 1� -1"01 1rLr r_ - �� Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VARIATION IN COLOR OR WARNING IRRITATION Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete TO THE SKIN AND EYES may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with ADDITIONALWATER ADDED TO THIS SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately medical attention. Keep children aw and repeatedly with water and get prompt y from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME 13 .-03 cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. 4 72442PLANT TIC ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE 10�+4 682 157 .1801 -10. 17) ­ 1211 121 PRPM So 00 01 / 18/ 19 CUSTOMER # SOLD TO P.O. # PRO JECT# f`:�71 S 8 D CtDf�lTRACTIi�l� CCl I� 9011411 36 DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 80738 SOUTH OCEAKI .-DRIVE JPBCOUNTY TBE:AM Wo b Srx k u i Sh I_ n INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE 'NSEN BEACH 1 l; S4 PM . 11VIL11will =1 . . �61 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10.1710 30.00 40.01 j; 054t7+006 4000 PRPM yd 1.00 Ito 00 ENV I RO ENV I RC1NMEWALf D I:E PO ea 1.00 0. Ott► S FUEL. SURCHARGE ` 4 ea hA l 1 SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT- CONCRETEANDPACKNOWLOEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc meyer oncre, e, b parry/wl not assumeliability or any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL - equipment d mag�fo n d/eli erii& beyond the curb line. , ' ���EI� �.f �r-i/ TAX G / ! AUTHORIZED BY.. . SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON VERSF�SIDE. fs TOTAL f THIS DELIVERY IS MADE SUBJECT TO iHE F.OLLOWING CONDITIONS: Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks from the street pavement to the place of delivery of material. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and; in such event, customer will be held responsible for any loss caused thereby. 2. Wheh delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems,'inclujing the drain field, are at the owner's risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also tc indemnify and save.harMless said Company from any and all claims, demandsand suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. 4. Customer acknowledges that all matcidala''nd services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correct; and than the amount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability, 6. Vie are not responsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete; many"important factors affecting the ultimate qL;ality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. 6, A charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded, 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby agrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable, attorneys fee, if tie shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when duo: Past due, accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contrac 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park. FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central F i j .i 7 Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 ,. Concrete Tested ❑ Yes n:No LOT # I , Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑Yes r!'No �`?�•'-wo Request `'' �' gals. to full load ° ;• Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added ' Ial;'?F'T n11`3 T P I II-"1--r 1 F. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly. mixed cement products. AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME 777771, CL) # `:d,Y,°d LOAD SIZE MIX I SLUMP f.�of-A0 i�l�Pm G°Izi0 DATE 01/18/79 CUSTOMER#'. SOLDTO P.O.# PROJECT# '3 D C(VN_11'I-; CT T klG CORP 240 9Ird0` :,u DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER p11P i'.� [�%1: P.�1 DR`-- VE PBC OLINTY TBE�A Ciir; Ter°n��a INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE ACH ....I:i Izilb ,:i)° 01 � 1�t°I540000 400 PRPiVi yd 01D 0. lwll."/) ENV I ISO ENV I RONCt1i= NTAL.d D I E PO p IZda [: 0 2 FUEL SURCHARGE a @2t , Q SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING a meyer oncrete o�npanseryi w°yno assume is ° tty or any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. ���f I TAX / % AUTHORIZED BY. SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. + ` TOTAL THIS DELIVERY IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks from the street pavement to the place of delivery of material. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such event, customer will be held responsible for any loss caused thereby. 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's reques6ny damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owner's risk, 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also to indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery, 4. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correct, and that the amount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability, 5. We are not responsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting the ultimate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. F. A charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby Agrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contrac '1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561 844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatc : 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch:407-339-5311 0 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ® No LOT # : ,' �,. 4. Water Added at Customer's Request Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes, M No gals. to full load I 'omments`_ C t gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load 6 10- P = O T ni I TPI II-:K a_ - - Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR . WARNING IRRITATION T TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORATION' Cement polymer or freshly mixed con skin and wash exposed skin areasromptly rete may cause skin injury.. Avoid contact. with Owith water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immedij4ely and repeatedly with water and get prompt freshly AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME 10 a 00 medical attention. Keep children a, cement products. from from cement powder and all mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. .-. .. On.. Begin •. ur PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE : ��, 2442-°G5S 157 1_,16 10n 0 4Q11410 F'fi3F'M Fl. Iz10 lzil 18/19 CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P:C. # PROJECT# 1971 S & D CONTRACTING CORP 240 DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 2-136 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE MARTIN T E.nM Roberto Cat abal to - t'rr��,,P�n�(-'++11��l{ ik'J^t." N bE@'YQHso TIME DUE 1��4� �� OINST,RIU,CTIONSgpppp PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT o olzi 10.00 .,:�0o I711 U 01754- 00 4000 PR'PM yd 1.a" 4y 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRO NMENTALF DPEPO ea 1 a,fziC,i1 CIA a FUEL SURCHRRGE. ,, ea I } I I , SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT- CONCRETE.ANDIACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING - asc meyer onc�re gr 1 o'mj�any will , not assumeliability or any property amage or any SUB -TOTAL -equipment damagre/j r a6y' eliveries beyond the curb line. T TAX 0 AUTHORIZED' BY.I SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON fiEVERSE SIDE. ` TOTAL THIS DELIVERY IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks from the street pavement to the place, of delivery of material. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such event, customer will be held responsible for any loss caused thereby. 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including'the drain field, are at the owner's risk, 3. The customer agrees to'reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also tc indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery, 4. Customer acknowledges that all material ' and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correct, and that the amount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability. 6. We are not responsible f6rfinished results obtained from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting1he ultimate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. 6. A charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of defiVery of material. 3. The customer hereby Agrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contrac uWr MASCHMEYER r ' CONCRETE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL'33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch:561-844-9994 / Central Florida, Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 II@I@I�I��IIIjI�N�iI£�N�"�h �e Concrete Tested El Yes ❑ No LOT # � � ,.� - - -� -y Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑Yes ❑ No , �t t:..a' Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load � PRCviOtis IRl.➢C A(:edd i Customer's Rep - Water Added i I NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR. WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCHTIME medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. cement products. • .. To Plant an 7TICKET# 7- rr I ORDER #" TRUCK # 'LOAD SIZE mix SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # SOLDTO i P.O. # PROJECT# 1571 S & D CONTRACTING CORD E60 900936 DELIVERY ADDRESS USE DRIVER L�tc'36 SOUTH OCEAN DRIVE**5' h1�7( i �ZONE# PBCOUNTY Javon Mla-ithis` INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE wC+ISEN,BEACH** go past nain gat6 and cone a �10o42 AM �miliALIIW!M�OR�DERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION T—U-0-M. UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT • •QUANTITY 1 it). 00 20.S +0 20. 01 � 4082�Zi��+�+; �t00�J PSI Blend y c� 1 e IZ+I 0.00 ENV 1 RO ENV 1 RONMENTAL.,? D T S DO ea 1 o 00 die 00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ear SIGNATURE WARNING R. OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACK WLE, EMENT OF HAZARD a meyer oncrete n). a�y�®wl I o assume lability or any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL • equipment damage fora 7�I�,er a eyond the curb line. ' �" TAX AUTHORIZED BY.-. . - SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVPPR ® SIDE. r TOTAL 1',-IIS DELIVERY IS OADE SUBJEC't TO THE FOLLOWR4G CONDITIONS: Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucksfromthe street pavement to the place of delivery of material. If such st r Nble roa6ways are not ;-,rovidod. tree reserve the right io stop deliveries until corditiDrisafe remedic-d sad, in such event. custo,,-iier will be held responsible for any 'loss caused thereby. 2. When delivory is mad s beyond the curb lino at the ct jstorner or customer representative's request, any dam, eges il 1cludina, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owners risk. 3, The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also to iridemnify and save harmless said Company from any and ail claims, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or -arising from private driveway delivery, 4. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correel.", and that the amount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition at water reduces concrete strength and durability. 5. We are not responsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting the ultimate quality of the- completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control.. ; \ 6. A charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged afte 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. The customer hereby ?green to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, it he shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due. Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contrar! ww A,dl5% +uw.wwcA CONCRETE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, INC. il 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 UUP Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No J ; Request gals. to full load Comments' gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load r Customer's Rep,- Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORATION Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS' STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME' rt, Lt �Lui'jj; Begin Pour eg n as �! /0/1 713,89 lot T# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX r L SLUMP DATE 1222 4k,(� fAI I 10•Izt I71C,?1Qi .F'SI ' PIent`J Jo 4?0, 01/18/19 CUSTOMER# SOLDTO P.O.# PROJECT# I1 S & D CONTRACTING Cl: kF_. 260 DELIVERY ADD ESS �,6f ZONE# USE DRIVER , 36-79U4..1TII OCEAN a', RIVF-.Y*511 MAXMA RT IN Man,r0:us W2.1Iiaiiis " T`tUCTIONS, TIME DUE LOAD . ICUMULATIVE1 ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION K11 g ling ITI [all] 121111 `r QUANTITY QUANTITY 1CA. 0(A 1Cif. 00 20. VI Z",, f820Lff00 4000 PG,1 Blend yd ` 1.1710 0. 00 E, F-UEL. SURCHARGE A l� SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT deliveries beyond the curb SUB -TOTAL TAX TOTAL THIS M'ZLMERY 111,3 �%,,oV'92 SUBJEX r TO FOLLOWING CONDMONS: • 1. Custorner-agrees to provide, a suitable road ivy for Our trucks from the street pavement tor, the place of delivery of material. we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are renlediod a,id. in Ouch event, cusR)rner will be field respansicle for ally loss caused thereby, 2. When delivery is madiz? beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owner's risk. 3, The CUStOrner agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also to mdernnify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. 4. Cuslomer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correct, and that the amount of water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability. 5. We are not responsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting the ultimate quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. 6 A charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. T. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. 8. The customer hereby Agrees to pay all costs and expenses, of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-112% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contract. I q I r l 0 N V 1 �• 0 i._. �. :gym yfY �1• • III VNE ..-COMPANY. FLORIDA, lko 16 9 1 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 �� /_ O�3 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 �991 o Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # I RECEIVEEYater Add d at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No tqu St Commentsg�f gals. to full load ate ,r - gals. to 2/3 load .Isa nli r Iyl �.I k gals. to 1/3 load IW'' 1'i 6-.• �• Bug 1 f`l349'a._n�...9:Cc.4+.1=.- -�..-• ... J 1 S , ` r Customer's Rep - Water Added, IJOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IR ITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. DT 'S' All 7:2 cement products. PLANT�� ri TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE mix a , SLUMP DATE 1�+ , ,889953 59 E1 10.0 4000,,J PIS1. Ell end S. 0CA 12/03/18 CUSTOMER # ISOLDTO P.O.# �PROJECT# 1971 1 k S & Il CONTRACTING CORP a � t " / � 3G 9£r31 930— DELIVERY ADDRESS y ZONE# USE DRIVER 83�) Ocean L}i' 1eTbSeY1 Beach MAR YN DECK } By-ic:-n Cest•raro INSTRUCTIONS j TIME DUE 8215 AM ORDERED • UCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT • _ 10.00 30.00 30.01. 40820000, 4000 PSI Blend yd 1e00 0e00 ENSIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DIS-IQ ea 1.00 0.00 per' I-UEL- SURCHARGE ea SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLED" T OF HAZARD WARNING asc meyer Concrete CompanyA +piq assume la I y or any property damage or any • equipment damage for any delivs' if y�o the curb line. SUB -TOTAL f/ TAX `,%AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON. REVERSE SIDE./ TOTAL 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 334M Off ice; J -877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central F Division Dispat 407-339-53t1 ��- �' �g(� �— oo3 J 'Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes n No I Request gals. to, full load Comments ,.' r -� ,1• gals. to 2/3 load (l a 'gg1 •� •/1: gals. to 1/3 load �r�FI r�ric�•4 a :; A 60i RI we,. /����q Jv ' r ` V / 1111111111N.-O.-T.- Customer's Rep - Water Added RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO. THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND=DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME '� medical attention. Keep children awa' from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. DEC ? tad �• 1 cement products. . ; Load To Job I o Plant At Plant PLANT TICKET ORDER # TRUCK # L O�qd SIZE MIX I " SLUMP DATE 103 8899- 52 159 .. 68 10.0 4000 PEI 'Blend 6.00 12 / 03118 . CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # 197. 1, S & D CONTRACT I SIG CORP 250 / 230 JPROJECT# 900936 DELIVERY ADDRESS I ZONE# USE DRIVER 8036 8 Oceran Dr, - Jensen Bear_ 0' !MARTIN C / Jtshn2sthan holey INSTRUCTIONS _ TIME DUE 8905 Aft PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10e 00 20.00 6�o+1oZid32l7J t�17JIZ14%J.. �'GI31 Blend did 1.00 0.00 ENV I RO ENVIRONMENTAL 1D I G =1O ea 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL. SURCHARGE ea j .. OR RECEIPT - 0090RETP AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD SIGNATURE WARNING • asc mey r c�ete ompa y wI not asspine< la i I or any grope damage or any SUB -TOTAL equip entlydam fo_ r any de�rve�'e yo�rtdd���ttl�0 ur6 line. a. TAX " AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CTDITION ON REVERSESIDE. i TOTAL I 11,42 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Me:.1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561 i844-�.984 / C.,entrgjk F t 1 •AM 16a 9 )ivision Dispatch: 407-339-5311 _1:,_yb yy , -I- -�, Concrete Tested El Yes � No °' n dam"` "�OT #i Water Added at Customer's , Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No a 7 Request gals. to full load gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added ®� rr NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOROR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause, skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION ,water. mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away;,from cement powderand all freshly mixed cement products. N_, y �' AND --DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN:RISI{. BATCH TIM EC ' S AM T-07 1, ... T .. On .. M. 'PLANT ICKEfjdt , ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX �. "' SLUMP DATE 'a 163 ' 889- 951 59 t 49 10 4900 PSI' Blend F,a L710 1E/03/18 CUSTOMER #' y SOLDTO . ys TM r t P.O. # 1 1 S & D CONTRPA T I N(j` 60p 25 0 / oe,:,0�0 _ ~' 1PROJECT# ' 900936 DELIVERY ADDRESS °a '- : ZONE# USE DRIVE8 8070,3,E S Ocean Dr —'Jensen Bea?rti�. i MARTIN DAECK lylgke Cross INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE p .55 A AD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. alligilegumm Y QUANTITY QUANTITY 10. LAO ,1. 0. 00 30.01 40820000 00ZD0Z0 f.0.ic'i64'tc PSI I Blend y d 10 00 b.' 00 ENV I RO ENV•I R pf�, NMENTAL DI S D O ea -. 1.00 0.00 00 2 f-UEI_ SURCHARGE ea SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT-'GONCRETErAIIDPAC :NDWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING . a meyer oncre a om y wi not assume �a I I or any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage o�' d(i erles beyond the curbline. �k ITAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVE,9SE SIDE. l TOTAL 44 MASCHMEYER F— IF A CONCRETE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, INC. 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South,East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida' Division.. Dispatch: 407-339-531 Concrete Tested Ej Yes Ej No 1_01' Water Added at Customer's 'Cylinders Taken F­l Yes ❑ No Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load' Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO tHE.SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED To THIS VARIATIONpolymer IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORATION Cement poly ayse skin injury. Avoid contact with or freshly mixed concrete may,� skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinseimmedlately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement pEoducts. AND DURABILITY. ANY, WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMEFI'�,OWN RISK. BATCH TIME 3 om 9:59 ] Be in Was 4' FNT pr: ff ICCKET& -4. QJ _a�QIER #`1 TqUCK, L OADSIZE �­­­.M SLUMP DATE 0, 10 - 4 1 BlOnd 6.00 -12/ 0,-,� 113' ;CUSTOMER 9 A, b` TRACTING CQI��P 250 230 900936. 75ELIVERY',%1)1)135ssl" I' 4s- USE DRIVER _A-AOceran Dr, Jensen BeaQ01) JZONE 1\1 DECK Bnian Cesta?-o INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE IME DUE Q I 'A.-42'AM Melly- .61 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I.I.O.M. UNIT PRIC 1,0 0 Q, 50� 00 5 0,; 027)040820000. �PGl Blend yd 1,. 100 a), 00� ENVIRO ONMENTAL DIS:10 ea _I 0. 00 L 2 F-"PEA'/QURCHARGE )IGNATUBEOR WARNING-, RECEIPT- CONCRETE AN&CkNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD D pppy will not assume liability for any property damage or any 05SChmeyerToncret SUB -TOTAL s7 ,,equipment damage' f Ldp,' MOP .26 lvefles beyond the curb line. I TAX I/ AUTHORIZED BY I.' GT TO-,,CONDITJONS ON. WERSE SIDE. TOTAL 41 Rk z 1 CONCRETE.... FLORIDA,.... IIQQIQI QIQI QIID QIIQ QIQI�I tk 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Ilk Office:1-877-484-9994 /' Fax: 561-844-7102 r /- 'South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT_ # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load 1 gals. to 1/3 load e; vaw1o.� iiti�t+rinbrii Customer's Rep - Water Added I NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. I AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S 'OWN RISK. BATCH TIME? s 5EC 3 its 9:16 On Job Begin Pour 15-11111 U FNI PLANT TICKET# ORDER # ' TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE a.LA Sf�`� 5 59 (�,4`' 10.0 4�j00 PSI Blend E,. 00 ' CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # -PROJECT# 1971 S zt D CONTRACTING 250 J 230 I 900936 DELIVERY ADDRESS i USE DRIVER �ZONE# 80,36 S O ecan Dr _ Jensen i~ecaci-i MARTIN DECK Mike Cross,)' INSTRUCTIONS �` TIME DUE 10 a 0/4 Aid CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ! QUANTITY QUANTITY toe 00 40. 00 50. 00 40820000 4000 PSI Blend yd 1. tL 0 10.00 ENV I RO ENVIRONMENTAL D% S 'O e a 1.00 0.00 FUEL SURi:[AARGE ea �r a, SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND AOKNOWLED'GEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc meyer Concrete ompa�yfwl not assumeliabilityor any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for ark{�q�6 11iver'es Beyond the curb line. I TAX f/f// IZ11 AUTHORIZED BY I SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVJERIDE. i TOTAL Sy ? ., 1142 Water'Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch�561-844-9994 i R / Central Floida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes 0'No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑'No Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load _ W r`i C.- V 1 0-0, 0" 1 r'S MF u d 0E Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin area's, promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME�r- "a tL IC a n A 4'�x medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products" AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. To Job On Job 12 PLANT TICKET# ORDER # SIZE SLUMP DATE 1 +3 88`�J`�6 ITRUCK11 59 .83 JLOAD 10.0 1-000PRPM 6.00 12/03/ 18 CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# 1971 ` S & 1iD CONTRACTING C( RP 250 / 230 900931S DELIVERY ADDRESS USE 8036 S Ocean Dry �- Jensen Beach IZONE# MARTIN TLREAM ]DRIVER Etr-alley Goode INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE �12 :' 32 Pik =611 1 9919111 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10 . l�l�; 30. 00 30e 01 40540000/ 4tc"00 PRPM -ENVIRONMENTAL yd 1 o Oil 0.00 ENV I RO D I S:'O ea 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea r IR v v � - SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOW t 0,0EMENT OF HAZARD WARNING111411111U' • L 1 / o or (assume Ia 1 any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL asc Meyer Concrete ompany0714, equipment damage for any deli` Isl�e�iond the curb line. 9A4 ,7 TAX `IS& AUTHORIZED BY I SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSELSIDj=. I TOTAL - MASCHMEYER CONCRETE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, INC. 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1-877-484-9994, / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested . ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No- Request . gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added r.E1Ev ive.r r a e1ve..i-: o i 6.5 NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VARIATION IN COLOR OR' WARNING IRRITATIONTO THE SKIN AND EYES Cement polymer or freshly mixeii conprete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with ADDITIONAL. WATER ADDED TO THIS SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets, into eyes, rinse immediA'tely and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME- is a § a = l'L IS, A,t-i10 medical attention. Keep children aw y from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE :�CA3 8�P�°��+�P �lr� �i_' 10. �t L}�I�:� ���1��1� f'an �t� 1( %Ql.�r/18 CUSTOMER SOLDTO � P.O. # 7# 1 J! 1 t � � p �y! � 7 t f 1� �+P 1 S ik' D CO1�ITi-SAC I AIV43 L..I.J �"��� 4:� J�CA f 23Y0 JPROJECT#S7 7��y l7 r :I CL�ELi :7.J 4r DELIVERY ADDRESS USE DRIVER C�i7�36 S 0cea-kn Dr -- Jensen Retch �ZONE# MARTIN T�tEAM znvDn Mathis INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE 1 i I; 49 AM 10 10111:1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT . . . IQ11 00 20.00 50o 01 4�'t54VJOOI-7t 401"DO PRPM YCJ 3a;71r� 0. 00 E:NVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL. DISDO ea 1 o Oi71 ,, 0e k�l0 w 1=UE:L SURCHARGE' ea SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT -CONCRETE AND ACKNOWj4EDGEMENTiOF HAZARD WARNING Z.JL/ asc meyer Concrete ompany,Tll no assume is y or any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment,damage for any deliverie/s be and the curb line. TAX // ✓ AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSDSIDE'. I TOTAL D 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 {T 1: Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 ' � Id, ` South East Florida Division Dispatch: 5611m844-9994 / Central Florida,�DivisioniDispatch.407-339-5311 IC���al�E1411G�'ll���ll E'�Iv�,�d�'��9 Concrete Tested 1­1 Yes Ej No LQT # 1' Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken F-1 Yes. r-1 No Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load —gals. to 1/3 load FFEvi US TRbEK68;�,77- Customer's Rep - Water A—dded NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may -cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposedskinareas promptly wilh,Water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE �ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION i mixture gets . Tto eyes, rinse -lmmediatel y and rppeptedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cetperit and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY.'ANY WATER ADDED IS TIME powder cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN'RISK. '113ATCH To Job On Job BeginPour 7�ICKET� PLANT N �R PER # TRUCK4 LOAD SIZE Mile SLUMP DATE OZ 3. I,TICKET#,' 3 9 4, 0 0 r k P M 1 12/0, 'CUSTOMER.# P.O. # n 37 JSOLDTOS 6 U2 -QQiqT RACT I ING CORP 250 230 �PRQJECT# 1_JQ7i093G- 'DELIVERYADDRESS-.-T,� ZONE,#;,n'�_ USE 8`0--e #-`-ocean Dir- - Jen'sen BeaqN 'uw rBEAM 1DRIVER Chy-is Jenness I INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE �10238 AM LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCTDESCRIPTION •&I] if 2 gamm to •UANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY +.,J`,O. 00 10.00 50.01 40540000- 4, 01_6& - T)RPM yd 1 0.00 ENV IRO -rAL ENVIRONMEN D I S ---10 ea 2 F.PEL,,,G1JRCHA RGE ea WARNING ATURE OR RECEIPT CONCRETE AND AC N9WLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD asc meyer Concrete Co a not assume liability for any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL , I # .TP ply W91 equipment damage for an li' beyond the curb line., iffi TAX AUTHORIZED BY: T TO CONDITIONS ON REVERS;' SIDE. TOTAL v Ikfpi`I(Ir�J4I! ppy l}�@3jj t gykrip '1�p�{ `E 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 } `� Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561--844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch:Py°77 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's 'Cylinders Taken. ❑Yes ❑ No Request • ' gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2f3 load gals. to 1/3aloada . - ` j t �i i "'P'; ra 4,,.• ,,1�,, Customer's Rep - Water,Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or -freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION. skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly :with water.. If any cement powder or mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with4ater and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK.To BATCH TIMEr.: ,'* cement products. "M7, C Plant At Plant ' PLANT TICK9ET# ORDDER,# LOAD SIZE mix;; SLUMP DATE .4' ,. ..f�--.2''•y_k 1 ,l.r JT�RUCK# I. ,i f.� a. t,s t CUSTOMER # SOLD TO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERYADDRESSZONE'# USE DRIVER 4 INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE 90191 kh ill will I WMMOM113 .1 N;I 11 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.Mi UNIT PRICE • • • i is .g t'• p..j, a,;. i. i>."u' .�. d .- ;:(I .'! ',.! I..1 `r'°Rt-'B t'3, i1 1:. 'd %r,'.I 9.i'Y°l .. ,.. a , i.+��i _.'_ I:�st 'I -- i Yl. S. t� ? � ;,r,!!S 'i 1,t1: t�`sw< I ; l ,••,:_.. "�� �_ E,y . ... j n 4JI4 :} k'%r.YI c I;_7h H Pi,t 3I .F�� .. Y SIGNATURE' OR"RECEIPT ON RETErAND tiCKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING : - a meyoS oncre a ompany will not assumeliabilityor any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL, equipment dan)�§e-to any. deliveries beyond the curb line., _ If ( ,r ,�!! `✓ TAX 47 `' d f AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. _ TOTAL AAOC-M 1142 Water lower Road, Lake Park"FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East FloridaDivision Dispatch: 56.1-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 40i-33e-a.3I I LOT # ' ' r� Water Added at Customer's Concrete Tested El Yes ❑', No , i i ; ,' f ,� Request-, Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No °gals. to full load , Comments gals. to 213 loaf, gals. to 1l3.1oad _ t Custom - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING' IRRITATION' TO THE SKIN AND EYES' -,ADDITIONAL' WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin ;injury. Avoid contact with CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGtH SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. It any cement powder or mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S (O�NN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products., On .• Beg In Pour Begin Wash To Plant At Plant 2 V ! A . - PLANT TICKET# ORDER p TRUCK # LQ�D SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE. SOLDTO P.O. 1F PROJECT# CUSTOMER It^ 1 ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER, ,DELIVERY TIME DUE INSTRUCTIONS I jot assume liability for any property oamage or any SUB -TOTAL beyond the curb line. TAX ITHORIZED BY TOTAL MADE SUOJEC i C; �m'!EFOLLOWINGVONDMONS- a "tre c f ou v (-�n W t C1 h ry set en a ogre's an- a shlubbe,'Y, sept!c tanlu�and �sept 'Tte ' iC� Cc'rvcs,� adqum(,n! by r*as'or i iucht�%-r;, : I �rqmr,I e0-" i f I ansin,, free, -o dril emway deiiVO:'PY' r--Idglz5 t: -'t mil iad a rod se mc.�-;s N;n i;a'A--i bGPI received fhat I k)r�f4, rf noti Sly ti*'iG load of concrelle; many `",i the completed n-) ave f re, 'I eestoprovide, a -�,AablO wal�* downi,forournrk.sfntnd -ep c Jo P, y <'j 11 tr�p aidpasteat1 jj-,f !rlo I iPLlq lq"w ! � h p1 j tl f,11'1 111111111111111�60• • • •.-..- 1t YFC+ fr������, IMalhtlF".i4Y1�1 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 1. n South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 401 Soy-��+ + tJ -/7i / % �5 0 S _d 0 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's " Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No (' Request gals. to ful load Comments gals. to �1 gals. to 113 loa G� Y _6, i Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes,, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND D,URASILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME .• medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement A CbSTOMER'S OWN RISK. products. Load To Job • • Begin .11EN ii. Yr f j � .✓ �j l PLANT TICKET# ORDER # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE 7TRUCX CUSTOMER '# SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE I - PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Ir, f f , SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc meypi concrete Company will not assume liability for qy prope" y damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipmentrdamag'e for any deliveries beyond the curb line. ` ' ; ,0 - - 7UBJ9CTT.TO TAX t AUTHORIZED BY CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL OWING CONV1710ivlS- ent ct il,l A�'n lit w '4 f F ut nr;t:,: 5e:d we E. SU: or ,;r k, 'A and I UQL ea �ic Zmo�.,r 0:' c - C-,: ro,. t- rjq W� I ,-k o,cr acirer,- :� �)ro� ��Jt7, c,. ,04C0, 3 A 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7­! 02 SouthEast Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested E] Yes ❑ No LOTi Water Added at'Oud­tomer's� 'Cylinders; Taken E] Yes ❑ N I -Reque S T" gals. . full load/ 1,oaO , Commehts gals.. to 2 gals. to 1/3 load', Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT AESPONSIBLE'FOR VARIATION IN COLOR OR WARNING IRRITATION -TO THE SKIN AND EYES Cement polymer or freshly mixed,c6ncrete may cause. skin injury. Avoid contact with ADOLTIONIAL WATER ADDED TO THIS SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water acid get prompt medical atte ntion.,Keeo children way from cement powder and alljre hly mixed AND, DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. PATCH TIM F�: E cement products: To Job On Job Begin Pour , lo 7PO4, 7T . Pil/ LA Tt I`CKET# LOAD SIZE �IX SLUMP DATE 1 3.0 3 �ORDER#, 1 8 a 9;21119 (S C.) 3 ITRUCK# 1. 8 17A 5.00 i3 000 COARSE' GROUT 7d00 11/06/18 CUSTOMER # SOLDTOP.O. # ECT# 7 1 S & D CONTRIPIGTING ORP L30 '3 CA 0 13 3 G- ADDRESS = ZONE# USE .DELIVERY 803L-'. S Ocean I MARTIN CELLS �DRIVER Dave Pleriche INSTRUCTIONS ITIME DUE JENSEN BEACH 11 : 32 AM �OAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY 5.00 1 b 12710 15.00 3 0 (---,4 0 IZI CA 0 3600 'CMG yd- I . 00 0. LAO ENV I R0.1 ENV II ONMENTAL DISPO ea 1. 00 0.00 211, FUEL, SURCHARGE ea SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING, maschmey c,e er Company will not assume. Ii 111 1 IF for any property damage. or any q SUB -TOTAL In curb equipme ma e oranydeliveoestbey �o4.Ahe TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO COND17IONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL TMS DOWNRY fil-I tp.;IVIE T(),THE'FUd..()0ING CONDMI'31MIS'. custome, to S-WIVY :01:411Y "";c"uVu"%V"r his Sch IAV15030�"; ic, 11, sjjci" an IAA rVOMM we =100 n41 iYor to event; cuss nt,,; oc any ca 2. When delAry is an, jongoo naMng, ed to, OMAN, Amoviy. jump., GkiiAolbe:-"" Out not lirnit, fielld, arerlho cwner'<,� 3. The custqfner CO.''?'"T. ny ks bss 0 qmnersdornent by ravc of ark Mverannx 4, KdemIfy 3A save hAnAyss SydUsyqlary 401 any ;q0 0;1 rn a n n e r ca us f, ci h y v t a r o q I r; t P, (Ia"' ra Y dol i v r 4. Ou sto m e r a, �., kno�,%:! Cad q o -s t�i -a 1, Li i ;i r' ,ai xr, d c-,e w kes q p ei he vu Q v n re ce ; v g d, 1 a t k b L, f"�c ; ad , L � Z: that 'he arrioun" "')! "A't:.tt3' m"-; leqluesl n shown copudy CAUTKY? f 4 afkar won v&-" w-, coricroto strcngft J. We are not obta�ned 4, rem C, q tK�,; quality of the cwn OWS pb are bay ond u it scpe 6. Acharge of $110 per nwnuba,MH be cnaugso:�,ft& , pi r cuAc yam! Moad Ag hiuI rusLeawi 8. The, customer herch, powas To pay ON cGY ray Kwe 0 ACAM MW TU- Pa- Of LAMUMS 00,W000 X4� 17% "OV.' chame an Be unpad PaSN'L� E M GujMDg C, It � C) ©53 1° t 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 I �- -South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central FlorP Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 R Concrete Tested Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added Customer's Cylinders Taken Yes ❑ No Re est gals. to full load Comments 'load Jill JLA I als. to 2/3 gals. to 1/3 load V ° r Y\n.-b AVVV 844.lBrf\A Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO TH VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORATION Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STREN mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with waterand get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED 1S BATCH TIMF-? xyP 13 Am :2S medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. ,. . 1 To Job On Job )?CANT 10,E TICKET# ORDER# 6%b7602 197 TRUCK# 1•61 LOADSZE 10. 0 IX % SLUMP PSI -nary DATE ��000 Rely Ter �;o Ftl� 0`.is' i. ,:ai8 CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# 1971 S e: D CONTRACTING dORP- 541-- 230 901. 931 DELIVERY ADDRESS C 036 N Ocean Dr Jensen Beach ! ' ZONE# 4MART'IN USE SLABS DRIVER Brian Cestt-tro INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE Diamonrs Banns. LOT 20 9o21 fed§1 LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY 10.00 10.00 50.01 40020000 4000 PSI Re" yd 1.010 0e 00 E NV I RO . ENVIRONMENTAL D I aS DO ea 1.00 On 00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea V i SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc meyer Concrete Company will not assume liability for any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond t r e curb line. TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. I TOTAL THS DELIVERY IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CON61TIONS: Customer agrees to provide a suitable roadway for our trucks from the street pavement tc, the piacn of deliveryo,-I-material. If such suitable roadways are not provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries unill co,"iditions are remedied and, in such event, customer will be held responsible for any loss caused thereby. 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb line at the customer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owner's risk. 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also to indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correct, and that the aliI.%unt bf water added at the customer's request is shown correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength apd durability. 5. --A-Jor finished results obtain6d from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting the ultimate q y of th". Jtied iob are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. 6.' A r rj 3 c; J"! minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded; to prou,Je a sujt,hle wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the ib, q ry of material. 8. Thecustcinoi' te4ibvagrees to pay all costs and expen6es of collection, inciu&ig a reasonau;B --ne -y's fee, if fie shall lail.to pay for,,ne rner(,4�andise reflected in this irivoice, when due: Past due accofnts are sohje,, a 1-1/2% service on ti,,e unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges recebt of the '(1pli opy of this coniract. chz,rgc L s k „ 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Officer 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 „�• ��' - South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 I Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 I''I���I�r ri�l i �jl I I I ii iitlll l I�i4k iro�l8 �� !I i �{"" 11 (QQ( Ij t �r �i ' i��ll�� III"�II �y'I I� IPPIiI li y I rl fIl ; ♦ 1 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No I �' Request r+ d to full 'load Commentsgals. ' gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's 'Rep - Water Added k! 7i NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING 'IRRITATION TO.THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO TH VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may,cause skin injury. Avoid contact with SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STREN mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME` `, cement products. To Plant At Plant PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE SLUMP DATE rix, CUSTOMER # SOLDT0 P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER I INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE e • • • 1 ­011 so PRODUCT• • R�:�'n�r. -i,..r H;'� ...,''. ,'vs+,le.�'h.,'I_._. .•,t,;l.l�ti 1 . u'.+ '"..' SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc meyer Concrete Company will not assume liability for any property amage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL DiI.t,`If-PY-,',- SUBJECT I C THE FCLLC;,- -! NG C;GNDITN,!1',t yon the smmt� m-nt� 160' I PM � WIM, 01,1E i'PSONC 0 SMP OdNeNS W v.,i!i be hell "Cr a!�Y ioss 2, Mwn depvpry is ;lade ST)"d vs CM Ala V the cusurune o? any dam -ages !rZ:-xkirg. , Th rot Oveway" Mkingv 'Wes, shmbberyseptic systems, inchudinig th(-, drain Obine and equymentby .eason of euch d6very, and aif;o '4o Wo A; m4y an j says hy a Ara so S WaroW Earn ar.-Varxi ail iiaonm asmands and suit.s. for or �)naccc)Um otcrin ar-,V VVY PN been received, thatcorrect� a I, d -torn rl correc tly ly, CAUTiM Tne adMior, waterreduces ,.,irnoum ipvRf�, a cu�, , er's request �s show, ti "'r i' J L WPM& trorr,, thlz�!oad of many importantfamors, aoecung the ummm, ,I]cc;:zYyMuvs p,3-ofrisp;rs ", "qe o+ - 1. 00 per T! "PO on N be it qjj v j 7 her 8 an n u NF, p,., c% ard 7, o Lj;�'toncir t:gress a Y WK for ooir &-url. -to-.O 31 we ON m jewel CO mmov. Un sustand expe;s- sniq-i: I:ai to pay fortht� i,.-; tihis invoice, wtn-, due: due acro,,,rAs a 1-1/2% senficf;, mago mi 09 umind past due vahnm,,E it: llr�,4Ci97ie'9 'hmebyacknallodgm ri,ceipt cuon'-,�,)ete copy of phscylved. 05 106, 'K.P �. F11�jQ 6f,1n, a`i 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 - _ Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 l !' South East Florida Division Dispatch:561-844-9994 1Central Florida Division Dispatch:. 40 339-531.1 Concrete -Tested ❑ Yes ',ONO LOT 'w Water Added at Customer's ' Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No Request gals. to full load Comments ; , • gals, to 2/3 load P REV iBUS rSAUC•riri aua gals. to 1/3 load r,. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO,THE SKIN AND EYES Customer's Rep -Water Added ADDITIONAL, WATER -ADDED TO THI, VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may,•cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash -exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STREN T SURFACE DISCOLORAION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately end repeatedly with; water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME medical attention., Keep children away from -cement powder and all freshly mixed. ,. HP 1vl pj,;11:1 ; AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. cement products.' To Job On Job 31 2:. p Z r 9 PLANT °TICIZET# ORDER # 11TRUCK4 LOAD SIZE mix SLUMP DATE 107, a �712,09 197 3 ''. ' 4101. k •�-',t7_100 .PSI Reo Ter^�`t'�1i'"+� i 5. RAC 09r'1� J1�1 CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O.# ! PROJECT# 1971 � t? 1� CONTRACTING CORP-WW1;-2130 `�IZi�+1.;F, DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 9IZt36 kl`�Ocvatn Dy, Jenseri Beaeh MARTIN SLABS I DawiCI I> oeTt INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE Dira'ood faunc1sa. LOT'. 20 12 n 11 PM PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . • • 1. L71. ►fit? F tZl4 IZIO Eta. 01 40020000 ` 00LA PSI Reg g yd Iz�I l 1D. 17-0 ENV I RO ENVIRONMENTAL D I ca' 3d0 ea 1 tl �I0 0. v,fX, -FUEL ,5QJ'RCHARGE ea SIGNATURE 'OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING ' asc meyer- Concrete Company win not assume Ijanility . o any prope clamage or any - equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb linb. SUB -TOTAL TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. ' TOTAL F. •a s THIS DELIVERY IS MADE SUBJECT TO THE,FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. Customer-96rees to provide a'suitable roadway for our -trucks fr6rn the street palvemOnt to the phIce of delivery of meiteriai. If . such suitable roadways are riot provided, we reserve the right to stop deliveries until conditions are remedied and, in such ;event, customer will be held responsible for apy itass caused thereby. 2. When delivery is made beyond the curb line atthecustomer or customer representative's request, any damages including, but not limited to, sidewalks, driveways, buildings, trees, shrubbery, septic tanks and septic systems, including the drain field, are at the owner's risk. I 3. The customer agrees to reimburse said Company for loss of time and equipment by reason of such delivery, and also to indemnify and save harmless said Company from any and all claims, demands and suits for or on account of or in any manner caused by or arising from private driveway delivery. Customer acknowledges that all material and services shown have been received, that truck times shown are correct, and that the amount of water added at the customer's reqUest is shbwn correctly. CAUTION: The addition of water reduces concrete strength and durability, 5. We are not responsible for finished results obtained from this load of concrete; many important factors affecting the ultimate . quality of the completed job are beyond our scope of responsibility and control. 6. A charge of $1.00 per minute will be charged after 8 minutes per cubic yard unloading time is exceeded. 7. The customer agrees to provide a suitable wash down facility for our trucks and tools at the place of delivery of material. & The customer hereby pigrees to pay all costs and expenses of collection, including a reasonable attorney's fee, if he shall fail to pay for the merchandise reflected in this invoice, when due: Past due accounts are subject to a 1-1/2% service charge on the unpaid past due balance. The customer hereby acknowledges receipt of the complete copy of this contract. 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 1 Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 o 7C Concrete Tested [:1 Yes No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken E] Yes No Request gals. to full load Comments -gals. to 2/3 load qAh If -gals. to 1/3 load L z Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR DISCOLORATION SURFACE DISCOLORAkTlO Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse Immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and h1l freshly mixed cement products. AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME 11/0 11 5 PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK# LOADSIZE mix SLUMP DATE . : f ." _ l­ i -; 1 , 7 CUSTOMER # TSOLDTO P.Q. # PROJECT# f DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER iA INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE IJ Loll equipment damage for any deliveries bc r, V� 1, the lirie;SUB-TOTAL g i TAX TOTAL T41i� PELAJERY �S MAOE SUBJECTTO THE FOLLOMING CONDMONS: roadway for owWuQ;homAe, strew pam=K to N,-;�p!aceof deNt", of rTlaterial. u&s Ir'-I riortdvva�y a re i-, we reserve the right to stop de until corndifion!� are rearned ied a(1, in such i 11 , 'C"US", .-."nr; e!-vii 0 be hdd m 5 1 m I h f eficwa n y 1 o ss ca u S, ed th e re by, 2. it Wwy i:3 maue beyona We cab line at the customgrorcustQrner repre—sentative's request, any darn gee inc!uding,, ,boost nut fimitedto. sidewo, aiRs, drive`ayi, butldingta, trees�, shrultery, septic tanks and septic systerns, incit',ding the drain f�c-�cL ma -at the hr Cf to ald ')S'-i of time ad e nquipment by reascw� oiso ref delivery, and aio C"ompanyfork lndoiri6fjt and. save harrrJoss said Campany from ary and apil clairns, clamands and suitsfor or or, eacca(zt of or in, any 4. C! that as malerial and servicos shown have been received, that truck ftrnes sf tovvri ae correct, and n a Me arnourA -at IAILMet a100i� R, 'be OUstomer's request #� shown correctly. CAUTIOWFhe additior, of -water reduces 6, not for finishad msullue obtained fmm this load of conc-i-sra; many impoiant fad?ors affiectiog fhe u'firnale of -k� bp �sntrol, . , ti;e CoInplated jo�, at yond our scope of responsibility and ce, 6, arge of $1 <00 Pei roinute x9 l be chr'rg# d after 8 minutss per ciAoic iard un�;oaajng time is ayc;eeded, 7. The customer agrees ro provdo a MWe wak dawn fa,dity for Pur trucks and toois at the placo of delivery of material. 8- The customer Ineroby pogroes to pay V costs and expert 8&,-, of Owiuding -a raasormbsaftorney' a fee, R hp Shall fad to pay for the mmmMaMise retWedir'. this invoice, ltvhen. due: Past vie wxounts are s`iAbjact to a 1 1.�?% service- c.harg(-, cn t!-P ur'ipalda i< z dl,e baiance. The cu3tkornef hereby r's'Celpi of it comp!ete copy of his o,-intract A �, b� I r,Sy,r � • . . . .. `"'! 'i, +!1 ,.,! 1i'1 id 4l;ii !J't.11Lldliid;Cr 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No Request. gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury, Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. To Job On Job PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE 11 SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE • • ' PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION i .ice , , I. J ,' '-I'''_ _l, dr i. ? ' 4 � • ; f+ .. j SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMEIwT—OF HAZARD WARNING' • asc meyer oncre a ompany will not assume liability forfany property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line.- . ' „ 1 P �, �, , , . a TAX. -AUTHORIZED BY _ ' - ' SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL f 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 1 Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida P�ulsion Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested E-1 Yes No Water Added at Customer's E] Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ELI �O�� -Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep' --Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, Mse immediately and repeatedly with a= get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. 40 PLANT ORDER # # LOAD SIZE mix SLUMP DATE ITRUCK . I CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # OJEC T# DELIVERY ADDRESS 1ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY SIGNATURE WARNING OR 9ECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD • lvlacn, meyer oncre e. ompany will not assume liability for any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for,any deliveries beyond the curb line. k, TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. — TOTAL w • • 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 i I1.1 f I ft TO, ICI yr 1 Lt0I ,'!N pJ1�il hii� j a i ,r % Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No Request �. i gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDEDTO Trno VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinseimmediately and repeatedly with water and ,get prompt _ medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME cement products. AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. 0 iegin as To Plant 7,1 PLANT TIC_ KET# ORDER # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE ITRUCK4 I CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE • • • ORDERED PRODUCT • PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONUNIT PRICE AMOU0 ! ! QUANTITY � I SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING - asc meyer Concrete Company win not assume liability for any property carriage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. - 1 ''-_ rOTAr 0, o 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 ., - .''' I ' i Concrete Tested ffh Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Ad ed at Customer's Cylinders Taken ["] Yes ❑ No )Request full load P` 0 gals. to Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load I - Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION`TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THw VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury: Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately, and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. cement products. ... n Wash To Plant 7,T TICKET ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE mix SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P„0.# PROJECT# 'DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I.I.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNI SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD w WARNING - asc meyer Concrete Company willno assumeliabilityor any props damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL MASCHMEYER ACONCRETE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, INC. 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 IgoF Rtl�'1�19ti�l'{= lfit, �" i r,, ,( cL South East Florida Division Dispat of aul Islon ispaicn: 4ur-i3y-731 I Concrete Tested p Yes N Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes N ` �lRequest ' gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load i —Fe rmi in g Departlienti- 'Customer's Rep - water Added t. Lucie County, FL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. M BATCH TIME cement products. Load To Job Begin Pour Begin Wash •r, PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # SOLD TO P.01 PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER 0 i INSTRUCTIONS .. TIME DUE ML@I.A I PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT • j ,. l; , CEIVED SIGNATURE WARNING OR RECEIPT -'CONCRETE ANDACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD Mascrimpyer; oncre e . ompany ipil not assume liability tar any property damage or any equipmentlldam�ge foeany delivd�ies beyond the curb line. T A N..k ='t AUTHORIZED BY T SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. P'mio�rp� p artment G* I tLrIP_ (_ ..--,ter--- MASCHMEYER ._ 111 ! I',a lh�l rsi� l�1 lil, �ni ) I I.r • - • • • I o s '6/ I Ir�ij I� H'�}� hlli✓�� •il'. f I�'�rfa} ilil,ii'I G J� �� �i{lti ,l�it� 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403�����,� Office: 1-877-484-9994 /' Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑'No Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION'TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION ,powder mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. To Job On Job I GNU Frol PLANT TICKET# ORDER #]TRUCKi7D,SIZE.., MIX SLUMP DATE. CUSTOMER p SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUN QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTIT Y }_ 'i„ J" li � it 9r; �•"IY't '_ '�i,' i '1 '.'t .:IS :tit i} i �'1 i fi. i't i} + I EC IVED I ' ' O C T 17 2018 Permitting Departmen� St. Lude County, FL SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT — CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING asc meyer Concrete Company will not assume liability for any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond, the curb line. TAX AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL F-----r-MASCHMEYER A A r-nmr--nFTF r-inimpamy nip Fi nninA- irar- 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 � ��_ t + �4f1! II ��� ���! #�}�Il`� yllljJl ��Ik!�E �f �11i�� t,l� �}IIO Y1 C l e r 1 p i , V tjit} a- a t din, 0 0 C- r"c Cl kul office. -or t—toit-tium I rax: uo i-o,+,+-, uz South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561 -844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete Tested El Yes El No, LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken r-1 Yes [aNb ;Request _4 gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load ��Z-_-�—gnls. to 1/3 load l S -7ry Cust5mer$Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES Cement or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORAT ION polymer skin and wash exposed skin areaspromptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately; and repeated"11115-water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. a Begin Wash o, an PLANT TICKET # ORDER# LOAD SIZE mix SLUMP DATE ITRUCK11 CUSTOMER # SOLD T P.O. # ECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE # USE DRIVER A INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE TOM I I PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMO• UNT 1,4 Y F I RECEIVED OCT 17 2018 'SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING • maschmeyer Concrete Company will, not assume liability foF-any -grope ffV dimage or any PermAWYaQLDepart men -, equipm4rit damage for any beyond the curb line. I I ,'deliveries St. Luc i exCounty, F AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL CONCRETEe OF • • r •. _ -- 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch:407-45311.. Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No `' Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load - k ' Customer's. Rep - Water Added Jy NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATERADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury, Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE'WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER'ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. At Plant o, PLANT TICKET'# ORD7#TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE WD CUMULATIVE ORDERED TITY QUANTITY QUANTITY ECEIVER OCT 1.7 2Gi8 7 SIGNATURE WARNING ittirig t OR RECEIPT - CONCRETE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD asc meyer Concrete Company will not assume liability for any property damage or any ��CC -Ube equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. F JtB-TLU G e County, ZAIL AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. TOTAL M -0, l,l01�4 illii° I� � I� I 1 ���II (i1r131 I�i�1 Ell .. ,, r ,"`xi {{Ga+ wf jjj?' Ii ,di� sari tIT'l } '~ r� { 1i1 fl�l:i�l i+� f �lI a 4} fiii ° "lid+ 1 li , :A -.. • � }.f Y, .� .�_ .y s ';� •'{mil � ;� ;�,�� � "� y 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch,: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division ISR dt-339-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes n No LOT # '� Wateiided at Customer's ._ - Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes No { ---Be e{�lest gals. to full load Comments gals, to 2/3 load gals.. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE -FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury: Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. •,a • •• • •• 0 '•Begin Wash To Plant At Plant PLANT ORDER TICKET#ESOL',�D!"TO # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE Mix SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE •r1 •'� PRODUCT•DE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION• • • l rrr r fi •!!, r :1.'r .-C '1 r, �`!' I .4,CA c'J`ef,n�'� � , R CEIVEID OR RECEIPT - CONWETR AND, ArKNOWI.EDGEMENT OF HAZARD SIGNATURE WARNING - asc meyer c e orn ny VIII not assume Ilatillity for any property _damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment dam a any deliver beyond the curb line. Perm ittin St. Lu6auCounty,, epartme:: FL AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS hN .REVERSE SIDE. • • • • • a — <., k �s lii+�f + llis� n�6�y 'l i�#ddiJ y� i ���' + �, �.• +L ti�1�1S7ill+iilrt+SK,J��i�i.�lu�����il��It��� 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 0 t; Office: 1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561'-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No Request gals. to full load Comments • gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 113 load Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with SURFACE DISCOLORATION skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS BATCH TIME medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK.. N. cement products. I PLANT TICKET# ORDER # -TRUCK # I LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER ' INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. R CE VED SUB -TOTAL PermittingADepartment St. LuMACounty, FL p•.,. MASCHMEYER CONCRETE 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 F Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844--9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 4f, -'s7 9-5311 Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added ~ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer, or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water._ If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture bets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medicat attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME cement products. On Job Begin Pour �tllll y PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # r SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER JSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QUANTITYCUMULATIVE , EDPpo ESE EI SIGNATURE jA WARNING OR RE EIP - CONCFI E AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD • asc meyer Uoncrele ompany wai not assume liability for any property damage or any SUB -TOTAL equipment damage for any deliveries beyond the curb line. Permitting D� St. St. LuderGaunty, rtmerit FL BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. FLORIDA,CONCRETE COMPANY OF 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office:1-877-484-9994 / Fax: 561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch` .339-5311 �15 i611 ifi,� n Concrete Tested ❑ Yes ❑ No LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes ❑ No Request gals. to full load Comments gals. to 2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load Customer's Rep - Water Added NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skin injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areas promptly with water. If any cement powder or CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH SURFACE DISCOLORATION mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME 1 •, cement products. Begin Pour Begin Wash r5 7E PLANT TICKET# ORDER # TRUCK # 'LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE CUSTOMER # SOLDTO P.O. # PROJECT# DELIVERY ADDRESS ZONE# USE DRIVER RUCTIONS TIME DUE 91 =1 U ,to] Bill" glaiti oil PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 0 RE CElV ' �r ,r OCT 17 2018 OR RECEIPT - ON R TE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD SIGNATURE WARNING Rrilginiggilm asc Te gr ncre ompany w no assume a 1 1 or any property amage or any �Ip equiprrf nt d� age f r any deliveries beyond the curb line. Re rm itf I I fj �Tf9 pa rtm a nt ,, �/ 1>✓' AUTHORIZED BY St. LUdeTC untyr FL SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. MASCHMEYER CONCRETE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 Office,.1-877-484=9994 / Fax:561-844-7102 South East Florida Division Dispatch: 561-844-9994 / Central Florida Division Dispatch: 407-339-5311 Concrete. Tested ❑ Yes p:No ,. ' LOT # Water Added at Customer's Cylinders Taken ❑ Yes F-I,N6' ,. —R quest gals. to full load Comments — gals. # 3 ,2/3 load gals. to 1/3 load a� 1,7 Customer's Rep - Water 7 dded NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNIN „ IRRITATION TO THE SKIN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLORATION Cement polymer or freshly mixed concrete may cause skier injury. Avoid contact with skin and wash exposed skin areaspromptly with water. If any cement powder or, CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH mixture gets into eyes, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and get prompt medical attention. Keep children away from cement powder and all freshly mixed cement products. AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK. BATCH TIME � sJ PLANT' TICKET# ORDER' # TRUCK # LOAD SIZE] MIX SLUMP _J DATE CUSTOMER # SOLD'TO "', P.O. # PROJECT#' DELIVERY ADDRESS USE DRIVER �ZONE# INSTRUCTIONS TIME DUE 1AD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION U.O.M. UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY RECEIVED SIGNATURE OR RECEIPT -CONCRETE AND AC �NOWLEDGEMENT OF HAZARD WARNING AIIIIIIIIEgM asc Meyer pncre e , ompany wi no assume or any prope amage or any equipment damage'for any, deJrveries beyoi #1' e c e. SU - AL r Permitting St. LIM Department County, FL v AUTHORIZED BY SHIPMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE- ✓ 4