HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROJECT INFORMATIONu 6 " I o IIIkkR�A�MALL ,I 4 ,gxx x p! L G G G CD D � ni•; � LOT 20 DIAMOND SANDS PHOMEXHOMES 03NNVOS A Hutting Engineers of Florida Inc.1 Established 1967 Yourftlect is OurCommitment August 30, 2018 Mr. John Butler Bodax Foundations, Inc. 1101 NW 5501 Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Engineering Testing& Inspection Environmental Services Offices throughout the state of Florida www.nutdngengineers.com into@nuttingengineers.com Subject: Report of Augercast Pile Installation Monitoring Proposed Residence and Pool Lot 20, 8036 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, Florida — — Dear Mr. Butler: Nutting Engineers-of_Florida, Inc. (NE) has completed -observation of augercast piling operations for the proposed residence and pool at the subject -site. Bodax Foundations, Inc. installed cast -in -place augured piles for support of the proposed construction. Bodax Foundations, Inc. installed a total of 83,16-inch diameter augercast piles for the project. The piles------- —_ were installed from August 8, 2018 to August 10, 2018. Please refer to the pile plan for the numbering provided to our office. The pile size and depth recommendations were based upon our review of the _ Report of Geotechnical Exploration prepared by GFA International dated April 5, 2018. The pile installation characteristics of each pile are presented in the attached Pile Installation Data. Identification of each pile location followed by the pile number is shown on the Pile Location Plans attached. Each pile record in the attached summary tables shows the following information: ■ RECORD NUMBER IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER ■ THE PILE NUMBER (AS FOUND ON ATTACHED PLANS) • THE DIAMETER OF THE PILE ■ THE LENGTH OF PILE FROM GROUND SURFACE TO TIP ■ THE THEORETICAL VOLUME OF GROUT FOR THE PILE ■ THE NUMBER OF PUMP STROKES FOR THE PILE ■ THE ACTUAL VOLUME OF GROUT FOR THE PILE ■ THE GROUT FACTOR ■, THE DATE OF INSTALLATION ■ THFBEINF(7RCF. Ti'PF.S • AND GENERAL COMMENTS AS NEEDED The drilling operations were monitored in the field by our field engineer and inspector in order to approximately determine the type of material being penetrated. 1310 Neptune Drive • Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 • (561) 736-4900 • Fax (551) 737-9975 Broward (954) 941-8700 • Port St. Lucle (772) 408-1050 • Miami Dade (305) 624-co6o This identification was done based on the augering time, the materials received during the drilling operations and the relative hardness of the soils/rocks as indicated by the vibration or "chattering" of the hydraulic lines. The augercast piles were installed to depths of twenty-six to twenty-eight feet below the existing ground surface of approximately. The piles were designed for an allowable compressive capacity of 40 tons for the residence and 15 tons for the pool as required by the structural specifications and the recommendations made by others. Generally, during the installation of the piles, easy drilling was observed from the ground level to approximately twenty-five feet. Below this depth range hard drilling was encountered to the final tip depth. All house and pool piles received steel reinforcement consisting of full length cage with 6, #7 reinforcing bars with #3 ties spaced 12-inches on center the full length of the pile as stated in the structural documents. We also note that five pool piles were battered 15-degrees as stated on the pile location plan. Upon -completion of this inspection process, and review of the recorded data, it is our opinion that the augercast piles installed-forthe-residence attained the required design compressive capacity of 40 tons and the pool attained the required compressive c pacity-of-1.5_tons^The piles that were presently installed were constructed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications -- Drilling Condition Note: We note that due to very loose sand soils throughout the subsurface profile at the site, in order to develop acceptable piles, the placement of grout well beyond typical amounts were needed within many piles installed at the site. The piling company attempted to minimise the amount of grout placed as best as possible; however, site conditions still resulted in excessive grout being needed within those piles. Upon completion of this inspection process, and review of the recorded data, it is our opinion that the augercast piles installed for the project attained the required design compressive capacity of 35 tons. The piles that were presently installed were constructed in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications. We note that it was monitored and ensured that the piles began installation at the survey locations provided in the field. If during drilling operations it was discovered that gross deviations from original locations have occurred, the deviation was attempted to be rectified. Nutting Engineers is not responsible for minor deviations which have occurred during drilling operations, along with incorrect surveyed pile locations during piling installation. We also note that some deviations may be due to the augerdrill shifting when attempting to drill through the hard rock or other encountered debris conditions. This condition is beyond the control of the site inspector and undersigned engineer. Our client for this geotechnical evaluation was: Ivir. John Butler Bodax Foundations, Inc. 1101 NW 55a' Street Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 Nutting Engineers orAonM-iE.,budd,m NE shall bear no liability for the implementation of recommended inspection and testing services as described in this report if implemented by others. NE has no ability to verify the completeness, accuracy -or proper technique of such procedures if performed by others. The Geotechnical Engineer warrants that the findings, recommendations, specifications, or professional advice contained herein, have been presented after being prepared in accordance with general accepted professional practice in the field of foundation engineering, soil mechanics and engineering geology. No other warranties are implied or expressed. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services for you. If you should have any questions, or if we can be of any further assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact us. .E. #69947 Senifir Geotechnical Engineer Attachments: Pile Location Plan Pile Installation Records LTR BODAX PROP RES 8036 S-OCN DR JENSEN BCH ACP CEG �Nutting E Engineers YmPm1MbOlvCamW�nt Z O Q ❑ Z D O XLL. Q O in W V Q W ❑moo � � LL 111 Z 2 ❑ U� W om N Co w CL 0 m W w Q. Z 0 g. 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Total Record Pile Dla. Pile Pile Pump Volume of Grout Date No. pile No. (in) Length . Volume Strokes Grout Factor Installed Remarks (ft) (ft) Pumped fta 77 1 16.0 28 39.1 42 46.2 1.18 08/10/18 78 1 2 16.0 1 28 39.1 1 42 46.2 1.18 1 08/10/18 79 3 16.0 28 39.1 41 45.1 1.15 08/10/18 80 4 16.0 28 39.1 46 50.6 1.29 08/10/18 81 16 16.0 28 39.1 41 .45.1 1.15 08/10/18 82 40 16.0 28 39.1 47 51.7 1.32 08/10/18 83- — --51_ 16.0 28 39.1 45 49.5 1.27 08/10/18 Total linear feet drilled —2314 1 Total Grout (yd) 1 155 PILE LOG FL PROPOSED RES S OCEAN DR JENSEN ACP BODAX Minimum depth drilled 26 Maximum depth drilled 28 Nutting a Engineers of Florida Inc] Established 1967 1 1T42 WaterTm Road, Lake Paris FL33403 + Olt M i-W-4134.9994 / Fmk 561.844-not S SoaM EWftddy Dt Li 561-&44.9994 / Cantret Floda Dtatelon Dlspat f 4D7-339-5311 o Cemam TTabor aamd Byes No LOT I Wal NYes ' CyltMma at Custxnefa Request Comnwnffi pah m full bad gah. to 2M bed pals lo 113 bed P- Nor RESPONSIBLE FOR VARIATION IN COLOR OR SURFACE O{SCOLORATION WARN010 IRRITATION TO THE 9ON ANo EYES Cwnm •re.alud mtm mieN• Ah *� �d •Yh vo pmnpyr�wM wj.*.. tl �+. _ ADORIONAL WATER AD mlr� 10 AA 9 32 •,ry medto• O� aib ,fir rnd np�l,dlT aR1i •mr ant pt ��e In m fO ^"a PoMlar aM •A t•i y memd e�mnd CONCRETE WILL REOUCE US SOROGI AND DORARR1fY ANV WATER ADDED LS pn AT CUSTOMERS OWN RISK -:' -To Job • LOW l02 103 se 654 180 61 9 00 � 5000 FINE GROUT DATE 8.00 as/le/la r�smaet• saaTo 588 BODAX FOUNDATIONS• INC ra• PaeJECf1 �'� 7996 14762 .?:*11336 SOUTH OCEAN DR • ILA Ce7vH1 1e Mf4ATI1v COLUMN Brian CestarO I JENSEN BEACH DUE 10e19 AM 9.00 9.00 45.00 50740400 5000 GROUT yd .1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DI 1.00 0 ea 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea Arm oc w ��. •golP�•na Wn•paMaaY ._.... -.. . __ ar±ry - SUB -TOTAL •TAX _ TOTAL , MASCHMEYER CONC'.ETE COMPANY OF FLORIDA. Ii IU2 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 OMee:1487.7494-9994 / Fitic591.844-71 SCAEastFlolidaDivl mDhpteh:561- 99941 CmWFlodda010-lonDlsi407-339-5311 13 , Conoem TesWd ❑ Yea / LOT N• 'C� Ta mn ' ❑ Yes Comma - i wamr Added al Cuammefe Rai gels m rul bed m ?!d load m 1/d load OREMI US TBLLCH e 1 ?7 s •p- NOT VARIATION O4O0L:OR OR SURFACE Ol9W WRATION 10 AN11:58 rtRi10N TOTHE STUN MID EYES drmu a a•eAb rium mn•�.,�1 ero •a� h}•y. Avm m�a •dh Canwd oUS �'d _ ��� �ena�•� yy^� pp °fANO ram a EM churn aaayhvn worry Da•der •ad a9 aaaM1H n 6m0 ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED To CONCRETE WILL STRAll UM ANYW TER AODEO 11 AT WSTONFR S OWN RL4K JIM Tii -ra ii "BOOM FINE GROUT 8 00 08/10/18 a. "i FOUNDATIONS• INC rn• 7996 14761 ?03asnv SOUTH OCEAN DR MARTIN COLUMN Rob Srikuishun i'ENSEN BEACH 12.42 PM i 9. ea 1.Ge '1.00 . :*I�.ULATIVE 2 Y: 00 ORDERED pi 7woF. lItInDUCT DESCRIPTIOrl 45. 00 50740400 5000 GROUT 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DI 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE um wAwaq am•a• ar •rry my M•�Y• a1•Wre all•. U.C.I.I. yd O ea ea UNIT PRICE AMOUNT aw as SUM"AL TAX TOTAL a•nup•hr 1142 Vyaft; . l aad. Lake Park FL 33403 Dt MI-97F999{ / Fas561.844-7102 South Far Rd& DWM D Vatde 581-844-9994 / CmdW RUMS Dl SIM Dispat* 407-939-5311 Ccrlorete Teed 13yea 13M l OT 4. CYladeraTel�r ❑Yr3 ❑90 Waw Added at Cusl~& •Request . Cerrorrerrm ets to NT Sold QNs ft = bed m Ira bed r - ' DRF T m I4 TRI 1[`I< 1 A� .AIm NOT RFSPpN96LE FOR WAIIIMIND IRRRATION TO•. _ hYES . YAAIAT1Dt1IHCOLORDR• .C7rwd�dlmratreslrly mind CaCW ery AWdwFtl TIM SURF.ACiE DI9COLOAATIOR Wd �nh nggnd tlb VA YramPdY.' ADDRION�i. wATFJt ADDED TO THIS - CONCRETE . . °fin tam �0 'ho `"e *araur a'd eM Pnir4t Q.Ynn ory WILL REDUCE D9 STRENGTH AND DURARWTY. ANY WATER ADDED t9 iu SILL p+o , gv.', rn0 a tlaaagl mhed AT CUST031k7T8 OWN R1SR. 103'�66&6?';. 280 2fi 9 80 5000 FINE GROUT 8.00am 08/10/18 e�ODAX FOUNDATIONS, INC rav 7996 4761 8 6 OCEAN DR MARTIN COLUMN ' Mike Cross �1 BEACHDUE ,^sf• :.:.. OR DERED 1:27 PM 9.00 •36.00 45.00 '.,r? _ , LIT ■ }�11C! •d 1.00 0.'00 `. VSRO:. ONMENTAL DIS O ea 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea oe Kfmrr- err iwrwn -� _ mr■7 �n "� euo-mru .j. TAX Trw­.�_ _ ua' �� = TOTAL 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 9DIoL1-877-484.9994 I F=561444-71D2 South East Raft Mlon Dispatch:561-844.9994 / Control Ronda Dlvislon Dlsoahh:4D7-339.9311 Connate Tested O Yes ' LOT g I WaterAddod at Customers fypridets Taken ❑Yes Request Canmerds 9aL%to hA bad mlsto 213 l d gek, to 1Id load GustamorV PVfatergdaR NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VARUO7oN IN COLOR OR SURFACE DISCOLO[rATU1N WAITNINO IRRirAT10N TO THE SqN AND EYES Cenegd lynnr m trashy Msed mroete may mas sf:o 6Joy.ATdd wdr3 mth mlmm w h'em �s y cerram Pad A � t ° PORdef nd a° ` ' ADOIiIONAL WATER ADDED TOTHIS REDUCECONCRETE VALL AND UIIAAB91[Y. ANY WATER ADDED M AT CUS, M S owN wstc 7°"a"�UG 10 PN 1:30 `3q 2.37 1 3' ( 3' S1 3= 19 1S: tP r10 103 10380 oaome 886672 180 moan 72 tawc,rf9:0as 0 5000 FINE GROUT sorer 8.00 ogre 08/10/18 am v 568 sraem BODAX FOUNDATIONS, INC Aai 7996 r 14761 8035 SOUTH OCEAN DR MARTIN COLUMN 6 Justin Brown a5 JENSEN BEACH W 2:s AM 9. 00 •45.00 • 45. 00 50740400 513M GROUT yd 1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DI O ea 1-00 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea SK4KA i O REftTT AIID ACK IUVMaY/AfOVIKe egalp dem�ge Ter nay denrwwea f my °f e ' °.y SUB -=AL AaMONvcn eT TAA7i TOTAL D ON9 pN SID imam= 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 1105 3 73 GRIM 1-877-484-9994 / FIDC 551-944-7192 South Fast Flodda DNlslan Dlspatch:�X-844-9994 / Central Rsdds Dlvlstnn Dispateh 407-339-5311 CmrJete Testa ❑Yes LOT Djf7Wc ■Talom ❑ Yes Common$ #W Added al customers Reclu st gal. to fun toad gals. 703 load gala., 113 load PREVIOUS TRUCK-161 ` ' C ffier NOT RESPONSIBLE PoA WARNING IRRITATION 7O 7HE SIGN AND EYES VARIATION IN COLOR OA nenerrc odrmer yr trashy mMxd Wlmma mry raae •Bn Miley. Avid ramp efA SURFACE DISCOLORATION xa a e■p•sed ■Wn amu pon�ny Wier xatec u eny reeem ante Wm mime• geu tam rttm hunemmay •nd mpm4Ay wth w ab C� Pme� 70°E 10 t 44 K0°P �� mm� rcmert pavd■r and nll tmeNy mmm ADDMONAL WATER ADDED TO THIS CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH AND OIRUAHILfTY. ANY WATER ADDED IS AT CUSTOMER'S OWN RISK I On Job Begin Pour B.gin%V'.sh To Plant yt.' 6 6Z:ao , o At Plant c1 TMA718 1-m rVI.I.To 19000 FINE' GROUT :00 ° 08/10/18 • S AX FOUNDATIONS, INC "n`7996 "1 mi aeTH OCEAN DR "ITIN TOLUMN °goon Wright BEACH 11:48 AM 9.00 1.00 1.00 :J(LWN11EOn �18.00 •4WOO 0.00 0.00 50740400 ENVIRO 2 5000.WHUUT ENVIRONMENTAL DIS O FUEL SURCHARGE V3 ea ea • -CWlCaETE11nD M m y me9• ar eny SUB-MAL nna. �— TAX amn er SMPM f45 ON 9a)E _ TOTAL 1-r31ce Park FL 4340�i►���� jUl►j��Bit .. I ���►����+����i����lu��i��P 9 8 ROad,$ .:..: 1142 WaterTower Road. lake Park FL 33403 50 F=-BW7102 %8 Offf=1-877-484-094 I rmcssl-M-71D2 fl�abtl DttQattat561 844 9994 7 Central Florida Dt dTloa 1118 339 SSTs Smdh Fast Florida DlIII Dispatdc 551-844-9994 1 Central Rmlda oluision DLsT*h:4D7-339-S311 ,CanoebTeaomd : Elv-- Daleh 407- _ .Lyfyld�-TOm. t3yds• Q LOTt1 r I{ _ ? WeterAddRmd.of tlatort�e/e 1 - 1 oal: to joad PREVIOUS TRUCK-170 alL to 113 bad LIZI ^' •� I WARNING and ewag. TO THE &m•I ANO EYES : Y ��ryo�•.a��.tln ��°tt'+np °� �^ hWM AVW ADORFONAt . mR•tt N�l11EA "`d1al .S•mtbt R•.O dde'm� n y W� npr•yA1"�� °r .CONCRETE WEL 7o" ""N �1'tra°ev"'m ANQ. MI ,' p'°A'eL• p°!dv• l�mWa AQImAlftlfll: BO_t f • •s n >' 886626 ` 204 83 • eutw'<;, ! I ,r. ••- TO 9.00 5000 FIND GR ilT . _ O:ve OU N • i 7996 uses 14761 •srw:crcrs :j = ouE Liei 63.01 50740400 5000 GROUT 0,00 0.00 ENVIRONMENTAL DI O eyd a - FUEL SURCHARGE ea - sc�wnr� _ ��—��,.ny. �wtv cry tiiyeaatrw � . c, Bna •" 1' ..; e • et70-7DTAL •rx,R,•_, - ux Conaata Tasted El Yes ❑No LOT 4 Water Added at Custamere " CyunI ❑Yes ❑NO Regled CI,,,�,o,�RIr-L-lrgi /� v�etl`e,.�_ el4 to full load to load >o cad L'uscaffiers Kw- NOT RESPONSISLE FCR WARNING IRRR/QION TO THE SIGN AND EYES ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO TM VARIATION wCOLORORt�tlmmermtmd,ymamdmian•mye•usndent¢gcAwldmwara SURFACE DISCOLORATION �^ �a.m^ we pmmpay wah asttt. U •^T ettaam p•rdv m CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTH menu• ptts tea �• •nd npahiay wM eater ana tt Pmmpr AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER AODEO IS 7wAlIs 9I m 3:23 p d mad wwaer w .n ea r m>aa ar cusroasFms owxwsrL Load To Job I S 3 S Ont6�� t7lr� 1 TUNr Taaor. oAom• THIlCK• tao— m 103 .886639 204 83 9.00 5000 FINE GROUT 8.00 08/e9/18 CustOrm• .W — pn. 58B BODAX FOUNDATIONS, INC 7996 14761 mi3vEar.nmm • use mavFA 8036 SOUTH OCEAN DR MARTIN COLUMN JEFF JANSEN nsmucr>osa JENSEN BEACH o� 4:13 PM 9. 00 •63. 00 • 63. 01 m=0I PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 5@7404e 5@@0 GROUT 1 11011. d UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1.00 0-00 ENVIRD ENVIRONMENTAL DIE PO ea 1.00 0. ea 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea R1QAW) IV mi oor�mr -Y pep aa•^Y W IDL9Pr•InN a RlC.NmeEleJrrW nWlPmaaN • - Si!&TOfAL TAX TOTAL aQEPEf S. ECT TO CONfamaN�50N REVERSE SI 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 DDIta:1.67/-064-9994 / Fac S81-844.7102 South East Florlda DNWan DLspatch: 561-B44-9994 / Central Florida D"Nisico b1spalch: 407-339-5311 110 47 �l ComTeleTestad ❑Yes LOT# CyTmdetsTafam Oyes a _. `W a el ustomws gals. to full food to 20 bad to lA bad PREVIOUS TRUCK- sji�r MNLEFOR 7.57 WARN[MG IRRITATIONTO THE SIGNAND EYES ADDRIONALWATER ED TOLOROR Avid mntM rdAORATION °da tqi1i lido area pnmlpdy wN' wear. U my Rnlerd postler a CONCRETE:Y LL STRENGTH mt�aae aura Ym drw and nWCedy sIDt sorter and pat pmaq AND OURASUM ANY WATER ADDtO 13 w tie aad no haft mtmd AT CIJSTflF1ER9 OWN BISIC To Job On Job Pour 'Vl.,h Begin Begin 363 ' 0 e000 FINE GROUT C� 00, 's 08/09/18 5�! 8 AX FOUNDATIONS, INC pn'7996 '14�761 80.36 S�OUTH.00EAN DR MHRTIN USE a William Rios asrncrmxs JENSEN BEACH 9:01 AM 9.00 1.00 1.00 a®Na •9.00 �63.01 0.00 0.00 50740400 ENVIRO 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIOI! 5000 GROUT ENVIRONMENTAL DIS FUEL SURCHARGE wrnNwa ' U.O.M. yd O ea ea UNIT PRICE I AMOUNT i arm of momtlmr:get Paay•' the-Mam �YPmPawY saraay 6U6TOTAL .. ~�•_•- TAX -Ama 6 IDISO SIDE TOTAL • 1 Illll��lii�ll�llll��ll�lll�illl�illlil • 3T 3 4 9 1142 WaterTowerRoad, Lake Park FL 3340 Otfics:1-677-464-99S4 / Fac561-944-7102 South East Fladda Dlrlsion Dispatch:_§61-844-9994 / Central Florida Dhdslon Dispatch 407-339-5311 Comets Tested ❑ Yes Na LOT # Water added at Custame(s' DibidersTaken []Yes Request Comments Sale. to NO bad gels. to M bad 9e15. to 113 bad ' PREVIOUS TRUCK: I6 e - ater NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VARIATION IN COLOR OR WARNING IRRITATION 70 THE MN AND EYES mshy owy ease akin k41oy AwW amtadt eElr ADDFitONAL WATER ADDED TO TtBS Crmam�� orr mhm! msnKe SURFACE 06COLORATION "snd vrisn Waved °tan urea pramldly "Om crab' a soy = pawdn a CONCRETE VaLL REDUCE FFS STRENGTH mhd 5 Dots Into yv, Msv tmmematCv mtl rtgivedy wdh wear ud_ get plw�t AND DURABIM. ANY WATER ADDED M P �dnm wry hom ammt pmdar and d nasmJl mhmd � 61DCN7Dte B:35 f AT CUSTOMERS OWN RISK W4 433639 JIM s�0 T000 FINE GROUT .00 w 08/09/18 EN "B&AX FOUNDATIONS, INC Par7996 1�761 8n 0 6 SOS UTH OCEAN DR MARTIN COLUMN Leon Wright JEMN8 N BEACH ly� us 9i36 AM 9.00 •18.00 •63.01 PRODUCT CODE 1:1 50740400 ODAMOUNT 5000 GROUT yd 1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ' ENVIRONMENTAL DIS O ea 1.00 eIGNA 1 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE WAIINT'a ea fT rum ACNHdMFDpE W—Y equl damagafor anY daawMee Ins rNY Pm SUBTOTAL TAX werxoavrn so TOTAL .� MASCHMEYEER C CRETE COMPANY OF FLORIDA, MC. o. Ill�al�lil�ll(IIIIJ�III�I��N� 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 110 5356 Wisest-M484-9994 ! Fmt:M4 44-7102 South fast Florida Division bispatde 551-844-SM I Central Florida DMft Dispatcle 407-339-5311 Concrete ested ❑ Yes ON* LOT C Wafer Added at Customafe Cydidm Taken ❑ ft ❑ No e/ Request 1B1m y m fall load gals to 20 mad t°lld bad PREUIOUS TRUCK•1— s Rep NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VARIATION IN COLOR OR WARNING ATION TO THE 1= MID tY6 Cams mlmw �rroaNY mbmd moat■ fray as■ atln hduy. AwH cahaq w0r AODRIONAL WATER AObm TO TF SURFACE DISCOLORATION M ■rW �O �"'8 �oo'7dy'�' user. If airy .mac powder or vd , aftha dme Ynmaemell�y aId ropeat■my Will W■latru CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRFNOIN '� gguaparyt . �P enadmn °YPiy710M .mom Powdc ■nd frabry Mb d AOURABILIM ANY WATERADD® IS rm■o 10: 51 po AT CUSTONEAS OWN ALSIL Load To Job On Job I Begin ire ji // Pour .O 4 659 JTV 7 a .8&0 '9000 FINE GROUT 8 00 08/09/18 5a 8B �9&AX FOUNDATIONS■ INC Pa 7996 '14761 aelyBYAemcea 8036 SOUTH OCEAN DR MARTIN COLUMN a R bertD Caraballo usrau SEENDue JENSEN BEACH 11.55 AM 9.00 8.7.00 •63.01 50740400 5020,GROUT yd ■ 1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DIS 3 ea 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea w mrnterva mom wQav ■cry ana 6e&TDTAL Ta s TOTAL 1 lIIIIII�I��III�IIII�IIII IIII�III�IIIiIU 1142Water Tower Road105358 Lake Park FL 33403 Office: T-677-464.9994 / Fmc 561-644-7102 South Fast Florida Division Dlepatnll: 561-844-9994 f Central Redda Division Oispatift 407-339-5311 Comets Tested ❑ Yes LOT # CyEr&rs Taken ❑ Yes Water Added at Cusmmefs Request Comment f1ots. to M bed gain. to 2n mad 17- 113mad PREVIOUS TRUCK•IE13 wd=nwa map - am NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR VARIATION IN COLOR OR WARNING IRRRATION TO THE SION Aim EYES Comad tr or h" mbmd mo■t may aae aidn t9■l. Awed moo? WNr y-% ADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TC TNIS SURFACE DISCOLORATION �^ ' �05°d N"' 91ei5 =9 wain. U aoY aamard peatler m o0mae pat hrm �Y�. kw bem■dabiy srd repavoAyrtlh wffiar aid_ grit prompt a°ap �1°0 ° �O p0�`rMd an t�Y CONCRETE WILL REDUCE DS STAF3iG . AND OURABNTY. ANY WATER ADDED IS me 12:34 ce w d p"dM�,aa AT CUST@dEA'S OWN —K To Job On Job I Begin Pour I Begin Wash b 13 TA3 M3670 I= 7ILT.'& T000 FINE GROUT 00 DATE 08/09/IB m■ 'S)AX FOUNDATIONS■ INC '7996 1fr761 SOMSOUTH OCEAN DR MARTIN COLUMN Leon Wright JE�NSEENN BEACH 1:36 PM 9.00 45.00 •63.01 50740400 5000 GROUT yd 1.00 0.00 ENVIRD ENVIRONMENTAL DIS 0 ea 1.00 sisA.nrAe 0.00 a FUEL SURCHARGE WN l ea ACCeI - OF equip TQ heyood dre cab r � ■ � stay 511&TOTAL TAX OAQE➢AV TOTAL + IIIII��I��II�IIII�II���u�ul�IWl�I .1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 1 10 13 9 W=1-877-084-9994 / Fem-561-944-7102 Smith East Rmida DMft DlsP2tchA_0M994 / Central Edda Dlvfsien Dlspatsk 407-339-Ml l LOT Peke # Wemr Added Custamees CM108tB (]"Ym Request Comments o i.a to tui kmd m Tld bad 1l3lnad PREVIOUS TRUCKp127 - FORWARNING IRRITATION TO THE SlarlANDEYESADDITIONAL WATER ADDED TO THISR DR CmmN v4aNue cmaebmay�aoddnuoel� AwmeadAMON =_V%WTl..N:lK = o� sidn 2mc PrempN'vft �a M my Bret poWw m .CONCRETE WILL REDUCE ITS STRENGTN m�ae W3 41 eYas.+va� land rep®=d;Y w2 rr�er W_ pe Ww"PE AND DORAEM. ANY WATER ADDED IS mt ta'P drawn-m a°°K P°wdm NdY=�d 13C45 AT CLOMMEE'S OWN RISK 71 74 S 76 n l � �t�� "5�000 FINE SROUT :0 "08/09/18 . I AX FOUNDATIONS, INC r'5996 u 'SOUTH OCEAN DR IWAITIN u%OLUMN ason Rhine. .TE BEACH 2.48 PM 9.00 54.00 •63.01 50740400 5000,SROUT ,yd 1.00 0.00 ENVIRD ENVIRONMENTAL DIS310 ea ' 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHAR13E ea , . i tla far ory deenaly 6cyonQ �p r�oy Pmp m airy _ - d �lOnIL 7A: sual TO WNn q — TaTAL 'Lake Pala FL,334f53 ROrldi d190a1dL' 561-844-99941 feutral Rmlda 01NaMn nienafrh• em_xifi_co�� Owaft Tftud• O Y,�,. •LOT ClA dam Tslmn D Yis # WaterA ed At Cus9ortora cwmmrds to too laid to 9Id bad pals to Mbad aTer • a-' • ARIAWON�N.cm OR MR ean.a mM r arat r�iy mh d mo+►� math kp c A�wf�a mraaMdi SURFACE aod�- nw.�IR+'r•I:Y ADDrtIONAI WA l D bTO Tl� �COWItA7pN �aMpu•M� try �muti paidr! n - mqul sa�tla� deep dEAan 'trenl•� �•�" pp•.11 p0°� arty aimnt poN•r sM all hsmy mltW CONCRETE YYILL REDUCfiT�8.9iIREN67N AND MARU Y.'ANY WAhA ADOFD B .� °n"attevdcq AidJSTpI(Qi9DWl�R:.K..•.., 10,1 •'. '?, 7 _ 10 9. 0 5000. "ROUT ` 8.00 08/08/1B CUSTOMER • "=ur.aoeoTq• '• PAI PADFCfI - 588" t: BQDAk FOUNDATIONS INC 7996r 14761 AGIX•35 ... ngE oervEx B036 SOUTH OCEIA61'DR MART3k- COLUMN David Moen ' SEN BEACH c; 8:54 AM 1.01� 63.01 50740400 BR ;: ;: ' • yd' 0.00 ENVIRO ENOI(RgNMEfyTp4: DIE • ea ' 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea . m1J>VEIE A•DACIOOMSFM.E�ENIeP -�. - d•oap• P�^r � �� fa6TC11L TAX A ■ _"WIN, -• - 1142 Water Tower Road ,• Lake Park FL 33403 v : :. Oiflee:1'W-4W9994 I FAL 591-844-7102 Sofd9 East Raids Division Dispa it 581-844.9951 1 C&*W RufWa Dhrlslan 01sp*E 407-339.5311 f j r r. i i i l i u���u� jl�f����l�►���� 27 fbrvm Taxed ❑yes No Taken ❑Yes Na LDT# Wafer Added at CustalMa ' _ o.,,,,� Commem Comnrenta —�}��')�""" Patz to tug bad' to Zfd load PREVIOUS TRUL'KaftO- E-- msra ep- ater - NOT RE9P0lBIBLE FOR VARIATION N COLOR OR SURFACE DI9COL.OIfATION WARNIMO IRRRATION TO THE SMN ANo EYES r Caned ar a••lM mind Coves mw tars sift k#*Ardd •adea wM ism P��myipt�tr wm d .Kban n ADDITIONAL WATER ADO® TO TFOS • t CONCRETE eAiw 11lAT S AI48.M qQ mim am, wmMt Iwdsr or eyes, ti+P Tmm r"0wdZ.D _ pst —m1d naf nmtl De+'der ud •a imaMl mend woirm WILL RMMCEfMSTRENOM AND OURABWY ANY WATER ADDED 131 po� AT CUFrOMEWS OWN RISX p L •l 37V 0 +tAaP ' naatr• ormrn• mioc• taro tam I 103 all 238 61 9.00 5000 FINE GROUT0 DATE Dorms•saaro 78..0 Pa•.5B8 BODRX FO ATIONS� INC oanretvaI SOUTH OCEAN DR asrrarereem MARTIN USE8036 C Cestaro JENSEN BEACH HIMMEM 9:46 AM 9.00. 18.00 63.01' ' 50740400 5000 GROUT Wig" yd 1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DISPO ea 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea oa aEra A(aeANtFL[.B1E1lr oP eailaa r ' ..FEW rbimL- SUB -TOTAL TA: . TOTAL )41 i 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 1142 Mder Tower Road, Lake Park FL 334D3 3 3 f 1142. a g9ToWe! Foad.L 41-7102 Olfle�l-W-W-094 / Fas591-94Fn02 5authFAatRadda DNIt1tb10 5 944 9994 ! CenOal RaddaOMetaI1 DiaD TM4D7-339 5311 w9W III custmm f SOM Egg RpMy DM31M 01a591-944-9M / Central Radda DhWon Ditpetde4DY-339.5311 LOT Y Cdrleb Tesbd ❑ T . I ` Cyltpeo Tal.n ❑Yes pates td'tuti bad to old bed • Ctn IM oats to 19 bad WMNINO IRRRAT1011 TO TIE 619N AND EYES ` •ADORIONAL WATER ADDED TO THO i ff'' NOT RE9PPN9MA FOR S�rr ar a 140 n•+ad mtaal• nrY �• alde tit• Avid mabC•aDt, CpNCRE7'6 WILL REDII A j F,• YA1N1TiOR N COLOR 011 aWw,.d •W .nopn^�� a pl�pmp AND DURASMY. ANY 5 �i SURFACE DEit COLOR I0N m l ` �D -" �gimm minty p W etrM M� AT CU3MMm OWN RML �.. �� �°iiil� 8PN1:32• •�j 1' 1 ' �'t • ' • .•• - Tm1CKa taw= IIR PtAW . • OIL i 88659 '� '83H 71 9.00FINE GROUT t. I' � 7996 toes • ... �. ' �.. _ ''• HO RX FOUNDATIONS IN6 • USE MARTIN -COLUMN $— 6 SOUTH OCEAN DR �.. � trtstwtcttars ' •TENSEN HER 1 9.00 63:80 63.01' S0740400 5000 GROUT Yd 1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DI O ea f 1.03 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE tit t•.. ®1111WR-cnecAtire Alto OP 1UTIfm AN1LeU many ,qulpm,etdana9a lo•aeY ddlwd•- NT S116TefALI � TAX Cattvem.TOSMd ❑Yen LOT/ CYDtdwaTdmn to Water Added at ClumnaNa' ❑Yea CMM- • . Requsst %�� pat. to 5li bad. 10 M bad aab.toInInd -- PR V NOT RE4pOf!&SLE FOR WARNING 1RRRATION To 7m SIGN AND EYES VARIAl" 91 COLOR OR � r a tray eitra0 W=. Cs Wn Homy. Awy mitre Wh ADORIONAL WAymAebW TO TNIB SURFACE 01MMORA110M •�Re••d ale, Tiau Mam01h� 0 any cW WA Posd•r m. ninin Pb Inm Ar and rMai watr aM pm"t dimnn arryTtom emit PC I'm and at ewv/ nod COWNWM WILL REDLLCE,:I%6INENOTN AND OURABUM. ANY.N,ATE114PD® E3 . _ .4' 31 AT CUSTOIIBi'Q` AJsif. c asT33�1G • •a� ; PINE GROUT �• � BAX FOUNDATIONS, INC •a•7996 117 MMSOUTH OCEAN OR TIN OLUMBV ml�7asr Rhin&s,.• - NS HEACH ' 1035-AN LOAD CU14VLATIVE QUANTITY ORDERED PASOLICT CODE PronVCT QUANTITY 9.00 27.00 QUANTITY 63.01 50740400 -SOW GROUT Vol" ya UNIT �PICE • 1.00 0.00 ENVIRO ENVIRONMENTAL DI ea 1.00 0.00 2 FUEL SURCHARGE ea s vr- �Altl ndvoAumeaen eArwso wAwma damaaaf �� StI =AL TAX TDTAL IIfIIU�NI�II�IIIi�IiIf�N(IIINI�INilli 1142 WaterTower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 10 3 3 3 OflMl-977AM994 / Fme561-844-7102 S" fist Rorfda DMslan DfspaWr 591-844.9994 1 CeWal Ffadda DNlslan Dlspft: 4117-339-5311 Cota:ele Tested �O�- o Lo7 1�Gadmt Talmn )rlY� ONO A water Added at Customer's Refit to Id load gala. W 7J3 load to tO bad - -PREVIOUS TR t K-17a NOi RESPONSIBLE FOR WARNING IRRRATION TO THE SIGN AND EYES VARIATION IN COLOR OR '10 Mat m assnry mtmd wroete mry mm atdn �ke%Avold maact w� SURFACE DISCOLORATION `V0 �"�' °�� °'UO ��' PRY mma paedrr qr r@��1' *' X +FAME; RATONTM ltmn r�P�Y xtiv nd P�M 10:34 a' mre � a �vb•r eM a0 M E; ADDRIO WATER ADDED TO TkS CON BETE WILL REDUCE ITS S'[R19OGIN AND DURABILITY. ANY WATER ADDED LS AT C1131'OtaER'9 OWN RISK. Begin Wash r79-'al/3 To Plant At Plant ,/ /J 51sr TA M3596' '9000 FINE GROUT c .00 " 08/08/1a '&SAX FOUNDATIONS, INC re7996, '_ �w t761 8036 WOUTH OCEAN DR 104TIN COLUMN o Jorge Moreno BEACH 11:38 AM 9.00 00 3.00 36.007_11ITPRICE PRODUCT 7"- IRONMENTAL DIS L SURCHRRSE, yd O ea . ea spymm- — r nrtxo�n ",.Pmtydm."0,GROUT "r' STIB-TOnli TAX �w rnuwrsrw--W-rw TOTAL 4"C:A 111EYEI OF FLOMDA. It 1142 Water Tower Road, Lake Park FL 33403 DHice:1-8t7-I9�-9994 I F=581-M-7102 9dMEastS..DlvWonDhp Wt551•BN-9" ! COWRcddaDlvlebnDlspdeh:�07-3395�1t William Durden From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: William permit # 1805-0033 St Lucile County Julian DiDonato <jullian@phoenixcompaniesfl.com> Monday, September 10, 2018 10:44 AM William Durden Paul Ritzau FW: Permit # 1805-0033 Bodax Foundations Piling Reports Nutting Pile Logs.pd f, Nutting As-Built.pdf, Batch Tix.pdf, Batch Tix 2.pdf, Batch Tix 3.pdf attached are the piling logs, batch tickets, eng We will bring in hard copies to you. I am trying to schedule a grade beam inspection, THANK You JULMN Di DONATO PHOENIX REALTY HOMES CELL — 561-410-0954 From: Tom Butler [mailto:tom@bodaxfoundati Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 10:15 AM To: Julian DiDonato; Fran Donza Subject: Bodax Foundations Julian and Fran, Attached are the Pile Logs, As -Built and bath tick Regards reports for this job in Diamond Sands. wire, for this job, are you able to schedule this in ? .com] for Lot #20. Hard copies to arrive by Fed Ex . Thomas Butler I General Manager I Bodax Foundations, Inc. 11101 NW 55th St I Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 2 Main: 954-771-788811 Fax: 954-771-8908 Email tom@)bodaxfoundations.comll I 1