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TillS lNf)(\NTUIU-;' MaoJ~ this ......lat...........___...__n --..------<101 or......J'ebruar~ ..........._......._.............._._.A. D. 19.?~L, brlw<<n
_.. InghrUL D. R9Q~._a.n!l.. ~y..nRQ~~.!!!...J!.~9.~___..___.....__.-__.._-_ .n..._h._. ._...____.____
of Ih~ ('''''1\1)' "f Jaokaou .. ._. .... . ....._ .0........ .. .,,,. ~Iatr of................)(1 Qe()~;l. ..." .. .... ..._. ..... ._._.part J~.I!I of 1\0(" first p.lrt, and
....... ..... _...... ..... Fort P1er.Qe.FVQ!;'..1)rdnMfLP._\..Q.tJ'~Q~... ._... .. ............... .._...._._ ..................... ....... _._.._........__......, .._...
. st. Luole..... ... . .... ..0",1 Stat~ of........P'lorlda
of Ihr C",,"l)' of
.... .... .. pal1 '1..... or th~ _.I part,
W1TNI\~<;"TH. Th;at II", ""id P:lrt Ie.. or t.... first ",,11, rorond in (tlftsidualion of t~ .um or
One Dollar
'___"'_""'_"_' _ _.___.............. ............_ _...................._.......__........_.DoU;au,
in hand 1'1I;'1 II) Ihr ut.\ ""ri;f ....... of t'>e .rc-on.1 p>rt, t.... r~ipt .brr~f Ii Mr~b)' arlmo..kdl{td, ha.V~...._.... rtmiS(oI, rtl~aud and quit.cl3imrd.
and..; t....~prrsrnt.do........ r~mi.~, rd..a.~ and qu;t~laim unto th~ saidP:l~j'..... of I.... _d p.lrt and.........lts............_.....__..._...._.......bdu and
as!ign. fOrtHr, all I.... rixhl. lill.., inlc....t, cbim and drnund whicb tbe: said pll,tlea "r Ihr fiut ('3rl ha ve ......... in and 10 Ihr r..Uowing d~seribtd
Iot...~ pie..-e._ or p>rceL... of land, lI(;lI]f: situate, lyIng and being In the County of st. Lu:}le, state of
llorid a t .to..,.l t :.______...._____._.. . .----.-..........-.......-. . -----..---------..--00-
_._.....1I~r.!11l:_~....~~~t._ o~_S~~h 50 _~_.t ot Sout~~es~_ YIf~!_..~..~~.~~~~.~.~.,.,.ot .Seoti...~~_.~_..__.___
. .......... ~Own8h1p ~...~ ~~~.~., ..!.l~.~_.!~_.!~~~.:_.____._._.._......._......._.._................. ._......0._..__.. ........ ..... _._._....__..__.
TO II.\VE .\XU TO 1101.1), :.... '.un.., I'~<lh..r ..ilh all and .ingllbr I"" al'l,uUruauc6 ,h....unl.. 1~\onJ(ing or in all,...i~.. apptrloiniug. and .all
Ib.. ':"at.., r;xhl. lillr, '"l""-! aud claim ...'tal......r of th~ uid part. ies..r Ih.. /;"1 ""rl. rilhrr in law or "Iuit,.. 10 ,hr .lIlY,- propcr u.... lort,cfil .nd
kh.....f or the uid !';art ~e S of II.., srcood part, _......1. ~.~.._____ ............._._...._ _h........... brir< allll a..ig". r.>rt\'C..r.
IN \\,\TXI-:::;g WIIEREOF, thr sa;.] part;1~8of th~ finl parI ha.!.Et.._._ ....r~ulllo srL...1;.h~~~.. ...............h.lld..8 and ~:ll 8, lhe da)'
ali<I ,'..ar finl ahove ..rill..n.
:'igncd. ~~ antI ,ldi.rrrd in I'r.-..mc.. or: !
~.a~:o:; .:~~~:_.._~_m=~_____~_~
_...... !tJgbI"~I>. JlQ()K...._.
.J.fI1.ry Rookwe 11 Hook
....._.''''''_ (Snl. )
......_.... ..(Snl.)
~TATE 0.... ___....._JUSSO.l1JUh ... 1
COUlII)' of_.____._..~c~Ol'l___..____._.__.____ J
I IIEREIIY CEI{TlF\'. That on this day ~<On:ally appnrrd b<:ror~ ......, an ofr~r dul)' anl"'.riutl 10 admini_t.r "alh< ;and t"k~ admowlrdgrnrnl<.
___.._....___....._...._..___~l....~oOkwe I..!... Hook an~.!D6m:~__~:'.._!!~..o~..m__..__ ____._.__._______
I.) me ..ell kno.'n I.. f.: Ihe I~r...... 8 dt-scri!XC1 in and ..ho uC<'ulrd the, ror<!l:".nR: in.trUl:1ft.I and .. ~he7 ........ ark""..lrdgrd hefor.. mr
Ih;at . the1
........ ..uelll.d thr ""_ freely and voluntarily ror I.... f'Urpo.>sr< Iherein "~I'rrsscd.
AS\) I I:UI\TIlt-:1{ CERTIFY. Th.,t Ihr said. .._.._____llar3J~Ook.wnlHook......_.m_........
kno.n I" ..... 10 lor I".. .if.. or th~ ':';'1.. ____....._.lnghr'sm..J>..~ .J!0..9~...._....._..._._._..........._..._..........._..._..._.__._______...---
'''' a .epar>lr and I'r;'''te- eumination. 'ak.n a",1 nudr b)' and. her",.. ~ srparald)' and ap.lrl fr..m hrr ""jd hu.l..ntl. did ",kllO.kdX~ thaI .~ e~ttUt.d
1M for<"J:Oing Drrd f.'r Ihr \,UrIJO<<' of rrlinqui<hing, alirnoting and conv<)'ing all hrr ri!(ht, ,ill.. an-I in!""t. ..hrthrr of d"...r, ho,"rst..ad or of srp;or;ate-
property. .tatutor,' or COluiuhl... in and III I.... land. dr<<:ribrd I....rrin, and Ih;at .hr uttUtrd ...id 1><<<1 ir....I)' a",1 ,...IUl1larily and .ithout any com-
",,!.ion, coostraint, apprrMnsion or 'f..;or oi or from her $lid husband.
\VaSF.S" my h;ar.d and official suI, atKM1J."l,l_..9:t~.Y___Count,. or... ...TEiOKfJ,Qp,. ..__......._ .'_0.___ and Sl;at~ "r ..~..~l3.<:>~J..__
Ihi.~._.........I.cJ--_..... ..__l~~rn~.Y.._____._.A. D. IL,g6
. (Snl)
_car~ "},:."h~aS ..._._____.
Notary Public. ~ term expires Nov.19,1929.
m: If RF.MF.llllF.IUm, That on this_ll!)}_____.......____ . day or.l~l)~f!r.Y..aJ...H.~ *3..o...,m.~A. D. 19.~~,
I, _______~...!!.9...!.!!:~.:l".ed _,_____.._._._..Cl~rl of 1M Circ..it Cuurt in and for said C<>Unty,
h;an duly mo:drd t~ foregoing Quit.Claim lkcd in II.., I'uhlir Rrcords of nid County_
IN WITNESS WIIF.OlF.OI', I ban Mrrunlo sd my hand and thr SIal of said C"'''11 t~ day and ynr aLoT~ .rill....
---.,..0. .~Jl!:l".E!~ ___....______.__(Sca1.)
BY.j~-{a-:~--~~~-:: ::
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F-eCO{ (3,0.'