HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # .'. War - COUNTY F L 0 R I .. FDA A AC 004 Electric the electrical (Type 0* - . Trade) For the project located at It is understood ddrgtdod that, if there, is any proi.dct, the Build" Code Reg filing of Sub-.,/.act.0 ISSUE DATE & DEVELOPMENT $1 Code Coin-P Hance I UILDING PERMIT ITRACTOR RECEIVED MAY 0 12018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting SCANNED BY I.LIGie Ge�niy have, agreed to be Sub -contractor for. NVR, INC, dba RYAN HOMES (Prirriar3"cohtfadtor) 4S address or Property Tax ED#) of status regarding our participation with theabove mentioned Division of St. Lucie County Will be -advised pursuant to the COMRAC IjtSIGNATURE (Qualifier) 'SUB=CONTAACtORSIGNATURE (Qualifier) ROBERT SM I TH W it k Gary R. Evahs PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 2891:7. 28626 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER . COUNTY CERTIFICATION.NUMBER State of Florida, Cothity ,i PALM B5-ACH. Stavy of Florida,WoWafd Cot.h.mt.y Q.f.- nkoi 22- Thbfoi foregoing bdfor6 Me this k4�4y of The fdr*ifigJfistr'Um6kt Wp signed before me this - - day.of ROBERT SMITE WICK February„ioby Gary R Evans 00 is person ;k�y.kpqIv. V.rhwho is personally latown or has produced a as'idenlifig0don. as ide6tilicatioif. Sioiatuke'of N61ATY P41 ER IKA-L,EORIPI Revised I 1/1612616 STAMP A I A . _1xJ&.vV c.STAMP - Q­nature.of Nb-tary. Public ERIKA LEBRINI Laura C -. Linden tatebf Florida-No.c Florida -Notary Public P i tName1)fNotAiyPu1Jlk Com,mission #,GG 084371 rm My Commission Upire's 1. March 16, 2021 ;o,., Laura.Gi Linden. 6pijej; Sepimber 26, 2090 B6nded th'u Ann Nofa!Y PERMIT # ' ISSUE DATE RIDGEWAY PLUMBING - (Company Name/Individual Name) the PLUMBING (Type of Trade). For the project located at (Project It is understood that, if there is any project, the Building and Code Piling of a Change of Sub-54 'SIGNATURE (Qualifier) IMi-�vILUI C PRINT NAME 2.81 { 7 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of yn �3t �J The foregoing instrument was signed before me this •� , 201� by i���Gr Syri4 who is personally known ✓ or has produced a asiden ' lWMH Signature of Notary Public &_1aV 14)q Print Name of Notary Public L'p-1 ,v, KA .LEB nlNI 1 i4State of Flonda-Notary Public Commission # GG 084371. My Cmission Expires ,I Marcfi 16, 2021 Revised 11/16/2016 & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT INTRACTOR AGREEM NT RECEIVED MAY 0.1 2018 . ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be Sub -contractor for64601.YOWL-WOmes (Primary Contractor) Address or Property -Tax ID of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the SUB -CONTRALTO GNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME • . , 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA :day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this &day of LV i e- K , 20\5 , by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. STAMP�l STAMP Si ature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public ■ r.; ;:'i:'; KATHLEEN N?. HALL i Notary Public tt y`�`d <. - State of Florida - ` < ) my Comrn. Expires Jun It. 20 II 4 c r Coln r urissipn # FF 133�t3S ','• £'i Boadeu ihrougtrNUanalNataryRssn.� . ; One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) the MecfianicdI/HVAC (Type of Trade) For the project located .at G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ing.& Code Compliance Division m BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be 'Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Addr.'ess or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that,. if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division Of St. Lucie filing of a Chan of Sub=contractor notice. CONTRA SIGNAT RE,(Qdalifier) SUB'• ROBERT .SMITHWICK 'RINT NAME 28917 COUNTY "CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofPlorida,.Coonty of. PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisk( L%-.'day of 2019 by ROBERT SMITH, WICK Who, is personally known of has produced a i c as id 'ficati� ` j STA51P Signature of Notaiy'Public ,ERIKA LEBRINI o��a 'b :, ERIKA LEBRINI of orida-Notary Pub) Print Name of NotaryPubli' _, '._ ems- . i Ion # GG.084371 i 91i My Mm �16�202jpires Revised 11/16/2010 Will be advised pursuant to, the KEVIN :STINE PRINT NAME SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 29839 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale. of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument_ �ias'signed before me this 23 day of FEBRUARY 2uf!';hy KEVIN STINE who is personally knownor has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of NotnryP , i ? . Notary Fubllc State of Florida • = Cptnrnlst;lon N FF 9781)34. r M 't;oriitri. Expires Apr 4', 2020, y - - - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - - Bi ildifig & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAY 01 2018 • ST. Lucie County, Permitting-1 PetersenDean Roofing And Solarj Systems Inc. (Company Name/Individual Name) have agreed to be the Roofing I Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES ('Type of Trade), (Primary Contractor) For the project located at _1'R4 (Project It is understood that, if there is any r. Address or Property Tax I #) of status retarding our participatioit with the above mentioned project, the Buildinp# Code Regulation .Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a C St ROBERT SMITHWICK' 28917 CoUN"I CiRTtB17CA 'I4;\ Y[ IBI:R State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument wsas signed before me this �di;y of by ROBER3 SMITHWI_ isbo is personally known _or has produced a i as idc ' cation. � S'T;1J7P Signature of Notary Pnblic ` _ t{I - 0N,'TR,AC'1'OR SIGNATURE tQualificr) Byron Keith McStoots PRINT''NAMIs~-- ^T-- 29024 _ COUNTY rEli'rIFIC'A'I'IC)\ \> %,Ii3ER titatc of f lorida, Couuh of Palm Beach The fon`I+Uing instrument nas sighed before me this 22 _ Uay of February r_ z 18 by Byron Keith M_ cStoots who is personally known or has prrduced a _ as identification. S'I'13"1P Signature of tiotar r Public ERIKA LEBRINi ER, IKA LEBRINI ",PA- Beth Wainer Y PUB£%CtatP of Florida -Notary Public 1 riot lame of Notary Public Commission #.GG .084371 Print Name of Notary Public o� ; My Commission Expires °ii �"� March 16, 2021 }":'•.. BETH WAGNER MY COMMISSION # GG 081027 Revised 1111 G/2016 '=+' °g- EXPIRES: April 13, 2021 y; dd:; ;Q`' Bonded Thru Nolmy Paboo Undemittrs P'ERMIT.0 ISSUE DATE PLANNING 4 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Bu Code -' Complionee Di W1 1Cdilag "dM -on RECEIVED BUILDING VE-kMlt MAY 01 2018 SUB -.CONTRACTOR AIGREENENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting the _INSULATION 0 the ,000jeot jci,.*d 41. It is widdt9tbo"d that, if fhetO is airy ch project, the BWld dnd Code filing of a ROBERT SMITHWICK have agreed to be Sub-a6pteActor for NVR, INC dba,RYAN HOMES - (t?nmary Contractor) Tax . ID#) dridi g-- our" p"' aft'60atidh with the db6'vd.'in`6iJt1dn' d of gta4isi�g n J DiVisibn of St Lucie Coift!ty wild be advised pursuant "tb the PRINT NAME 28917 ,COUNTY CERTIFICATIQN NVNPT_� Sfjtfe 0, ty f.- Thitore .9din9 fnifij KAMMt — �­'d bt!16re W this.. Cl il#�� Of '. S.Ign-P. ROBERT SMITHWICK W1116 is ll I:'' ow h hlwploti�i#q o' p�r!spHay y _n STAMP Jigi.m.(M-re-of Nb,filry'RiihIk' COUNTY C.E.RT-IFICATION. NVNW- S61116. 6f"F7o-kida-1 Q '0'r&i6U8 Tkilr&eed6ink instrument was signed before i6e ihis 2 AA, of MARCH PAUL W. HASH as identific�tioii. ftbfiatniblary Pu blic ­1 r Priht Naine of .01 Print ine a 1E, R17-77 L E B R I N I . . . . . . . . . . ate of F or, F lorid '8]35 om mi ss'o My Comm - M a rc� 6 27 20 S state of Florida-Nbtary Public Commission # dG 084371 Florida -Ndtar P blic -§ateof' My commission Expires , fflm,, u Orprpl5sion N.GG 138356 March 16,12021 Reyjg0 I I/ MOW