HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1938 138 ___'r_lJ.tlMAJL..J.~ _LmCn...A_nD TO n_..~m=x..FA1UlS....l)lU..l1l.~..nxU:tt~._. 9.lJ1T.':CLAI M DEED ---- ~- .~.. _. -.... -. -- i ! ~ i , TillS INn":NTURF~ M~dr thi...... ...... 4th...,..._--._...._-~...-.-.cby of......... l'o.l:>r~J"7.......__....,._,.__.......\. 1'1, lQ. 26. .....WfCft .___.____. __...____._ . __ ..__~:r..~n..o! .....~..C?lL!..~~!dd~_.!.!_~ol).l...~.!!....!.~.~!.______,_.... _..__...____...__._.____ of I.... (.....nl)" of... Harrison .... _.. ...,...... ...... .... .....__.. orl<! ~;at.. of.. ~e8t. Ju-glnla .._...._....._........_.....rt l.~fl. of tilt' first part, and Port Pie roe Farms Drainage Dlstrtot " .~ I , ...._._______________. -'.---_0_ _.U___..n_____.._.._._.___.....__ __.... _.u_.._..... __._ ._._._._._._.__..____.__.____.... _..._._._".._._...__.. _....._.... _._ o 01 th~ (.....nly fir ...... it.. .Luoie. . ...._.... .. .. ... ........ .... ;and ~"I~ of ........,_~~!"!.l!a.. .... .._.....,. .. .. ......._p.lrty.. . . of Ih.. s<<-t pm. WITNE~~F.TlI. Th.1 I.... ",,;'1 1''''1188 of Ihc- finl ~rr. for and in c._;.I....I;.... nf I.... .um ..r. .. One.. do1.1aX"....._ .........0.........0.... . . ..---.------.....--------....------.---..- .---.::aIIIDl in b;and paid b)' lhe- ~id parIY...._ of Ihr -.d p.lr\. lhe- rrcript wherrof i. he-Irby ad:DOwkd&~L lu ._y.~__._... rtmisrd. ctka.td and quil.daimtd, and by Ihc-~ p~.tl\l< do.. ...... nmi..., rrl..;a,.. anet quit~bim unto th~ said parI. '3.. or I.... src:o.,,1 ..." .nd .._.'.'_ .11;$.......... ..__..._..._ ..MilS .nd assigns forn.... all the- rillhl, lill... inl<r<'1. claim ar:d d~mand "hieh I.... said part :J..~.~ (>1 tb~ 6nl parI lu ve .._.._.... ;., and 10 tM foll.>..in!r drscribrd 101..._, pir<<...._ or ""rcd_. or land,-t...crit': 81tuate~ lying end being in the County of St. Luoie.State of Florida, to-~1t: __.__.....__._....___..._.__W~8~..!:.ee~ of the east 45 _~ee-t..~!_~h!...!I~~~he~:t i o! th~__._____.__........... "'__'_'_"'''_' .___........_._._..._.3o\1~l.le ~EJ.~ .i...()r._~!'.<Lt.~~!l._~I_ T~~~!p...~~_~.~~~!?:.._~~~_.!~._~.a..~~_...._.__.._.__ .......... .-..-.--...-........-.-.-----.--..------.---.------.-------..-----.---....--......--.----.----..--.---...--.----..--....- -------....------------...---.--.----------.----.--.---.----------------.-----------..-.---.-- ------..--------..------... ---------------.-- -- ----..------.-------.-.-.-....-----------------.--.--. ---------- ---------.-----.-.-.--.......-.-......-.-.--___ ...--._._____.____._.u__.h___.______.____..___.__._.._...-.-.-------.. -- ... ...._-- ..--......--.-.-.-... --"--"-". -..--......-...-.......-...... -.. TO 11.-\ \'E Axn TO llOI.\l, 1M .;orr..., I''!:rlm ..ilh all and .info:ular lhe- "-PI'arlrn:a1JC<'<' thnnml.. MI,,(l~illtl: Ilr in .n,",,;~ app<<ta ininli:. allll all I.... ..<I;al... rj"bl. Ijtl... i"t"~,t and claint ..h;al.........r ..f lhe- ui.J part__... "f Ih~ lir" ""rt. ..;Ih,'r in b..- .... ~Inil,.. t;. I.... onl,. prOl'<"r u.... I""..lil and "..hoof o'f I.... said put.lea of I.... 'ffOnd p;art, _._..lts._______......._.._..._._..._..................in ;and a..ij:ns f..r..,...,r. IN' WITN'F.s~;WIIEREOF, Ihr s;ai" ""rtles or t.... forst part h;a.v.e_.... mrunt.' ~t ......tbo1r_....._.....__harwl 8 . and sr;aIS.. I~ do)' anti }'('ar ";st a~")\'~ ,,'rittt-n. _.__;~~..i::;~;j~~.m.-'.:'-=-. ~" __~_ i ....Grtl~ ~. _~.<:'.h .. ... .. J 1l , : \.....} --..__._.~.. J.~.. IJrlqb__.__._.______.(~;aU -_ ''':. Add.i. ..1.. lQDoh.._. ........... 0...._..__......... ...,=.(~;al.) STATE OF _Jtnst.. Virginia_..-=-_.__ Co""lyoL..._ H(q';r;' is.()O._......_._..___.._._. I IIERF.BY CF.KTIFY, That .)11 Ih... oby ~..onally appearN belorr mc-, an t&rr duly auI....ri,....1 I., admini'I~r ""Ih. an,1 13k,- ..kllO..lrd~mml'. -.'...-.-.--..-----.---~~P,..I.~....klP9.h._a.J!L~!.<<L.!_!.....~JtC.~h._A~.~ . w..1:f.e_.___... ", me "...11 k""." I.. I... Ih.. ,......onS .lHcrihtd in an.1 ..00 ruculnl t~ f..r<KOlin,: in<lrumrnt and...... bM, lhat. .....tney......_._.........__u<<ul.." I.... .._ frrrly a~ \'oIunluily ror t.... purpoK'< I....rrin nl.r~....t. ... :l<knnwkd)(...1 1..(,,.(' mr ANI> I FURTIIER CERTIFY. Th.: Ih.. ..id_._._. .._...J.ddle....F L Iaynch ..___...___..__._.____......__....._............ knovrn to _ 10 I... th~ wif~ of lilt <;aid.....___.Tl'::UJiW.D. .J..._.~@_-._..-..--.--.-.......-....-_______._.__._........__....____.___..__.._ on a .rpar;al.. .00 pri,-all' ~\'aminalion, lu..n and m,d.. by and Mfor.. rot, ..parald)' and &I"'rl frnm ber soiol hud..m\, did acknOl"k.lll" lhat she uronrd ..... forrlloinK ~ for I"" purpo<~ of r..linquiahinll. al;.nating aM con\'ry;ng all h.... rillht, lill~ aoo in"r<<l. .hdber Olf do.-". "'.mr<t..a" or of ...paralc . properly, ,talutor}' OC' rquitabl.., in and to Ih~ land. dncribcd Ib..rrin. :and Ih;al sh.. ~~<cul<d >aid l>ttd frrrl)' and Vlolunraril,. and "ilboul ;an)- '')In. pulsion, a.n!tr;ainl, appr..Mnsion or fnr or or from Mr s;aid hu!band.. WITNF.SS my h;aNt and cofIicial sral, at...C1Vg.l.lLl,W..K.__Cottn!y oL. a.~J,"J_~9JL._..... .__ ._,.net SI;at. Olf ..J(t""~. Y lrgi~1', 1\. D. 19..2.P WID. 1. Lynoh ---:-1fo'tary"'PUb U(r;-l.\Y"C0WII1 D'S l'on"-exptre B--"'- :.....-.. ......- __.._Jla.roh_~.~_.c:l~26. CoUDI,. or Sl Lucie. J. BY. IT REMEMBERF.O, Thot on this--12th :P....O... _1=J.G.r..I.!1... .___da,. of _i'e.bru.ary~ -1':'.a~...A,.m __A. D_ 19 2& ..._._..._..._._.l"krk of the- Circuit Coart in aAd r..r s;aiJ l't:.....I)., n ba.... dul)' rttOrdcd lhe for~illll: Quil.C1aim ~I in I~ PlIlllic R<<ocd. of sai.1 Colaoly. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h;an he-rmnl(l ~ mJ hand aM t~ sui .,r said Court tilt da)" and )nr :abon ..-ritt"'- /"-- (Ot.Ct.s.. . .~\C~ ~ C{ (,).r . ot(\ ~, ~ec~.~~ . ___.p.C.11dr.ed___ .__ __...._._____.._..._...(~I.) B,.......btatv... ...~l~'~_, :~~::: :r: r!}i~~~~1~~~i~;l~~