HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1944 144 --->>nt.L.. 4:a.rJJ.K.-.---._ 'W . __,..._._F~.....Gm1AK..-,-_._ QUIT~CLAIM DEED -. --- ~--"---"'------ --- ..----. - ..------.-----.-.- - ---....-.-- .-.-- -'-----'-.--.-.-.."------.. -- .-.- -.. ---. .--_.... TillS I SOF.NTURl-:' ~Ia.lr Ihi. ....- .....!?.....-_.. .--.-.....-.------.dar ".Pf...n...n....... ......__ Karoh .....n............_._......_...t\. O. 192' .., .....wren -......-.-.-.-...--....-----.-.- '--.."- ..__._-.-.._.>>all&...Gil1.1U..( 81D&1.l.._.._.._-~.-..-- _...,..._.__._ _____...._..._.__ (Of liar C."'''I)' ..f .... .. St.. Lua1. .. ......n .......n. '" ................ and Slal~ or. '_n'" .. J'101'1c1A .. ............_......__..........~rt.. 'I... "I I.... fil<l p:trt. and ./ . .........-.......... -..-.......... .-...... ........--_._._.._..._.............l'ftd._Gill1aia..,.. ..... ..... ._.... .._... ...._..._........... ......0..__........__._........._............................._......_._......... ...1 Ih~ '....."I~. {\f. .. .... St. Luo1e. ... ... "'n. ..n.... all'l ~Ial" or. .. .-.....Flor14a .. ....... ....h.par!...7 . or Ih.. 'M.,,,I p:trl. \\'ITSES~F.TlI, Th.t tl... Qhl I':lrl... 7. of lhe- firsl ""rl, for antI in ...",.idcnli.", of Ill.. .um 01. ... One Doll.ar ano. _..... ........... ,..__..__..___..J?th~~_!f!!~~!.!.. Cou1dera ~~~!L.I!.._..__............._.._. .___._....................._._..............._..._....._.......................0....._ ..8IDD: ~ . 01 in hand paid hy t.... uid ('3rl... 7.. 01 Ihr 'KuCld l'1rl. Ihr rt<'eil't whrrcof is mrb~' acl.-nowkdKtd. ha ... _.......... _ rcnuWtl mr:a<ttJ and quit...bin.ro. and by Ihr~ prrstllt. d,.B.... nmisc. r..l.....t a...' quit.d..im unlo Ihr pid pan7. .._. of I.... srcood p.lrt and....m..............h1a .................._ .h~i~ and ..<sil:n. forntr, all lhe- ri!(hl. till.., intr=t, cbim and d..rnand wh;eh the $;aid par!." ..... of Ih~ fiut part 1>0 II ...n"''''_', in ..nd t., I"~ lollowinll clrsrrit>c-d \01...._. pi<<~...... or ....rcrl.._. 01 land, "..wit: .------...-------..---...-.. .--_.__._--_._-----_._--_._~-- ---.-....-...------..--.----..------.--.-.....-.-.-.----"'-.-.. -.....-. I -.--------.- .._-_._..-.--_._-------,-_._--~...._._-_._------------......--.-.-- -----..-.--.---..-.---. --..---..--.-.---.- ._--..... .. .--.... ..u.._._..__... .-.:..............._...__... Lot.fa..&a ..per.pl.&t.reao..rded.in 1'1atBOok.'-. . 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I....r<111:I.' ","I<>ct!:i~ or in an,...i~ aPl'<<I~inin.:. amI all the- ~'al.., rilth.. 'itl... in:tre'I and .claim \\'b3,...~.rr 01 Ihr $;aiel part .7-.- "f Ih~ fi..I ""rt, ~ilhrr in law'... '"'lui,)'. I., 11;<> ,....1)' I'ro;>rr u.... 1.......lil and ....hoof or thc- ",iJ parl...7.. or t.... ....ond '....rl, ...........:h.~.~...__ _ .._........ ...........__.... ..._....... . ....M.. and a..;gn. fure....~. IX WITXE~S WIIEI.:EOI', Ih.. ..~id loarl. '7.. 01 Ih~ fiul r;art ha ...... ...... I.........nl.' ...... ar.rI )-t'~r first ato,-t' ...:rittm. h.~.. .._. .... ..hand .an<1 ...,,1 . ., ,.... ,b)' n giKnN. .~;alrcl and drli\"rr...1 in p,.......C.. 01: .....___...._....~-~-~~--..----__..__.___. __l _._......._~~~~1. ~erl1n...._._...___.._.._ ~ .... .........De11& Glll1an .--.__....._~._______._(~I.) j (.::'-al.l ST.\TE OF _.......norlk_..._._____..... . Count)' oL.......h_....... St. ..wol0..__.....:......____, I IIEREU\' CERTifY. That on Ihi, day ~r<On:aI/)' apprarrd brlur~ rnr, an offic..r dul)' aDlhnri,rd In :..Imini,t" n;>Ih. and b\:~ ackno.I..!!f......n'.. .. ..-..-..-....--..... .-..-h.--.--.-.-...--,-.~1.1fLg1l1.1aL111IJB1..1..___... _..__ .__ ~ :- I.. n", .-ell 1:""WII 10 I.. Ih~ I...r...... dc<<rilo,,, in and .ho ..uculrd I.... (or<'lro~ in<lnllntnl and. all.... .. acknn..I...IIlM Iori.'re 1M , ~: lhat ~h. ..... ...~xtcu,..l II", ...me fr<<ly and .....unl;arjl). for t.... purposn Ihrrrin ul'rc<w-<L '1-.- ,\:\0 I FUkl3J!F.R CERTIfY, ThaI Ih~ s.ai<L.___.___._..___....._..____X_......._.. ..._..... .._....m. .....................Jt. ._____...._.....__ ..._.... X koown t'. ~ t., k lhe fil~ (.f Ih~ ...id.___..__..._.___.._. .....___...._....JC: .._ .._......_............_.....__......._..___._. .X _'_'__'__' ._..... ___' on a srpOtalc' and ..ri...I~."fumin."ion, lak..n and ma.... b)" 'and krore ~, ."oanlrl)" ~nd ~;arl from bn !<;aid hU",,"Oll did 3ckno^"1:<" I"-'t shr uhCulrcl lhe for"J1<'ing iknl for I~ilrU"."" ..I rrlinqui.hing. ..lien:aling and c'.>n..~iRg..II ltcr ri!;ht. lilk and inlntsl. ..hrtkr of do......: h.....,'rad Or (Or srp>ral" propcrl)', .!>totur)' or (<}ui!>lIt. in and to lhe- lands .!..scribed l~rdn, and lhal W ~~nuit;! ..i.1 Ilrrd frrrl)' an" c..!tL'laril)' and Wilhoul an)" cum. pulsion, ron'lrainl, apprehrnsK.~"r fnr "f '" from Mr said hu.band. X Xx WiTNESS my h.nd and ~31 ~al, at_~~.~.._~l~rO_t___COUnt)" oL._....__..~f. ...r"uo1~__ .___=" Stal.. of .......__l'lor1da . ______. h__"oby 01....... J(a~___.._^. D. 19...!'. (Seal) :1 ,~ 'f- ':~: :~ -.-.....-.-.....Bett'7.~UIIlIIlerUn.__..__.._._.... __..._~.. _ Jii;aL~:~t~~:i~1~:..8 S8~~b~~. n::~~1~~~'~~: County or St. I.ude. J IIF. IT RF.MUIBF.RED. That 00 thiJ.~...?.._____._.____...ob)" of..... ".~3'a....~'..lOJ.30....a...L_._.A. D. 19 2G f. -___J.. ~....Ila.Z'd. 0..__........_ ......._......._.l.krk or the l'ircuit Court in :and fe.r ,;aid l'ouRI)', ha\"~ dDly rm>r&d lhe forl'g".in~ Quil,C'bim Ikffi in ..... Publk Rrcord. ('f SOlid Count)". IN WITNESS WIII~REOF, I hayr mrunlo ~ m)" hand and thr salol s;aid Courl I~ .Ia)" :utd )",r abon WriU<lL 1--{1-'--P~ 0, !!~4. ~c.~;;',,,j,""J I i " I i I I , ~igi%~i~~;}t(f~ ... .:',: :~<>;'~~1.{i~l~