HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1949 R.!. nOL13ROOX dI nn -..--------- TO --- __ __.._._._n__~.!.~.!._J!!rTE[_____ .-------- _......__ _' _ .._ _ . __ ______ ____ . _ _..._._ ________ _Q lJtI~_C 1-.&!J:~1_ .Q..r;_~Q.... 14'9 ~- - .__-=--_~:_~::"..~_:,'._=::::_,,__~~_!.._. __.,....._.__H_. _.. I ....-r--------....-. ....-----.-.-..----. --------- ------.-.-------- ..-.-.----.----.....- . ( TIII~ IS\)F.NTURF~ ll&d.. Ihi1....... .~..J,gl\t~.9."~h. .,.__,___ _...d;ay oL._....._.hP'~.br.uary. ._.........___._.__. _.....\. 0, IO)h.2~.btlwrrn i ...,..... .. ._........h.._J:. ^....JlQJ~!'9.Q!L~n.~._.~n.~_._~~...H 0 1 brQ.Qk....JJt.e..Yf.1to. .....__...........,............_.._.._~..._.._._ ........___...____ ! (.f I.... "'>UlII)' of.~t. Luo Ie ...h.........h.. and ~Iatr or ...... '!~~i~... ....... ,._................_h... ..., ~rt _).! ~f the first rift, ~nd ~ l i I i I i I i I I I , ! 01 the- \'."lln'~' Itf ....__.... ._...._...~ .. S. ..:ila 1.1,.0 1'..' ..........._._...,_.__._...__---.-:.,____., _..0. ..'_00. .h_. .00... ....._.........................__......h.. . St.....Ll1~~e... .... ........ .... and Slat.. nr.. Flor ida ..: . ..... ".h, . ..partY...._ nf tilt st(Ol\d p:lrt, I I \\.\TNF.g~F.'.lf. ThaI I.... ""ill PUI . .1;; Sof I.... fir.t palt, for and in .......,idnalioo of th.. 'um of o.t he.:r.. v:~). \l.tl.~J.Q_..9.Cl.n.~.i..<l~.:r.l\.t.J9n.!l. _-'-____......._._.. _........_......__....... OM.hund.l'ei dollars. "nd .... ......................... .....-........ _..._.....__...~, in lund ""i.1 It)' ,.... sa;.1 ""rt y.. ... or Ihr .e.....r..1 p.lrt, th~ rrcdpt .-b"eor i. ~r"")' acknowkdKffl. h:l ve ...._.._.. nr"iKtI, r..l..a~1 and qail.c1aimtd. anel b)' Ihr~ pr..wu.. dO ...._... (("mi..., rrlu,~ and quil-c1aim unto the said pari Y..... or lite ~....d part and._..._.. his ...... ....... .........._._._.. bfirs :and a..i!:n. forn". all Ih~ ri~ht. tjll~, inl.....t. claim ~u.1 d.m~nd wh;eb tM !aid l'arl1.~.f.I of Ihr fiBt ('3rl ha....Ve......_. in and 10 Ih~ following drscribcd lot .._~ I.'.cr....... t'r ""rcrl__. of land, I.}owil: ...-- .- ___..Lot.Fl YO ..J ~.LL'l..,,:alQ;:.k_T.\.V9_n.t;y_~.n1.n.9.....J.2~L Qf_13 :tJ,t..f!LQl'L :?Q.:rk ....!1C.Q Q;r~J ~..;..t.9_...~h.fL12lQ.:t__ . __.of . tn.IL. sai.d....!3..iltr.:tQr.~..~ark....Qt._;r.M.Q.rJL.1IL~h!L..O.f1'i.CIL..Of .. t.hO.. GleJ::< .Qf _~hlL.!a1,'.(lliU__':"""'_ .._...COl1l't .01' ._~.aintc;r.:uc.~~_._C.~!1:I!~Y..t. X!.~!.!~~.. in _.?!.a.~_..l!2.~~ ...4 ...p~l:?..52,.~he._.s~~_b.~.~~_~...___., ...'-' revis ion of. a ..pert i onQ! . .the...north-.v.est....p'-al'tof.Lawnwo od AddU ion., t.Q_F'Q:rt. J>iQ1,'..q~..___, ....Flol.'ida. and being_boated. in_the_Horthi\:est .portion of Sect.ion16._!:ownship..~fLSou.th _.__lliul6e .. 10_ East. ._in .~ aint..Luo ie_Q.Q.un.ty.._nt?I'.iu~_._.___...._..........__.._........._.._...._____._______...___ _______...__.......h.... ...__._._......_____..__. .___u________________________________._________.__.______.....__..." _.__...__.._.____.__.___.._____.______________ -.-..--.....-..---......... .-.-...-.--.-.-....--..-..--.--.- ---.--..-.--.-.----_______.__.._._....__.__________.____.___....._..__..___h_._..________ _....___._.___.___._.__ -------.- --._--.-." .-......___...._...._____.__.__._______.._h_.__._______.___.____._...__._.._._._.___._..._. ...._.__..._.._n.._..._._____._...__..._____..__._.__._ ___._. __.____ ---.--.-t -.--.-.----.-. --- --.--..-..-.___..._..____....... ____._._._____._______.__._.__...____ _...___ ___._...___._.... ....._...._._.__.._.__..__ .___.__..____....__.___..._____ .__...._._n._......__....... ._h.___._..._____.__..____.____._______..______.__.___.._ ._n_.__.__ ,.u___,_ ._'__. _'_"U' .__._.__.__._._nh..__h._..________.h._._.___..____ I TO H.-\VF. AXil TO JI(lI,}), I.... '<311)('. \l>O:<Ihrr ",ilh all and singul;ar Ihr apl.u<lrNnc:.... I:,..rr.."I" t...t.",~ill~ <'r in an)...i~ appt'rtaining, and all ,11<- ~'Ut~: ri~l1t. tit!,.. iuttrr.;"l 'an4J ,'b.im ,,'h':"hM',.tr (If the ~3id p3rt _..j.~~'f tilt' fir:,l r~r'. ('ilhcr in taw ur ("'Iluil.'-. h' lh(' ....,t). pfopt'r UlOt". bc11C'fit and I...hoof of Ill.. said I.irt. y. _ of Ihr ,"ond I",rl, _ .__.....hls____._._._........ ................. _.... ...0.....0. hrirs ;an.1 a"i)(11$ f....."'r. IX \\'\TXESS WHEkF.OJ>. II... .:ud p:lrl ieSof Ihr firsl part lu.V~......... ""...."to ,..t.. "their ..... ....,.Ia;andS ..and <hIS.., Ih~ dAY and lcar first ab()\.~ written. Si!(1~1, ...abl and ddi",r...1 in prrsrnc~ 01: Lu1,i..~_J.fuse___.__..._____.._.__.___.__ E.A. l{aJ,bl'ook..... .............. ..-_..__..._._...._....(~al.) Cecil J. DO'Rd lena S. Holbroo~ ....- -..........--........ .-.............---...--...-..--..-:=-.=.:---:--=-- ____=-.---C..c:..-:.:.:==::....::..:=::::"" -..:.....:...:::.:..=.:=:..:.: ::.-==.::....(,5..,1.) STAn: OF ______.....__ ..W.;:....l.PA..___ Cuunly (.1... ..u"_, ..._._~T . L~9.~.~_____.__ I lIERfo:IIY CF.RTIFY, That on Ihi. <lay ...r..,..,.II)' a~arrd btfor~ mt, an off..... duh' anl",..;...d I.. admini.t..r ":lIh< an.1 lak., ackno..lrdgm....I.. .,,__...._._~...._.....___.._..__..__..._E.A...J.{Q_ll;l;r,9Q.~....@.!l.. Le.p.~..J!_...J.lq),Qr.0.9}\:." Qil;!.. \."lUe. ..._.....___ to III(' ....11 known tn 1__ II... l...rs0J3.. ,!rscribr<1 in and .00 ..,~ulrd i.... for..~...illJl: .in<Irum....1 ;antltl1e:r. ... a,'kno..l..dgrd wf..r.. m.. Ih:>1 ... .... ...they .._..... ..nrcnl<d I"" ""_ Irrrl)' and .."'unluily lur I.... "urpo~ th...rin ~~PR'<-w. MW I FURTHER l'ERTIFY. Tfut II~ '<3i<L:._______....!:ena ~~_~~~~!.:~.()~.,.. _............ kno..n t.. 01.. I.) I... II... wif.. or Ib~ ni"..........._.._.~.~~A. HOlbrook.__._______._........._......._....__....._....m........__...._...________.__.._ on a 5t1""nl~ a...l I,ri,-:at.. ~umillali,..... lakrn and nud.. b)' :and "dur~ _, '''I'''nld)'' and aparl fwm h... .ai.1 bu.tQr~l. dKl a(k",...kdg~ lfur ."" urcut..d Ih~ for...,;oing Ikro fur I"" pnfPO't 01 rrlill'lui<hing. alinuling and cor....ying all h.. righi, I;Ik and inlrr<<l, .hrtMr of do...., homlSltI.! or or srpanl~ I.r.....rl)'. .Ialu"'')' or ~u:l.bl... in and I" I.... land. d~Kribcd t""rdn, and llut ..... u(.-utod ",,;,\ Ikro frtrl)' and ,'olunlarily aM ..ilhout any com- pu"ion, constraint, appr..hn"i..n or fr>r of or from Mr ...id husb:lnd. WITNESS Ill)' lund' an.1 oIIici>l sa!, aL____f_1;.......r_i,,~.!' ce _Count). or h.._.~.~ ~....Lw~ i~. "... ...... . and Stal.. nf ._.' F.1Q~.!.(},~.._ .....Fepr..'!.lary__.___..... D. 19_26 Cecil J. Do~vd ------....--.-..--.--.-.-- '._-. Notary Public.State cf Florida at Large. :. .. ~ "'oommi atrl6n..:..exp ireS-=- JaIp.uiry-.:lf;-1956::.:::---:-: [I I I' '.'/ ! , flF. IT RF.!.IUIIIERED, That on tbiL_......2.6.tlL..__._._..___...__......_<la}. oL....FQbr.uary_.at_lO; 18 A.:l..--A. D. 19-2.P I, __.__~_____ P. C. El~.E~_~______..._ _..._ ____.Ckrk or the Circuit Court in :arl<I for said County, la;a..~ rluly rtto>nlni I"" lurrgoing Quit.Clai," ~ in th~ )'ubIic Recorch (Jf said County. IS WITNESS Wflfo;kF.OF, I lu..~ Mrrunlo set my lund and the 101 "f said C"urt I~ <lay an<I )nr abon .rillr"- .~fll> .....R.!q.. ~.!cg.!l.~....__.____.__. ._...._.__(Sral.) ~ e~'" v]t . _~ ~rk Omlit Court. ~t!" ,.e BY./t-~-~~.~..._ _._Ikpaty Clrrk. c,o . ci ~fl;.: 'P II ! ; j~IE~J~lilttlt~~ . ". ..........~:- :.:.~i~~~~~tit