HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1961 161 I [ I l l I- I I I l .__ ___.PRAN.Q:',Ll!A.Lto1f:s TO ---.-------...._._~.t.L.._()OOJ)jIli.~O~&._BA.XER.. QU IT~C'-A.I t'1 DEED - J~ .1 "-.. -t- ----~I~~:~:~-.:~.T~~~-~~~_:_~~-.=~-:...~_~.~h~~4._~..~=.~...~:=.:~=.~~~-:= ~-O~~~~;_~~~..~._. 00........,___ -.~..~:'~."I~'~a , ~:~~ _h' I i -. ....- -"-'" .........._...F.'!'Moe ~.!IaU~~~!l. (~tD.8le L_____ __.._..___._____...___... _..___..____.____ ..____ I or II;. ("~'nl~' or . st. .:tuQie ...-.... ...... ... .-...... .and $totr of .....rlor.1da.. ....-.........................._.....puly_ or t.... firsl pul, and ! .. -....-....... .,..... R . L. ... QQoclw1n..and... George.. T...13.aker_...h.._........ . ......... ..._..._.._._.._ __... .._ .......__._.....__..___.______..._._.....__ ..I I"" (.....nl). ..r St. Luole..... ... .... :Ill<! Stal.. oL...._......,. III or ida . h.. .. . ('3rt..ie S or Ihr sfCond pUI. \\'ITSI\$~I\T", Th;al Il... <:aid l'uI y. . or I"," fi,sl p.lrt. ror and in ron';.I~I"I;.lI' or II... sum of One doll Ill' and other val.uab 1e ..considel.'ations_.____.___.___....._._h........... .._........... ...._...._...._.._....... .._. .-..___...._...Dollar.. ! ~ in han" pa;.1 h~' I.... S:lid parI ie S of Ibe orcoo.1 p.lrl. Ihr Iff..;pt whtrcol i. ....r....y aclmo..kdetd. hi. S .. ._.. '" r.mi...". nl"'l~.1 "nd quit.clainard, and by t!tr... l'r..srnl. do es rrmi~, rd..;o,.. and quit.c1aim unlo Ih~ said part 1 Q B. or the S<<ond part and.__.. the ir. "'" .............._..hriu and aui.'CD' forner, all 1M oRhl, lill~, inl~n:st, claim and drmand whi.:h ..... said ('3rt.y... of Ib.. fiul p;lrl "" 8 lot _._ pircr ..... or parccl___ or land, I.....il: in an.1 hl Ih~ following d..scribtd ...._......__....._H orthwe.st...quart.er. ..(B\Y*-l-.O~-S.e.a.ti.on_ Six. ( 6.). .~own8h1p.Thil'ty-" Vb.(a'l }._.__....__.. .SO\lth. R~e .tl1lrt,y~~,lgjlL'~.61..Eft.sl._.QOnta.iu..ing 160_ aares. more.Qr...l&8S, St..--___.._....., wo1~ ~.County ,Flori.de... ...-----.---- ---..--..-__._.__...__............_............. . .._.... _...................._.0........_ ..........._ . ._...__.._ ....n.._..._ .. .....-.,.... - ..-._. _n.__.._~__.__.___._ -. -..-......-....-.- _______...._______...._ _..__.__.._____._______ ...._h.............._..._____.. _____..___._..____. .---.-.--..._..___.__n_____ . . ..- -...___.____.._.___. .__..__ __.__.___...h._._..._...___...________ .______..._ ._ ____ ._...__.__....__..........___..__.._______._.._...______.____.___ _.. .' .-----. .---. .--..- -.-. .- ... .."-- ...._.____h_____._. .____h__________.________________._._~_____.._. ._.._..._._________h__.__________._______.____ _.- ______.h_._.___ - -.. ...-....__________.__._.____ _ . .--.________.______._.______h.h.________.___._._..____._._____. .____..._______..__.____._______ --..---.--.----... -.. -. -.. .---.. -.. 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IMr~ulll.. l>rJ.onlZ;ng or ir. any.i,.. appnl.>illinlZ. an.! all Ib.. ~slal... rill:hr. IiI;... ir:lrn,1 and rbin, ..h>I~,.tr of I.... said p;artJ' ~:... or 1M first parI. ..ilh..-r ;n 13..- ,.r <"<1U;ly. I.. Ih.. '.nl,. proprr u\t, I........fil ;and ....ho...f of 1M ui,1 ""rl :f.~Q of Ihr _d p;lrt, _......:the l:r_._____ ..........__.._ ...._n....h .n.. .... .....hr;" "Otl ;a.,ign. f..rn.... I~ WITXESS WIIEREOI', th.. '-lid I,,"rl Y.. or Ih~ liut p:lrt "". S. . and )'nr fiut :abon 1Orillm. ~iltn.-.l. \t~kd :and .Icli...~d in pr~5n1Cr (,r: 1 ..__.........1.... HaU.__.__.____...___ ( '_'_"hGlaude . GOInS ........._....__. .. . J '_ hrnunt" s<r ...... he r . ...... ..... . ..~n.. . a.ul .",,1 . . I~ my ........Br.anoe sHallowo s .. -'---'- ....-...--....----. (~~I.) .-.......... ..c......... (~"I.) STAT~ OF .h..._.._...!,;QRIP! County or... ...... ST..... LUCIE _______... I lIf.kf.ll\" l'ERTIFY. Th;al on Ihi. .lay prrson;olly :a;>pnr~ brf."e....., an oOi.:rr .IIIIy "nlh...,;,<<1 t.. a.lmini<l<r ""Ih. ;a.ul t;ak" ad:oowl..dgmrnu, - } .___h.......__.____._ . -... ............_...._..__ .f;r.@9~..~ ...gl!119~.~_____._.._..h .................. ...._.. .........._... ...0._...._.. _.____.________ I.) III(' .....11 k""..n I.. .... Ih.. prrson.. .kscrjbf,1 in :&11<1 ..1:0 u<<ut~ ..... rortj(.\in~ m"runw'nt "n.l. . she ... - ,,<koo..kdxcd bef..... me Ih>I she ~"t'CUI..I I.... sa...., (re"',. :and ~."untuily rOC' ,.... \lurposn I......rin "I'r..,....1. .\XH I FURTIII:R Cf.RTII'\'. Th>1 Ih~ said._._..__..__....._._.....__....... .__0.............. h..._......... "nown I........ tn I... Ih~ ..ir.. or th~ said........_...._..______.__.....--......:...._...._.._..._......n.__..___._...........h.....___...__.._....._.......___....__ OIl :a srp;aUI~ ar.il p.h'al~ ,",,:aminati..n. i;o".n :and made- b)' ;and berore mr, ""1"",,,ld)' and ap;orl f...m brr <.lid husband. d~1 a<kno.kdlt.. Ih,1 ..... ~x<<ulcd Ihe fortj(C>ing l)nod it'r t.... PUll""" or rrl;"'lui:.hing. alienating :and ("....rying all hrr righl. lilk "nd mlff..,I. ...hrthrr 'Or dow". homtslrad or or srp;arat~ \lr<,pr<lY. .I;olulof)' (lI' ~1...bIr, in and I" ,h.. land. d~ribrd I~rrin, and '''''1 she u<<ulrd ",id l)ffcl ir"..ly and ""Iunl:aril)' "nd without any COIf... pulsion, COfIstr"ir.I, apl'..h..",i"" ...r frar of or from ....r said husband. WITNESS my ""nd :and offidtl snl. al. _.f.9rt...Pie..rQ_e__..(Mmty of. .. St A._ Lucie h._.._..' ..._.;ond SI;ole or. _h P~orida. ...__ O.c.tobo..:.__.....__..__..... D. 1923.. I -- -------- _.Murray_E.. .Hall_n____ Rotar~nblic State of Floridsi UJ:. C o.~ H_ 5 ~ . ~ll:e.xplr~c~.-~~~~~~~~}.~ ?5"='=-.::-::-...-: ____.<b)' or ...-__!far.oh,H.at..2.:43.._P..:!..____-\. D. 19--26 l -___._____.___..__.......Cltrk of Ibr Circuit Court in aDd for said County, hn~ duly rw....JroI I.... fOl'tj(oi..g Quit.Cbim IkM iD the P<:b1ic R<<o"ts of said (Mmty. IS WITNESS \\'JlF.WF.OF, f ha~~ hrrCODto sd my !goo ;lrl<l the SIAl oi sa~1 l'ourt tht day "nd )..-:ar abo,t ..rilten. -.'t "~,~ ~'\ , C, fy - f..~ ~. ,0 X .q.eJ' vl' fb .' ..___..uP. C .~drecL_..__.._...... -..--__(SW.) Clerk Circuit Court. 8T- _~i,-.J~. ...11.M....~:~-Dc,..t7 Clerk. t -.