HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1964 lH4 ---___..,L. .O..;....P.};lfl.~Jt.lt.Jl!. __. .___ TO ____.._.._.. n.QltI!~_~.!tOVP:Km ('.oRP~' QUIT-CLAIM DEED i I t- f ! TillS INOF.NTURF.. l"'''r thiL ..........18h \h. ...-_. ...._":"_--.d~y c.L............... Karoh................ ........__....._.............A I), ,~,..._. ""Iw"", ---..--_..00.._._._.....-....- . ....._. 00_......____..__.......0 .....DeI11aOl1...u4...lfI1r........_.._ _..__......, ._._.......__..,___..................... _._.............__._ "r Ih.. COClIlI)' of. . ", St. Luo1e ....... .................._.. an.1 SI~I~ of ..._.... ...?7Fli)r1da ." ...... ........_......_..__.l'Ir~....n... of I.... fiut 1'>11. and .......-....--.- .-....... -........--... .........-.--....... ~~..n..().~.1~~_.PU~Q.Y..~."~~1; _QQJ'>>._~. _........_........ ...._........__.... ....._. ....................... ...._ or tht CIlUnl)' of ..... ........ . St. ~UO 10 .... ........... ~n.1 ~U.l.. or ...... ....... ... norldA . '" . ...... .,.. .. ...p.lrt 7 ... or Iht ~ "''', \\'ITNE~SJ.:TlI. Th.t I.... ",,;'1 I>;&rl.'... of Ihc- 61<1 put, ror ~nd in.....ui.lrntion or I.... .um ..r . Ten dollar. and. h.... -.-- --..-.....- ..O.thex- .TalU&blo..Gonaid...ra.t1.QJL__..__.__......_.._.._...._,....._......._.___._..___._......_.. ....... _..llolI~r.. ~ in ha~ (.aid h)' I.... said put. 7.... or Ih.. ><<ond parI, Iht r<<";l't wh~lror i. hrlfby aclrn01.:\r<Il:ffi. ha' '.._...__... rfmiSfd, rrlr:l<r<1 and 'luil...laimtd. and b)' I....... pr~~nts d<,ee... rfmi~, rd..ut an.t quit~lai1D 0010 lhe said ~II. 7--- or t.... ..-con<1 pall and......_.....-I.t. ..... ............... hrlrs and ...... usign, l~nff', all I'" righl. till.., int....,t, claim and d..nund ...h;eh the said par\.7.- of Ih.. finl put ha. . ...... ...... ill amI 10 Ih~ f..llowinx d..<cribtd R.... pi<<r__... or par<<.I...._ or land, iaa. situate, ly1ng ad belD8 1n the Count7 or St. Luole. St,t. ~!-.!!.~~~~~.,.__~~~1! 1 t_!...____..______...____~__. ___...__..._.._.........___......____.........__........_...__.. .......... ....~_.__.-.-..-. .--.------------...---..-...----..---....-..---.----------.----. - .-.-.----..... --...----.,-- --~-_._..._-_.._-_......_......- -..--......-..--.. .J~~ot1,.o.~ _~'t:ttA~Y...1:1~!... .lLn~_~ l~~._~~e _.:m~Qwp.s~lp ...3.6...Jla.Ilg~,~p_~fJt._.. ......... ......._ ..' .. _'n.__.__._... ~.oUonatlnlln . an4...hon.'7._0no.____ TOwnsh1p naG .~.. a7..k&'L...__._ .. ._... ._.......... 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TO II,\\'I-: AXI) TO 1101.1). t~ ""nit', tug.:I....r ...ilh all and .ingulu I.... aI'PUllrn;a~ Ih..rrunl.. h..L....lfi..g or in an~...i<t a:'I><'rt~ioi"K. am' "II I~ r"~"', ri!(hl, Ijli... inlrrr<I and cbim .....I~'... ,.r Ihr ....id part -.7.. or I~ (,"1 ""rl. rjl....r in law ,or fiIUil)'. h' I.... ....1)' I"......r IIif'. 1>nI~lil "...1 "rboor of I.... said put ..7.... or II... s-rond parI, 7 0.- ._.__.__________............................... ..._.._..... ... h..ir< ~n" assign. r"rf\'fr. n ---- rx WITXESS WHEREOF. Ih.. S3id ""rl 7. .. or th~ fjrsl p>rt h;a..U.._..... h..r"Ml" .fL......hl....... ._...._..... han,J8. ... and <ral ... ,.... d:l~' and )-rar lint abo\'~ "'''"tn. ~?c~::~;::~m_ ~.:~-~--~~-l 1....0. ..J)enlaOD_.__._.______.___ (S":ll.) Anna Leo .DtnJ80n....._....... . h....... ....... . (s..~I.) gTATE OF __..__..P'l..or.1da..___._ COWl I)' oL__.........__. St.. Luole __h' ~ J I HI-:REIlY l'I-:RTIFY. ThaI on Ihi. .lay (>tuonally appnrrd brror<e rrIt', an nflirrr dul)' aulhori,fd I.' a.lmini'lrr ILlIh< ~nd bk.. "rkno..I..dl/mrnl<. '''-''''-''- .-...-.-..-....---.....--..-........-....--- ~.I...Q.!... P..O.m.'-Q...Jl...______.._......_.. I i to IRe ~-rll In.,..n to I... Ih.. lorr..,,,8 ,k...rihtd in ",HI ..00 ..uculrd thr for<t(oinlt' in,'rurnrnt and ..... l:t.o I"'t '.. :b.t. ......... .,,,rcutro I~ <:lltlr frffly and \'oIunluil)' fur t~ I.ur........ I~rrin ul.r"'...... :acknowl..dlffil lori..r", mf Mm I FURTHER l.'F.RTIF\', nut 'h., said....--___...__..Mna...L.o.1>on1.0.D.._.._.... ..... ..._......._..... .__.._._....._.._.........__. ....._...... ... known h' mr 10 ~ lh.. ..jr~ of Ih~- ...i.I....._... ..._._.__.~~.!_ D~~.!.~~~.._..__.._._..............h._..._....__.__................._...__._............_. __............... on a ~paratr and prinl.. ~xaminalion, lakrn and m~dr by arl<I torro... _, '.....rald)" a!ld ap;art rrum hrr s~i.1 bnsbaml, did ackno...kdg.. t"'t s~ u<<utrd ..... forrgoinlf I~ for t.... I'U"..- of rrlinquishing. a1irn>.ting ~nd c:..n\~ing all"rr rilthl. lit'" and inl........ ..b~thrr or do..rr. ho"""trad or or .rporal<, plopert).., st~lutory or filuil~bk, in and to) Ih~ Imd. drscrihcd Ihrrcin, and Ihol she u<<ulro ""id l>ttd fl<-rl)' and ,...Junlorily ~nd wilhoul :any ..om.. pulsion. constraint. apvrc'hm~i{\n (~~ (tar of or from htr said husband. WITNESS my ...nd and official sral, at_~~J~ltll"!>>~....'lI..LCOUnt). oL....3~. _..J.ouolo....... ....._ and ~at.. or... _.. nor14.a. March . 26. y or.____...__.._____A. D. 19_ STAn:~'1i A. B. Warner B~~~~~n.g~:t~~;~:~s.=]~hn~~~~.~~..~l::::: H.P.Slal. County of SI. I.ude. } " f 1 \ ; , " ,"-ct;~i; ;' )'1 ~~~_,,",~_.o<_L,'._ . BJo: IT RI-:A1F.MIlJ-:Rf-:IJ, ThaI on IhiL_-.l.~. .__~___.._._.... .___ day or Jra.roh. _llt...9;~ a...______._A. D. 1926 I, ----_---------,..._ p. C C!....Jld!"~~_ .._0._......_._ _. ...........h_....-'._('I~rlc or I~ ('i((1I;I {',-.ort in' an.1 ror ~id ('''lmlT, ha>-r duly record..d Ihto f.,.-rgoing Quil.Claim Ilttd in t~ Public R.,c:ords or said Counly. IN WITNES~ WUf.kF.DF, I hut ~rrunlo Sd my "'r.d and the seal or said l'ourt I~ dar and }rar abon ,..iltm. (\~.~-:t.:::)i ,0 ,,~~"'\::rJ~~~::=...l) ~e,c(\}.(." \:.,/ 0..', j/' {} .~ "'--- :~~~~fi\j~~i~~~rfi~~~~~ -~~;~A.: 1;,...:;;-"~. ~':i t1]!"",-!'f ~~~-~~~~;.?--~;....ff~.::~~4 _"~~.:iFi ~I ~'.~::1:;:~ S?;.~'O:~~J4-;~~-.... ~ ~l'_- "~f{/'~:A~;;4 . ," :',":,;.},~<~l:i'~fu~i