HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEYSCANNED BY LE13AL DESCRIPTION Propoied CBS M Retaining. wall.. Wall Ln LOT 5, BLOCK .28, FF. PIERCE SHORES, REVISED PLAT OF UNIT FIVE, ACCORDING TO'THE PLAT THEREOF, Height to Lis at q . idius_�2564.791(* Finishe'd Graite +__2.'O�: AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9,. PAGE. 26,, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF. ST. LUCIE, C. UNTY, FLORIDA. - - ;--- - I ... . - . I Radius�-2.6910.,79 (M) = �O el-ta F0 5'31 SURVEYOR'S REPORT - Delta=1004'20" Lvnkth-`48.87 (M). Lot 4. Block 28 I This .Survey shall.not,be valid..unless'sealed . with an embossed Surveyor's Sea/ 65'. to. h Lengt =50- 34 _dve been -located :as: part of this Sur' 2 No underground improvements h Radius=i�2564. S60-C, Finished: Floor' El 5.21 -6 ca Vey- X.4'1 2. ..Radius=2689.79YP Delta� 1'05'03"(P) Area 3 The lost field date of. this Survey. was: 3- 17-18. In Lc - Delta= 1*05'0.j"(P) _to ingth�:_48.51'(P) S64�1450* 1�5 00'(P): z: C '(P) 4C 2 4, This Survey Was prep lot -of: Record only; :No other -documents Were �i Z Len'gth=50.a9. -W 125.00 '(4t). . w6d. using 1he P J provided and no sea-r*ch , of: the. public. records was performed, by this: -office S64*39!41 La u -7 FIRC- ri t he rqqu* me 5 The Survey shown hereon meets t ire nt. for field accuracy in o:suburban .30. 9 N) LB -98 0.62' cr) id H ited to: the amount paid for.: said: Survey. 6 By . acceptance of this survey a// forth - by the Minimum -Technical Ston"dards (54-1,7.050 052FAq).: area. as set 3p, N, 1165d .parties agree. that the. signing surveyor s 4 bility - is to 0 WM _.EYI Unless other wise noted re accordance with the record C4 36.0' 7 all bearing and •distahces'a ' in : acc6rdan 5.017,�, 7 o. 3 g Lz been verified measurements. -:See ma - for beating base. . . . . . . . . . . z-c plat and have field,' �p 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based .on found survey -control along the. 'center" r a (d 3n CO in' CM . . - I , - . 5': . . . . , . . I I : : Q) brie Drive. 1-'i;67* V) f!7 ��1-7 ... 2. 2.33' 0, t=�KO.90 9 LEFTBLANK 10.0 e e gol Description shown: t and/or his/her 10 Th' L ereon was provided :by the -clieh ndlo _U 00 to. - - U . .. - _r-i 4' .35 - - :0:44et fativ6s. 00 represon Min, .15 - 7: U) QL 2:c6:. She 16 11 No ownership. of fence lines has been "determined as part of this: -Survey. :AvAb.A -.1115 -5 .3 0 2!� SqF1 L :�Jl .2 orner, FIR 9.0 12 'Off set.- calls --to 16und. curve control. are rela UV6' to' the� nearest. prop6rV d W r 1A1_ 1V 0.13N- Paver: Walk., 0 Poe E. 11.67' intersection of lines point of curvatures point of reverse. curvatures �(PNC) or 6�20' (PC), u 2 A ca :Lot' 5'. Block 26 other identifiable.. p�lnt. - -3. 1 25.3 85. 0' X. 41 ­4i - I . I i 13 Compliance with local "zoning requirements and or with, requirements 'set forth by co q) 'Public -h CXI: - other dhdl6r' Private entities as not been verified as part of this Survey. State, to q va r 10 14 Elevations shown hereon are in accordance with the, North American vertical Daturri Proposed u'lrn- '041- cc Con6rete oi Cz of :1988:: 0 P . . a - . . I . En -d C Legen cb �K �. . 0 Site. Plan Driveway Site ''Grading iqd1culatiom. 0 04 XO'00 Existing. :Elevations A :xz- : : 0 Proposed Elevations Site Bench -Mark at El. 3.67 Bottom.. Drain field + I-- El. 3.75 U4 33.00' Chafter Depth & Mih.6p cover (18") -El. .5.25 3 1. 00'.. .85' to, _7� �oujot S-,tb6ck' 20! - ------- Se tic: P Th6 System_ -will. hove -a -grinder-Pump- AheWore- Area. lowering. the�.Finished Floor Elevation to '5.175 from CIE'-:CoVered Ent'ry V -Lucjj6 Cou the 'previously designed 7.1 CAC - Concrete Pod'wlth kr Conditioning 42. FDOI+ii�$t�. CB. - Catch Basin. CBS -- Concrete Block Structure. C)o n I Hdalth. t --o' 10: CMP Corrugated :Metal Pipe n CPE Pod - with 'Pool. Equipment I FIRFl FEMA Flood Zone data show' here on. is - based on -P -0- �t-.c lanfip CTV � Cable. TV Box .:j 410 - �rO�Od.for Construdion 0; 1 the visual inspection :of the: digital -Flood Hazardous. GV Water -Gate: Valve -p Fire - H Q, HYD ydrapt P%%VqV.&MeVj�&�re Maps provided by the.'Federal Emergency Plahr; f0f OIL - O.v6rhead Utility1ine Agenqy. (FLMA) and is .. JA qC Management limited to the PP. - Power Pole 2 U ra C maps; IDSTOS S"� Ylf A Wel[# cco' icy- pt such SSMH �:Sahitary Sewer. Manhole TCB '�7 Telephone Communications Box Pabw J I -Elevation - 4 US - Utir Ic Flood Zone: AE with Base Flood q ity, Box WM � Water Meter Co Revi r Community J: 120285 Panel # FCM Found. 4A Toricrete - Mbnurne t n Dote: 2.16.2012 - U'). FIP Found Iroh 'Pipe 0)aD F7PC Found J" Iron Ripe with .Cep 01 a& . _Tr F7R. - Foond,#5 Iron Rod PREPARED FOR- F7RC - Found:,#5 Iron .Rod with Cop j Edge of ;Pove�, SIRC - Sqt'15 Iroti-Rod-with Cqp� LB17357' E Martin L. Riccio. OF �4wr RPC - Found- 112' Iron Pipe with •Cap nt -Group One Construction. FM. - Found Mag. Nail: -Wh4dhAn.d.. -B1.vdi..'(O`s&e6Id'Bdble*vord "per. -Pat) FA40 - Found Nafl'with,Disk NVO FN =.Found FNTF - FouhdL Nail ivith Tin Tab Prepared By; Regiria C. Kamer, P8M# P .436-3. FPK.r Found PK Nail e - _ Inc. LB#7357 i."Centee Line FPKD - Found'PK Nail with Disk Kamer Surveying, FRRS - Found Rail Road Spike S65'19.'53'W 155X0 ICO - - In: Pavement Cut Out Prepared For. - MartIn L. Ricci.® Lucie County RNER SURVEYING INC Residential. & Conim'ercldl Surveying Service.! 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd. j3339-.,Palm- City, 171.34.990 Phone: (772)288 720.6 Fax:(772)2.23 81181 WWW. KARNERSURVEYINGINQ COL4 karherftomdast. nel B Road Name ' Site Plan Surface Drainage and de .'Sheet Title, B undAry Survey .3-27"18 'Draan By- Field -Book, CARD-1 TCHOME5.48 Job No., CARD File, 1803-7.17 FPftcchR ov File No.,